SKCOC 2017 Vacation and Relocation Guide

Page 1


Sh el l Kn ob M i ssour i

Table Rock Lak e 7 201

Cover Photo by: Russell Johnson

Vacation and Relocation Guide In The Heart of Ozark Mountain Country

Come for a visit stay for a lifetime! Area Inf ormat ion

Living in Shel l Knob

Commonl y Request ed Numbers 45 Communit y & Reunion Facil it ies 10

Forever Get away 44

Demographics 10

Ozarks and Tabl e Rock Lake 5

School / Organizat ions 10

A Fishing Paradise 16-17

Tabl e Rock Lake Map 24-25

Fl ight Over Wat er 42-43

Where To St ay Camping/ Lodging 26

Business Direct ory Chamber Businesses 46-49

Shell Knob Chamber of Commerce Twilia J. Harrison, Executive Director PO Box 193 - Shell Knob, MO 65747 417-858-3300 - Fax: 417-858-9428 | Office Hours: Mon - Fri 9:00am - 4:30pm Like us on Facebook!

Experience t he beaut if ul -

Things To Do Shel l Knob at Pl ay 6-7 Day Trips/ At t ract ions 8-9

Special Event s Special Event s 22-23

Photo by: Rick Piro


Shell Knob Chamber of Commerce / 417-858-3300 /

EXPERIENCE THE BEAUTIFUL OZARKS AND TABLE ROCK LAKE To real l y experience t he beaut if ul Ozarks and Tabl e Rock Lake, enjoy t he l ake l if e up cl ose and personal . Just of f t he highway and out of t he main l ake channel , t he t rue Ozarks await t he advent urous. Shel l Knob of f ers several camping areas wit h direct access t o magnif icent wooded hiking t rail s and prist ine springs and st reams. There are t hree major Tabl e Rock Lake Corps of Engineer campgrounds wit h f ul l services and l ake access in t he immediat e area. Shel l Knob is adjacent t o t housands of acres of t he Mark Twain Nat ional Forest incl uding t he Piney Creek Wil derness Area. Nearby Roaring River and Conservat ion areas provide mil es of t rail s t hrough a variet y of ecosyst ems. These nat ural Ozarks sit es of f er personal access t o t he ancient karst t opography, abundant varied wil dl if e and ext ensive biodiversit y of pl ant l if e. There are approximat el y 160 species of pl ant s and animal s in t he Ozarks t hat occur nowhere el se in t he worl d. The wat erways of t he Ozarks are wel l -known f or t heir cl ean, cl ear beaut y. Sit uat ed right on Tabl e Rock Lake, Shel l Knob provides a perf ect home base f or expl oring t he quiet side of t he l ake and t he many nearby f l oat st reams. Experiencing t he Ozarks?environment t hrough camping, backpacking, canoeing t he st reams, or kayaking t he peacef ul arms of Tabl e Rock wil l make your t ime in Shel l Knob a t rul y personal out door advent ure. Article by: Tom Koob Shell Knob Chamber of Commerce / 417-858-3300 /




Persimmon Hil l Farm

Gol den Pioneer Museum

Lampe, MO

Gol den, MO

A real berry, f ruit and

Art if act s of earl y nat ive

mushroom f arm where you can

Americans and set t l ers.

pick f resh berries right f rom t he

Col l ect ions of pocket wat ches,

bushes, dine on hot muf f ins and

basebal l cards, guns, l unch

cobbl ers and t ast e t he gourmet

boxes, Civil War bat t l ef iel d

product s made on t he f arm.

it ems, and rare mineral it ems.

Shell Knob Chamber of Commerce / 417-858-3300 /


Piney Creek Wil derness

Turkey Mount ain Airport

Shel l Knob, MO

Shel l Knob, MO

Mark Twain Nat ional Forest

Mont hl y f l y-ins May t hrough Oct ober. Meet and greet pil ot s and t heir guest s and enjoy homemade meal s and desert s f or purchase. Check t urkeymount ainairport .com f or dat es.

and surrounding acres used f or hiking, backpacking, horseback riding, bird wat ching and primit ive camping. Hunt ing and ATVing are al l owed in rest rict ed areas.

Shell Knob Chamber of Commerce / 417-858-3300 /


Day Trips/ At t ract ions Eureka Springs (28 mil es) Eureka Springs, AR Unique vil l age wit h st eep winding st reet s f il l ed wit h shops and rest aurant s in Vict orian-st yl ed cot t ages and mansions.

