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IN THE VATICAN WITH THE HOLY FATHER Reception of the Sixt family by the Pope Francis


Support of the Centre Pédiatrique Saint Jacques in France

The Regine Sixt Children´s Aid Foundation enables the building of children´s homes, orphanages and playgrounds worldwide.


ion can t a c u d E Only ence t is x e o c l u eacef arantee p

Doing well by doing good! „Children have no words to express their sorrow. “Drying Little Tears” is committed to address the needs of the youngest, where support and medical care is necessary. In medical facilities and education projects, in schools and in kindergartens. Mainly in the developing and emerging countries and everywhere where sustainability is ensured.”



The Regine Sixt Children´s Aid Foundation Donation accoun: Bank: IBAN: BIC-Code: Reference:

Deutsche Bank München DE19 7007 0010 0746 5008 00 DEUTDEMMXXX `Drying little tears´

The entire sum of your donation will go directly toward the current projects.

Your entire donation goes to the relevant projects with no deductions.

Regine Sixt Chairwoman of the Regine Sixt Children’s Aid Foundation

DEAR READERS AND FRIENDS, the world is in troubled times. But the growing social inequality across the globe, the never-ending conflicts, and the devastating effects of natural disasters of all kinds, hit first and worst of all the smallest among us. It is the children who not only become victims most directly, but who are in a crisis situation also robbed of education and care and are often faced with an inhuman future.

But no child’s tears are less of a problem than another, so we’re equally dedicated to the tears of children in our own neighborhood. In Germany, we have been able to conjure up the laughter in the faces of hundreds of children in many projects whether in the complex construction of a children’s playground in which children with and without wheelchair can ride swings, seesaws and carousels alike, or creating play opportunities in social hot spots.

It is, therefore, the children who deserve to be dedicated to their suffering, to commit fully ourselves to them, and to devote our whole heart to them. With the Regine Sixt Children’s Aid Foundation “Drying Little Tears” we again proved in the past year, how much we can move, if we do just that!

Our help and our passionate commitment dissolve borders, conjure smiles on faces and create hope, security and new perspectives for the future. It is the light-heartedness that makes a child’s life worth living, and we do everything we can to give the children that precious feeling.

Together with the support of all of you, in many places we were able to liberate countless children from truly inhumane situations. Whether our intensive relief efforts after the devastation of the earthquake in Nepal, where we could give a new home to the children orphaned by the disaster or securing basic medical care of the Turkana tribe in Kenya and Ethiopia: it is the children to whom our commitment returns hope and security.

To achieve this great goal in even more places, for even more children in need, we build our commitment on trusting and dedicated collaboration with organizations worldwide who are closest to the children every day. With the help of the Order of the Knights of St. John or the Order of Malta but also smaller organizations, we create partnerships that ensure that every euro collected reaches every child without deduction or delay.

But this global network of dedication and passion for children in need is made up of us all, each one of you. And so I would like to thank you on behalf of all children for your personal commitment. However, a few weeks ago we were allowed to receive the greatest possible recognition for our mission together: in a private audience in the Apostolic Palace of the Vatican, the Holy Father Pope Francis received us to pronounce his personal gratitude and appreciation to the global SIXT family for our commitment in favor of the weakest. In a memorable and touching ceremony, the Holy Father shook hands with us, filling us with limitless motivation and strength to continue drying little tears. “Love is a bright force, is energy, is friendship, is brotherhood, is the will to be on the side of good.”


CONTENTS Drying Little Tears 1 / 2018



The cooperation with the Order of St. John We report about severval projects in the east of Germany.

With 115 projects in over 40 countries, the Regine Sixt Children‘s Aid Foundation already supports children in terms of care, education, health and relief.

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03 Editorial

18 France: Construction of a handicapped accessible playground

06 Courageous as a real Knight Cooperation with the Order of St. John 12 Drying Little Tears at the Holy Father 14 Our help worldwide 16 Barbados: For a life with a future



The Sixt-Netwok in more than 118 countries

20 USA: Shriners Hospitals for Children 21 Palestinian Autonomous Area: New school furniture for the LIFEGATE Rehabiliations Center 22 Hungary: Soup kitchen for children from impoverished families



Commitees and organisation

Your donation

The Regine Sixt Children‘s Aid Foundation wants to dry tears and depends on its honourable committee members, competent partners and dedicated team.

We offer our sponsors a wide range of opportunities to get involved and ensure that all donations reach the relevant projects with no deductions.

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23 Review


28 Drying Little Tears Day

PUBLISHING HOUSE premiummedia GmbH Joachim Fischer

30 The committees 31 Donate now / legal notices

ART DIRECTION Raphael Pohland Minister von Hammerstein CONTACT: Regine Sixt Children’s Aid Foundation Zugspitzstrasse, 82049 Pullach, Germany dryinglittletears@sixt.com www.drying-little-tears.com


COURAGEOUS AS A REAL KNIGHT! The Regine Sixt Children’s Aid Foundation “Drying Little Tears” and the cooperation with the Order of St. John.

