125th Anniversary Newsletter

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125thAnniversary Dinner Newsletter December 2015

A word from the Secretary and Vice-President, Barry Tester The Society, having been founded as the Guild of Leopards in 1890 by the then second master Mr P Shaw Jeffrey, was unable to celebrate its 25th and 50th anniversaries since they both fell in the darkest years of the two World Wars. So we had to wait until the 75th Anniversary in 1965 and then the Centenary when dinners were held at Skinners’ Hall. This year we reached our 125th Anniversary and it was decided to convert what would have been our 107th Annual Dinner (NB: the first dinner was not until1895 and 6 and 7 years went missing in the two World Wars respectively) into a 125th Anniversary Dinner again to be held at Skinners’ Hall. We had a determination to make this the best event in our history and in plenty of time before the chosen date we produced a Souvenir Brochure which together with a booking form was distributed to all Old Skinners. The response was terrific and resulted in the biggest ever gathering of Old Skinners which together with our five Honoured Guests gave a full house of 172.

From left: Barry Tester, Vice President and Secretary, Master of the Skinners’ Company the Honourable Mrs Emmeline Winterbotham, Chairman of the Governing Body Johnny Aisher, Jerry Salaman, President and John Exall


With transport to and from the School provided for those requiring it, we all arrived at 8½ Dowgate Hill where the Ceremonial Entrance gave access to the cloister style Courtyard leading into the Outer Hall. Here with overspill into the Old Courtroom we were greeted with a sparkling wine reception and by a professional photographer who was available throughout the evening. On cue we were called into the Banqueting Hall by a resplendent red coated Toastmaster. Once everyone was settled the Top Table processed in to rapturous applause which augured well for what was to follow.

“The Banqueting Hall was splendidly dressed with subtle lighting and at the top end the Company’s plate was displayed including the five beautiful silvergilt Cockayne cups used to drink the health of the new Master and Wardens each year on the feast of Corpus Christi.” Proceedings started with a rendering of the Leopards’ Grace which was composed and written by two masters at the School in their retirement year of 1965 specially for the 75th Anniversary Dinner. This was followed by the serving of a sumptuous four course meal with selected wines and port for each course. The meal was accompanied throughout by music from the minstrels’ gallery provided by members of the School Orchestra, and during the meal the President took wine with selected members present. A quick raffle with one significant prize was drawn and an impromptu auction was held. Together these raised a significant sum which will be made available to the School. The President proposed the Loyal Toast which was followed by a well-earned short break before the commencement of the second part of the formal proceedings.


The Vice President opened the speeches by introducing the six specially selected members of the Society who were seated on the Top Table. These comprised the senior vice president present, the Society centenary president, the School centenary president, a former Headmaster and president, an honorary lady member and vice chairman of the Governing Body and finally a co-opted member from the Upper Sixth at School. We had five honoured guests. Our principal guest was the Master of the Skinners’ Company the Honourable Mrs Emmeline Winterbotham only the second lady to hold this position. Next was the Chairman of the Governing Body Mr Johnny Aisher followed by the Headmaster Mr Edward Wesson and the School Captain Harry Brannan. Last and certainly not least was Chris Lawrence the Chairman of the Old Juddian Society. Each member of the Top Table was received in turn with enthusiastic applause and cheering possibly beyond their wildest dreams; and in particular the warmth of welcome extended to the honoured guests was palpable. The Chairman of the Governing Body responded to this welcome on behalf of the honoured guests. The President proposed the toast to ‘The School’ immediately giving way to the Headmaster and the School Captain who jointly responded.

The final toast to ‘The Society’ was proposed by the Master. All four speakers gave splendid performances which were much appreciated and enthusiastically received. This was not surprising since all four had had the opportunity of honing their skills at the School Prize Giving only the day before!

The closing address was given by the President who performed the customary task of presenting a shield to the immediate past president. The Leopard of the Year Cup was awarded to Philip Winter who at 98 is our oldest old boy. To his immense disappointment he was unable to be there in person but the presentation had been made at his home some days earlier by the President and Vice President enabling the choice of recipient to be made public at the dinner. The Leopards’ Song was sung with all the enthusiasm and decibels that could be mustered and there remained plenty of time for everybody to meet and reminisce over a stirrup cup before departing happy and contented into the night either under their own steam or by the coach provided.

Barry Tester Vice President and Secretary 3


Back row from left: Taj Mian, John Warren (1986), Paul Brookes, David Juxon, Mark Bromhead, Paul Truscott, Pete Delves, Jocky Simpson, Wayne Hill, Ged Brannan (1989), Kamil Chowdhury (1988) Front row from left: Jason Atkinson, Matt Crisp, Dave Spencer, Baf Afrifa, Danny Shell, James Moncur

From left: Mike Colling, Nick Standen, Steve Birnie, Nick Elphick and Mark Croft – 1979 leavers! 5

Back row from left: Tom West (2014), Jake Kelly (2011), Alistair Reed (2009), Josh Thorneycroft (2011), Will Dedman (2010), Dave Backx (2008), Callum Wood (2009), Sam White (2009), Will Rigg (2009), Sebastian Goodhew (2011), Jack Barker (2011) Front row from left: Matt Bassi (2011), Nick Couchman (2010), Andrew Hall (2009), Sam Barker (2010), Will Harris (2009), Will Ruxton (2009) Ross Jeffries (2014)

From left: Martin Robards (1961) , Roger Porcherot (1960), Anthony Robards (1958), Peter Gurr (1960)


Back row from left :Mark Sutton, Ben Taylor, Ben Soucek, Richard Sharples, Toby Yeld, Rupert Godber, Chris Pawson, Morgan Ripley From row from left: Matt Wilkey Stewart Turpin, Colin Langford, Guy Smith – all 1995 leavers!

7 From left: Tony Holding (1962), Dick Champkins, (1961) John Pilcher (1963), John Andrews (1962)

Chris Pawson (1995) receives his Past Presidents’ Shield from President, Jerry Salaman (1963)

From left: Nigel Exall (1973) John Exall (1947), Lynda Myers, Nick Myers (1998)


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