sisterMAG Issue 6

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Issue N째6 March 2013 English Version

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Toni's editorial Toni welcomes you to this new ­issue of sisterMAG


Thea's editorial About cover & layout of this issue

12 14

Our winner of the Samsung Galaxy Cam 2013 – Year Of Books Donata Proske about the new ­initiative of sisterMAG


Startup Spotlight: Blinkist


Bookwatch Innovation

239 Imprint

canteen 118 Startup Spotlight: Kitchensurfing 126 Spicy Watermelon Salad A new kind of infographic by Sibylle Roessler

130 Guerilla Bakery Portrait & recipes of a new food ­initiative in Vienna

149 Cookbook Trends All books you need to have in your kitchen, curated by Katharina Höhnk

154 Royal Smushi Trendy food idea: combination of smorrebroed & sushi

TRANSPORTER Download the sectio n


Knit Section

188 Knitting – A Voyage Field report by Leonie Kau

194 Be-Knitted in Lecce – Fashion Editorial 208 How to make it right The history of knitting instructions by Victoria Kau

bridge 90 Work Lea Hilsemer about the significance and history of work

96 Home Office

216 Knit this: Hat Tutorial from Purl Soho 220 The Crafters Series: Pom Pom magazine 224 Knitting Party sisterMAG shows decoration ideas & recipes for hosting an knitting party

Ideas how to organise your workspace at home


108 Coworking Max Krüger about the concept of shared office spaces

112 Startup Spotlight: ShopLove

Health ward 168 Crossfit – Strong is the new skinny Introduction of a new fitness trend by Sandra Wolff

179 Don't abstain! Refuel! 182 The Franklin Method Mobility program introduced ­ by Ingunn Abraham


Digital Native Column About trends and utopias


Startup Spotlight: wywy


elle meets techcrunch Introduction of Tech Sites


Still Live Photography Elodie Love explains the trend and shows tips & tricks for Still Live Photography


Utopia Digital Museum Introduction of new concepts ­ by Jenni Fuchs


Architecture & Fashion in Tokyo A city trip by Sivan Askayo

con t



text & Foto Sivan Askayo L Elodie Love L

text Ingunn Abraham L Jenni Fuchs L Lea Hilsemer Katharina Höhnk L Leonie Kau L Victoria Kau L Max Krüger L Antonia Neubauer L Donata Proske Sandra Wolff

si st er M AG






Judith DeGraff L

Sabrina Bäcker

Marina Engelhart L

Ashley Ludäscher L

Kathrin Greyer

Chinyere Feasey L

Katharina Rose L

Sarah Müller

Simone Haffner L

Sibylle Roessler L

Antonia Neubauer L

Nicole Hawkesford L

Cristopher Santos L

Donata Proske

Laura Keitel Isabelle Koelling L



Lily Beckett L

Elisabeth Weber L

Katharina Kraatz L

Barbara Laneve L

Theresa Neubauer L

Amie McCracken L Marisa Nöldeke L



Evi Neubauer L

Theresa Neubauer L

Donata Proske

Theresa Neubauer L

Judy Torgard L

Antje Reiche Rachna Sahni L

models Stiene Vandenbulcke Christine Wolgast

01 /1 5


All images of the blue wall: Cristopher Santos

toni's editorial

DEAR READERS A new year is like a blank slate, new and exciting, but also uncertain and challenging. We felt similar late last year, when we thought about the sister足 MAG editions for 2013. We wanted to 足create something new and exciting, a kind of umbrella for the year 2013. What we came up with is an overall theme: 2013 will be the "Year Of Books". This means for one thing that you will find in every issue a number of articles about reading books, writing books, and making books. However, we will not only focus on printed books, but also cover the issue of digital literature. Furthermore, we have chosen a book for each edition, which by its title and its topic sets the tone and content of the respective issue. Our intern Donata tells you every-thing that you need to know about the "Year Of Books" in her article.

A new year is also always another beginning, that is a time when attempts are made to have a look into the future si

and to predict possible events and

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Thea & Toni


courses. In addition to soothsayers

disruptive innovation properly, which

and astrologers especially the media

was much easier for a "market-

dares to take a look into the future.

outsider" like Apple.

This is not easy because it challenges


us to put everything present and past in question, so you can see where the next great innovation is coming


Dilemma" not only provides the underlying shows







from and where it will lead us to. We

of how disruptive innovations, i.e.

have chosen the book "Innovator's

innovations, which help to create new

Dilemma" by Clayton Christensen to

value networks that ultimately replace

guide us in our search for "Trends and

existing ones, change entire markets.

Utopias" - the theme of this issue.

Photos: Cristopher Santos


This issue’s articles search for these

Have you ever wondered why Nokia,

"disruptive innovations" to find "Trends

Sony Ericsson or Motorola - for a

and Utopias" in many areas of our life.

long time leading producers of mobile

We start off with Katharina’s feature

phones - were not able to create such

about the latest trends in cookbook

an innovative device like the iPhone?

literature and get to know entirely new

It shouldn’t have been the reason that

concepts in the restaurant space with

they weren’t aware of the opportunities

Guerilla Bakery and Kitchensurfing.

brought upon by the technological

The working world is probably one

innovation "Mobile Internet”, since

of the areas that is changing most

even before the iPhone for example

rapidly at the moment. Whether

Nokia had launched the N95, a

coworking spaces or home offices,

device for Internet usage. However,

we tackle some of these changes. We

they were not in the position - due

have also borrowed the holodeck from

to their former business strategies

Star Trek to show you some digital life

and processes - to address this

innovations such as the first digital 01 /1 3


museum or developments in still life

to experience so much because of your

photography. In addition, TV has a big

positive feedback and loyal readership

spot. This medium will probably see

to sisterMAG. And we want to continue

huge innovations in the near future.

on this journey with many ideas in

I have made the self-test with a new

technology, content, design and sales

Internet platform for television. Even

that need to be realized. Therefore,

in the gym a lot is changing - with

we founded in January together with

CrossFit and the Franklin Method, we

Alex our own company, the Carry-On

introduce two new approaches.

Publishing GmbH, which will serve us

One of the biggest trends in the DIY

as a basis for all our future endeavours.

scene is definitely knitting. In our

We are super-happy to work on our

workshop everything is about this

big project together!!

ancient craft, which is currently

One of these new projects besides

experiencing a renaissance. As special

sisterMAG is already underway: the

treat we have put together all articles

launch of a new digital magazine -

on knitting from past issues as well

designed for a different audience with

as the present and made available for

a new direction. More information

you to download.

will be revealed soon on our blog, on

The new year was also a very special

Facebook and Twitter.

new beginning for the sisterMAG

Our very own vision for the future is

team. 2012 was an extraordinary

therefore to build a digital publishing

experience. We were able to learn and

house - and what's yours?

si st er M AG


Yours, Toni


symbols Ne w

On the first page of each article, jump to the next article = quick-jump through our issue.


External link.

u Internal link.

On the first page of a new article (bottom left), brings you back to the table of contents

Shows you a PDF download (e.g. our recipe cards)

On the first page of each room (section pages) you can directly jump to the next section.

Link to relevant 足Pinterest Board.

A magnifier or a little camera shows you a bigger version of the picture (iPad) or links to the picture on Pinterest (Browser).

01 /1 3


Each issue is unique because of the articles and topics. If I browse or swish through past issues, I however, also have the feeling of discovering the atmosphere of those months and weeks in the layout again. The mood of this issue is that of a cosy departure - a paradoxical mixture of feelings you might correctly note. On the one hand, we have made many changes. We have founded the digital publishing house Carry-On Publishing and there are now three of us with Alex. And our team has grown even further. Donata si st er M AG


is a great help, even though she lives far away in Ilmenau and studies, but she is always ready for any idea or task. Judy helped me with the layout of this issue! Another member of the team you can see on the cover of the issue: Chrissi supports us in presales and sales, and furthermore had to stand the terrible December cold in the courtyard of the Etsy Labs in Berlin for issue N째6 cover. The T-shirt, which fashion editor Evi embroidered with more than 100 balls of wool, was not very warm! The white skirt is a

Makeup by Lily Beckett L

curtain from my previous apartment (something which is now called upcycling - or recycling J). A special thanks also belongs to the jewellery label Nominations, which provided us with the customizable bracelets for our cover and fashion spread, which was shot in Southern Italy. You can try them yourselves here L. On the other hand, this issue is also pretty comfortable. A trend, which we have specifically addressed, is knitting. All section pages show miniature sweaters, hand knitted with darning

Photographed by Katharina Rose L


yarn and in the knit section you find even more sweaters made by Evi. The layout is inspired by these balls of yarn: everywhere you find circular elements, the quotations are hiding in the circles, and especially our knitting party on page 186 } is full of circles. As you can see, this time we have produced a lot of features ourselves again! We hope you enjoy the issue and look forward to your feedback via eMail, Twitter or Facebook.