Pea Ridge Nat ional Mil it ary Park (48 mil es) Pea Ridge, AR peri Large, int act f ormer Civil War bat t l ef iel d wit h hiking, horseback riding t rail s and a smal l museum.

Cryst al Bridges Museum of American Art (56 mil es) Bent onvil l e, AR www.Cryst al Renowned col l ect ion ranging f rom Rockwel l t o Warhol in a st riking st ruct ure set on 120 l ush acres.

Roaring River St at e Park (23 mil es) Cassvil l e, MO www.Most at Fish f or t rout , swim, hike, picnic, and visit t he premier t rout hat chery in a breat ht aking set t ing.

Dogwood Canyon Nat ure Park (20 MILES) Lampe, MO 10,000- acre nat ure preserve of f ering hiking, biking, f ishing,t ram t ours and caf e.


Shell Knob Chamber of Commerce / 417-858-3300 /

Top of t he Rock Gol f Course (36 mil es) Branson, MO www.t opof t Locat ed high above Tabl e Rock Lake wit h t ranquil wat erf al l s, meandering creeks , l akes and ponds t eeming wit h bass, t he course is a t rue cel ebrat ion of nat ure.

Carrol l Count y Gol f Course (19 mil es) Berryvil l e, AR www.carrol l count ycount rycl This nine hol e course has smal l , t ricky greens and wide f airways. Wat er and t rees come int o pl ay t hroughout t he course. It ?s open t o t he publ ic f or l unch and gol f .

Barry Count y Museum (18 Mil es) Cassvil l e, MO Exhibit s are it ems rel at ed t o t he Ozarks and Barry Count y. Locat ed on t he grounds are t he one-room Bl ack School House, t he Edens Cabin and cat ch and rel ease pond.

Cosmic Cavern (17 Mil es) Berryvil l e, AK In addit ion t o a guided wal king cave t our, you?l l f ind gem panning and a f ossil dig. The cave f eat ures t wo bot t oml ess l akes and a 9 f oot soda st raw.

Shell Knob Chamber of Commerce / 417-858-3300 /


AREA INFORM ATION POPULATION Averaged Population........................................ 6,200 County Populations Barry County, MO ........................................... 31,000 Stone County, MO........................................... 25,875 Carroll County, AR.......................................... 18,600 TOTAL..................................................... 75,475 TOURIST POPULATION Branson, MO ............................................. 6.5 Million Eureka Springs, AR................................... 1.5 Million Western Table Rock Lake Area..................5 Million AREA WEATHER Rainfall Avg........................................... 41? per year Snowfall Avg..........................................10? per year Spring Temp. Avg...........................67 day; 43 night Summer Temp. Avg. .....................88 day; 64 night Autumn Temp. Avg. ......................69 day; 45 night Winter Temp. Avg..........................45 day; 24 night

COMMUNITY & REUNION FACILITIES Cent ral Communit y Unit ed Met hodist Church 417-858-6707 Large hall, kitchen, conference rooms Kings Harbor Resort 417-858-6171 Meeting room Chamber Park 417.858.3300 4-acre general purpose outdoor area, Shel l Knob Recreat ion Area (CCC Park) 877-444-6777 Pavilion with kitchen, picnic tables, volleyball court, children?s playground, scenic overlook, tennis/ basketball court

LAND & HOMES Avg. Lake Front Home.....................$185,000 & up Avg. Lakeview Home........... $150,000 - $175,000 Avg. Non-Lake Home............ $75,000 - $145,000 Avg. Lakefront Lot.................... $60,000 - $90,000 Avg. Lakeview Lot.................... $50,000 - $60,000 Avg. Non-Lake Lot........................ $8,000-$30,000 These prices are averages; homes are available in a variety of price ranges. TABLE ROCK LAKE Shoreline length, miles At top of flood-control pool............................. 857 At top of conservation pool............................. 745

Shel l Knob School 417-858-6743 Auditorium/ gymnasium, cafeteria Shel l Knob Senior Cent er 417-858-9728 Main hall, kitchen, conference rooms Shel l Knob-Viol a Communit y Buil ding 417-858-6647 Seats 200 people, full kitchen

