Illusion of a Dreamer

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By Samir M Khan

Illusions of a Dreamer

Illusions of a Dreamer Find the Connection, Where My Worlds Collides.

Copyright Š 2013 Samir M Khan. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the express written permission of the Publisher, Author Printed in Nairobi, Kenya First Printing, 2013 ISBN 13 : 978-9966-69-401-0 Sami Khan Productions Limited

Lost within the beautiful Words of Neo Soul music. Never wanting to Understand the way my heart beats. Craving beauties touch, Needing to breathe , The same air she breathes. Being held within Warm emotional embraces Weaving my way through dreams Never afraid of falling.

She caresses my soul, Breaks my heart with a simple smile. Insults my mind as she moves closer. Weaving her words within my emotions, Creating lyrical bars, Imprisoning me For her beauty to keep Tormented by love touch But denied a kiss to set me at rest

Sometimes it feels like, Life is just a game of shadows. Hiding from Illusions, Never want to be seen, But able to capture memories, Worth keeping. Searching to find parts of me, Never seeing beauty, Within myself, That slowly fading away.

Trapped in cages that don’t exist, Creating memories, Out of illusions. Breaking emotions, Trying to understand myself.

She screams trying to get my attention But words fail to be heard. While she tries, gasping for air As I keep moving forward Following an illusion. I see every day Chasing reflections of her smile.

Took notice of illusions tricks. Heard her silent screams. Trying to understand her, Beautiful words, Realizing her true smile. Sorry Beautiful. Hope its not too late to realize, I can finally whisper your name. Emotions, My love, Please save me! I need to walk together with you For me to succeed in this world. You shall no longer be a raw nerve

Wishing to stop and listen, Finally noticing her smile. My Beautiful, She begs to speak, Needing to be set free, Crave to be understood.

Fallen Princess Its painful seeing her smile In another’s eyes. For I only see tears, Every time she look my way. Stories of lost hope Hides within dry river beds engraved on her face. Heartbeat slowly fades, With every breathe. For everyone she offers her heart, Leaves it with scars etched upon it.

She craves a better life, Fearing her every step, But still makes it. Remaining broken in everyone eyes, A simple object for satisfaction. But all I see is a fallen princess, Trying to stand. Beauty beyond perfection.

Lost Dreaming of Illusion Who shall be there to help me Stand from the weight of my tears. Craving my words to keep me warm Searching for a single heart beat To awaken my emotions

Sing sweet lullaby to my soul, Waiting for a simple touch. To allow me to keep moving forward. Tracing missing dreams, Walking among shadows, Trying to breathe life to every idea. Its only me that can Take or Make The next step Forward.

Passion Burn Bright But The Flame Is Never For Me Time to walk into my next nightmare, Without the guidance of her smile. Hope she find me in dream, Before I loose myself Within darkness's cold embrace. Tired of screaming, Holding her hand, Still walking by her side. Helping her dreams become reality She torments me with her touch, Hands resting upon my chest, Whispering beautiful illusions, But lost in another eyes. Craving only my words, Slowly stealing my every breathe Never willing to intertwine Our lips together.

Dreaming Of Moment That Only Exist Within Dreams Finally found my mistress, Hiding entwined in my emotions, Wrapped in beautiful poetic vines Whispered by my heart trying to Escape its cage. Wanting to get to you, But she won’t let me go.

Speaking words that My Mistress refuse to reveal. Emotions creating chains Never wanting to let me go Crave for a simple touch Of the air she breathes.

With words and beautiful smiles I try to persuade her To release me. But with every word I speak I lose my understanding Of who is The prisoner between us

Forever Yours. Dreaming about Her, Miss Her Always. Loving Her forever. Her beauty still inspires My creations. Wish I told you. How Much I loved You Falling for silence, But words refuse to remain still, Moving from heart to mind And back again. Wish I could breathe life into my words Speak words to be lost in time. But lips refuse to part, Sending words to escape From my fingertips And be written. I may be silent But words remain Free

Walking Alone

Or do you want to Walk by my side Watching and helping Me become Me

If I ask you to forget me Just look for me in a few months And see who I've become Will you?