Yours, Thea 01 /1 3


Heike from »relleomein« wins our Samsung Galaxy Cam

WE HAVE A WINNER! We have a winner for our giveaway with Vodafone L! Heike from the blog ­»relleomein« has won the Samsung Galaxy Cam L, a digital camera that lets you preview and edit your pictures on a huge screen as well as upload them directly onto Facebook, Twitter etc. Let us introduce Heike who will work with us on a feature for one of the next sisterMAGs. We are really looking forward to it! And .. thank you again very much for all your eMails, tweets and comments. I’m Heike, in my early 30s and in real life I’m a Software Engineer. I'm originally from Cologne in North Rhine-Westphalia and now live near Frankfurt in Hesse.

I started blogging because I had decided - despite my interest in creative skills and craftsmanship - for an IT job. In my spare time I love to do creative things and I love

Heike's blog:

relleomein L

photography. Therefore, after moving to Hesse, I began with my blog.


I mainly blog about DIY projects and recipes. For the latter, the focus lies on self-developed recipes without milk and onions. Since I’m intolerant to both, I had to muddle through on my own without any substitute products for years.

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Photos: Heike Niemöller

Anzeige Vodafonev

»A life without books is like a house without windows«


Reading is part of our lives since the

world. There are even books treating

very first book that has been read to us

the subject of how to talk about books

as children. We read for pleasure, we

you haven’t read. We are much more

read because we have to, we skim read

interested in the books you have

and we proof read. And just as reading

read and are reading, the books that

stays within our lives, so do all the little

touched you, stayed in your memory

and big stories. Reading makes us

and accompanied you.

explore new things, dive into matters,

sisterMAG decided to put the year 2013

lets us question relations and look at the world from a different angle. As we read every book against the background of our own experiences, the story turns into a very personal and unique product created by the eyes of the beholder. Not only is the story perceived differently by every reader but also the fascination of reading. While some like the smell of

under the guiding theme of “Year Of Books” and will dedicate each issue to topics, architectures and phenomena from the cosmos of literature and reading. As literary discoveries play an important role in this context, we invite you to collect book recommendations with us.


the printed pages and the deceleration

Follow sisterMAG on Facebook or Twitter

in times of digital data cascades, others

(#yearofbooks13 L), post your favourite

take great pleasure in re-arranging

book titles, explore the favourite books

and colour-coordinating their books

of others and if you are lucky, you and

or browse through dusty bookshelves

your recommendation might end up in

in antiquarian bookshops around the

one of the upcoming issues. n

st er M AG



WHICH BO ? 3 1 0 2 OKS DO YOU WANT TO READ IN »The Yonahlossee Riding Camp for Girls« by Anton DiSclafani. Already looking forward to it though it only comes out in June! @JessinBelgium

r This is a nice idea! I just started »E ist wieder da« (He's back) again.


One of the books I've received and am excited to start reading is Peter Mayle's »The Marseille Caper«

»Grown up digital« -Tapscott

Sandra H.

@lostncheeseland I want to reread »Das Dreizehnte Kapitel«

(The Thirteen's Chapter) by Martin Walser. A

great modern romance in letters.

Elisabeth W. « and ife w 's er el av tr e tim he »t h is fin t rs Fi nina« then hopefully manage »Anna Kare ting on ai w e ar s ok bo y an m so gh ou th al … my bookshelf. Anna K. »The bad girl« - Mario Vargas



Uschi G.



abbit« by R a s a w d o G n e h W » G. a in L . n a Sarah Winm


Llosa, »Lola Bensky« - Lily

It is A book on my list is »Half the sky«. opabout women and girls - and their ere is pression in the developing world. Th a tea whole movement behind this and e US. levision-series aired last year in th e first It moved me when I read about it th ible time ... I often forget what an incred all life I live and how blessed I am with M. la u rs U ! ve ha I that

Read highlights, so-called blinks, of nonfiction books anytime, anywhere. The experts at Blinkist read the books and aggregate the knowledge and ideas so they can be read in two minutes.

bli si st er M AG



st.c o

m L

o |  @blin kist L  |  facebook.c

eb m/th


tL s i nk


Explain in your own words the idea of your company. What are you doing?

respective field they write summaries

We are Blinkist and we tackle a problem

complex matters easier to understand.

that many people are probably familiar with: Often we find interesting nonfiction books that we definitely want to read. However, usually time is lacking and even those books that we buy are destined to sit around and gather dust on the shelves. Blinkist is an iPhone App that provides easy access to knowledge and ideas gained from interesting and inspiring non-fiction books. Our new format “blinks” has been specifically designed for mobile reading and provides the core contents of non-fiction books summarized in the form of small units which only take a blink of an eye to read

for and their way of writing makes even

What was the inspiration for your idea? We ourselves had the same problem: Unread books kept piling up on our bookshelves without even being read and we just could not find a proper solution to that. Then, one day, we asked ourselves: First, does a non-fiction book always need 300 pages to convey its main idea and concept? And second, isn`t there enough potential for a new format that matches today’s reading habits by extracting the main content of nonfiction books and making it as easily


available to the public as newscasts

Where do these summaries come from? Directly from the publishing house or from the readers?

How do you finance your company?

The summaries come from our own writers and a network of external writers. All of them are experts in the

and blogs?

Our product development and content production is financially supported via seed funding by Deutsche Telekom’s incubator program hub:raum. 01 /1 3


How do you earn money?

users to be able to access our app as

Blinkist provides high-quality content

soon as possible.

and solves a real problem that many people are familiar with which is why most of our users are willing to pay for our service. The user has to download our free app and can then choose three books on blinks for free to see how it works. Then, the user can either buy blinks for €1.79 each or purchase a subscription that grants full access to our library for a starting price of €4.49 a month.

Who do you see as your main compe­ titors? Well, there are already formats such as getAbstract that provide book summaries. However, our approach is quite different especially compared to those products on the market: First, our format adapts to everyday life and modern reading habits. Second, Blinkist does not only offer books about business & economics but also about

Where do you see yourself in five years?

politics & current affairs

Five years from now Blinkist will be an

fair and flexible pricing instead of

established provider for high-quality content that can be read anywhere, anytime. Newly published books will not only be available as hardcovers, paperbacks or e-books but also as

or popular science. And third, we offer overpriced long-term subscriptions.

What have you done before? Three of us went to university together in Marburg where we gained our


first entrepreneurial experiences by

Do you plan to implement the concept onto other technical platforms?

the end of 2011 we were introduced to

Yes, we are planning on developing an

eLearning platform PodcastU during

optimized iPad App in the foreseeable future. And we also want Android phone si st er M AG


founding a student consultancy. At Tobias who had already founded the his studies in Bamberg.


At the heart of our company: the content department. Our first team member was an expert on politics & society and a great writer.

How did you find your company name? Blinkist derives from the name of our new format and is the platform for Last year we finally met again in Berlin after working at strategy consultancies,


corporate groups and startups.

How did you come up with your com足 pany colours?

Who was your first team member (in which department?) outside the founding team?

Green stands for growth and innovative ideas which is exactly what we want to offer to our readers.

01 /1 3


In which city are you located?

Main food during starting up phase?

We are based in Berlin. If you are into

Well, Club Mate is simply mandatory

business building you will simply find no

to survive long working hours. But

better place than the city of Berlin.

besides that, we have become very fond

Most often used software?

of Kässpatzen (cheese noodles) – a perfect dish for evening team meetings,

Boring but true: Microsoft Word. The

prepared with five secret ingredients by

content is the heart of our startup

our CCO Sebastian. n

which is why we spend most of the time writing text documents.

si st er M AG





In the spirit of sisterMAG's i­nitiative

"Year Of Books" (see page 14 }) we have tweaked the section ›blogwatch‹ into ›bookwatch‹ – a selection of books you shouldn't miss. On this page you'll find the Must-reads about our focus topic INNOVATION.


Andrew Blum

An exciting journey inside the infrastructure of the Internet and a passionate plea to preserve the openness and innovative potential of the web.



Peter Sims


Innovation as product of discovery, not inspiration. How entrepreneurs, artists and creatives go out, discover, test, tweak and start over again.


Michael Michalko

Methods for generating ideas: games, tactics and methods.





Steven Johnson

Clayton Christensen

Seven patterns that help to create innovative thinking and to establish respective structures.

When New Technologies Cause Great Firms to Fail. Standard book about disruptive innovations. 01 /1 3



te xt & illustration Thea Neubau

er L



I owe a great deal of my affinity for technology, digital life and innovations to my mother. I can still see myself as a little blond girl at the age of four sitting in front of the TV at 3:45 pm framed by my teddy bear and a doll watchich Star Trek. My childhood was shaped by Picard & Riker, by the socializa­tion problems of Data and creepy aliens such as the Borg or Cardassians. Probably a quite uncommon activity for a little girl. In retro­spect I know that these series taught me a lot in terms of the coexistence of different races – or the appearance of wormholes ;). Good science fiction movies have always been striving to draw a truthful picture of the physical and technical relations of actions. Even though I didn’t understand all of it as a little girl, I was nevertheless mesmerized by the flashing displays, the tricorders or – as known from the original version with Captain Kirk – the little communication devices the captain used to swing open with a nonchalant movement of his hand. When I let my eyes wander in public places these days – in cafés, on the train or at the airport – I find that reality is in every way equal to the directors’ and screenwriters’ former dream – maybe even a step ahead. si st er M AG



translation Donata Proske

When I bought my very first mobile phone, a Motorola RAZR, I couldn’t help but feel an irrepressible suspicion that Kirk’s communication devices must have been used as prototypes. I never got the grasp of the nonchalant hand movement though. Another example: on the first Enterprise they had sliding doors which opened and closed with a characteristic »swish«. In truth, they were moved with ropes by set assistants behind the scenes. Nowadays, the job description of »Sliding-Door-Operators« has gone missing! By now, even the vision of




monitors has come true. We operate tablets and smartphones with a simple touch of our fingers and communicate via visual telephony – admittedly not with extraterrestrials but with our mothers, sisters or maybe





machine or television which have become »intelligent« in recent years.

