5 tips for finding hidden slab leaks and how to repair them

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5 tips for finding hidden slab leaks and how to repair them Slab leaks are not always easy to find. But when you do, it's important to have the right tools and knowledge of how to repair them. Here are five tips for finding slab leaks and how to fix them. - Leak Detection is the first step in slab leak repair. Turn off all water valves and check for wet spots around your property or under slab walls, near sprinklers. - Have a professional with slab leak experience come to your home with a slab leak detection kit. It can detect slab leaks from up to 30 feet away at ground level - Give the professionals permission to drill into any pipes or electrical conduit that cross under slab foundations.

- Request a written report including proof of work if you’ve hired someone before hiring them. - Be sure to have an expert inspect hidden areas such as crawlspaces, basements and attics where water may accumulate after heavy rainfalls. - How slab leaks are detected: slab leak detection equipment or a slab leak detector can be used to find slab leaks when they're near the surface and below ground. A slab leak is found by using a wireless device (a slab leak locator) and following it's signal and drilling where necessary. Once you locate the source of your slab leak, we

can use video pipe inspection tools to view the problem area in order to determine how much damage has been done. - When inspecting, don’t forget areas such as crawlspaces, basements and attics where water may accumulate after heavy rainfalls. - Slab Leak Grinders will drill holes into any manhole leading up to the damaged lines. High pressure grinders are fed through the manholes and a slab leak is found by using a wireless device (a slab leak locator) and following it's signal. Once slab leaks have been located, Detectors will use video pipe inspection tools to view the problem area in order to determine how much damage has been done. - Keep slab leaks from occurring again by checking your exterior pipes for cracks once every few months. - Make sure all water valves are turned off before digging or nailing into pipelines Conclusion paragraph: We hope this post has helped you understand how to find slab leaks and repair them. Let us know if we can help with any other plumbing needs or questions!

Author Bio:- Josephine Floyd Josephine Floyd is a marketing head at L&S Turnkey. He is an experienced marketing leader with over 12 years of experience in the plumbing industry. With extensive knowledge of severe water damage, mold damage, and fire damage, as well as general plumbing services, he writes articles about water and flood damage repair and restoration along with heating installation, maintenance, and repair to make readers aware of the potential risk and quick actions they can take to reduce damage. Keep reading his latest articles to have an understanding of whether your plumbing system is intact or not; if not, what you should do to fix it.

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