SJSU Lurie College of Education 2020-2021 Impact Report

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2020-2021 Impact Report |


As we emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic, SJSU’s Lurie College of Education is positioned to lead. Our faculty, staff, and students have done remarkable work during this past year. We’ve grown enrollments in our traditional programs and launched exciting new programs that extend our reach to new student populations. We’ve strengthened our commitment to educational equity and racial justice by investing resources in bold emancipatory initiatives and tackling structural challenges within the college. We’ve amplified the impact of facultyled research by strengthening our community partnerships and growing our media engagement. These achievements position Lurie College to lead our regional P-20 educational ecosystem and to be a model nationally of what it means to be a truly transformative college of education.

Our students are positioned to lead. In anticipation of the postpandemic educator shortage, we’ve grown enrollments across our college and particularly in our credential programs where we’ve seen our student population grow by 31% over the past year. We are particularly proud that these overall increases also represent a significant increase in diversity. Additionally, 38% of our students identify as Latinx or Hispanic, a number that is 10 points higher than the representation at SJSU overall and nearly 20 points higher than the national average. Our enrollments in our critical bilingual teacher authorization program have also grown by more than 500% over the past three years and we’ve extended bilingual program options to include Spanish, Vietnamese, and Mandarin through collaboration with the California State University-wide Asian Language Consortium. This growth is the result of multiple initiatives to build pathways that engage and support a more diverse student community; you will read about some of these initiatives in the pages of this report.

Our faculty are positioned to lead. Through faculty-led institutes, research and scholarship, SJSU’s Public Voices fellowship project, and initiatives supported by our strategic plan grants, our faculty are increasingly visible as thought leaders across the university, throughout the region, and well beyond. During this past year, our faculty have been recognized regionally, statewide, and nationally as experts in digital access, youth civic engagement, disability justice, data privacy, online teaching and learning, outdoor education, bilingual language development, aphasia, LGBTQ+ youth wellness, augmentative and alternative communication, culturally sustaining pedagogies, and more. Our Early Childhood Institute is a leader in statewide discussions as California begins implementation of its 2021 Master Plan for Early Learning and Care. Our Center for Collaborative Research Excellence in Education is leading statewide research initiatives focused on youth in foster care and youth experiencing homelessness. Our newly launched Institute for Emancipatory Education is engaging with faculty across the university and partnering with local communities and the nationwide REP4 university consortium to construct a vision for the radical transformation of our educational systems from preschool through graduate school (P20). As engaged scholars, expert researchers, and committed teachers, our faculty are uniquely positioned to lead critical conversations and set a vision for a more just, equitable, and inclusive future for children, youth, families, and communities.

Our programs are positioned to lead. We’ve grown our commitment to preparing transformative educators, counselors, school and community leaders. During the past year we launched two new programs with bold transformative visions - an MA in Emancipatory School Leadership in partnership with the Santa Clara


County Office of Education and an Ethnic Studies Residency program in partnership with the East Side Union High School District. We also reformed our admissions and advising processes and redesigned curricula in our existing programs to ensure consonance with the inclusive, antiracist, equity-focused, justice-driven values of our college. This fall we welcomed four outstanding new faculty members to further deepen and expand this work as we grow our programs into exemplars for schools and colleges of education nationwide.

I invite you to read more about the remarkable work that is happening across our college in the following pages. This past year has brought many challenges. But it is indeed a testament to the strength and commitment of our faculty, staff, students, and community partners that we emerge from the pandemic ready to lead.

With gratitude,

Connect with our #LurieCollege social media accounts at

PAGE 1 | Lurie College At-A-Glance

PAGE 3 | Supporting Our Students’ Success

PAGE 5 | Faculty Features

PAGE 6 | Faculty Highlights

PAGE 8 | Meet Our New Faculty

PAGE 9 | Growing Our Academic Opportunities

PAGE 11 | On the Horizon for 2021-2022

PAGE 12 | K-12 Teaching Academy Returns

PAGE 13 | Launching Our Institute for Emancipatory Education

PAGE 15 | Enacting Our Strategic Plan

PAGE 16 | Creating Community Engagement Opportunities


For each of the past two years, we have coordinated a grant proposal process within our college to support endeavors by our faculty, students, and staff that advance the four priority areas of our strategic plan - community engaged, culturally sustaining, holistic, and interdisciplinary.

The word cloud on the cover is made up of keywords from this year’s strategic plan grant awardees. Learn more on page 15 of this report and access additional details and resources resources for our strategic plan grants at strategic-plan.