SCHOOLS Shel l Knob School K-8 417-858-6743 A ?Reading First? school and ?School of Distinction?honoree by the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. Extracurricular Activities:Band, choir, basketball, track, volleyball, speech,technology class, NJHS, student council, Knowledge Bowl, art and journalism, Science Olympiad and Charger Time. Bl ue Eye High School 417-779-5331 Cassvil l e High School 417-847-3137 Photo by: Garret Barnes


Shell Knob Chamber of Commerce / 417-858-3300 /


(417) 437-8878 Shell Knob Chamber of Commerce / 417-858-3300 /



Shell Knob Chamber of Commerce / 417-858-3300 /

Photo by: Garret Barnes

Shell Knob Chamber of Commerce / 417-858-3300 /


Photo by: Phil Lester


Shell Knob Chamber of Commerce / 417-858-3300 /

417-848-3493 Locat ed beh in d Br idgew ay Plaza, Sh ell Kn ob, M O

Shell Knob Chamber of Commerce / 417-858-3300 /


Table Rock Lake- A Fishing Paradise At normal pool el evat ion of 915 f eet , Tabl e Rock Lake spans 43,100 acres of cl ean, cl ear wat er and has 745 mil es of f orest ed shorel ine. This prist ine environment is home t o a diverse popul at ion of f ishes. From t he renowned bl ack bass, incl uding t he l argemout h, smal l mout h, spot t ed and hybrid bass t o t he ancient paddl ef ish, Tabl e Rock provides an ecol ogical syst em in which many f ish species t hrive. It is no surprise t hat t he l ake at t ract s angl ers year-round t o enjoy t he many dif f erent t ypes of f ishing avail abl e. To add t o t his at t ract ion, t here are now new cat egories f or st at e f ishing records. Tabl e Rock present l y hol ds st at e records f or hybrid, spot t ed and smal l mout h bass, whit e bass, drum and t he huge 140 pound paddl ef ish t aken in 2015. New records est abl ished in 2016 incl ude whit e bass and drum. St at e records general l y incl ude cat egories f or pol e and l ine and al t ernat ive met hods. Al t ernat ive met hods incl ude t rot l ines, t hrowl ines, l imbl ines,


bankl ines, jug l ines, spearf ishing, snagging, snaring, gigging, grabbing (wit h pol e, l ine and hook), archery and at l at l . These angl ing met hods provide an ent irel y new way t o experience f ishing on Tabl e Rock Lake and t he possibil it y t o capt ure a st at e record f ish. It is import ant t o check t he f ishing regul at ions, as onl y cert ain met hods are l egal f or specif ic species.

Photo By: Dee Wagahoff

Fishing Tabl e Rock in t he spring can be very product ive and rewards t he angl er wit h beaut if ul Ozarks scenery. Bass f ishing st art s earl y in February and cont inues t o improve int o June; of t en yiel ding some of t he biggest f ish of t he year. Whit e bass make t heir runs up t he t ribut aries in earl y spring and can provide excit ing act ion.

Shell Knob Chamber of Commerce / 417-858-3300 /

Article by: Tom Koob Spoonbil l snagging season t ypical l y st art s March 15 and yiel ds t he l argest f ish in Tabl e Rock. Soon t he crappie are moving int o brush pil es en masse. Summer brings pl ent y of act ion f or al l t ypes of f ish. For t he novice, bl uegil l and ot her panf ish are avail abl e in numbers and of t en provide t he f irst f ishing success f or chil dren. Cat f ish are very act ive in t he summer mont hs and can be caught using a variet y of met hods.

Tabl e Rock Lake spreads t hrough t he scenic, rocky and wooded Ozark Mount ains al ong t he pat h of t he Whit e River. Expl oring t he arms and coves of t he l ake provides an int eract ion wit h t he nat ural worl d and present s diverse opport unit ies f or f ishing.

Aut umn is a t ime when many f ishes move int o shal l ow areas of t he l ake, f eeding on shad. Bl ack bass, whit e bass and non-game species l ike gar, carp and drum become easier t o f ind and see in t he cl ear, shal l ow areas. Trout and wal l eye pref er cool er wat er, so wint er can be a good t ime of year t o seek t hese gamef ish. Wal l eye of t en move up t he James and Kings Rivers in January. The upper end of Tabl e Rock in Arkansas hol ds managed popul at ions of rainbow and brown t rout (Arkansas regul at ions appl y).