“BECAUSE WE ARE AS COURAGEOUS AS A REAL KNIGHT!”, little Florian told us during a visit to one of the supported projects of the Johanniter in Tangermünde shortly after his first courageous leap from the new climbing ship “Regine”. To give children the courage of a knight, no matter where they come from or with what talents and limitations they live, this is the goal of the close cooperation of “Drying Little Tears” with the welfare service of the Order of Knights of St. John. In five effective projects, it has already been shown how united forces made the lives of hundreds of children more liveable. Care and Education - these are two of the most important pillars of a successful development of all children and at the same time two of the central goals of many supported projects of the Regine Sixt Children’s Aid Foundation. The Johanniter, once founded for the care of terminally ill children in Jerusalem over thousand years



ago, it is today a our trusted partner organisation. With its network of thousands of full-time and volunteer members, they are closest when it comes to to helping children in hospitals, outpatient services, education, care and recreation facilities for people of all ages and with a variety of illnesses. The Order of St. John is “very close to the people”, tells us the regional leader of South Brandenburg Andreas Winkler, “here, people trust us and know that we always help.” In order to effectively improve the lives of children together, this is the strong basis of the growing cooperation, because we are everywhere on the ground: with acute emergency aid in crisis areas worldwide but also to build playgrounds in the local neighborhoods. Because it is our common commitment to free children from often inhuman circumstances and to give them the

chance to have a childhood free of sorrow. For a dignified life begins with a safe, healthy and carefree childhood, in which the opportunity to play, learn and develop individual skills must be offered equally to all children.

Much has already been achieved with the support of Johanniter-Unfall-Hilfe e.V.: a family garden in Anklam, an inclusive kindergarten in the social hotspot in Halle, the family therapy center Schwerin-Leezen, the new children’s ship in Tangermünde as well as the integrative playground in Cottbus.





“The laughter of a child in a wheelchair when playing on a seesaw for the first time is an indescribable gift for us all.” Roland Hauke, Project Manager Johanniter-Unfall-Hilfe e.V.

As a global corporation, SIXT is a pioneer of unlimited mobility. And so it is more than just a matter of the heart of the Regine Sixt Children‘s Aid Foundation to overcome boundaries and promote mobility for children with disabilities. On this occasion ”Drying Little Tears” supports a project of the Johanniter in Cottbus, which has set itself the goal to create an innovative integrative playground for all children in which playing, moving and simply the joy of life has no limitations and boundaries. Parents repeatedly report the sheer sadness of their children with illnesses or disabili-



ties, who are sadly often deprived of the opportunity to simply play outside“ reports Roland Hauke, project manager of the integration playground of Johanniter south Brandenburg. „We have to do something!“, He remembers his own words. In that moment the vision was born to build a playground on the spacious grounds of the Johanniter in Cottbus, which is more than a playground without obstacles: it should be a place where joy of life, mutual support and exchange is truly lived. A place that allows carefree play for all children, so that the limitations of some, for a moment disappear in the laughter and fun.

But a playground that meets this vision but also the technical requirements, is a considerable effort, which is simply not possible without project-related support. „Every child deserves to be just a kid, to laugh and to play!“, Regine Sixt emphasizes her personal commitment to the courageous project. And the acceptance proves us right: the playground has become a unique place of joy and fun that overcomes countless boundaries.

„It is simply passion!“, the local volunteers to us and therwith share our strong Mission to do good together.

GAMES WITHOUT LIMITS Mobility means being able to move freely and independently. Thanks to the support of the Regine Sixt Children‘s Aid Foundation, a new ramp was created for the toilet facilities of the Johanniter office in Cottbus



Immense technical effort for a simple goal: to simply ride the carousel together. In cooperation with the Johanniter-Unfall-Hilfe e.V., we built this unique carousel on which six children and up to three wheelchairs find place.

The playground‘s trampoline is embedded in the lawn and allows it to be used without climbing. What looks like a small detail becomes crucial when suddenly children with mobility impairments can experience the vibration and movement of the trampoline.




In this project, the Regine Sixt Children’s Aid Foundation was able to make a highly targeted contribution to the Johanniter-Unfall-Hilfe e.V. And we are proud to see that our philosophy and passion to provide care to children results in such a celebration and sparkling joy for so many


FUTURE AHOY, CAPTAIN! Children’s Care is the central mission of projects like this, where we’ve been able to donate a new climbing ship to the “Little Knights”, Tangermündes largest kindergarten. “Little Knights” cares for over 200 children every day - a real challenge, to always create an inspiring experience to the little ones that is both fun and valuable in the education and development of the kids. For us, care and education is much more than just learning. It is common experience, the training of all the senses, the imagina-



for some fun on the inauguration of the ship.

tion and the physical abilities. Good equipment is a key to this, but often unaffordable for many institutions. Therefore, we are proud to support the Knights of St. John´s day care center to best support the development of the children. For this we have transformed the grey courtyard of the daycare with a new game ship in a real paradise of fantasy. The new game ship arrived in its new waters and was today hijacked by the first little pirates.