2431 STUDENTS | +15% FROM 2019-2020

+13% undergraduate students from 2019-2020 +31% credential students from 2019-2020

954 total graduates +11% from 2019-2020 129 minors 247 bachelor’s 221 master’s 348 credentials 9 doctorates 922 | 38% Hispanic or Latinx 694 | 29% Asian or Pacific Islander 495 | 20% White 157 | 6% Two or more races 86 | 4% Black or African American 62 | 3% Unknown 11 | <1% American Indian or Alaska Native 4 | <1% Middle Eastern
969 | 40% Bachelor of Arts 282 | 12% Minor 105 | 4% Bachelor of Arts & Minor 448 | 18% Master of Arts 474 | 19% Credential 93 | 4% Master of Arts & Credential 60 | 2% Doctor of Education
$337k scholarship awards
104 students
average) +22% in total awards +40% in average award amount
40% 38% 12% 29% 18% 20% 19% 6%



139k website and blog visitors +22% from 2019-2020

42.1k YouTube channel video views

+194% from 2019-2020


2021 U.S. News & World Report

Best Speech-Language Pathlogy Programs

#1 among universities in the Bay Area

#2 among universities in the CSU system

#3 among universities in California

2022 U.S. News & World Report

Best Education Schools

#2 among universities in the CSU system

#4 among universities in the Bay Area

#14 among universities in California

#125 overall, up 33 spots from 2021 rankings

3.4k social media followers

+47% from 2019-2020

Discover Early Childhood EDU’s 2021 Top 64 Best Colleges with Early Childhood Education Master’s Degrees

#2 among CSUs and universities in California

#34 among universities in the United States

PayScale’s 2021 Best Schools for Education Majors by Salary Potential

#11 among universities in the United States

Median early career pay: $50,700

Median mid-career pay: $77,100



We regularly create opportunities to provide our students with financial awards, faculty mentorship, and more to support their success.

Alberto Camacho, ’20 English, ’21 Teaching Credential, can remember the names of all of the influential teachers in his life — from his preschool teacher, “Mr. E,” to his Chicana and Chicano Studies professor Marcos Pizzaro, associate dean of the Connie L. Lurie College of Education.

He recalls Mr. E teaching him “e for effort” almost as clearly as he remembers Pizarro honoring him at the spring 2019 Celebration of Teaching event, where Camacho was recognized for his teaching potential and awarded a $1,000 scholarship.

“My teachers had an impact; they genuinely wanted the best for their kids, and that’s what I want to do in the classroom,” said Camacho, who is completing his student teaching at Silver Creek High School in San José this spring.

“I want the best for my kids, their families and their communities. It is thanks to my teachers that I feel this way — they planted the seed.”

The Lurie College of Education Student Success Center was first inspired to start the Celebration of Teaching event in 2017, when the college joined the CSU EduCorps initiative, a CSU-wide program dedicated to increasing outreach and recruitment for teacher preparation programs.

Janene Perez, the center’s director of recruitment, student success and alumni engagement, said they first learned of a similar initiative at Sacramento State and drew on that model at SJSU in 2018.

“We wanted to reach students who might not have considered teaching as a career but had a deep commitment to their communities and exhibited qualities that were impactful in a teaching and learning setting,” said Perez.

The inaugural Celebration of Teaching event initially focused on recruiting from within SJSU but has expanded well beyond the university and into the community.

“Recognizing that the consideration of career fields often begins much earlier, we’ve grown the initiative over the past few years to include outreach to community colleges, high schools and middle schools,” said Heather Lattimer, dean of the Lurie College.

Read the full story by Julia Halprin Jackson on the SJSU Newsroom blog and read more examples of our students’ success on the following page.


Our annual Student Research Awards create opporunities for our students to receive financial support towards a research project under the guidance of a faculty mentor. For Child and Adolescent Development student Alaysia Palmer, that enabled her to conduct research around college students who have a sibling with autism and present the study at the annual CSU Resarch Competition.

“I became inspired by this research project because I have a sibling with autism,” said Palmer. “My faculty mentor and I submitted an IRB proposal to gain access to do the resarch. I have conducted semi-structured interviews with participants so I can collect and analyze the data. ”

Our semiannual Learning Showcase creates opportunities for our students to virtually shareout their academic achievements and development with audiences across and beyond our college. For Communicative Disorders and Sciences undergraduate students Alejandra Romo and Aminah Sheikh, they were able to synthesize their learning to analyze language development with a stutter.

“In EDSP 102 with Prof. Lustigman, I learned to analyze a child’s language development and all of the factors that either impede or help that development,” said Romo.