Tom Koob -Spoonbill

Shell Knob Chamber of Commerce / 417-858-3300 /



Shell Knob Chamber of Commerce / 417-858-3300 /

Photo By: Old Church Gallery

Shell Knob Chamber of Commerce / 417-858-3300 /


Every Road Leads Home to You!

Photo by: Garret Barnes

2017 Shell Knob Chamber of Commerce Events

A Day filled with fun for the entire family! Commercial and food vendors, a kid's area with rides and games, all kinds of entertainment throughout the day, beer garden, horseshoe throwing tournament, Ugly Dog Contest, and so much more. For more information go to


Shell Knob Chamber of Commerce / 417-858-3300 /


APRIL 7TH & 8TH Home and Business Show

M AY 13TH Fishing Tournament Multi-Species

JUNE 3RD Antique Boat Show JULY 4TH Fireworks Photo by: Garret Barnes

SEPTEM BER 15TH & 16TH Shakin' in the Shell Fest


OCTOBER 7TH Homer Sloan Buddy Bass Tournament

DECEM BER 2ND Christmas Tour of Homes

Shell Knob Chamber of Commerce / 417-858-3300 /


Ar ea M ap


Shell Knob Chamber of Commerce / 417-858-3300 /

Shell Knob Chamber of Commerce / 417-858-3300 /















Resor t s



Cam pin g & Lodgin g


















417-858-6405 - 877-273-3535
































































417-858-6171 - 800-658-0299




417-858-6717 - 800-242-8745

MILL CREEK RESORT 417-779-5205
















QUAIL COVE RESORT 417-858-2049







































Shell Knob Chamber of Commerce / 417-858-3300 /






AREA 71 417-858-2027



Ten t - Rvs - Tr ailer s









417-858-6303 - 877-858-6303

Photo by: Anne East

Shell Knob Chamber of Commerce / 417-858-3300 /


Phot o By: Eunice Bl asek 28

Shell Knob Chamber of Commerce / 417-858-3300 /

Shell Knob Chamber of Commerce / 417-858-3300 /



Shell Knob Chamber of Commerce / 417-858-3300 /

Photo by: Garret Barnes

Shell Knob Chamber of Commerce / 417-858-3300 /



Shell Knob Chamber of Commerce / 417-858-3300 /

Shell Knob Chamber of Commerce / 417-858-3300 /



Shell Knob Chamber of Commerce / 417-858-3300 /

Shell Knob Chamber of Commerce / 417-858-3300 /



Shell Knob Chamber of Commerce / 417-858-3300 /

Shell Knob Chamber of Commerce / 417-858-3300 /


" We do n ot r em em ber days, w e r em em ber m om en t s"

Photo By: Michelle Mosley


Shell Knob Chamber of Commerce / 417-858-3300 /

Shell Knob Chamber of Commerce / 417-858-3300 /


Photo by: Gina Stachowiak


Shell Knob Chamber of Commerce / 417-858-3300 /

? It is almost impossible to watch a sunset and not dream.?

Shell Knob Chamber of Commerce / 417-858-3300 /


Flight Over Water

Article by: Tom Koob

The unbroken expanses of climax forest, the open glades, fields and prairie, and the abundant rivers and lakes of the Ozarks provide ideal habitat for many species of birds and butterflies. Near the big lakes, one can view bald eagles in their huge treetop nests or diving toward the water?s surface, their talons outstretched. High above the ridgelines the turkey vultures soar almost effortlessly on updrafts. Several types of hawk and other raptors find their homes near the open glades and prairies surrounding Table Rock Lake. When visiting Shell Knob, almost any excursion on the lake will reward the casual observer with a site of a great blue heron or his little brother, the green heron, stalking the shoreline. Pelicans gather in flocks as they migrate through the Ozarks with some choosing to stay year-round. The mallard, teal and wood ducks and Canada geese fly over the water, revealing their presence by their chorus of honking and the rhythmic squeak of their wing muscles. Many songbirds stay the entire year in Shell Knob and the Table Rock area. Brightly-hued finches, busy chickadees, and the ubiquitous red cardinal are just some of the many small birds that inhabit the Ozarks and visit feeding stations. The ruby-throated hummingbird spends the summer here and frequents the blossoming flowers and feeders.