Now, just in time for spring, the ship has been completed: “Since the ship took shape in the yard, the children could not wait to storm and discover it,” says the head of the “Little Knights” Angela Grützman. And so today the ship was put to sea and was named “Regine” and will from now on be real a source of inspiration and fun for which the children could not be more thankful.

THE CHILDREN’S SHIP “REGINE” With pride, the children explore their new ship, which suddenly turned the backyard of the kindergarten into a favorite spot. With great gratitude, the ship was named “Regine”.

THE DAYCARE “LITTLE KNIGHTS” The supported institution is a true refuge of joy of life, sustained by the passionate commitment of the nursery teachers. The support of the Regine Sixt Children’s Aid Foundation makes it possible to combine limitless commitment and best equipment for the best future the children can have.



DRYING LITTLE TEARS AT THE VATICAN Reception of the worldwide Sixt family by Pope Francis VATICAN At the beginning of November 2017, the commitment of the worldwide Sixt family for children in need and sick children received a special recognition: On the occasion of the Annual Global Conference of the Sixt Group in Rome, individual representatives were received at an audience with His Holiness Pope Francis in the Vatican. In his speech, he thanked them for their many years of service in all parts of the world. “Drying Little Tears” is the official CSR program of the Sixt Group and encourages employees in 120 countries to get involved in children’s aid projects. In recent years, more than 115 projects and initiatives have been carried out and financed in over 60 countries.

The reception moved the representatives of the Sixt family, because the Holy Father took a lot of time and greeted everyone by handshake. Inspired by this unique experience and equipped with new energy, the work for the

children of this world will continue. The thanks also went to Regine Sixt, who, through her untiring efforts, made this life event possible thanks to her great personal commitment and dedication to the Sixt family.


Dear Members of the Sixt Family, Dear Friends, I offer a warm welcome to you, the representatives of the Sixt company from throughout the world. I thank Mrs. Regina Sixt for her introduction, which spoke of your shared commitment to works of charity, carried out through the Drying Little Tears Foundation and aimed above all at helping children in various situations of need.

You have assembled here in Rome to meet the Successor of Peter, who has a special place in his heart for the least and the most vulnerable of our brothers and sisters. Such are our children. Drying their tears through concrete projects of assistance is a way of combatting the culture of waste and helping to build a more human society.

These efforts allow you the opportunity to make your professional activity a noble vocation, by recognizing a greater meaning in life. Beyond personal and financial success, you are striving to serve the common good by working to increase the goods of this world and to make them more available to all (cf. Evangelii Gaudium, 203).

I encourage you to pursue your work in the conviction that God’s tender love can be seen in a particular way on the faces of innocent children in need of care and support. May the Lord reward your with his many gifts.

Mos t Hol y Fa th er,

I ask your prayers for my mission in the service of the Church, and to you, your dear grandchildren and all your families, I cordially impart my Apostolic Blessing.

REMARK SOF M R S . HONO R A R Y C O N SU L GENER AL R EG I N E SI XT N ov em be r 4t h, 20 17

Al l of us, wh o ga th Va ti ca n, ca m e l ik ered he re toda y in th e he art of th e e w orld, to hu m bl y pi lgri m s from al l pa rts of th e pa y respe ct to Yo u r Holin ess – as “Om nes via e Ro m am du cu n t”.

te ars of th e m os t v u th e ch il dren of th ln erable m em be rs of ou r so ci et y, e w orld. Tho se few m in u tes We ad m ire yo u fo , wh r yo u r w ork, as yo n ext to yo u, wil l em ic h yo u a ll ow ed us to stan d u go ou t an d re ac h ou t to th e po or fo r th e rest of ou r brace ou r he arts an d ou r so u ls ph ery of ou r so ci et , th e refu ge es an d to th e pe rili ves. May w e be in y. cl ud ed in yo u r exam pl e fo r al l of Yo u r Holin ess, yo u are a le adin g prayers fo r th e ti m es to co m e. us! I do n ot kn ow if it It is be au ti fu l to se is du e fo ho r yo u r gracio us ness e to m e, bu t m ay I as k yo u w yo u in te ra ct with ch il dr wh en ev er yo u m eet to gi ve yo u r en, m y th re e gran th em. dc hi ld re n Joha nn sp ec ia l bl essin g to a, Rap di na nd, wh o ju st We ad m ire yo u fo di sc ov ered th e w or ha el an d Fe rr yo u r de votio n fo tw in klin g eyes – an ld r su ffe ri ng ch il dren arou nd th d yo u r bl essin g fo r with th ei r e th w th e bi g pa rt e or Si ld xt , fa wh m ic h th il y, wh o ga th ered Sixt fa m il y an d m he re toda y, an d fo of e m ys el f try to m at e gl obal en ti re Si xt fa r th e m il y arou nd th e gl fo rm – with th e w ch – in du e ob e. or ti on “Dryin g Li ttl e k of ou r Ch il dren’s Ai d Fo u nd aTe ars”. We try to dr Yo u r Holin ess, th an y li ttl e be with yo u toda y! k yo u fo r gi vi ng us th e ch an ce to 13

OUR HELP WORLDWIDE So far 115 projects and initiatives in more than 40 countries have been supported

Countries in which we have already implemented projects or have advised on projects that are underway. Countries in which there is a Sixt office. Many of our employees invest their time as volunteers.