“In introduction to phonetics, Prof. McCollum taught us how speech comes to life with sounds as well as how to transcribe words and actual speech,” said Sheikh.

Thanks to ongoing financial support from our college’s namesake, Connie L. Lurie, we have awarded numerous Early Childhood Teacher Scholarships to future early childhood educators such as Athena Weiland, Martha Larios Gutierrez, and Cyra Sin to recognize their impact in a field that is often underappreciated by society at large.

“My career development through San José State has been helpful in so many ways,” said Weiland. “The most important way has been teaching me techniques that help me as a student. In the future, I’ll be able to utilize these to assist my children in my classrooms and all of their needs that have to be addressed for their learning.”

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Twitter: @Dr_Koolkarni

Dr. Saili Kulkarni has been awarded a racial equity grant from the Spencer Foundation for her research studying the intersections of disability and race and the implications for PK-12 education, justice studies and educators.

The grant supports education research projects aimed at understanding and improving racial inequity in education. Kulkarni and her team will receive $75,000 to pursue their project, “Playing Together: Using Learning Labs to Reduce Exclusionary Disciplinary Practices for Young Children of Color with Disabilities. ”

Nearly six years ago, Kulkarni and her colleagues noticed a dearth of literature on the subject of exclusionary discipline - such as expulsion and suspension - for young children of color with disabilities, so they decided to take matters into their own hands.

“The idea came from a combination of our own experiences as special ed teachers, but also the experiences that we had working with other early childhood special ed teachers in toddler classrooms and centers,” Kulkarni said.

Read the full story from the SJSU Division of Research and Innovation at

Twitter: @emiddaugh

Dr. Ellen Middaugh has been selected to receive the SJSU Research Foundation’s annual Early Career Investigator Award (ECIA) for her work on youth civic engagement, particularly on how to teach social media and Internet skills to those aged 15 to 25. Each year, the ECIA recognizes two tenure-track faculty who have excelled in areas of research, scholarship, and creative activity during their probationary period at SJSU.

“There’s a lot of research that suggests adolesence is a time when a lot of identity work is being done, where people really start to define themselves,” Middaugh said.

“If you become active during adolescence and emerging adulthood, that tends to carry on through later adulthood, so there’s a window of opportunity.”

To complete this research, Middaugh collaborates with a team of SJSU undergraduate and graduate students, who are able to gain a deeper understanding of how to construct a research project while developing practical experiences with interviewing techniques, statistical analysis software, and much more.

Watch the full video recognition from the SJSU Research Foundation on the Lurie College blog.



SYLVIA BRANCA, with EMILY SLUSSER, contributed “Through a more discerning lens: Understanding college student expectations and experiences over the course of a semester” to the College Student Journal (in press).

ALLISON BRICEÑO contributed “Influence of sequential and simultaneous bilingualism on second grade Dual Language students’ use of syntax in reading” to Reading Psychology.

REBECA BURCIAGA, with Ana Tavares, contributed the chapter “Coraje y Amor: Bilingual Bicoastal Leadership from Preschool to the Professoriate” to Latinas Leading Schools.

LORRI CAPIZZI and BRENT DUCKOR presented “How can Teachers, School Counselors, & Administrators support educational outcomes for students in foster care during extraordinary times?” with the Center to Close the Opportunity Gap.

KYOUNG MI CHOI, with Insoo Oh, contributed “A phenomenological approach to understanding sexual minority college students in South Korea” to the Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development

MEGAN CUELLAR, with Elizabeth Oommen, Alyssa Scholten, Bethany Rylander, and Mallika David, contributed “Objective measures of lingual and jaw function in healthy adults and persons with Parkinson’s disease: Implications for swallowing” to Physiology & Behavior.

ARNOLD DANZIG, with Gary Martin, Richard Flanary, and Margaret Terry Orr, published School Leadership Internship: Developing, Monitoring, and Evaluating Your Leadership Experience.

FELICIA DARLING, contributed “Make cultural assets count in community college math: Lessons learned from piloting math tasks in a Yucatec Maya school” to Innovation Abstracts

BRENT DUCKOR, with CARRIE HOLMBERG, Adria Patthoff, and Kip Telléz, contributed “Understanding Pre-Service Teachers’ Formative Feedback Practices in Elementary, Middle & High School Classrooms in High Needs Contexts” to the California Teacher Education Research and Improvement Network.

LARA ERVIN-KASSAB presented “Considering Community and Trauma” at the SJSU Lurie College of Eduation K-12 Teaching Academy.

