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Designing for the Web ~ Layout


The Rule of Thirds Photographers have used the Rule of Thirds for years, who borrowed it from, yet again, classical artists and architects. The theory is simple — which is why it’s easy to apply in your day—to—day design work. Divide any workspace, or layout, into thirds horizontally and vertically, and align key focus points of your composition to where the lines intersect.




The Rule of Thirds is easier to use than the Golden Section. The simple division of space can easily be applied to designing for the web. For fixed width designs, (E.g., 960px wide), the space can be broken down into three 320px columns. For fluid designs — those that use percentages for layout — they can be divided into 33% columns. The challenge, however, for applying this theory to modern web design, is that we can’t be sure on the vertical space. This is where subdividing the Rule of Thirds comes in handy. 1(3



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