Dreaming of a Journey That I never walk alone But sometime need to. The birth of a new idea begin. I see big Challenges, Crazy dreams, Beautiful steps taken, Time for the next one.

Lost Searching Walking in Shadows Trying to find my steps Searching for my sunshine Waiting to have my Heartbeat stolen Longing for the moment Dreams come to pass Waiting for a smile That allows my heart beat to stop And enjoy the beauty that's around me. Will be waiting for that moment Craving to see her beauty again But never holding my breathe. For my every breathe, Brings inspiration to my world And in some ways a smile Upon her lips

Never Let Me Go

Never let me go, Walking into the dark Without giving me the Knowledge To make the right steps. Following the path Dreams shall lead me Trying to understand ways To make you proud And happy to call me your child

Falling in love with My words all over again. Dreaming about something beautiful. Enjoying lovely inspiration. Dreaming of being lost in time. Forgetting the path set before me, And just enjoy, My life at this moment

Who have I become Lost within my own dreams Trapped between Reality and Illusion Craving moments I shall set myself free Wrapping lyrical vines Around my heart creating Imaginary scars


She speaks to me. But her words Don't seem to breathe, After leaving her lips. Becoming whispers Of forgotten moment Where we lay frozen A time I meant the world to her. But her words still echo silence.

Lost Dreaming Haunted by the reflection Of her smile from a memory Moments that now Seem like a lifetime ago Craving a melody Of a simple tune Escaping her lips To torment my mind Into submission.

For my heart To beat freely again Walking within Illusions of forgotten shadows Trying to trace by beginning Seeking to understand My every step forward Missing her the most When my heart tear run dry

Illusions My mind dreams like A dead river crying Slowly brought back to life From the breaking beats of spring. Needing a simple movement To prove that I still create Illusion that only exist in imagination

Craving for a direction to follow, Entwined in mystery. Held captive to My own nightmares. Where fear itself Fears to stand tall For they are illusions Waiting to crumble

Raw Emotions are Never friendly To Me or those around. Need to find a way to Tame my Restless Soul. Before I Destroy Myself.

If dreams could be imagined I'll always think of you Holding my little finger Walking in the dark. Never knowing beauty, True essence. But hoping that she shall smile Upon me.

I long to have her In my arms again

Sleep Upon Clouds

Slowly being tormented By the sound of her heart beat Its beautiful melody, That I have to share with the world. While I crave simple beauty. Forgetting the little thing I did, For her smile to remain evolving. She reminds me about chocolates, Flowers and little gifts

But She find it hard To remember words she spoke. Her lips would always out stage, The little gifts and the beauty of roses. Our hearts always used to speak Beautiful kisses, Create lovely moments.

While She torment me with a simple smile I spit words, plucking upon her heart strings Lost in moments of Dreams yet to be born.

I should always speak of thanks Towards the torment from her beauty, For without it I would not be ME

Left Speechless If I forget to speak Please forgive me For your lovely voice Has stolen my every word Leaving me Slowly trying to stitch A simple phrase, Together to say thank you. For the beautiful abuse of inspiration You have fed my heart, As my mind remains speechless. Free me only within a whisper Allowing my heart to skip a beat. Singing praises for The gift of inspiration. Trying to keep her smile lingering A bit Longer that a split second, It Take to be born.

Need to free my mind. Lost like an Illusion, Trying to find my place. Hearts beating faint Sounds of love.

Forgotten She breaks me Every time She forgets to whisper my name. I’m unknown to her dreams Just an illusion, Waiting to become A shadow of a memory. Once steps are taken together And Forgotten Keep dreaming Hide me in your Nightmare Never in Dreams.