MARK FELTON, with ELLEN MIDDAUGH and Henry Fan, presented “‘People can get really harsh,’ Supporting youth engagement with contemporary issues through social media” at the American Educational Research Association (AERA) annual meeting.

MARIA FUSARO, with MAUREEN SMITH, contributed “Imagination and fantasy: Correlates of preschoolers’ science relevant inquisitiveness” to Imagination, Cognition, and Personality.

ANDREA GOLLOHER, with MATTHEW LOVE, presented “Lessons learned from the transition to remote learning” at the Inclusion Collaborate State Conference.

VENEICE GUILLORY-LACY, with REBECA BURCIAGA, and JILA MALEKSALEHI, coordinated the inaugural SJSU x REP4 Learner Design Summit.

DINA IZENSTARK, with S. Cole Perry and Reed Larson, contributed “How to bargain successfully with adolescents: What can be learned from youth development professionals” to the Journal of Community Psychology.

SUDHA KRISHNAN contributed “The role of multiliteracies in changing learning spaces and promoting self-advocacy for students with complex support needs” to Research and Practice for Persons with Severe Disabilities.

SAILI KULKARNI contributed “Special education teachers of color and their beliefs about dis/ability and race: Counter-stories of smartness and goodness” to the Journal of Curriculum Inquiry.

JASON LAKER presented “Living my best life: A conversation about men’s lives in 2020” at the League-Men of Color Virtual Summit.

HEATHER LATTIMER, with MARCOS PIZARRO, contributed “Building a framework for transformation in higher education” to the Handbook of research on leading higher education transformation with social justice, equity, and inclusion.

MARÍA LEDESMA presented “Revisiting Bell’s theory through ‘Power Preservation’: Institutional versus individual interest convergence in the twenty-first century” at the American Educational Research Association (AERA) annual meeting.

MEI-YAN LU, with NONI MENDOZA-REIS and Angela Loque, contributed the chapter “The Resilient Women of Color Leaders: Narratives of Black and Brown Leaders in P-16 Settings” to Black and Brown Leadership and the Promotion of Change in an Era of Social Unrest.

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LYLE LUSTIGMAN, with Ruth Berman, presented “Clause combining in early child Hebrew: Emergent connectivity, increasing specificity, and adult supportive contexts” at the UK Cognitive Linguistics Conference.

CARA MAFFINI, with G. Paradis, contributed “Navigating intercultural relational dynamics: The roles of attachment and cultural values” to the Journal of Multicultural Counseling & Development.

NIDHI MAHENDRA, with Tammy Hopper, contributed the chapter “Dementia and related neurodegenerative disorders” to Aphasia and Related Neurogenic Communication Disorders.

ROXANA MARACHI, with Lawrence Quill, contributed “The case of Canvas: Longitudinal datafication through learning management systems” to Teaching in Higher Education.

ROBERT MARX, with Page Regan, contributed the chapter “Lights, camera, (youth participatory) action! Lessons from filming a documentary with trans and gender non-conforming youth in the USA” to Arts and Health Promotion.

RALPH McKAY contributed “Are Your History Slides Effective?” to the World Journal of Education and Humanities

EDUARDO MUÑOZ-MUÑOZ, with MATTHEW LOVE, and MARCELLA McCOLLUM, presented “The Renaissance of Dual Language Immersion Programs; Implications for SpeechLanguage Pathologists” at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention.

LUIS POZA, with EDUARDO MUÑOZ-MUÑOZ, TAMMIE VISINTAINER, and Ahoura Zandiatashbar contributed “Broadband Access and Constituent Experiences Under COVID-19 Shelter-In-Place Orders” for California Assembly District 30.

WENDY QUACH, with Aimee Dietz, Shelly Lund, Miechelle McKelvey, and Kristy Weissling, contributed “Augmentative and Alternative Communication Assessment in Adults With Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis” to Communication Disorders Quarterly.

COLETTE RABIN presented “‘It’s Just a Flat One-sided Feeling’: Care Ethics in Online Teaching” at the American Educational Research Association (AERA) annual meeting.

NADIA SORKHABI, with Colin Harbke, and Yuki Hasebe, contributed “Peer Bullies and Victims’ Perceptions of Moral Transgression versus Morally-Aimed Dishonesty” to Critical Questions in Education.

KIM TSAI presented “Parental support buffers the impact of daily stress on adolescent sleep” at the Society for Research on Child Development (SRCD) bienneal meeting.

