Skyland Trail Journeys 2018

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M E S S A G E from the President

Safe spaces, where we can practice being mindful and present in the moment are important. In these spaces, we may learn to accept and appreciate who we are now instead of focusing on who we want to become. Instead of allowing past harm and pain to consume our thoughts, we may allow gratitude to blossom, creating room to celebrate the positive people and nourishing experiences in our lives today.

Recovery begins here in our residences, gardens, and classrooms and continues as clients return to their families and communities. Our clients are able to use the skills they build here to create safe spaces wherever they go.

Staying focused on the present moment can be difficult in our fast-paced, image-driven world, especially for people struggling with depression or anxiety.

They are more capable of navigating life’s challenging moments and also more open to fully experiencing moments of serenity and joy.

Skyland Trail provides that safe space for reflection, mindfulness, and growth. As part of our community, you help us bring together the right combination of expertise, therapeutic environments, and peer support that clients need to heal.

Thank you for helping us create this safe space and this powerful treatment program. In moments of reflection and gratitude, I think of all of you. Sincerely yours,

Beth Finnerty, President & CEO

For our clients, Skyland Trail provides a safe space for reflection, mindfulness, and growth. (Shown: Nikki J., 2018 graduate) 2

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