4 minute read

Unl ocking Tim e -Tested

Hey there fabulous babes We all know that our skin is our ultimate canvas and taking care of it is like paint ing a masterpiece Today I m spilling the beans on incredible African beauty secrets that will have your skin looking and feeling absolutely radiant So get ready to unveil the magic of natural beauty


Shea butter is like a moisture hug for your body.

You can use it every day in your skincare routine, whether on its own, or as an ingredient in your facial moisturizer. It's got your back. And those annoying scars or stretch marks? Say bye-bye because shea butter is here to the rescue.

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Whip up a fantastic skin-smoothing concoction by mixing 2 tablespoons of honey with 2 tablespoons of turmeric powder use like a scrub. It's a recipe for smooth, radiant skin!

Ever heard of Amarula fruit? It's like Africa's best-kept beauty secret! Grind it into a fine powder and add a dash of honey. This blend works wonders against aging, stretch marks, scars, and even for nail cuticles.You can find amarula fruit at Soweto market.

Hibiscus aren't just pretty, they're your ticket to glowing, youthful skin. Crush 4-5 hibiscus flowers into a fine paste. Add 3-4 spoons of aloe vera gel to the paste and mix well. Apply it to your dry skin and rinse it off with normal water after half an hour. You can infuse them into oils or mix them into awesome DIY facial masks. It's like a mini spa day at home!

Banana Beauty

Bananas aren't just for snacking, they're pimple-fighting wonders! Use the inner part of a banana peel to gently rub areas with pimples and it may help them disappear faster.

Marvelous Moringa Mix

Combine two tablespoons of moringa powder with two tablespoons of honey. Add lavender, rosewater, or lemon juice for a delightful scent. Some people say this mixture is their secret weapon against acne, blemishes, dark spots, pimples, and blackheads.

Avocado All-Star

Avocado is your skin's best friend! Mash it up and use it as a face mask for 10 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Feeling fancy? Mix it with yogurt, oats, honey, and more to create a super-effective facial scrub. It's a lifesaver for those with skin conditions.


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Mealie Meal Scrub

For the easiest homemade scrub, dampen your face, take about 2 tablespoons of mealie meal, and gently apply it as a scrub. Add honey for a smoother texture. This opens up your pores, prepping your skin for what's next. (Pro tip: Use it before bathing to help your skin absorb lotion better.)

Cool as a Cuc u m b e r

Combat dark spots and uneven skin with cucumber slices on your eyelids or cucumber juice as a lotion. It's an instant pick-me-up!

Tomatoes for Radiance

Grab a tomato, cut it in half, and rub it on your skin, ensuring all that juicy goodness seeps in. Rinse after 15 minutes. Perfect for oily skin, it tightens pores and reduces blackheads. (Hint: Use this after the mealie meal scrub for maximum effect.)

PRO TIP: For best results use any of these routines twice or thrice a week for best results. Remember, lovelies, we all have different skin types, so don't be afraid to experiment until you find what works for you. And the golden rule – consistency is key! Here's to radiant, natural beauty – you've got this!


Hey Soph, I hope this finds you well and in good spirits, I know that you’re going through a lot of transitions right now, family dynamics changing and a lot of things moving at a pace that you feel you cannot keep up with. Your body is changing, friend groups are changing and you’re struggling to find your place in the world.

“Fitting in” is what seems like the best thing to do but you have so much potential and you’re yet to unlock all of it. Everything that makes you different and the things you’re most insecure about now, are what will make you stand out and bring out your uniqueness in the future. You’re perfect just the way you are and everything you’re going through is aligned with the purpose God has for you. Sometimes it gets wild and you feel like you have to be a certain person in order to be accepted but maybe you need to think of ways to embrace what makes you different.

There are a few things I'd like to share with you that I hope will make your journey a bit smoother. First and foremost, remember that happiness begins within you. It's not something that you'll find outside, but a feeling that you have the power to cultivate from within. I know it can sometimes feel like everyone around you is growing and changing at a rapid pace. Please remember, it's okay to move at your own speed. Be patient with your body and trust that you'll get there in your own time. Also, let me tell you something important: being smart is not only admirable, it's something to embrace and be proud of. Don't shy away from your love for learning and don't be afraid to embrace your "nerdy" side. It's a gift that will take you far.

Something you should keep in your heart always, is that as much as it is important to learn from other people , it is very important to trust in yourself and your decisions .Find a balance between being teachable and being assertive. You don’t always have to please everyone, quite frankly, you won’t manage to. People won’t always understand your goals like you do,but that’s okay .Being you is a gift and it is your superpower. Refrain from comparison as much as you can and focus only on your personal growth and development.

Travel, learning, Time with loved ones

Mean girls, Smoking, Liars my thing

MY thing your love,

YOU ARE YOUR ONLY COMPETITION. Be kind to yourself, and keep your sense of wonder alive. You're on a remarkable journey, and I believe in the amazing person you're becoming.

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