PEI-TZU TSAI, with Grace Shefcik, contributed “Voice-related Experiences of Nonbinary Individuals (VENI) Development and Content Validity” to the Journal of Voice.

AUBREY URESTI contributed “Mentoring moment: For kwg” to Philosophical mentoring in qualitative research: Collaborating and Inquiring together.

WANDA WATSON, with Leah Aguilera, Katy Felsinger, and Hannah Swernoff, presented “Bringing our Humanity to the TK-5 Classroom Through an Ethnic Studies Stance” at the Lurie College of Education K-12 Teaching Academy.


REBECA BURCIAGA has become a full professor and the faculty executive director of our Institute for Emancipatory Education

BRENT DUCKOR has become a full professor

ANDREA GOLLOHER has earned tenure and promotion to associate professor

SAILI KULKARNI has earned tenure and promotion to associate professor

MEI-YAN LU has become chair of our Educational Leadership department

NIDHI MAHENDRA has become a full professor

ROXANA MARACHI has become a full professor

ELLEN MIDDAUGH has earned tenure and promotion to associate professor

LISA SIMPSON has become chair of our Special Education department

DAVID WHITENACK has become chair of our Teacher Education department


ELAINE CHIN has retired from our Teacher Education department

REBECCA CRUZ has transitioned to Johns Hopkins University

JEAN NOVAK has retired from our Communicative Disorder and Sciences department

For more faculty news and bios, visit

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Veneice Guillory-Lacy, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Educational Leadership

Dr. Guillory-Lacy will support our growing programs in Educational Leadership, which include our Minor in Transformative Leadership and MA in Emancipatory School Leadership.

“My research focuses on amplifying the voices of women of color in K-12 educational leadership, promoting social justice leadership, and centering race and gender,” says Dr. Guillory-Lacy. “I also use critical qualitative methods, while drawing from Critical Race Theory (CRT), Critical Race Feminism (CRF), Intersectionality, Black Feminist Thought, and Indigenous epistemologies.”

Tiffani Marie, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Teacher Education

Dr. Tiffani Marie will join our growing programs in Teacher Education, which include a credential in Ethnic Studies.

“I come from a long line of Arkansas educators and am passionate about learning with and from youth, sewing, music production, and connecting to the natural world,” says Dr. Marie. “I am excited about joining the Teacher Education Department and working with Ethnic Studies faculty colleagues at San José State University, particularly for the emerging collaborations and collective energy around supporting schools and communities to ensure that every child is seen and treated as a blessing.”

Sudha Krishnan, Ed.D. Assistant Professor Special Education

Dr. Krishnan has been an adjunct faculty in our Special Education Department for the past 8 years and has now become an assistant professor.

“My interest in special education was sparked by my experiences with children with disabilities during my early years in India and further cultivated when my son was diagnosed with autism,” says Dr. Krishnan. “My research interests are focused on how implementing literacy practices using pedagogies based on socio-cultural theory can provide challenging and empowering education for students with disabilities.”

Wanda Watson, Ed.D Associate Professor Teacher Education

Dr. Wanda Watson will join our growing programs in Teacher Education, which include a credential in Ethnic Studies.

“My current research centers Black feminist pedagogies as embodied through political clarity, spiritual connectedness, and transgressive teaching and learning,” says Dr. Watson. “I am most looking forward to working collaboratively with colleagues and various stakeholders to create educational experiences and structures that foster freedom for and with Black, Brown, and Indigenous children and communities.”



Our new MA in Emancipatory School Leadership program is designed for emerging K-12 school leaders who wish to engage with emancipatory leadership practices to improve educational opportunities for historically marginalized students. We admitted our first cohort of students to this 1-year program in Summer 2020; those students persisted and persevered through the program during the COVID-19 pandemic and are now ready to become transformative school and community leaders.

“This program has really prepared me to be more confident in taking on a leadership role,” said recent graduate Abby Almerido. “Being in this program during a pandemic has really taught me to push back against the status quo of following a path because that is what has been laid out. We’ve had to do things differently during the pandemic and I think that sentiment has followed through in my learning.”

Learn more about our Emancipatory School Leadership program at

Our new Impact Fellowship program supports and develops educators who are driven by their passions for social justice, educational equity, and postively impacting their communities. We selected our first cohort of fellows in Summer 2020 and supported them throughout the academic year with significant scholarship funding, priority for teacher residency placements, regular and ongoing mentorship, and membership to a professional learning community.

I’ve really wanted to focus on how my teaching can be more justice-centered, and this program has given me a space that is physically and emotionally safe to explore these ideas more,” said Impact Fellow Eden Conghuyen. “The fellowship has also connected me with a community where we can discuss how important justice-centered teaching is.”