Emergency Aid


FOR A LIFE WITH A FUTURE Start-up assistance for children in the Caribbean Joachim Fischer

BARBADOS Even though Barbados looks as heavenly as on all the postcards - for the three-year-old Kaila sun, palms and sea are nothing more than everyday life. Her life, however, is not a piece of cake. For Jeanette, her single mother, it is not easy to get by. She works as a chambermaid in a beach hotel. She got lucky whe she was able to get one of the coveted places in St. Peter’s Daycare Center for her daughter.

“Today’s generation, tomorrow’s world.” Every weekday at 7:45 a. m. when Kaila’s mother arrives at the Daycare Center with her daughter seh looks at this sentence, written on the wall in large letters. Jeanette’s great hope is that one day her daughter will be better off. Education as well as trust in your own abilitis is the key to success here. Kaila gets both here, together with almost 100 other children, who all look into an uncertain future. Despite the fact that Barbados has not officially been listed as a developing country since 2011, there is still Need for external aid in order to make good progress. The pedagogical concept in the Daycare Center is ‘Learning by doing’. The children go to the zoo, as they should not have to learn from books only what animals look like. They are also being sent to the market with some change to learn how to save money. The concept is very successful: “Many children don’t even want to go home in the evening because they love being with us,” laughs Celeste Bowen, the Centre’s director.

“It gives me great pleasure to be able to once again support a project for the benefit of the children of Barbados by supporting WHIM.” Regine Sixt 16


“Regine Sixt is a philanthropist who is committed to improving the situation of disadvantaged people around the globe. She also shares her passion for this work with her business partners.” The Hon. Senator Maxine McClean Minister of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade, Barbados

“Learning for a good life.” Jeanette pays 40 Euro for her daughter’s place every week. Breakfast and lunch are included. This is not nothing, but the project must sustain itself. Besides this, there is no better start into the future for children than here at St. Peter’s Daycare Center. Therefore, the spots are very popular, as they have proven to be successful: “After 3 years with us, the little ones clearly have a higher social competence than the other children, when they finally come to school. They know how to work well with others and settle conflicts peacefully,” says Celeste Brown.

“We love our children.” This sentence is written on the wall as well. It fully applies to the always cheerful, maternal so-called “Aunties”. Usually tzhe atmosphere is very cheerful here and everyone laughs their head off. The 14 so called Aunties take care of the little ones in a touching way and assert their given educational principles with a gentle hand.

“MY HEART BEATS FOR THE CHILDREN OF BARBADOS!” “I admire the working mothers of Barbados who work so hard to raise their children on top of their own efforts to make a living for their families under such demanding circumstances. My deepest gratitude goes to the Rev. Canon Peter Haynes, rector at St Peter’s Parish Church and his wife, June, who have dedicated their lives to supporting and raising these poor children. They have created a truly loving environment for them!” Regine Sixt



Re-awakening vitality: The construction of a handicapped accessible playground for the children of the Centre Pédiatrique Saint Jacques in France SAINT JACQUES, FRANKREICH The Pediatric Centre of Saint Jacques for physical medicine and readaptation is the only pediatric health establishment in Gers, France. The centre focuses on children and teengers age 0 to 17, who are either physically disabled or who suffer from all kinds of traumas. The design of the treatment can lead to relatively long periods of hospitalization, from a few weeks up to severla months. After more than 50 years of use, the four buildings were antiquted and run-down and were no longer fit to cope with the demand oft he public. Thus, the Order of Malta France decided on an extensive renovation oft he whole centre. Mrs. Regine Sixt is always eager to help and support children and their families in need, which is why she decided to sup-



« It is particularly important for children and teenagers to make for menatl and physical variety during long periods of hospitalization, like in Saint Jacques, to give them the chance to fill up energy and cheerfullness » Regine Sixt

port the Order of Malta in this important project. This is how it came to pass, that the Regine Sixt Children’s Aid Foundation funded the construction of a handicapped accessible playground in the course of the centre’s renovation works. This colorfoul playground helps to diversify the dreary hospital routine and thus gives the little patients the opportunity to take their minds off their health issues. The playground is, however, more than just a welcome distraction for the patients. It also allows parents to build up a network of support and exchange information about health, education or discuss any of their other concerns. Moreover the playground helps to strenthen family ties, as it gives siblings the chance to learn and deal with the physical and mental disabilities. The playground also contributes to the health aspect : it allows the children to develop their psychomotor skills and it has a therapeutic effect at the same time, as it is a space where children learn to feel happiness again. The playground also plays into the hands of the educators, who can now design a more playful and therefore much more attractive re-education programme.