According to Star Trek television won’t exist by 2014! A couple of years ago, we would have thrown our hands up in horror at this idea. Today, there is SmartTV, movies can be watched over the internet and the screens keep getting bigger. Maybe we are closer to the »Holodeck« than we think. This is why we dedicate a whole section of the current sisterMAG to this room. Back then, the world created by the makers of the series seemed utopian – a pipe dream. While we colloquially use the term »utopia«and the derived adjective to address conditions or subjects that don’t exist yet, this linguistic usage is in fact misleading. The utopia in the series was not only stemming from the fact that Scotty was able to beam his team into space by simply pressing a button but even more so from the fictitious social order that was depicted in these series.

*In: »The Neutral Zone« – Star Trek NG, Season 1, Ep. 26

Star Trek: Room, in which any virtual ­world can be simulated using holography and replicator technique.

01 /1 3


An utopia as such – regard­ less of its classification as positive vision or pessimistic utopia – always has a component critical of society. Classics in the field of utopia like Morus’ »Utopia« or Kleist’s »The Earthquake in Chile« claim that a better society is possible. The





portrayed this better society and simultaneously put changes in the real world into effect in real-time:

The mind behind all these ideas was screenwriter and producer Gene Rodenberry who did not refrain from breaking through the limits of science and social realities in his series. »Star Trek was a catalyst which always tried to understand human nature and the never ending search for a better world.«

astronaut, flew through space with

One episode in particular out of the multitude of episodes from the five different seasons will always stay in my mind. In »The Neutral Zone« one is introduced to three people who have themselves frozen in 1994 due to an incurable illness raging that year. The cured survivor Ralph Offenhouse – a financier – is shocked by the new social order, or as the captain puts it: »A lot has changed over the last 300 years. People aren’t obsessed with accumulating things anymore; we have eliminated

the Endeavour space shuttle in 1992

hunger and the human want for

in her role as »Uhura« Nichelle Nichols was the first Afro-American Star Trek Next Generation, Season 1, Episode 26

and incidentally played a guest role in »Star Trek Next Generation«. TVutopia and reality reached its climax.

woman on TV who did not represent a slave or a maid. This made her an inspiration for many women. It was in the 60s when the first Afro-American astronaut Mae Jemison watched the adventures of the lieutenant of communication. She didn’t care that the majority of astronauts at that time were white. She fulfilled her career dream and became an

si st er M AG


1 About Trek Nation. At L


property. Humankind has grown out of its infancy«. In Gene Roddenberry’s vision the elimination of money, values and property leads to a better society.

been founded online and in real life in

This concept is debatable as socialism and communism have shown that the human race is not (yet?) ready for such a society. Nevertheless, these ideas keep taking roots in peoples’ minds as measured by the number of social startups and non-profit initiatives. The DIY-platform Etsy regularly hosts a big conference under the name »Hello Etsy« which covers subjects like sustainability and small businesses. It was on one of these occasions that cofounder Matt Stinchcomb outlined the idea of the Etsy-coins – as possibility to uncouple from the currency system (possibly more in jest but with a small spark of hope in his voice).

cases is the underlying objective still a

A similar wishful thinking is conveyed by the numerous swap meetups, parties and platforms which have

what's the challenge then?« – »To

still sceptical. How much idealism is behind these initiatives, in how many commercial onw and how workable are these approaches? The need for nice things remains – at least in the year 2013 – among people (me included). Such an idealistic society probably only works under the condition that science will one day be able to determine how to produce goods from energy so that a

»replicator« could replicate the

handbag of our dreams on command. Another interesting issue is stimulated by the earlier mentioned financier Offenhouse at the end of the episode. In response to Picard’s remark that material needs will no longer exist in the 24th century, he wonders: »But improve yourself, to enrich yourself.« – what a noble notion! n

01 /1 27


2 From: »The Neutral Zone«, Star Trek Next Generation

recent years. Nice as this seems, I'm

Watching TV and interacting about it? The Second Screen app »wywy« detects the audio on a current TV show and checks you in. In return you receive bonus points, shopping tips and a live chat. This is just the beginning of the so-called Second Screen revolution.


w yw

st er M AG

28 m

/w L  |  m o c . k @wywy L  |  faceboo

tv y wy



Explain in your own words the idea of your company. What are you doing?

the technical possibilities for real-time

TV is more fun with the Social TV App

of useful devices for direct interactivity

wywy. Users can collect TV bonus points while watching TV and redeem them for rewards. They can live chat about the current TV program or buy clothes being worn in their favourite TV series. The app detects the current program through its’ audio and automatically checks in the user. All the »contents« of the programme will be transferred in real-time onto the smartphone screen.

During which TV program is the second screen most used? »How I met your mother« and »Tatort« (a German crime series).

We are intrigued by the endless for


between users and the program itself were just not ready.

How do you finance your company? We are supported by Cipio Partners during the early stage phase.

How do you earn money? We offer our technology and the Second Screen products as services to other companies. For the Second Screen app we are planning advertising that is synchronized with TV advertising

Where do you see yourself in 5 years? When watching TV the second screen

What was the inspiration for your idea? opportunities

communication and the dissemination


television experience, as a result of the sudden proliferation of smartphones. Ever since the start of television the chatter about the TV program was almost as important as the watching itself. The most recent episode has often been then focus of discussion the next morning on the playgrounds or during coffee breaks at work. But

will be as normal as the remote control. We are part of the second screen value chain through an app, through our technology or through other innovative ideas.

Who do you see as your main competitors? Second screen provider like Couchfunk or Zapitano, although this is more a development of the market together with each other. We constantly compare notes and check where we can help 01 /1 3


each other – for example, how we can help with our audio-recognition technology.

What have you done before? We




entrepreneurs. Andreas as founder of the language portal, Tobias at MineWolf (Humanitarian Demining).

Who was your first team member (in which department?) outside the founding team? IT

What is the meaning of your company name?

Andreas Schroeter & Tobias Schmidt

wywy stands for »what you watch yourself«.

How did you come up with your company colours? The colour orange looks good. It’s fresh, young, modern, innovative, bold – simply up-to-date. Which other colour can do that?

In which city are you located? We are based in Munich.

Most frequently used software? Google Chrome

Main food during starting up phase? Coke Zero, maybe now Clubmate? Plus 114, 80 (Pizza Capricciosa, pre-cut at our favourite pizza delivery). n

si st er M AG



sound pic Song: Walk This Land by E-Z Rollers

DMY Berlin: Publisher Toni strolled across the DMY Berlin in June 2012. Trends and 足utopias everywhere! 01

Yes, Toni is a huge Drum'n'Bass fan!

/1 3


elle meets techcrunch si

overview table page 34

st er M AG


by antonia neubauer L reading guide page 38

short profiles tech sites page 40


At a first glance tech sites – news sites about technology and trends – appear to be only of interest to tech-savvy men keen on start-ups. They seem nothing more than a series of short articles about small, unknown companies supplemented by a couple of updates about Google, Microsoft and Co. in a rather uninspired layout.

As we have told you some times before, we at sisterMAG are huge fans of tech sites, as they are the best source for the latest trends and also you always find companies that finally realize ideas that you have been waiting for. With this article we therefore want to introduce you to some of the most interesting

sites worldwide and to give you some best practise tips for reading. Moreover four tech site editors get the chance to speak for themselves and tell us their highlight articles in 2012, the trends for 2013 and a few of the best Twitter accounts everyone should follow.

01 /1 3


Name & URL TNW – The Next Web L

All Things D L

The Verge

Geographic Focus

Site Design

Worldwide with North America and Europe as key geographic areas

Recently redesigned International perspec news about Internet for a primarily and culture tablet using readership

North America (part of WallStreet Journal)

Classic Website / Blog layout

Devoted to news, an on technology, the In Fusion of different m topics, different form sources.

North America

Modern web design with pinterest-style layout for latest stories

Intersection of techn art, and culture. In-d long-form feature st news coverage, prod community content.

North America

Responsive web design putting tablet first

Tech blog about web services and web de

North America

Freshly redesigned site with HTML5 features and deep social media integration

News, information & Connected Generatio digital innovation and and inspires people a

North America

Classic Website / Blog layout

Deep insight and ana companies, people an the business of techn L

ReadWrite L

mashable L

GigaOM L

si st er M AG


Content Focus


Social Media

Who twitters?

Twitter, ctive on the latest t technology, business Facebook, Google+, Flickr, Pinterest, Linkedin, Tumblr

Changes every week, interesting: Twitter lists, e.g. Apple Top25

nalysis and opinion nternet and media. media styles, different mats and different

@waltmossberg, @karaswisher & AllThingsD EditorsTeam




nology, science, depth reporting, tories, breaking duct information,

Not specified Facebook, Twitter, Google+, @verge Tumblr, YouTube

b technologies, apps, sign.