Learn more about Eden and our Impact Fellowship program at



Our new Ethnic Studies Residency Program is a collaboration between San José State University, East Side Union High School District and Overfelt High School. In this program, credential candidates gain expereince teaching alongside current Ethnic Studies teachers while receiving ongoing professional development and scholarship funding.

“My dream is to be the educator that my students need me to be,” said recent Ethnic Studies Resident Julia Duggs. “My goal as an educator is to work, heal, and rest into collective liberation. The Ethnic Studies Residency program has been a major marker in my own healing journey and growth towards that.”

Learn more about three of our recent Ethnic Studies ResidentsAngelica, Jenna, and Julia - on our Lurie College blog and watch Julia co-present “Freedom Dreaming: Ethnic Studies Teaching in the Secondary Grades” as part of our Summer 2021 K-12 Teaching Academy on our Lurie College blog.

Our Critical Bilingual Authorization Program (CBAP) specializes candidates in pedagogy, practices, and ability to identify linguistic assets and potential for students and empowers candidates to be changemakers in their own context. As the needs and demand for this program has grown in recent years, we’ve responded by making this opportunity available to both our multiple subject and single subject credential candidates.

“I think now, more than ever, I’ve realized how important it is to care for a student as a whole,” said CPAB student Fanny Camacho. “As educators, before we try to get students to grasp and understand content, it’s important to put the students first, build relationships with them first, and to bring culturally responsive practices into the classroom. ”

Learn more about Fanny and our Critical Bilingual Authorization Program at

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BA Degree Completion Program

Recognizing the need to continue increasing access to our degree programs and to reform our community institutions to establish equity, access, and social justice, we have established an online degree program and admitted our first cohort of 25 students for the Fall 2021 semester.

“The focus of this program is to develop the teacher pipeline, especially for folks who are already working in schools as aides or paraeducators, or for early childhood educators who want to be master teachers or site supervisors,” said John Jabagchourian, Program Coordinator and ChAD lecturer.

Learn more about the program at

MA in Higher Education Leadership

Recognizing the need for transformative higher education leaders for our region, we have created a new MA program and community college teaching certificate program to begin Summer 2022.

“Our MA in Higher Education Leadership MA will prepare higher education leaders through an equity-minded praxis approach to engage in transformative thinking and practice with the goal of disrupting how power, in the form of racism, classism, sexism, and related oppressions intersect to (re)produce and sustain disparate higher educational opportunities,” said Educational Leadership Associate Professor María Ledesma.

More information will be available soon at

Spartan Accelerated Graduate Education

Recognizing the need to streamline the time to completion for teacher prep programs and to diversify the teaching candidate pool, we have established Spartan Accelerated Graduate Education (SAGE) programs for the 2021-2022 academic year.

“These are essentially 5 year programs in which students earn their BA or BS, credential, and MA. Students simultaneously learn the subject matter content while learning the pedagogy and theory, and they can earn a critical bilingual authorization by completing some of the courses in Spanish,” said Susan Verducci, SJSU Professor and Liberal Studies Advisor.

View our 7 Education SAGE programs at

Transformative Leadership Minor

Recognizing the need to expand opportunities for SJSU students to develop their leadership capacities and engage with anti-racist pedagogies and practices, our faculty have collaborated to establish a Minor in Transformative Leadership beginning in Fall 2021.

“The goal of the Transformative Leadership Minor is to develop future leaders so that they can transform their communities.” said Marcella McCollum, Program Coordinator and CD&S Lecturer.

“By the end of the program, students will gain a sense of agency to make the changes needed in their educational, work, and personal environments. ”

Learn more about the minor at



“How do we center our students’ humanities and create an environment where they feel seen and see each other?”

- Wanda Watson, Lurie College Associate Professor of Teacher Education, from the session “Bringing Our Humanity to the TK-5 Classroom Through an Ethnic Studies Stance”

“Of those changes that we made, what do we want to bring back with us and what do we want to leave in 2020?”

Focusing on Community, Relationships, Healing, and More!

We initially established our free K-12 Teaching Academy in Summer 2020 to support current teachers, teacher candidates, and community partners in transitioning to online teaching as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Since then, our webinars have been viewed nearly 30,000 times and our series has been highlighted on ABC7 News, EdSource, and the COVID-19 CA website.

