SJU #12

Page 27

you are alive reading this or just sitting there watching the hours die in a polite fashion alive if for no reason at all then to rise and hope to do it all over again.

“stainless steel” by John Grochalski

this morning goddamn it with you getting on that train traveling two hours to the city for another fucking job just so we‘d have money to live again it nearly tore me apart i‘m sorry the twenty-five resumes i sent out never took and the one place i interviewed with never called me back i‘m sorry the jobs don‘t want me and i guess i‘m sorry that i don‘t want them just as much but that doesn‘t mean it doesn‘t hurt to see the way it always rests on you so i promised i‘d be a good boy i‘d find a couple of jobs online i‘d sit and write some poems and try my hardest to stay away from the booze so that i was decent enough to come and pick you up at the train station tonight

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