Twitter, Facebook, Google+, Linkedin

ReadWrite Team

& resources for the on. Importance of d how it empowers around the world.

Twitter, Facebook, Google+

Pete Cashmore & mashable editorial team

alysis of the nd trends disrupting nology.


@mashable Twitter, Facebook

Not specified @gigaom

01 /1 3


Name & URL

Geographic Focus


Site Design

Content Focus

North America

Design based on blog heritage

Disruptive technolog in our lives.


Company website rather than media site

Business and technol women. Focus on ho and global businesse


Classic online media Intriguing startups, v entrepreneurs, advic site businesses. L

The NextWomen L VentureVillage L L Silicon Allee L Gr端nderszene L

Deutsche Startups

Germany, Classic online media News and trends from speaking Internet sce Switzerland, Austria site and stories not publis

Berlin and Germany Classic online media Stories in English abo Germany-based star site

Germany, Classic online media Online magazine for Focus on startups, In Switzerland, Austria site industry.


Classic online media Daily news about the Interviews, portraits site founders as well as m analysis.

Worldwide with North America, Europe and Japan as key geographic areas

Classic online media site

TechCrunch L

si st er M AG


Technology media p to obsessively profil reviewing new Inter breaking tech news.

HOLODECK Social Media

Who twitters?

gy and why it matters Twitter, Facebook, Google+, Linkedin

Not specified

logy news for ow to build scalable es.

Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin

Not specified

visionary ce and inspiration for

Twitter, Facebook, Google+

Not specified

m the GermanTwitter, ene. Focus on analysis Facebook, shed anywhere else. Google+

Not specified

out Berlin - and other rtups.

Twitter, Facebook

Not specified

the digital economy. nternet and mobile

Twitter, Facebook, Google+, YouTube, Xing, Pinterest

Not specified

e Internet scene. s of startups and market segment

Twitter, Facebook, Google+

Alexander (@azrael74)

property, dedicated ing startups, rnet products, and .

Twitter, Facebook

Not specified





@siliconallee @gruenderszene



01 /1 3


reading guide

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Have a look at the sites at your leisure and not just once. Each site has its own, somewhat different focus. Some rely on newspaperlike, daily reporting, others on background reports. The editorial team of sisterMAG for example prefers »The Next Web« for daily news and »netzwertig« for background analysis.

If you identified one or two favourites, it makes sense to subscribe to their newsletter. By this you will receive an overview of all the major issues once a day. You can then deliberately go for an interesting article.




Find out what social media channels are used by the editors especially. There, the editors often post their scoops, i.e. the latest, exciting news.

Use the various sharing options offered by the tech sites and fill your preferred social media channels with interesting information. We for example are regularly posting news, statistics and studies in the fields of digital life and apps in our Twitter channel 足 @sister_mag.



If you follow a site over a longer period of time, you will realize through the repeated coverage of similar companies which topics are trending. Like this you were able to pursue the breakthrough of social networks, then gaming and eCommerce. Through their regular reports on interesting new platforms and tools such as Pinterest, you can become an early user.

01 /1 3


What is the USP of GigaOM?

GigaOM provides deep insight and analysis of the companies, people and trends disrupting the business of technology. We really look at the seismic shifts that are taking place -- not the mere trends of the moment, but rather the major shifts in technology that will fundamentally change business. And we put those changes into a strategic context for our readers. 3 main focus topics of netzwertig

We provide analysis and insight on the companies, people and trends disrupting technology and help readers understand how those disruptions will affect business and expose new markets. How is your editorial team organised?

Ernie Sander is our executive editor and he works closely with news editor Tom Krazit. Ernie is responsible for the editorial strategy, budget and staff. Tom oversees dayto-day editorial operations for GigaOM and paidContent. They are supported by our staff of 18 full-time writers and editors, an editorial producer and a copy editor. What is the favourite social media channel of the GigaOM team?

Twitter (but Instagram is a close second). Name 3 twitter profiles, our readers should follow

short profiles @GigaStacey, @katiefehren, @Om si st er M AG



What is the USP of netzwertig? reports on news and trends both in the German and international iInternet industry. We publish stories and analysis that you haven't read in this form anywhere else in this form. 3 main focus topics of netzwertig

Start-ups, digitalization and their effects on society, the big players within the internet industry.

What was the most surprising story in 2012 for you?

That the German Federal Government has in fact adopted the draft law on intellectual property rights. So much ignorance and lack of understanding for the digital world hurts. Predictions for 2013: tech/internet/ digital trend and rising star in the

How is your editorial team organised?

start-up scene

Decentralized, a physical office is not necessary. Communication is primarily via Skype and email, and we also test every now and then new collaboration tools every now and then.

I skip predictions this year, as they are nothing more than guesswork. No one can predict the future.

What is the favourite social media

No single twitter profile is especially important or somehow irreplaceable. It’s all about the mixture.

channel of the netzwertig team?

We love all :)

Name 3 twitter profiles, our readers should follow

01 /1 3


What is the USP of VentureVillage?

We're people. With personalities. We're not just rewriting press releases about funding rounds. We want to capture the passion, the people and the places that make the start-up scene such an exciting space to be

didn't expect it to be so resonant. It's now at 176,000 likes on Facebook!

3 main focus topics of VentureVillage

start-up scene

Intriguing start-ups, visionary entrepreneurs, advice and inspiration for your business

Predictions for 2013: tech/internet/ digital trend and rising star in the

Managing Editor running things, News Editor, Features and Multimedia Editor, Junior Writer and Intern

Well – I'm really excited about taking online to offline experiences, such as Sofar Sounds, new educational platforms, such as Codecademy, health and quantified self tech, social discovery platforms based on peer recommendations. I could go on!

What is the favourite social media

Name 3 twitter profiles, our readers

channel of the VentureVillage-Teams?

should follow

How is your editorial team organised?


Well, @VentureVillage obviously! As What was the most surprising story in well as that I would say the 2012 for you? @Überlin guys – really cool, wellIn terms of traffic, the one that informed bloggers from the UK and really blew us away was »How to Be @Angela_D_Merkel – she's very German«. It was written by a really honest on her Twitter account :) Oh, talented contributor of ours, but we and me: @linseyfryatt. That's four.

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What is the USP of The Verge?

We started The Verge because we realized that technology was having such a huge impact on culture that we needed a new kind of publication to talk about it. We all grew up reading great magazines, and we wanted to bring some of that to the web, without losing any of the immediacy that online media has to offer. The Verge runs on Chorus, our own inhouse publishing platform built from the ground up — our developers work closely with our editors to build new features and experiences constantly. Our incredible feature layouts are a good example of that collaboration, as are other custom tools like StoryStreams, which help us organize stories that take place over weeks, months, and even years. We're also heavily focused on video production, and we have an incredible

video team that's always pushing the boundaries of what you can do with video on the web. They're making little documentaries alongside our reporting. 3 main focus topics of The Verge?

Our tagline is that The Verge covers the intersection of technology, art, science, and culture. That's a huge set of things, and it allows us to cover pretty much anything we think is interesting. And as technology culture becomes the dominant culture, we've found ourselves doing everything from movie reviews to news about the latest iPhone to interviews with senators about privacy legislation. How is your editorial team organised?

Our team works very collaboratively. Everyone from our Editor-in-chief to our Interns is encouraged to contribute to the discussion and production of our stories. Its kind of one big crazy hive mind.

01 /1 3


What is the favourite social media channel of the The Verge team?

We like them all for different reasons, it just depends on the circumstance. What was for you the most surprising story in 2012?

How quickly and thoroughly mobile devices like smart phones and tablets have taken over from PC's and how much Microsoft has to catch up, despite a series of major launches like Windows 8, and Windows RT. Predictions for 2013: tech/internet/ digital trend and rising star in the start-up scene

The living room is set to be a major battleground this year. In some ways it's one of the last unconquered frontiers in the home, and all of the major players – companies that people interact with every day – are vying for control. Name 3 twitter profiles, our readers should follow

@verge, @joshuatopolsky, @reckless We have created a Twitter list with si

all suggested profiles. Click here to

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see! n



»Curtains« by photographer

Katrina Leno L found via Flickr L

Song: Sense by

Tom Odell

Album: Songs From Another Love

01 /1

We first noticed singer Tom Odeel during the Burberry runway show for spring 2013 because of his beautiful song »Another Love«. Our PICture »Sense« is both melancholical but strong and somehow not sad!






Introduced by:


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01 /1 3


Still Life Photography is the depiction of inani­mate subject matter, most typically a small grouping of objects. Still Life Photography, more so than other types of photography such as landscape or portraiture, gives the photographer more leeway in the arrangement of design elements within a composition. [… It] is a demanding art, one in which the photographers are expected to be able to form their work with a refined sense of lighting, coupled with compositional skills. The still life photographer makes pictures rather than takes them. Knowing where to look for propping and surfaces also is a required skill.