Our Summer 2021 series focuses on returning to a “new normal” in classrooms in Fall 2021 with topics such as:

• (Re)building classroom community

• Establishing restorative routines

• Anti-racist teaching

• Student voice and choice

• Recognizing new learning priorities

- Emma Pass, Middle School Language Arts Teacher at PSD Global Academy and Consultant at Empowered Edu, from the session “Bring it Back to the Classroom: What did we learn from a year of COVID?”

“How do we treat young people like the holistic human begins that they are? This pandemic has had really disparate impacts on students based on their positioning.”

- Tammie Visintainer, Lurie College Associate Professor of Teacher Education, from the session “Reimagining K-16 (Science) Teaching and Learning During a Time of Crisis”

Watch all 13 Summer 2021 webinar recordings at


Launching our INSTITUTE for

development of equitable and inclusive educational systems that nurture the creativity and brilliance of all learners so that our diverse, democratic society can truly thrive.

“Our return to schools in the context of a global pandemic, challenges to our democracy, a national racial reckoning, and growing inequalities requires a fundamental shift in the way we think about education. We can’t afford to do business as usual,” said Burciaga.

Guided by principles such as centering historically marginalized learners, partnering with community, and bridging boundaries P20, and by building upon the success of initiatives from previous years, such as our Future of Learning Summit and Faces of Learning Project, our IEE is focused on coordinating community-engaged research, cultivating emancipatory pedagogies, and creating opporunities for the dissemination of knowledge.

Too many of our P20 students are marginalized and/or multiplymarginalized based on race, class, national origin, language, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, and neurodiversity. For decades, we have been tinkering around the edges, providing patchwork programs and band-aid solutions but our core educational systems continue to perpetuate inequity and injustice. An emancipatory approach will challenge our epistemic framework, prioritize learning in partnership with community, and radically reimagine systems to center historically marginalized perspectives.

Our newly-established Institute for Emancipatory Education (IEE), led by Faculty Executive Director Rebeca Burciaga, will facilitate community-engaged research and advance emancipatory pedagogies that support the redesign of learning from preschool through post-secondary. As a result, our IEE will support the

SJSU President Mary Papazian echoed the importance of these priorities on her SJSU President’s Blog. “Our incoming students need to feel ownership in their own learning. Oftentimes, traditional practices and requirements stifle this need,” said Papazian. “Emancipatory education may very well be part of the solution, and our Lurie College of Education is leading the charge.”

Recent IEE Initiatives

• Emancipatory Education Now

• Broadband Access Study

• Emancipatory Education Speaker Series

• SJSU x REP4 Learner Design Summit

Learn about these initiatives on the following page and learn more about our IEE at

There is an urgent need to radically transform our educational systems.


Emancipatory Education Now is a student-led initiative that examines what emancipatory education looks like in today’s society and advocates for the expansion of emancipatory education research, policies, and practices. Students from across Lurie College met regularly to engage in livestreamed dialogues around topics such as standardized testing, Ethnic Studies, and California Proposition 16, and then proposed calls to action for viewers. Watch the recordings of the dialogues at

“My final call to action is living Black Lives Matter-ing. As we’ve seen time and time again, that continues to be something that seems to be negotiable in this country.” - Leslye Tinson, Ed.D. Leadership Program student

Our Broadband Access Study was a collaboration between Lurie College faculty Luiz Poza, Eduardo Muñoz-Muñoz, and Tammie Visintainer; SJSU faculty Ahoura Zandiatashbar; California Assemblymember Robert Rivas; and the Watsonville High School ECHO Leadership Academy to engage in a research study to investigate the lack of broadband access in the coastal town of Watsonville. The results of the study have been utilized to support California Assembly Bill 14, the “Internet for all Act of 2021.” Read the full story on the SJSU Newsroom blog.

“The fact that this region has had issues with Internet access has less to do with the Internet itself, but rather the populations affected.” - Dr. Eduardo Muñoz-Muñoz, Assistant Professor of Teacher Education

Our Emancipatory Education Speaker Series featured nationally recognized speakers and emerging voices who shared their visions for post-COVID education. Watch the recordings of “Reversing the practices of providing the least educational support to those who need it most” with Sec. John King, “Emancipatory Education: Healing the Damages of a Sick World” with Dr. E.J.R. David, and many more at

“I’m convined that there are so many opportunities all around us for thinking about how people are redefining freedom and how people are redefining what political belonging means.” - Dr. Jonathan Rosa, Associate Professor at the Stanford Graduate School of Education

Our Learner Design Summit, in partnership with the Rapid Education Prototyping (REP4) Alliance, convened high school, community college, and university students to collaborate and design creative proposals to address existing challenges in the higher education system. Watch their proposals at

“I really, really enjoyed this experience of meeting and connecting with great people. Everybody shared what problems they had faced, and that really opened up my mind to see what we can do and what we need to change.” - JC Jacinto, SJSU x REP4 Learner Design Summit participant



For the past two years, we have coordinated an annual grant proposal process within our college to support the numerous endeavors by our faculty, students, and staff that advance the priority areas of our strategic plan.