Photo by: Rusty Rickard


Photo by: Gina Stachowiak

Shell Knob Chamber of Commerce / 417-858-3300 /

Photo by: Gina Stachowiak

Within the forest, the great horned owl sounds his mournful call, the crow squawks his warning, and the giant pileated woodpecker drums her rat-a-tat sequence. Across the open glades, the Monarch butterfly feeds on milkweed on its long journey between Canada and Mexico. Photo by: Gina Stachowiak

Photo by: Phil Lester

These are just some of the flying creatures that live in or visit the Ozarks of Shell Knob and Table Rock Lake. The birds and butterflies are sure to reward your time in this vast natural area with their beautiful colors and delightful behaviors.

Shell Knob Chamber of Commerce / 417-858-3300 /


Forever Getaway If you were asked to describe Shell Knob, Missouri in one word you would have to say ?Unique?! Throughout this guide there are articles and photographs that show all that it has to offer. Everyone starts their ?Forever Getaway? experience with a visit to our community. Some continue yearly vacations, others purchase or build a secondary residence and others make it a permanent residence. What is so remarkable for such a small unincorporated community is the many ways people find to create their perfect ?Forever Getaway". Vacationers have a great choice of resorts and campgrounds to select from. Those who choose to own a home have a variety of options that include lake front, lake view or rural settings. We may be small, but we have many of the same amenities that larger communities offer. Shell Knob has a wonderful school with a small student to teacher ratio, a public library and a post office. Our Central Crossing Senior Center had to double the size of its building after only 10 years! It provides many services at little or no charge to all our residents. Law enforcement is provided by the County Sheriff and our volunteer fire department has earned underwriter ratings that translate to low insurance costs. Shell Knob has a dentist, two family practice clinics, first responders and home health care. We have ambulance service by ground and air and hospitals within 30 minutes. The Alliance of Churches brings together many of our religious denominations and is just one of many shining examples of how everyone contributes to the success of our community. This guide is a personal invitation to you to visit Shell Knob, Missouri this year. Let us help you create your ?Forever Getaway?. Twilia J. Harrison 44

Shell Knob Chamber of Commerce / 417-858-3300 /

Com m on ly Requ est ed Nu m ber s Am bu lan ce, Sh er if f , Fir e Depar t m en t 911 (Emergency)

An im al Sh elt er 417-835-3647 (Haven of the Ozarks)

Au t om obile/ Boat / Dr iver ?s Regist r at ion Aurora 417-678-3003 Branson West 417-272-8815 Cassville 417-847-3471

Bu sin ess Licen se Barry Co. Tax Collector 417-847-2113 Stone Co. Tax Collector 417-357-6124

CCC Park Reservations 877-444-6777 Community Building Reservations 417-858-6647

Cou n t y Cou r t h ou se Barry (Cassville) 417-847-2561 Stone (Galena) 417-357-6127

Cor ps of En gin eer s 501-340-1950 (Branson)

Elect r ic Barry Electric Cooperative 417-847-2131 Carroll Electric Cooperative 800-432-9720

Fir e Depar t m en t 417-858-3560 (Non Emergency)

Healt h Depar t m en t Barry County 417-847-2114

High w ay Pat r ol 800-525-5555

Hospit al Mercys Hospital-Berryville 870-423-3355 Mercys Hospital-Cassville 417-847-6000

Libr ar y 417-858-3618

M issou r i Car eer Cen t er (Employment Office) Branson 417-334-4156 Monett 417-235-7877

Poison Regional Poison Center 800-366-8888

Post Of f ice 417-858-6485

Sch ools Shell Knob K-8 417-858-6743 Cassville HS 417-847-3137

Sh er if f ?s Depar t m en t (Non Emergency) Barry County 417-847-6556 Stone County 417-857-6116

Sen ior Cen t er 417-858-6952

Su icide Hot lin e 800-273-8255

Teleph on e Ser vice CenturyLink 800-201-4099

Wat er Pat r ol 573-751-3333

Shell Knob Chamber of Commerce / 417-858-3300 /


Ch am ber Bu sin esses Accounting

Building Supplies

Bush, Ramlow & Shore, P.C. 23643 Kansas Ln, Shell Knob..................417-858-3500

Meeks P.O. Box 568, Shell Knob........................417-858-6123



Turkey Mountain Airport FR 1230, Shell Knob................................417-858-6345