This is the definition of Still Life Photo­graphy given by Wikipedia. It’s a discipline I have been interested in for a long time, and which I use in my blog L, mostly through flower photography, sometimes food and other inanimate objects. When you hear the word »still life« or in French »nature morte« (dead nature) you probably associate it with the Dutch and Flemish painters from the 16th and 17th Century, but it is still a growing trend in photography and is a beloved topic for Instagram and blog photography. I will introduce you to Kevin Best, one the most talented living still life photographers and give you some tips to achieve great still life photography at home. si st er M AG


Click here to see more images!




Still Life Photography is something that has been seen in interior magazines for a long time, but it is also a growing trend on lifestyle and food blogs. The idea is not only to show a new product or a new cake recipe, but to arrange it in a tasteful way that makes you curious or hungry, with a bite missing and some crumbs on the side of the plate, or with some candles framing the new decoration you want to show on your blog. It’s all about visual story-telling and making an image interesting for the eye. It can be anything, a couple of books on a table, next to a cup of steaming tea with a candle, a bunch of flowers with fruits to the side. I like how photographers or stylists can display a scene to make you imagine what happened just before the photo was taken. The growing success of Instagram also illustrates this trend, as the most successful instragramers, such as sandrajuto L and apieceofcake82 L, use a lot of the still life photography composition techniques in their pictures. 01 /1 3




International museum of photography in Hamburg, Germany

If you read the kindle book on a Mac, PC, or a colour mobile devise using the kindle software the photos are in colour.

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Lately, I was trying to learn more about still life photography and visited the museum shop of the Deichtorhallen. I couldn’t find any books solely on the subject, thus I continued searching online and found a beautiful book on Amazon called »Still Life Photography« by the Australian artist Kevin Best.

I already knew Kevin Best through a couple of his photographs from the German art gallery Lumas. Kevin’s speciality is the reinterpretation of the Flemish and Dutch golden age paintings. »Still Life Photography« was published in June 2012 and is full of technical and styling tips that can also be used in food or flower photography.

I had a very interesting user experience reading Kevin’s book. I bought it on Amazon as a Kindle book. I thought at first that this could be a mistake as it is a book about photography with a lot of pictures. On the contrary, I found it was a very interesting experience. I devoured the book in a couple of days, and I love the fact that you can take notes on your Kindle and mark the passages you want to read again later. It was a bit frustrating, though, seeing Kevin’s beautiful pictures in black and white, so I visited his Flickr Gallery L. After finishing the book, I wrote an e-mail to Kevin, asking him if he would be willing to do an interview, and he agreed straight away. Read his answers and click on the images to see them in full size.


What motivated you to become a Still Life photographer? While studying at The Australian Centre of Photography one of the assignments was to create a still life. In studying the history and symbolism of them I became deeply interested in the process of creating narratives from inanimate objects. I also found the practice really suited my temperament as it requires patience and technical skill.

Mostly landscape, travel

What is it about still life photography that you love?

photography and surreal

I find them very beautiful, they can be deeply


meaningful and highly contemplative.

What did you do before?

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What do you find fascinating in the paintings of the Dutch masters? They developed a large range of fascinating symbols that resonate to They were technically flawless and

What is the importance of compositional and styling skills for a still life photographer?

able to handle highly complex

A composition gives the eye somewhere

compositions in a very

to travel and somewhere to rest. Styling

harmonious way.

gives the piece a look that makes it

this day.


Where do you find your props for the photo shootings? Do you go to flee-markets, or do you shop on e-bay? I go to flea markets and auction



stores, eBay, and if I can't find what I want, I make it.

What type of camera and lenses do you use? I use a medium format digital




50mm equivalent lens.

Do you often use flowers in still life photography? If yes, which flower is your favourite? Occasionally I tackle flower pieces, like the Dutch, I love tulips and irises.


How do you use Flickr for your communication?

Do you think it is a useful tool as a photographer?

I discuss my works there, get lots of tips

I have been discovered by a number of

from other photographers, from the

galleries via Flickr, have been published

correct stitching on a napkin to details

in numerous magazines via Flickr, but

on ancient violins, it has certainly made

more importantly the constant feedback

my work look more authentic. Other

encouraged me to continue with my

photographers have also inspired me

practice and keeps me motivated.

in subtle ways.

Do you upload every new photo on Flickr? No, only the few I think are worth discussing.








Still life with apples in the style of Cezanne I've just finished shooting a cookbook, which is mostly french food. It was fantastically challenging. I now have great respect for food photographers. This is the /1 55


Cezanne [‌]. – Kevin Best on Flickr


only one that resembles a still life. It's in the style of








left: Still Life Flowers, Lemons, Violin »A fantastically difficult image to bring together. The table is new as is the rather loud cloth. This was made for a commisson I've been working on, this one didn't make the final cut. Which is still deep in the approval process. I'm quite pleased really, because I really like this and it would be a shame to not be able to edition it.« – Kevin Best on Flickr

right: Still Life with crab, pineapple cup and lemon »This particular still life




swimmer crab, they are blue, but turn orange when cooked. I spent some time selecting one with a nice pattern. I think the people at the fish markets must think I'm mad. It's in the style of Willem Kalf.« – Kevin Best on Flickr

at home



Before starting your photo shoot, you should sketch the photo you want to achieve in your head, think about the story you want to tell and maybe take a little tour of your home and look at the little things you like and could inspire you for a photograph. It could be any of the items on the right.

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A globe

A spoon collection A vase or a glass full of wine An object you brought back from a trip abroad A book or a pile of books Some feathers A pretty looking fruit: in classical still life paintings, you find a lot of lemons (often already half-pealed), pears or quinces. A musical instrument


STYLING TIPS I like to play with fabric also when composing a picture. If you photograph food or flowers, it can enhance your picture dramatically to put your plate, your soup, or a bunch of violets on a coordinated or on a contrasting fabric. Fabric can also be used as a pretty background.

You can tell a story with big and small objects, and create a surprise for the eye of the beholder. The colour can also be very important, you can group some very different items by colour in order to create some harmony.

Another important aspect with collection props for a photo can be the size.

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If you are especially interested in 1. You should put some flower photography, the choice of moss (to be found in most vase is very important. If you want flower shops) at the bottom of to recreate the flower paintings your vase from the Dutch masters, an iron 2. You should then start building medicis vase would be the most the outline of the arrangements with the appropriate. The 17th-century longest branches of foliage. A good rule of still life bouquet usually thumb is that the tallest branches should contains many different be at least one and a half times the height of blooms and foliage. the vase, so that the overall composition looks The Flaming Parrot tulip is a typical flower used in those kind of arrangements, but you can use any kind of tulips. Peonies, ranunculus, roses, anemones, delphinium and lilac can also very well be used for these bouquets.


3. Add some of the longer-stemmed flowers to the outline of the foliage.

4. Continue to build up the density of the display with some larger flowers.

5. Put the short-stemmed flowers towards the edge of the vase.

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Click here to see more images!


MODERN FLORAL STILL LIFE There are no set rules for this kind of arrangement. My tip would be not to mix too much. A bunch of peonies, artistically displayed in a beautiful vase can look good by itself. You can also use just one type of flower, but in different colours. If you want to compose a bouquet using different flowers, consider colour (complementary or monochrome), the size of the stems, texture and scent. If you, for instance, use hyacinths, you don't want to mix these with another very scented flower. The choice of the vase is also crucial. Do you want to play with transparency, for instance, by binding your flowers together with a pretty ribbon and making it visible, or do you want an opaque vase? What I like to do, when I work on an arrangement, is always to use two or three vases and play with the sizes. I like to create a miniature version of a big bouquet, and take a picture of the smaller bouquet with the bigger one in the background. 01 /1 3


Click here to see more images!



Elodie Love

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& Kevin Best




the 21st century, the world has become a lot smaller. By that I don't mean that

it has physically shrunk, but so much more of it is available at our fingertips courtesy of the world wide web and digital media. Museums have gotten in on the game too, of course. At the end of last year, the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam launched their new di-

gital collection with around 125,000 pieces from the museum's collection. Ever fancied having a Rembrandt or a

Vermeer hanging in your living room? The Rijksmuseum believes that its collection belongs to everyone, and the digital images are accessible to the public for free to download and create your own works of art with. The high-resolution images can be freely shared, manipulated and reprinted copyright free, both as entire works or from selected details. Art lovers will be just as excited by this as by the Rijksmuseum's new web feature 'Rijksstudio', which allows users 01 /1 3


› to curate their own virtual art galleries from images in the digital database. Usually it is the museum curators who select artwork for an exhibition, but in the Rijksstudio you can mix and match artists, periods and techniques to your heart's content under any topic or theme you desire. For those who are a little overwhelmed by the choice, there is the option to explore selected highlights, browse the collection by subjects such as animals or biblical si

themes, or refine the search e.g. by

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artist, style, material or even colour. Or you can try the 'Mastermatcher', which asks you five questions (about your preferred style of holiday, date and colour; your favourite Dutch city and who you were in your previous life) to then generate a personalised set of 25 selected pieces in accordance with your answers. They say that nothing can replace the thrill of seeing an artworkfor real – and having visited many, many museums this is something which I would


wholeheartedly second – but you have

The Google Art Project takes the con-

to admit that the opportunities the Ri-

cept of creating your own digital mu-

jksstudio open up are pretty exciting

seum utopia one step further. Here,

too. Furthermore, no museum would

too, you can zoom in on brushstroke

ever let you get as close to the- art-

details, mix and match artwork as you

work on display as you can by zooming

please, and arrange them in galleries

in on these high-resolution images,

under any theme but – whereas the

as anyone who has ever been told off

Rijksstudio restricts itself to images

by a museum guard will no doubt tell

from the Rijksmuseum's own collec-

you. My self-curated gallery of suns-

tion – the Google Art Project brings

hine yellow pictures was enough to

together over 150 collections from 40

brighten up a winter's day and really

countries around the world! Users can

quite fun to make.

