Daylily Care Plan & FAQ

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Redfield Farm

Daylily Care Plan & FAQ Sheet

When can I plant daylilies? Spring is a great time to plant daylilies, just wait to plant until after the danger of hard frost has passed. Fall is another good season for planting, try to finish planting 4-6 weeks before your first hard frost. You can plant earlier in the spring or later in the fall if you take care to water and mulch your newly-planted daylilies. In most areas, you can plant daylilies in the summer ,just be sure to give your newly-planted daylilies plenty of water.

Where can I plant day lilies?

SUN: A general rule is to make sure they get at least 6 hours of direct sun a day. Many darker colored varieties will benefit from partial shade in the hottest part of the day. SOIL: Daylilies will grow in a wide range of soils, from sand to heavy clay, and in a wide range of soil pHs. There are steps you can take to improve your soil, especially if it is predominantly clay or sand. Clay soils can be improved by the addition of compost, humus or peat moss, or sand which will help make it more friable. Sandy soil will benefit from the addition of compost, humus or peat moss which will serve to increase water retention. DRAINAGE: Daylilies prefer well-drained soil. In problem areas, one way to achieve adequate drainage is to prepare raised beds. ROOTS: To avoid root competition for water and nutrients, do not plant daylilies near shrubs or trees if possible. If you can’t avoid it, be sure to give them extra water and fertilizer to make up for what the other plants take.

How do I space my daylilies? Daylily plants come in a wide range of sizes, but here are some general guidelines to follow: • Small Flower & Miniatures: 16″ to 24″ • Large Flowers: 18″ to 30″ • For a closer bed or border: 12″ to 18″ Some varieties increase very rapidly and will become crowded over time; sooner the closer you plant them. If you notice a decrease in blooms because of crowding you will want to divide your daylilies.

When and what kind of fertilizer should I use? We typically use a high quality, nitrogen rich fertilizer each spring before the daylilies begin to bloom. Slow release fertilizer, liquid fertilizer, compost or well-rotted manure are all good choices as well. Daylilies love nitrogen so it’s important to use a mix that is high in nitrogen.

Should I spray pesticides on my dayliles? It is not strictly necessary but this comes up when someone notices damage on the blooms, perhaps caused by thrips or aphids. This typically happens early in the bloom season but we’ve found that after the first few days of the season we don’t see that damage anymore. Nonetheless, reach out to us with any additional spraying-related questions.

Are daylilies edible? They are! In fact, according to one PBS article, they are a staple in Asian cuisine and can be enjoyed either fresh or dried.

Are daylilies poisonous to dogs or cats? According to the ASPCA daylilies are poisonous for cats but not dogs. Be sure to carefully monitor your fury friend’s activity if you plant daylilies.


Redfield Farm LLC 17009 Hilltop Dr. Falls, PA 18615

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