The Capitalist Nigger

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get. You have to demand what is due you. You cannot let somebody’s hatred or dislike deter you from dream. Their dream is not your dream. In fact, their years of persecuting Blacks have made them guilty. A capitalist Nigger must exploit their guilt to ensure that they assist in reaching his goals.

You must become an economic warrior, not with the conventional weapon of guns, knives, or even hatred in your heart, but with a brain and a desire to learn all that you can learn from those who have used every weapon to achieve their own success. If we have to steal their ideas, we must do it in the same way they have done it for hundreds of years. Everything that a Blackman has tried to do, the Caucasians have copied and appropriated as their own. We must mimic their every move and pay them the same compliments that they have always paid us – that imitation is the best compliment. We must develop the brain of the Jew and the tenacity and death wish of the Caucasian. It is better to die in the sustained effort to reach your goals, than to die from fear of not even venturing. I admire the Jews immensely. They have used their brains to conquer the world in every facet of life. Through their brain power, they control how the world thinks. They are the experts in everything in this world. In fact, every time I tune to radio or television, invariably it is a Jewish individual who is called as expert to explain what had happened. Their brain power has made them financial barons of the world, the real estate moguls of the world, the titans of industry in every category. For example, George Soros, the financial wizard, made over a $billion just by anticipating rate of change in the exchange rate market. Money like that can cure a lot of the pathetic nature of Black people. That amount was made in just one day. Mr. Soros is not a military man. He is an immigrant just like the rest of Americans, but he is nonetheless a warrior for his people. He understands his role in defence of his people and other people with lesser means. You see, you have to admire the Caucasian as well. He has done a lot of good in this world as well as bad. I admire his tenacity. Though it resulted in millions of my people being taken as slaves to the New World, America, I can still duff my hat to a small group of individuals who had the tenacity to cross the Atlantic ocean to open America to the world. You also have to admire the courage of the small group of diabolical individuals who set out to invade Africa and take our people as slaves. They braved the inhospitable environment and maneuvered our forebears into handing our brothers and sisters to them. A capitalist Nigger must develop the same killer instinct and death-wish as the Caucasian. He must develop this killer instinct as if he is to succeed in laying this assault on the corporate world. He must develop the same whatever-it-takes attitude of the Caucasian. He must keep his eyes on the prize – that is using the same means available to our brother-Caucasians to achieve his goal of levelling the playing field for generations of Blacks to come. A capitalist Nigger must not have anger which can disrupt his concentration. He must cultivate the friendship of the Caucasian, let him mentor him. Listen, right now, we must accept the fact that he is far too ahead of us for us to continue to sit on our high hides and allow him to move even further ahead. For goodness sake, we are already into the 21st century, and we have nothing to show for it either in Africa or in the Diaspora.


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