curate their virtual galleries with art01 /1 3


If you‘ve ever fancied playing at being a museum curator, the Google Art Project is your play­ground. work that would never be on display in the same museum in real life, or even the same country. I couldn't wait to try this out, and selected Vincent van Gogh from the index of artists – 154 search results! I browsed through, picking my favourites from different collections, and ended up with my own virtual gallery that united van Gogh paintings from 29 different museums in 14 different countries and 4 continents. I have to admit, it was kind of thrilling. You can also add your personal thoughts to each of the images in your gallery, or even upload and share audio and video content. There are some other great features si st er

too, such as audio guides, viewing no-



tes and maps, or virtual tours around some of the museums with Google's street view technology. If you've ever fancied playing at being a museum curator, the Google Art Project is your playground. Most people won't ever be lucky enough to visit every museum and see every artwork they'd like to. Sites like the Rijksstudio or the Google Art Project provide a great alternative, allowing you to get up close and personal with a Rembrandt or a van Gogh, with the added fun factor of curating your own little exhibition. That said, as ideal as a digital museum utopia might sound, there's nothing like the real thing! n


Rijksstudio invites users to print their pictures on products like T-Shirts, iPhone cases or even ­cars.

Rijksmuseum Google Art Project

The Magic-Tate-Ball App provides personalized art picks, which propose an art based on your geographic location, time of day, the weather forecast and the ambient noise.


› 01 /1 3


For years I have wanted to travel to Tokyo.


TOKYO text & pictures by Sivan Askayo l si st er M AG



01 /1 3


l I was curious about Tokyo ever since

The future is definitely here.

I was a teenager. At 16 I watched Ridley

The urban environment of Tokyo

Scott’s »Blade Runner« which was an imaginary projection of Shinjuku in the year 1981 as the futuristic Los Angeles in 2019. Years later I watched »Lost in Translation« which increased my curiosity even more.

today is filled with artificial islands, building sized video screens, vending machines that when you give them money- will talk to you, trains you can set your clock by, plastic and neon signs

...and while I have been day dreaming

and never ending streets.

about Tokyo ever since, architects

With a population of over thirty

and designers (curious as well) were drawn by sort of unlimited budgets and almost complete aesthetic freedom and filled Tokyo with gigantic buildings, skycrapters, towers, you name it.

two million and an economic production that is ahead of many countries, Tokyo seems more like its own urban planet, rather than a city. Yet, with all its

So even though it is not 2019 yet, and

vast and massive crowds, Tokyo

the pressure of the future feels far

is clean, neat, efficient,

less urgent in Tokyo than in cities

surprisingly green and

like Singapore or Dubai, Tokyo in the

very livable. l

early years of the twenty first century gives us the sense that the future has already arrived.

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01 /1 3



I finally made it to Tokyo in 2012.

l I was there for only 72 hours to shoot two articles in a row. And even for a person like me, who has lived in the midst of Manhattan for the last si st

11 years and always thought that

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New York has it all, after visiting Tokyo, I realized that I was wrong. Tokyo, mind you, DOES have it all. Imagine New York City but on steroids. This was Tokyo for me. l 01 /1 3


l I stayed in Harajuku area and walked

to Omotesando and Aoyama every day for my shoots. One evening a friend took me to see the scene in Shibuya, and of course, encouraged me to cross through one of the biggest roads, and on a Saturday, my last day in Tokyo, a local friend took me to Ginza, one of the most luxurious shopping area in Tokyo. Well, I’m not a tall person, and some who might see me for the first time, might even call me ‘petite’ and yet, regardless of my size and height, walking in the streets of Shibuya and Ginza, I felt like I was Alice in Wonderland, after she si

drank the juice that made her shrink.

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Both are high end residential and shopping areas.


Walking down Omotesando wide boulevard with the leafy trees (which, by the way is considered one of the most beautiful boulevards in Tokyo) I couldn’t help but notice the on going trend that top designers and haute couture brands are located in high end architecture buildings, designed by top notch world name architects and interior designers. l 01 /1 3


Prada Boutique, Aoyama By Herzog & de Meuron, 2003 5-2-6 Minami-Aoyama, Minato-Ku


l The Prada Boutique Aoyama is a six story high crystalline form set on a corner site on the Omotesando Boulevard, making it look like a big jewel. The faceted envelope of the building is to enable a maximum volume of sunlight access.

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Unlike other flagship stores, in which interiors are handled by a separate agency, Prada is an integral work of architecture; a total experience.

vertical tubes the elevators. Fixtures are soft and molded, in silicon and suede and the ceiling is formed from perforated aluminum.

Floors intersect rhomboid tubes that span and stiffen the structure; horizontal tubes encase the changing rooms;

The Prada Boutique Aoyama is a glamorous spaceship from a planet where shopping is the highest form of Art. l 01 /1 3


Mikimoto 2, Ginza By Toyo Ito & Associates, 2005 2-4-12 Ginza, Chou-Ku

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l Mikimoto 2 is the second Mikimoto store in Ginza.

the innovative composite of steel and concrete.

The building facade, colored in faint pink color, (similar color to pearls) retains a hermetic quality, which gives the feeling of being indifferent in the streets of Ginza. With its 163 random and a-symmetric size of the windows, the building definitely stands out.

The building houses four floors of retail space, followed by three floors of multi-purpose and salon space and three restaurants floors at the top. People come not only to shop

The exterior walls are only eight inches thick, (which gives the feeling of a peeling coat to the building) and despite being thin, the walls support the entire load of the building, thanks to

Brand store for pearls – Over a century ago, Kokichi Mikimoto succeeded in creating the world's first cultured pearl.

for pearls but also for a fine dining. Mikimoto 2 is both a mechanical structure that holds the weight of the building and an ornamental one; Some might say that it stands halfway between a diagram and a building. l

Quoted from 21st Century in Tokyo, A Guide to contemporary Architecture

01 /1 3


Comme des Garcons By Rei Kawakubo and Takao Kawasaki, 1999 5-2-1 Minami -Aoyama, Minato-ku

l There is something about Comme des Garcons store that makes you stop and stare. Maybe unlike the other stores in Omotesando, Comme des si st

Garcons is one of a triptych of street

er M AG



building (the other two are in NY and Paris) has round features and quite blue. The design gives a feeling of a funky retro futurism, somehow also back to the sixties. The store inside is quite minimalistic, the walls have a monochromatic color but the clothes add the colors. l

Louis Vuitton Omotesando By Jun Aoki & Associates, 2002 5-7-5 Jingu-mae, Shibuya-ku


l Louis Vitton’s flagship store in Omotesando is designed as a building composed of spaces and boxes rather than conventional floors. From the outside, the building looks like an accumulation of boxes piled with care in a random composition.

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This arrangement of boxes is

and a penthouse. Spaces are

meant to resemble a stack of

arranged in such a way that

luggage trunks; Louis Vitton’s

they are visible to each other.

most iconic product.

The dominant aspect of the

Each box accommodates a

design is the facade, which is

space. The lower spaces are

the interstitial zone between

devoted to retail sales and the

the realm of the city and that of

higher spaces are mainly to host

the store’s interior. l

an event, VIP lounge, offices








See more work of the travel and life足 style photographer Sivan Askayo on her BLOG l






This article starts with the seemingly trivial question: What is work? What is work to us these days? What does it mean to us, especially in times of increasing unemployment, in times of crisis? There is always the ready reply: We

work is, let us first focus on the much

work to earn money. But in work-

more approachable question of what

oriented societies like ours, people

people called work in the past.

who get laid off or can’t find any work

A first systematic classification of

often feel as if they are losing control over their lives—even if their material situations seem to be bearable from the outside. This indicates that there is much more to work than earning money. It structures our everyday life. It introduces us to new people. At best, working is fun and gives us the feeling of fulfilling ourselves. Instead of trying si

to answer the difficult question of what

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the concepts of ‘work’ and ‘working environment’ can be found in Plato’s The Republic from around 370 BC. There Plato considered work to be nothing more than an inconvenient and




who carried out physical labor thus constituted the lowest social status in the state. Those so-called workers represented a downright contrast


to the rest of society. The name

people work as a punishment for their

ÂťworkersÂŤ reveals their meaning,


indicating that this class had to work


for the rest of society. Hence, in order for a few to enjoy freedom, many others had to surrender their own freedom and sometimes even pay the price of being excluded from society. To be exempt from work was considered a privilege of people who were free, and the possibility of idleness was a virtue.





Enlightenment played a substantial part in the breaking away from this ancient concept of work, as well as of that of being contingent on Christian ethics. In the middle of the 17th century, political philosopher Thomas Hobbes linked the two concepts of work and power, transforming work

The notion of work in the Early Middle

into a fundamental concept of society.