Warming children’s beds and special child carriers as a contribution of the Regine Sixt Children’s Aid Foundation for the important work of the Shriners Hospitals for Children in the USA.

SHRINERS HOSPITALS FOR CHILDREN The grand opening of the new US headquarter was only a few months ago. The Sixt family and the many guests remember the remarkable atmosphere of optimism. Among them were representatives of the Shriners Hospitals for Children, who were offered a considerable donation for the purchase of three warming children’s beds for the recovery room and two special child stretchers. The hospitals of the Shriners Foundation treat children from the USA, as well as from all over North and South America and Africa free of charge. Usually, these are the most severe burns or orthopaedic problems. Since 1922, more than 1.3 million children have been treated and op-



erated. With the new equipment we support this important work and at the same time hope to be able to help in the future. Not only do we want to rent out the best cars, we also want to be a committed and reliable partner for the needs of distressed and sick children through the “Drying Little Tears” initiative. The collaboration with the “Shriners” is another cornerstone of this social commitment, which distinguishes the large Sixt family and was ennobled by an audience with the Holy Father, Pope Francis. Already in summer Sixt employees were at the Shriner headquarters in Tampa and had prepared an unforgettable afternoon for the children.


New school furniture for the LIFEGATE Rehabiliations Center in Beit Jala, West Bank: LIFEGATE REHABILITATION CENTER The LIFEGATE Rehabilitation Center is located in Beit Jala, a Palestinian city ten kilometers south of Jerusalem and two kilometers from Bethlehem. For over 28 years, the organization has been working with children and young people with disabilities in the West Bank. Part of LIFEGATE’s work focuses on education and early intervention. In many cases, it is the neglect and shame of parents, but also the lack of support initiatives on the part of local authorities, which denies these children any kind of education and therefore access to social interaction. The goal of LIFEGATE is rehabilitation in school and therefore counteract illiteracy and promote social integration. Today, more than 200 physically and mentally handicapped children benefit from this offer. The Regine Sixt Children’s Aid Foundation, in cooperation with the association “Tor zum Leben” LIFEGATE Rehabilitation e. V., creates new ways to educate children by providing specially designed school furniture: Adjustable tables and chairs for the new building, which allow children with wheelchairs to finally take part in school lessons. In addition, there is a new teaching concept, which avoids teacher centered teaching and supports every children’s individual needs.




Together with the Order of Malta, the Regine Sixt Children’s Aid Foundation supported the completion of the existing shell of a soup kitchen for children from impoverished families in Pécs, Hungary.

The “Csilla’s House of Providence Pécs” is a social service provider of the Hungarian Order of Malta. For years, this institution has been operating as a soup kitchen to provide children and their families from the eastern regions of Pécs with a warm meal every day. Thanks to installing new equipment and the completion of the soup kitchen, the supply capacity was more than doubled: Today, around 230 poor children between the ages of 1-14 years old from the Pécs region, as well as 25 physically and mentally handicapped children from a nearby day-care center, benefit from the offerings of the facility. The “Csilla’s House of Providence in Pécs” also provides a delivery service that caters meals for 25 families and takeaway meals for a further 60 families. The completion and re-equipment of the kitchen helps to maintain the social kitchen service, which is very important for the region. It also provides shelter, security and an assured meal every day for children and their families. This project is one of many worldwide children’s aid projects, which are a result of the close cooperation of the Regine Sixt Children’s Aid Foundation with the Order of Malta for many years.





EQUIPPING THE MATERNITY WARD AND EQUIPPING THE CHILDREN’S WARD OF THE MALTESER INTERNATIONAL HOSPITAL UMUZIKE The Malteser Hospital was opened in 2009 with the support of the Maltese diocese of Osnabrück. Although the opening meant that the clinic was ready for use, even the most necessary furnishings such as children’s beds and incubators were missing. At that time it was impossible to even think of the fact that atmospheric purchases were also made: Especially in the maternity ward and in the pediatric ward for small patients up to 10 years old, there was a lack of curtains, heat-relieving fans or adequate light sources. Not to mention TVs and additional furniture such as sufficient seating and cupboards. Thanks to the support of the Regine Sixt Children’s Aid Foundation, both wards have been newly established. In addition to various purchases, floor coverings were renewed, missing doors were installed, leaking windows were replaced and additional lighting was installed.