Area 71 3147 State Hwy YY, Shell Knob...............417-858-2027

Animal Care/Treats/Shelter

Campbell Point & Viola US Army Corp of Engineers Park....................................877-444-6777

Cool Canine Natural Dog Treats Shell Knob................................................417-459-3017 Haven of the Ozarks Animal Sanctuary 9617 Farm Road 2190, Washburn...........417-835-3647 Paw Prints Day Care for Dogs 75 Jagged Ridge, Shell Knob..................417-858-6555

Paradise Cove Camping Resort 18828 FR 2300, Eagle Rock....................417-271-4888 Viola RV Park...........................................417-858-3990

Churches Bridgeway Assembly of God....................417-858-3770

Architecture Spangenberg, Phillip, Tice Architecture Wichita, KS.............................................316-267--4002

Central Community United Methodist Church.........................417-858-6707 Sunday Worship: 8:30 & 10:50


Church of Christ.......................................417-858-3839 Sunday Worship 10:30

Les Jacobs Ford P.O. Box 278, Cassville........................... 417-847-2151 Table Rock Auto Clinic & Sales P.O. Box 89, Shell Knob...........................417-858-3611

First Baptist Church ................................417-858-3496 First Christian Church .............................417-858-8200 Sunday Worship: 10:00

Boat Dealers/Repair/Rental Campbell Point Marina 1363 Campbell Pt. Rd, Shell Knob..........417-858-6331

Grace Community Fellowship..................417-858-1700 Sunday Worship: 9:00

Central Crossing Marine 24932 State Hwy 39 , Shell Knob............418-858-6002

Holy Family Catholic Church....................417-858-2518 Sunday Mass: 8:30 Saturday Mass: seasonal

Kings River Marina 27504 Big Rock Rd, Shell Knob...............417-858-6429

Kingdom Hall of Jehovah?s Witnesses.....417-858-6926

Ski Shack 26325 State Hwy 39, Shell Knob.............417-858-6164

Lakeside Christian Church.......................417-858-8500 Sunday Worship: 10:00 Lohmer Full Gospel Church.....................417-858-1232

Table Rock Boats 26009 Hwy 39, Shell Knob......................417-858-6366 Table Rock Water Sports 25449 Central Drive, Shell Knob..............417-858-6001

Peace Lutheran Church...........................417-858-3900 Sunday Worship: 10:00 Trinity Presbyterian Church......................417-858-3902 Sunday Worship: 10:30

The Harbor 1363 Campbell Point Rd., Shell Knob......417-858-6331

Viola Baptist Church................................417-858-2597

Boat Docks/Lifts

Cleaning Services

Aqua Marine Solutions, LLC/ Bottoms Up Boat Lifts 23534 Cedar Way, Shell Knob.................417-846-3385

Personal Touch Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning 21977 Ice House Ln, Shell Knob ............417-671-2333

Century Maritime, LLC dba FITZCO P.O. Box 466, Shell Knob.........................479-244-0118


MariCorp, US P.O. Box 701, Shell Knob.........................417-858-8814


KESA 100.9 Radio Eureka Springs, AR.................................479-253-9001

Shell Knob Chamber of Commerce / 417-858-3300 /

Ch am ber Dir ect or y Communications (continued)


Names and Numbers P.O. Box 1479, Pittsburg, KS...................800-592-7625

Micahel Carman Furniture Gallery Bridgeway Plaza, Shell Knob...................417-858-4444



Screen Savers Eureka Springs, AR 479-363-6198

C.A.S.K. (Creative Arts of Shell Knob) 20935 FR 1252, Shell Knob ....................417-489-3061



Johnson Construction & Design 21430 Brick Ln, Shell Knob......................417-858-3464 Lakeshore Construction 24038 High Meadow Dr, Shell Knob........417-858-3217 Prince Custom Homes, Inc. P.O. Box 807, Rogers, AR ......................417-437-8878 Paul T. Enterprises, Inc. 23608 State Hwy 39 North.......................417-858-3358 S & C Construction P.O. Box 346, Shell Knob.........................417-858-2304 Timberoc Construction P.O. Box 599, Shell Knob.........................417-858-2634 Welch Homes & Construction 25329 Riverside Ln, Shell Knob...............417-858-2347

Country Fresh Market P.O. Box 294, Shell Knob.........................417-858-6647