Ages had a lot in common with the

John Locke developed an entirely new

one in antiquity insofar as work was

perspective at the same time saying

primarily regarded as hardship and

that work goes hand in hand with the

nuisance. However, at the same time

acquisition of rights. This new notion

it was conceived as a divine mission.

contradicted not only its ancient

During the expulsion from paradise,

concept where work meant having

God Himself as the Creator gave

no rights at all, but also differed 01 /1 3


completely from the concept of

»The busier we are, the more acutely we feel that we live, the more conscious we are of life.«

the Age of Reformation where work was linked to the promise of salvation in the afterlife. This new notion of work concentrated on this life. This is where the history of the modern concept of


work as we know it begins. Instead of viewing it as the lowest human activity, work now refers to human abilities, to our potential. The


interesting fact is that during that

time. For

time, work served to again divide


society into different classes. While in

Kant said in one of

antiquity work meant being excluded

his lectures on ethics:

from society, you would now only be

»The busier we are, the more

considered a citizen when you worked.

acutely we feel that we live, the more

In the course of this, the relationship

conscious we are of life.« And that

to leisure and idleness changed as

we do not feel life passes us by from

well. Work was not supposed to be

leisure alone, but that we also feel a

perceived as a burden and toil but

certain deadness.

was rather seen as a valuable activity

In the Age of Enlightenment a

that filled you with pleasure and joy.

differentiation between useful working

This seemingly welcome development

people and useless privileged idlers


became legitimate. The principle




si st er

leisure, could


no longer be per­ceived as a luxury of

measure of society that everybody

idleness but was denounced as empty,

had to compete with. Economism









Cristopher Santos

for consumption changed at the same time. The concept of work was further narrowed to the concept of employment. Work became a commodity and hence, the work-oriented society, which we are part of today, was born. Looking back at the historical development of the term ‘work’, it becomes apparent that its meaning changed from being an instrument of subjugation and oppression to the complete opposite. Today, work is associated with independence. This historical overview began with the notion of freedom as being free of became a legitimate and



work. Today, our notion of work is based on the assumption that we only

interpretation of the world towards the

gain freedom through work.

end of the 18th century, influenced by


economists like Adam Smith or David

regarding the provision of work that

Ricardo. After the abolition of the

we have been observing for several

class-based feudal order triggered

years now, a new uncertainty has

by the French Revolution, capitalism

arisen about what work means to

eventually became the prevailing

people and what its point is. In the

economic principle. Henceforth, there

context of the sociopolitical debate of

were laborers and self-employed

the past years, you have heard from

entrepreneurs who operated between

time to time about the theory that the

supply and demand, offered work

work-oriented society was running

and labor power. The possibilities

out of work.



01 /1 93


1 Kant zitiert nach Conze: 1972, S. 158


It is not very likely that this is true. However, our concept of work is constantly changing as well, without a doubt, and this change creates new opportunities. A crisis always gives room for innovation and change. Because of the fact that

We need to keep in mind that considering work to be the sole meaning of life, the blind fixation on efficiency and productivity, is doomed to failure.

work becomes more flexible and less stable, new trends for vocations open up. The place of work loses its once clearly defined boundaries, mixes with and blurs your privacy and free time because of newly opened up types of virtual working from everywhere to anywhere. This way, new opportunities arise to link employment with other types of work and new models of dividing the working lifetime can be developed. But instead of a newly gained

closely, as we need to keep in mind that considering work to be the sole meaning of life, the blind fixation on efficiency and productivity, is doomed to failure. Many of our needs will not be satisfied by work, but rather with non-work. »This is especially true in the case of our need for clean air, potable water, for space, tranquility, beauty, time and social relationships,«


freedom, the fact that the boundaries

writes André Gorz, and he is right.

between work and free time blur can at


the same time indicate the beginning

who clear-sightedly observes and

of a development where even the last

describes social phenomena refers

bastion of a work-free environment


will be conquered. Thus, there the


need to watch future developments

Societies) to the loss of the ability to

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essay (Fatigue

Photo: Cristop

to n a S r he



the mere inability to do something. It is the potential not to do. When you reflect on the significance of work, it is to be questioned whether the significance of work lies within work itself, or whether it lies within the facilitation of its counterpart; the time off work. Or if maybe only the combination of both makes sense.

be idle. He describes being idle as a

It is a nice thought, I think, that true

negative potential that can indeed be

freedom also needs the freedom not

distinguished from the impotence,

to do. n

Sources Gorz, André: Kritik der ökonomischen Vernunft. Sinnfragen am Ende der Arbeitsgesellschaft. Berlin 1989 [3rd ed. 1990]. Han; Byung-Chul: Müdigkeitsgesellschaft. Berlin 2010.

Beck, Ulrich: Schöne neue Arbeitswelt. Vision: Weltbürger. Frankfurt a. M. 1999. Engler, Wolfgang: Bürger, ohne Arbeit. Für eine radikale Neugestaltung der Gesellschaft. Berlin 2006.

Conze, Werner: Arbeit. In: Brunner, Otto / Conze, Werner Kocka, Jürgen: Arbeit früher heute morgen. In: Kocka, / Koselleck, Reinhart (ed.): Geschichtliche Grundbegriffe. Jürgen/ Offe, Claus (ed.): Geschichte und Zukunft der Arbeit. Frankfurt a. M. und New York 2000, p. 476-492. Historisches Lexikon zur politisch-sozialen Sprache. Stuttgart 1972, vol. I, p. 154-215.

01 /1 95


2 Gorz: 1989, S. 308

Home + Office


Flex office, flextime, part-time - the modern world of work is becoming more flexible and offers more opportunities for your own models, where and when to do your tasks. One concept, which is discussed widely in this context – not only among freelancers – is »Home Office«. Working from home has many advantages: no set times, no required business attire and the possibility of undisturbed working. One may not forget the disadvantages however: it requires a greater discipline to live »Home Office« successfully. Either the motivation is lacking, and you can easily distract yourself by doing your laundry, vacuumcleaning and many more chores around the house. Or in the opposite case, the line between leisure and work begins to blur. You start your workday at the breakfast table and find no end in the evening – after all, you can literally fall off your desk chair into your bed!


During the last year, sisterMAG has already gained some experience in the »Home Office« area. On the following pages, we therefore prepared some visual suggestions on how to make your home office both appealing and practical. Furthermore, we included some of our tips and tricks about working from home.

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Home Office Judith de Graaff – Dutch Graphic Designer living in France

Where do you work?

I work from home, in the Oise region just north from Paris. I share a huge desk with my husband in our main living room, overlooking the Oise 足river. One advantage and one disad足 vantage of a home office!

One advantage: no commuting - One disadvantage: no colleagues (can also be an advantage!)

Check out what Judith creates here:

BRIDGE {1} Buro Set by Jeremy & Adrian Wright. LEXON Design. || {2} Mini-drawers MOPPE made of wood. IKEA $14,99 || {3} Desk Set in Yellow by poppin. $51 || {4} Desk HELSINKI. Maison Du Monde. €399 || {5} Desk Chair by poppin. $350


What is your favouri­ te item on your home ­office desk?

My favorite items on my desk, after my iMac, are my succulent plants. And one of our cats often sleeps on my desk as well. But he's not an item. One tip for anyone who wants to put together a workspace at home?

Invest in a comfortable chair!

No pyjamas!  If you are wearing your nightgown when answering eMails and working on tasks, it definitely gets difficult to feel professional. Best practice: start your day as if you were going to the office: Have a shower, do your hair, dress nicely. Then sit down at your desk! Stick to a timetable  Even at home you should make yourself a plan when to work (the nice part: you can easily change it according to sudden events). If you are working in a team, this makes it also easier for colleagues to reach you. Clean up in the evening  If you step into chaos in the morning, it is hard to start working. Somehow cleaning up in the morning also takes more time. In the evening you simply want to get done faster in order to go to bed! 01 /1 3


Styling & Interior Design:

Tiferet Lifshitz L


Yael Hahn L

and Anat Gafni L


Office appartment A multifunctional 足appartment in Tel Aviv which serves as office and appartment full of design inspi足 ration & details

01 /1 1



TIFERET & ANAT ABOUT THE SPACE The office was designed for Blumberg Capital. The owner of the company – David Blumberg – lives in San Francisco. My partner and I based our concept on the idea that the office in Tel Aviv also needs to be used as David's home when he comes to Israel. The office is being used on a daily basis for young clients who need to present their startup ideas as well as very wealthy investors. Therefore, when entering the office/appartment, there is an initial feeling of home and business.


BRIDGE {1} Table LOURMARIN. From Maisons Du Monde. €1.190 || {2} Striped file folders from Crane&Co. $15 || {3} Lamp from Impressionen. €219 || {4} Printed cushion from Lucas Gondim. Via Society6. $20 || {5} Occasional Chair »Essex«. From Coco Republic

Who are you and what do you do?

Tiferet Lifshitz, an interior designer/home stylist. I work with Anat Gafni. Where do you work? I

work from home, and have a home office. One advantage and one disadvantage of a home office! Advantage - being

in my comfort zone in an area I know and love increases my productivity. Disadvantage inclu-

If you need peace and quiet, choose a room that is more private and distanced from the noise. /1 10



(kids, home chores etc).