“I am pleased that, in times of inflation in Nigeria and the prolonged droughts, we can help above all the smallest among us. They are our future and need all the support we can get, especially in the early years of life.” Regine Sixt


CONSTRUCTION OF A WHEELCHAIR CAROUSEL With this project, the close friendship of the Regine Sixt Children’s Aid Foundation and the children’s hospice Sterntalerhof is once again sealed: One year after the completion of the pedagogically established playground, a wheelchair carousel was added to the area. The experience of the first few weeks and months had shown that children with motor disabilities, especially the children with a wheelchair, have been disadvantaged. The Regine Sixt Children’s Aid Foundation is pleased to have been able to help again at this point.

“Even seriously ill children must be able to play. I am pleased that we have now managed to give motorically restricted children the chance to play by the construction of the wheelchair carousel.” Harald Jankovits, Sterntalerhof



COMMUNICATION AID FOR CHILDREN WITH PRONOUNCED SPEECH IMPAIRMENT Many young people with physical or mental disabilities are often at home on their own, while young people of the same age and without disabilities do sports or meet for other activities. Therefore, a group of Israeli children and youths between the ages of seven and eighteen decided to simply take their peers with health problems with them and to organize their leisure time together. The initiative behind calls “Krembo Wings” and was founded in 2002. Now the initiative is supported by around 5.000 young people from all over Israel. Imagination and commitment are sometimes necessary in order to break down the barriers between people with and without disabilities and to enable spontaneous and carefree interaction with each other.

“Sharing experiences is essential for friendships: thereby communication is irremissible and deepening mutual trust.” Regine Sixt

In many cases, technical solutions can help overcome barriers. However, due to the high cost of them, their purchase is not a matter of course for “Krembo Wing”. This applies in particular to the means of communication devices with which speechless or speech impaired people can express themselves. Regine Sixt was enthusiastic about the idea and did not hesitate to support the initiative “Krembo Wings”. With this commitment, it has given the linguistically limited members a voice.



“Children are the weakest in our society, and are therefore in need of our united efforts for them and their education deserve to be united in our commitment to them and their future.” Regine Sixt



In order to create future prospects for the disadvantaged children in Vietnam, the Regine Sixt Children’s Aid Foundation provided three mobile libraries. This project was realised in cooperation with the Dariu Foundation, whose two pillars of microfinance and education strengthen the poor, low-income women and offer disadvantaged children a future that would otherwise would have been denied to them. These libraries, which have been built from disused shipping containers, give the poorest of the poor in rural Vietnam the opportunity to access books they would never have seen otherwise. This also applies to the use of laptops with Internet access, with the aim of closing the knowledge gap between children in urban and rural areas.






The Children’s care center and hospice ‚Het Lindenhofje‘ in Amsterdam offers a home to chronically or terminally sick children from 0 to 18 years of age. It is a place where these children can relax and be at home, while being under the close supervision of professional caretakers who can provide anything they might need. Special attention is also devoted tot he emotional support and guidance neede by teh children and their parents, siblings or other family members. Until recently the house consited of the children’s bedrooms, several therapy or medical rooms, a kitchen, sanitary facilities and a small residence room. What was missing, however, was a second living room, where the children and their family and friends could spent time together during visiting hours. Thanks to Regine Sixt and her Foundation, the children now have a big and newly renovated living room, giving them the opportunity to enjoy each others and their visitors company.


“It depends on the project we will fund, but we will definitely double the donation”. Regine Sixt

No sooner said than done. The Regine Sixt Children’s Aid Foundation increased the amount and implemented the project in the Children’s Day Care Centre Grubenstraße in Moosach. w

Creativity and adventure are the first steps children take to explore the world. Through interaction, they learn to find their way around and communicate with each other. It is exciting when children of different ages, with and without immigrant backgrounds or with and without disabilities come together. This is exactly what the Day Care Center Grubenstraße in Moosach, a district of Munich, takes up: Connecting children from a wide variety of backgrounds. Therefor the day center offers an overall curative education programme for eight groups. The focus is on movement experiences to promote self-activity and initiative, cooperative action and body awareness. Thanks to the support of the Regine Sixt Children’s Aid Foundation and the generous donation from the wholesale market “Hamberg”, the open space of the Day Care Center Grubenstraße was redesigned. In addition to the redesign of the open space, a new play and climbing equipment was purchased, which is used by crèche children and older playmates from the kindergarten.

„The values of family is something that we take very seriously at Sixt. This is why there is no greater joy for me than to see these little children surrounded by their friends and family.“ Regine Sixt




“The inclusion of children with disabilities and the support of their parents and relatives is something that is very close to my heart.” Regine Sixt

The rooms of the initiative KinderLeben e.V. in Hamburg-Schnelsen are on the 1st floor. The rooms of the initiative did not have a barrier-free access. Thus before and after the regular meetings of children, families and supporters some of the disabled children had to be carried by to be able to attend. Thanks to the financing of the exterior elevator by the Regine Sixt Children´s Aid Foundation easy access can now be given to the meetings – and the supporter´s and parent´s power can focus on the care and support of their children.