2020-2021 Lurie College Strategic Plan Grants

• Bilingual Communication Project

• Creating an Inclusive Climate: Queering Our Classrooms and Our Campus

• Early Childhood Connections

• Enacting Emancipatory Education: The Development of an

• Intersectional Disability Studies Strand at SJSU

• Enhancing Ethnic Studies Education and Teacher Diversity Pathways

• Expanding Community Capacity for Youth Civic Empowerment

• Interprofessional Education Project

• Justice-Centered Science Teacher Collective: Supporting the Preparation and Development of K-12 Justice-Centered Science Teacher Leaders and Change Agents

• Perspectives on Culturally Sustaining Practices for Black, Indigenous, and People of Color who use Augmentative and Alternative Communication

Read the descriptions and access resources for our strategic plan grants at

Creating an Inclusive Climate: Queering Our Classrooms and Our Campus

We’re grateful for the advocacy of Lurie College faculty Dr. Kyoung Mi Choi, Associate Professor of Counselor Education, and Dr. Robert Marx, Assistant Professor of Child and Adolescent Development, who have teamed up with Frank Peña, Outreach Coordinator of San José’s LGBTQ Youth Space, to utilize their strategic plan grant to offer the SJSU community introductory and advanced trainings that make our campuses classes, offices, and programming more accessible for and supportive of our queer and trans students and coworkers.

“Based on the feedback we received from our student participants, it’s clear that they want to be acknowledged and respected, especially when it comes to using their correct names and pronouns,” said Choi.

“We want to be really practical and concrete and provide resources such as 4 things you can do at the start of your class to make sure that your queer students feel more supported and included in your class,” said Marx.



In addition to all of our other initiatives and series, we also prioritized creating opportunities to engage with communities well beyond our college around critical conversations.

Abolitionist Teaching

Thanks to the efforts of our Ed.D. Leadership Program, we had the privilege of hosting a virtual conversation on abolitionist teaching with renown author, professor, and advocate, Dr. Bettina Love. Over 500 attendees from across the United States joined us live to listen to Dr. Love’s insights.

“There is a perception that racism only hurts Black, Latinx and indigenous people,” said Love. “What we don’t talk about is what society loses because of racism. Society loses when we don’t teach Black and Brown students to their highest potential. We lose doctors, lawyers, physicians, teachers, everyday people because we do not educate students to their highest potential.”

Read the full synopsis of the event on the SJSU Newsroom blog.

Youth Activism

Thanks to the efforts of our Educational Leadership Department, we hosted a virtual conversation with Radical Monarchs’ Cofounder Anayvette Martinez to learn more about their Bay Area organization, which creates opportunities for young girls of color to form fierce sisterhood, celebrate their identities and contribute radically to their communities.

Alumni Advocacy

We’re proud of Alejandra Valencia and Jocelyn Rodriguez, two of our recent MA and Multiple Subject Credential Program alumni, who have launched a podcast series, The Book Boat, to shine a spotlight on the many ways in which educators can utilize children’s literature to create opportunities for critical dialogue in the classroom.

In the curriculum that you’re building with young people, always ask yourself ‘how are you centering their experiences?’” said Martinez. “Be intentional about who’s in your classroom, where they are coming from, and ensuring that your curriculum reflects that.”

Watch the full recording of the conversation at

Their series touches upon topics such as The Power of Names, Indigeneous People’s Day, Elections, Holidays, Women in Science, and many more. Their episodes also include guest appearances from other Lurie College alumni and children’s book authors.

Watch all of the episodes from Season 1 and Season 2 at

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“I am a graduate of SJSU and Urmil is an active participant of the excellent Spartan Aphasia Research Clinic (SPARC) program. Starting the UR Jindia Scholarship is kind of paying back to the community by supporting the educational endeavors of needy deserving students. As we know giving and happiness are linked together, it gives us sense of fulfillment , meaningfulness and accomplishment in life.” - Rajinder Jindia

Join Rajinder and Urmil Jindia to positively impact and create opportunities for our Lurie College of Education students! Provide a monetary gift at and learn about additional ways to get involved at

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