Health Services Cox Health Shell Knob P.O. Box 160, Shell Knob.........................417-858-6845 Mercy Clinic Shell Knob P.O. Box 469, Shell Knob.........................417-858-3731 Mercy Hospital Cassville 94 Main St Cassville ...............................417-847-6000 Shell Knob Dental Center P.O. Box 226, Shell Knob.........................417-858-6527

High Speed Internet Centurylink 2001 Hwy 248, Branson...........................417-339-1077

Financial Services Arvest Bank P.O. Box 485, Shell Knob.........................417-858-0226 Cornerstone Bank 907 W Trimble, Berryville, AR..................870-423-2265 Service 1 Federal Credit Union 24903 State Hwy 39, Shell Knob.............417-858-2500

Houseboat Rental Five Star Houseboat Rental P.O. Box 1030, Kimberling City................417-988-1387

Insurance Campbell Insurance Agency P.O. Box 1695, Harrison, AR...................870-741-5423

Freedom Bank 24829 State Hwy 39, Shell Knob.............417-858-3136

Connell Insurance Agency P.O. Box 184, Branson.............................800-356-8140

Table Rock Community Bank P.O. Box 1090, Kimberling City................417-739-9300

Shell Knob Insurance Agency 24927 State Hwy 39, Shell Knob.............417-858-3747

Will Investment, Inc. P.O. Box 3166 Englewood, CO................303-898-1895

Willis Insurance Agency, Inc. 100 S 7th St, Cassville ............................417-847-3300


Landscaping/Lawn Care

Fox Fitness 24742 State Hwy 39, Shell Knob.............417-858-3488

Flooring Totally Home P.O. Box 303, Shell Knob.........................417-858-3358

Fox?s Tree Service 19 Sparrow Ln, Shell Knob .....................417-858-0193

Legal Services Ellis, Cupps & Cole 702 West Street, Cassville ......................417-847-2734

Liquor Store Funeral Homes Fohn Funeral Home P.O. Box 94 Shell Knob............................417-858-3151

Jug ?n Plug Bridgeway Plaza, Shell Knob...................417-858-6826

The strength of the Chamber lies in the active involvement of its membership.


Ch am ber Bu sin esses Marinas


Campbell Point Marina 913-645-3362 1363 Campbell Pt Rd, ShellKnob............417-858-6331

Plaza Pharmacy 24875 State Hwy 39 Shell Knob..............417-858-2200

Kings River Marina 27504 Big Rock Rd, Shell Knob...............417-858-6429

Printing Services


Quilting & Sewing

Barry County Advertiser 904 West St, Cassville...............................417-847-4475

Sew Special 24265 Raintree Lane Shell Knob...............................................620-290-6161

Cassville Democrat P.O. Box 486, Cassville..............................417-847-2610

Real Estate Agents Shell Knob....................................................417-342-4599 The Rattler Newspaper Bridgeway Plaza, Shell Knob....................417-858-3910

Copy Cat 909 Main St, Cassville.............417-847-0120

Branson Lakes Country Realty Shell Knob.............................................. 417-737-9269 Carman Properties Commercial Real Estate Shell Knob ..............................................913-645-3362 Green Mountain Realty 25167 State Hwy 39, Shell Knob.............417-858-2111

Organizat ions/ Cl ubs Discovery Quilters of Shell Knob............417-858-9820

Keller Williams Real Estate Bridgeway Plaza, Shell Knob..................417-858-8002

Dogwood Trail Garden Club.....................417-858-0464

RE/MAX Lakeside Real Estate Bridgeway Plaza, Shell Knob..................417-858-6126

Eagles #4155 Aeries & Auxiliary..............417-858-6704 Friends of the Library...............................417-342-0016 Fun in the Son Ministries at Camp Table Rock Rev Rick Pearson....................................417-858-9222 His House Foundation 23837 State Hwy 39, Shell Knob............ 417-841-7888 Holy Family Council Knights of Columbus 1395 Shell Knob......................................417-858-1210 Lions Club...............................................417-858-3641 Shell Knob Shrine Club.......................... 417-858-2902 Shell Knob/Viola Community Building 26182 Ledge D rive, Shell Knob .............417-858-6647