Please Break me

She hides within my soul Trying to complete Me. Bringing balance to disharmony Creating platforms towards greatness For Me to stand and be seen. Reaching out to acquire My Destiny Creating Illusions of dreams Already come to pass

My little piece of beautiful emotions That inspires me to write. To leave her Smiling

Little feet, That leave a big impression On ones dreams

She is Someone Daughters, Your Sisters, His Wife, Our Mothers. Who next to try and complete me

Please abuse me with every word That escapes from your lips.


For my heart craves every word That leaves, full of inspiration. The sound of beautiful poetry Intertwining my mind within bars To forbid it to speak. Begging for forgiveness, For hearts to utter A single word to finalize a masterpiece As minds refusal for speech fall silent Heart sings tunes.

Let me go Within a nightmare. To face my fears Slowly breaking bars Etching dreams with hope.

Craving for that dark corner. Sitting here watching her, Speaking on the Mic Trapping everyone in the audience Within her soft but yet firm voice That leaves everyone Craving for her next word, As I wait for her to step off The stage

Craving For That One Moment

So I could ask her If she will agree to allow own heart, To have a private make out session. Just me and her Lost within each others embrace Whispering beautiful ideas, That seem abusive to the mind.

For our thoughts are mean To persuade, Innovation to rise and be noticed. Allowing our heart to flutter, Within dreams. Creating a fantasy that only exist, Within that one embrace, That we choose how long it last.

But time will always find, A way to keep us apart. Ripping us away form each others arms Leading us down different paths. We were never meant to be physical lovers, But emotional ones. Searchingfor words That would Inspire Emotion

No Drama My world is already confusing, I don’t and will never need your drama, You have towards me. So your silence will speaks volumes, When you refuse to talk. I will walk away. For I still have Dreams to chase And beauty to find

Some friendships were meant, To be carved in stone, And Last forever. Others were to be written in the dust, Waiting for the wind to, Erase them from being. Cherish those who add value, And wanting to be part of your live. While letting go of those who, Choose to walk away, Wishing them well

Dreaming of words Able to set my mind free. Creating beautiful masterpiece Escaping slowly From My fingertips

I am a ghost within my own tears Waiting for illusions To haunt my every step. Craving a simple drop of hope, Wondering how many dreams, The world around me crushes, Before one refuses to crumble.

Sometime I wish to stand still, And remember the way she kept My heart Safe and Warm. While searching my mind Try and find a way to intertwining Her back in to My existence. With every phrase I whisper But all I create are Illusions

Illusion of memories That never existed. Craving her to be by my side, Holding my hand. As I moved forward. Losing myself between, Fantasy and Reality With my heart refusing To slow down.

That I crave to Capture within frames, For the world to Enjoy, And Understand every Moment.

Never wanting to stand still For even one second For Her beauty is life.

Let me know, The Colour of your smile. The Taste of my dreams. The melody of heart beats. The breakdown of touch. The name of illusions I fell in love with.

Leave me broken Lost within teardrops, Craving a simple whisper To set my heart racing. For love waits for me to find her Interwined in a memory I remain a broken and bruised Beauty Waiting for a chance to stand and be me. Craving a gentle touch. To bring me back to my feet.

Inspiration or death Inspire to create or hide in fear

If I could understand, Every way you leave me broken. I'd love you more with every crack. Trying to hold myself together. Within phrases that only You and I Whisper.

The last step to any Journey, Is the hardest to make. For its not the destination But the way you made every step And you memories create. Next chapter is always been written Every before the last one has been finished

Dreams chase minds To create beauty. Hidden within every step, Leaving hearts prisoners. That never needs to be free. Lost among Illusions Intertwined in hope.

Twisted within Hope and Passion Standing on Dreams Eching my Future

Hold me tight like there is no tomorrow, But leave my mind to spin out of control. Craving a simple understanding Of the way my heart beats.

Searching for every fragments. picking every piece, of My broken dreams.

Without you My every tear slowly fades. Refusing to turn in to dreams The hardest thing you want To hear is the sound My heart breaking

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