CONSTRUCTION OF A SCHOOL IN MKENDA In the south of Tanznia there is a small village called Mkenda, which consists of no more than a few huts. Many people who fled Mozambique during the civil war, Muslims as well as Christians, live in this village and the outskirts of the region. Thanks to some merciful nuns, there already exists a well-attended kindergarten.

“Especially in impoverished regions such as Mkenda, it is extremely important to send children to kindergartens or preschools as parents often take their children to work on agricultural fields, for example, due to a lack of childcare facilities.“ Regine Sixt



In order to enable these children to continue their education after kindergarten, the Reiner Meutsch Foundation FLY & HELP envisioned the Building of a preschool, which can now be realised thanks to the Regine Sixt Children’s Aid Foundation. This preschool will consist of three rifferent classrooms, sanitary facilities as well as a kitchen in order to soon host about 120 children. It is thanks to the Regine Sixt Children’s Aid Foundation that these children are offered future prospects and can thus look into a brighter future.




Emergency Aid

Every child has the right to develop his or her abilities and go to school. But in many countries they do not even have the bare essentials. Adequate schools and good teachers are often in dire shortage. That is why we support and finance the building of classrooms and schools, develop learning programs and improve infrastructure on location.

Every child has the right to a family, to parental care, and to a safe home. But reality often looks quite different. That is why we support the building of children’s homes, orphanages, and playgrounds worldwide. We renovate children’s day care centers, especially for disabled and disadvantaged children who cannot help themselves.

The UN Convention guarantees the right to assistance and healthcare for sick children. We build clinics, mobile medical facilities, and intensive care wards in children’s hospitals. We provide medical equipment, and our staff visit sick children worldwide to help give them courage.

Catastrophes afflicting people and nations make children the ones suffering most. The UN grants them protection. To help guarantee this right, we support homes and schools for refugee children, send much-needed materials into disaster areas, and provide assistance with reconstruction.

The Regine Sixt Children´s Aid Foundation is focused on four fields of activity. Our foundation is based on the UN human rights conventions, because all children should be encouraged, protected an respected. 27



In the past few years, employees in all parts of the world have had the opportunity to be part of “Drying Little tears” at their locations; be it during Christmas or Easter visits to hospitals or barbecue afternoons and renovation work in the children’s aid projects supported by the Regine Sixt Children’s Aid Foundation. The well-being of the children was always in the focus. That’s why Alexander Sixt and his mother, Regine Sixt, decided to bundle this outstanding commitment and reorganize it under the name “Drying Little Tears Day”. (see the interview) Since January 2018, all employees have been given one day a year for volunteer work in the “Drying Little Tears” projects. It has already been seen that there is a great deal of interest and applications at many locations in Germany and abroad exceed the number of available offers. In the next issues of the Charity News we will tell you more about the “Drying Little Tears Day”. If you don’t want to wait until then, we will always keep you up to date on the newly designed website and in the social media.




Regine Sixt

Alexander Sixt

Sense of responsibility beyond the corporate boundaries. Promote employee potential, give freedom for personal development, and demonstrate public responsibility for social issues. In this interview, Regine Sixt and her son Alexander explain how Sixt combines employee promotion and charitable work.


nyone who demands a large amount of commitment and expertise from employees must offer the possibility of self-development in addition to career-development opportunities. For example, Sixt asks for and promotes voluntary work in addition to the job. At Sixt, success is not understood to be a matter of course, there is gratitude for this – and it is known that work by devoted employees is crucial for such long-term success. How do self-development and voluntary work fit together with the daily work routine? Alexander Sixt: Of course there are days when a lot of overtime is accumulated. But there are days which finish on time. And irrespective of workload, it must be possible to offer employees room for engagement. At Sixt we say that if an employee has a vision which is compatible with our mission statement and our values, then we give that employee the corresponding freedom to allow that vision to become reality. Because ultimately we are creating a win-win situation here: the employee can help to shape the company and feels validated. In turn, this strengthens the employee’s bond with the company, and the latter profits from that. What importance is corporate engagement accorded at Sixt? Regine Sixt: Corporate engagement is understood by us to be part of our entrepreneurial responsibility. For this reason, it is anchored in our company culture. This means that