Resorts Antler Lodge Shell Knob...............................................417-838-6592 Big Creek Resort 35 Arborscape Ln, Shell Knob.................417-858-6405 Fish ?n Fun Resort 1079 Fish ?n Fun Rd, Shell Knob.............417-858-6290 Hickory Hollow Resort 27922 FR 1267, Shell Knob....................417-858-6606 Indian Hills Resort 190 Navaho Hills Loop, Shell Knob.........417-858-6243 Kings Harbor Resort 28547 State Hwy 39, Shell Knob.............417-858-6171

S.K.I.T.S. (Shell Knob in the Spotlight) ...417-499-4551 VFW Post 2203 ......................................417-858-2150

Out-of-State Businesses Richardson & Associates, LLC Wichita, KS .............................................316-655-6116 McDonald?s of Eastern New Mexico Clovis, NM ..........................................................575-762-6030


Lunker Landing Resort 275 Lunker Landing Ln, Shell Knob........417-858-6717 Mill Creek Resort 548 Old Mill Rd, Lampe ..........................417-779-5205 Paradise Cove Camping Resort 18828 FR 2300, Eagle Rock ..................417-271-4888

Shell Knob Chamber of Commerce / 417-858-3300 /

Ch am ber Dir ect or y Paradise Cove Resort 808 Paradise Cove Dr, Lampe ...............417-779-4202 Pla-Port Resort 23107 County Line Rd, Shell Knob........ 417-858-6303

Senior Services Central Crossing Senior Center 20801 YY 15 Rd Shell Knob...................417-858-6952


Quail Cove Resort 218 Quail Cove Ln, Shell Knob...............417-242-1133

Doty Trash Service 306 S. Madison, Aurora...........................417-678-1350

Timbers Resort & Lodge P.O. Box 70, Shell Knob .........................417-858-2723

Shell Knob Pest Control 23567 Taylor Dr, Shell Knob....................417-858-9392


J. Brown Disposal P.O. Box 192, Shell Knob........................417-858-0079

Area 71 3147 State Hwy YY, Shell Knob..............417-858-2027 Pizza Hut P.O. Box 228, Shell Knob........................417-858-3554

Wright Pest Control 13104 F.R. 1155, Cassville......................417-833-0240

Services ? HVAC

Roadhouse Pub & Grill 26247 State Hwy 39, Shell Knob.............417-858-6886

Larson Heating, Air & Plumbing 25265 FR 2207, Shell Knob ...................417-858-3493

Steak Inn P.O. Box 159, Shell Knob .......................417-858-6814

Small Engine Sales/Service

Subway 26082 State Hwy 39, Shell Knob.............417-858-6454

Shell Knob Small Engine P.O. Box 263, Shell Knob........................417-858-3094

Storage Terry?s Cafe FR 1230, Shell Knob...............................417-858-0707

Shell Knob Boat & RV Storage State Hwy 39, Shell Knob........................417-858-0537

Retail ? Shopping/Gifts

Table Rock Storage 24958 State Hwy 39, Shell Knob.............417-236-2274

The Red Barn P.O. Box 285, Shell Knob........................417-858-2602

Tires Thinking of You 201 E. Madison, Berryville, AR................870-505-6775

Ball & Prier P.O. Box 136, Golden..............................417-271-3299

Treasures Then & Now Bridgeway Plaza, Shell Knob...................417-858-1113

Title Company

Retail ? Water Sports Williams Bros. Ski & Sports 26063 State Hwy 39, Shell Knob.............417-858-9253

Retirement Community Mountain View Estates P.O. Box 303, Shell Knob........................417-858-2426

Asbury Land Title P.O. Box 353, Shell Knob........................417-858-3700

Tourism Springfield Convention & Visitors Bureau 815 E. St. Louis Street Suite 100, Springfield ..............................................800-678-8767


Peachtree Village Assisted Living 5 Park Drive Holiday Island, AR..............479-253-9933

Crystal Waters Travel Shell Knob...............................................417-858-8500



Shell Knob School...................................417-858-6743

Carroll Electric Cooperative Corp 920 Hwy 62 Spur, Berryville, AR.............870-423-2161

Blue Eye School......................................417-779-5331 Cassville School......................................417-847-3137

Web/Graphic Design RS Web De Sign?s Shell Knob ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? .......? ...815-302-5122

You can't buy happiness but you can buy local and that's kind of the same thing.


Photo By: Amy Hasselbring

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