sisterMAG Issue 18

Page 208

Text: Elisa von Hof Layout: Helena Melikov

SLEEPING RAVES The early bird dances


Berlin, it's 6.30 am on an ordinary Wednesday morning. A colourful crowd of party people is standing shivering and chattering in front of a Berlin club at Friedrichshain. Those who think, these are night owls thrown out of a closing club who are now heading home after a long night out, those are wrong. These people are waiting at the entrance in order to dance before work – and they’re willingly giving up on some hours of sleep for that.

The first meeting is planned for ten o’clock, telephone conferences and full to-do-lists follow, a business lunch is scheduled and at the end of day, you intend to go to the gym – if you wonder when there will be time for a party with your friends when faced with this daily programme, you might be perfectly right for Breakfast Clubbing: partying before working life even begins. Starting at 6.30 am until late morning, dance-crazed workaholics and everybody who likes to get up early and move may begin the day together. One of these

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