we do not have only financial success in our institutions. However, we would also be glad sights when carrying out our business activ- if the employees go into the projects which the ity, but rather we also have an eye on its impact Foundation has promoted so far. on employees, society and the environment. Because we are convinced that only together What does the future of “Drying Little with all of those involved – state, economy Tears Day” look like? and society – can we successfully face the Regine Sixt: In the coming years, employees challenges of our time. Our should work in any country IF AN EMPLOYEE HAS corporate engagement takes where we are present with A VISION WHICH IS many forms. Above all, we Sixt. Our employees should COMPATIBLE WITH OUR feel at home in the global want to eliminate disadvanVALUES, THEN WE GIVE tages which have a social and network of the Sixt family THAT EMPLOYEE THE economic background. and live the spirit of the firm. CORRESPONDING It is my wish and my goal FREEDOM TO ALLOW The “Drying Little Tears THAT VISION TO BECOME that we have a project and a Day” is intended to recogDLT Day in every country. REALITY. nise employee commitment. What is the concept here? In addition to the employment-law prereqAlexander Sixt: This idea is intended to rec- uisites, have you taken any other measures, ognise the engagement of our aspirational and what are they? employees. But it was also important to me Alexander Sixt: We want not only for our emthat our employees’ wants and needs be pro- ployees to feel comfortable with the projects tected in terms of professional associations, and for them to be protected in that frameemployment law and actuarial aspects. work, but rather we also want employees to Regine SIXT: It is important to us to support be well-equipped for the projects. For this the employees’ actions. For this reason, there reason, we make a starter kit available. These will be an additional function on the HR contain t-shirts, hats and small gifts which platform “Sixt Force” soon. Employees will are for the institution or the children. be able to register themselves there for their The Children’s Aid Foundation team is also “Drying Little Tears Day”. reliant on supporting the projects and the planning of the DLT Day. Of course we are In response to the question about what insti- pleased when employees take photographs tution may be visited, Alexander Sixt adds: and make records of their experiences and We want to support employees in their private small stories. We are happy to report in social engagement as well. The team at the Regine networks or in our own “SIXT book” about Sixt Children’s Aid Foundation would be the activities to the entire world. pleased to accept suggestions for projects and


COMMITTEES Managing Board

Regine Sixt Founder and CEO

Alexander Sixt Board Member

Konstantin Sixt Board Member

Dr. Julian Freiherr zu Putlitz Board Member

Dr. Brigitte Mohn Advisory Council

Prof. Dr. Peter Biberthaler Advisory Council

Advisory Council

Prof. Dr. Marcus Englert Chairman of the Advisory Board

Dr. Daniel Terberger Advisory Council

Board of Trustees Deutschland

Board of Trustees International

Sixt Leaders Honorary Committee

Andrea Sixt Noni Sixt Mauritia Mack Börries von Notz Dr. Stefan Piëch Prof. Dr. Gabriele Kokott-Weidenfeld Prof. Dr. med. Dr. Chris P. Lohmann Michael Schade S.D. Alexander Fürst zu Schaumburg-Lippe Dr. Sigrid Streletzki Douglas Graf von Saurma-Jeltzsch Dr. Franz Graf von Salm-Reifferscheidt Ron Jakubowicz Prof. Dr. Kathrin Giehl Prof. med. Stefan Burdach

Dr. Sir Trevor Carmichael Lord Michael Anders-Cavendish Prof. Dr. David Khayat Michel Bouquier S.D. Hugo Fürst zu Windisch-Graetz

Per Voegeler Michael Meisner Jean Philipe Doyen Estanislao De Mata Perez Florian Weis Detlev Krehahn Rüdiger Proske Frantisek Pacek Christoph Beisheim Karen van den Boom Daniel Florence




DONATE NOW Donate easily online or by phone.


Visit our website regine-sixt-kinderhilfe. de/spenden. Here, you can find information on how to donate via mobile phone and online, as well as apply for a donation receipt. 100% of your donation goes towards the project. This is our promise. Thank you for your support.

Regine Sixt Children’s Aid Foundation bank account: Deutsche Bank Munich, account no.: 746500800 Sort code: 70070010 IBAN: DE19 7007 0010 0746 5008 00 Bank code: DEUTDEMMXXX Code word: “Drying Little Tears”

Your entire donation goes to the relevant projects with no deductions.


Regine Sixt Children‘s Aid Foundation We want to dry little tears Regine Sixt has always supported children in need from all over the world. In the year 2000, she founded the Association for Child Help “Drying Little Tears”, which was converted into the Regine Sixt Kinderhilfe Foundation in 2011. The Foundation supports measures to improve the health conditions and living conditions of children and adolescents worldwide. In addition, facilities for care, education and vocational training as well as social welfare facilities are promoted. Since 2011 the “Drying Little Tears” initiative has been the official CSR program of the Sixt Group and supports children everywhere in the world where Sixt is active. For example, in the construction of orphanages, children‘s hospitals, children‘s hospitals, kindergartens or schools. On a voluntary basis, the foundation is supported by Sixt‘s many employees in more than 115 countries around the world, who are socially committed at their locations, taking responsibility for their fellow human beings.


CONTACT Regine Sixt Children’s Aid Foundation Zugspitzstrasse, 82049 Pullach, Germany dryinglittletears@sixt.com www.drying-little-tears.com FOUNDATION BANK ACCOUNT: Deutsche Bank Munich account no.: 746500800 Sort code: 70070010 IBAN: DE19 7007 0010 0746 5008 00 Bank code: DEUTDEMMXXX Code word: “Drying Little Tears” WWW.DRYING-LITTLE-TEARS.COM

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