A tip I can give is that anyone who chooses to create their office at home should choose the place in which he/she feels the most comfortable. For example, if you like to work where there is movement and people, the office should be designed by or in the living room.


des various distractions

Tiferet says …

Tipps Which task first? Not always easy but a great feeling: finish unpleasant tasks with high priority first. JUST DO IT :)! Breaks! Relax for a minute, switch off your brain, walk a little bit (e.g. to buy flowers for your home), drink a glass of water or go jogging – after you've taken a break everything is a little lighter and you get much more productive! Don't forget lunch! Although we do have every possibility to cook for ourselves at home, many fall into the trap of going through the workday on snacks and sweet treats. That is not only bad for your figure but also increases your stress level. You should use your lunch break to meet up with friends or colleagues. If you don't have so much time, you should prepare your lunch in the morning alongside breakfast. Define & write down goals It easily happens that you »muck about« in your home without actually finishing something. Clear goals for a week help tremendously. You should write these down or tell them friends/family. That way you feel much more obliged to actually achieving these goals!






ject like? What is your favourite part of the ­ rede­coration?

The project was exciting. We took a place which looked really bad, dark,

{1} Writing desk Clash from Fashion For Home. €479 || {2} Light bulb with colourful cables. Mattias Ståhlbom – muuto E27 || {3} Acryl Riser from russell+hazel. $60

and got a free hand to do what we want. So we had the freedom to design how we think the office should look. Favorite part in the office is the main entrance hall with the hanging lights in various colors. What is your favourite item on your home o ­ ffice desk?

Not my desk :) but my husband says his favorite item are the fresh flowers … always feels nice to see them when you spend a lot of time near the computer.

{4} Lamp »Solaris« in Black and Gold from Fashion For Home. €169 || {5} Gramercy Tufted Loveseat in Grey from ­terrain. $1298 || {6} Aqua Signature Ballpoints. From poppin. $12 for 12 pens || {7} Glass Memory Box from Cox&Cox. £18,50


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I knock the snow off of my shoes, greet Philip behind the bar and take the old cargo lift to the third floor to pick a desk for the day. On a Monday morning at 9am the Silent Room of betahaus | Berlin, one of Germany’s biggest coworking




empty. Besides the betahaus staff themselves, nobody here has fixed working hours. Nevertheless, in 2 hours the place will be buzzing with coworkers – freelancers, founders, entrepreneurs, outsourced employees of other companies. Everyone who does not work in a traditional office can find a desk here. Coworking is a relatively young phenomenon, born in 1999 in San Francisco.



spaces can be found worldwide. It is not just a niche market which is targeted by them anymore: four years ago Berlin had a total of three coworking spaces. Today there are well over thirty. Just as numerous as the spaces

are the professions that can be found here. Designers of various kinds, developers, journalists, architects and a lot of startup companies decide to work out of a coworking space instead of their kitchen table, a café or an expensively rented private office. The idea is simple: you rent a space at a desk and inside a community. So what drives people into coworking? On the one hand, the workspace is cheaper and more flexible to handle than a private office. Prices range between 10 Euros for a day-ticket and 230 Euros for a private desk for a whole month. It’s up to the user to decide when he uses the desk. Also infrastructure plays a role in the decision to use a coworking space: internet is standard, and most spaces include a printer and copy-machine into the package. A more exciting advantage is the synergetic effects that a coworking space can create. Due to the numerous











start talking, it becomes easy to jointly discover new ideas, get qualified feedback on your own product or even recruit colleagues for your company. Coworking provides easy access to valuable professional knowledge




bigger and more dynamic a space is, the greater the chances to profit from these synergetic effects. At betahaus | Berlin, freelancers mingle with startups, investors such as venture capital funds and even corporates such





addition, the user can book a wide range of workshops that try to teach missing knowledge in a few hours and ignite new thoughts. The relatively high fluctuation of users guarantees constantly fresh faces and ideas. Some become coworkers for the motivation that the community offers. si

A coworking space is also a place to try

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out new ideas, get confirmation from other coworkers and even receive consulting. Quite a few startups have been started there, and even more projects were kicked-off. Coworking can offer the courage it needs to design your own working life. Some of the things people do here to make a living don’t even have an official title. The community is also an incentive to come here in the morning. Whoever is tired of talking to the cat at home can find real partners for a real dialogue, colleagues and sometimes even friends. Coworking has many faces. Next to places with space for everyone who only needs a laptop and a desk are also highly specialized spaces, such as the »Nadelwald« at Friedelstrasse in Berlin-Neukölln. Here everything revolves around sewing. The owner, Swantje, provides her customers with twelve professional sewing machines of various kinds. And again it’s the knowledge and experience present, that makes the ticket worth the price.


Nadelwald offers workshops and office hours on all kinds of sewing techniques. Whoever finds spaces like betahaus with its 3000 sqm and over 200 users too big might find a desk at spaces like »Wostel«. The fifteen desks here offer space for about 25 coworkers. Even if the exchange of ideas with new people is important, most coworkers stick to their space. Therefore, smaller spaces such as Wostel, with its equally small and stable community, present an additional reason, why people start to co-work in the first place: structure. Renting a desk can help to differentiate between work and leisure. Watching others come and go offers assistance in deciding when it is time to go home or whether one is lazy or not. The constant temptation of cleaning the windows, which often seems so seductive at home is kept

at bay, just as spending too much time on Facebook and such: you came here to work, not to procrastinate. And besides, someone might be looking over your shoulder.

Coworking is the place to try out new ideas get confirmation or even consulting.

Curiously, the freely chosen working hours don’t look too different from conventional offices. When I leave betahaus around 7pm it has become quiet. Some screen-lit faces are still there, but the majority has gone home. Only a handful of people use the possibility to work at night. It becomes clear: even if some here don’t always feel the need to define their work, defined working hours are appreciated. n

01 /1 1



ShopLove is an iPad App that creates a visually appealing and simple shopping experience. The user can find the best brands and online shops for fashion and interior design in one single app.

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Sh   |  / m o @ShopLove_App L  |  fb.c

ve o L op

p Ap



Explain in your own words the idea of your company. What are you doing? shopping experience for the iPad that

Your initial idea was to build a food platform. With ShopLove your focus is on fashion and interior – why is that?

is visually appealing and simple. Just

Talking to our friends and first potential

as people were able to order the best

users, we discovered that such an

products from the world’s high street

inspiring shopping experience could

shops from a sales catalogue, with

also be suitable for tasteful fashion

ShopLove they can now find the best

items or interior design. All of our

brands and online shops for fashion

friends were excited about an App

and interior design in a single App on

that made you want to go shopping by

the iPad.

showing you large-scale pictures of

With ShopLove we want to create a

What was the inspiration for your idea?

beautiful products and about being able to do this in a relaxed way in an App. At first, adding fashion and interior design

With a few detours, we eventually

was a kind of experiment to establish a

came up with the idea of ShopLove.

broader range of products to start off

In January 2012, the three of us were

with. In this version, we still kept all

in a little Italian restaurant in Munich,

of the gourmet articles and cooking

and, as passionate amateur chefs, we

equipment from our original idea. The

wanted to find inspiration for recipes

tests in the following months made it

with an online shopping experience.

very clear that we could only show a

The end product was an idea for an

limited amount of food with fashion and

online cooking magazine that had links

interior design. The cooking equipment

to websites where you could buy the

is still in our product range today.

ingredients and cooking equipment for the recipes. As a visually appealing

How do you finance your company?

App for the iPad and with the unique

We were really lucky that we found

possibilities of the user interface, it

a business angel who was instantly

was supposed to create a whole new

inspired by our idea at the trade fair in


Berlin where we showcased the first



inspiration and shopping.

prototype of our App. In the following 01 /1 3



months, we found a few more angel

shopping hub above all online shops for

investors, which enabled us to take up

a fun and exciting shopping experience

equity from private investors, in addition

on mobile devices.

to our savings, in the summer of 2012.

How do you earn money?

Do you have plans to go international with ShopLove?

We get commission for every purchase

Plans for internationalisation are al-

made because of a click to a shop from

ready being made, but only concern Eu-

our website. Of course this motivates

rope for the time being. It will be nice

us to always show the most beautiful

for our German users to see the best

products from all 70 shops that we are

shops and trends from other countries

now linked to.

on the App.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years? We want to become the personal

Who do you see as your main competitors?

online shopping magazine with the

Two similar Apps have just been

best products for every user. In 5 years,

launched in the US (two weeks after

we hope to be the number one App

our App). In Europe, ShopStyle is our

for discovering stylish products on the internet. Or in other words, as the

only competition.




Hendrik Braun | Maximilian Beller | Timo Trupp

What did you do before?

name by seeing it on our business cards

We were all studying at university, but were actively working on other projects and had already founded our first businesses.

at the trade fair in Berlin, it became our

Timo built up an online shop for a particularly luxurious shoe shop with his father, Max was running an online shop for high-end jeans from the US and I (Hendrik) started a social network with an attached online shop for pet supplies.

Who was your first team member (in which department?) outside the founding team? In IT & development and in corporate

brand name.

How did you come up with your company colours? The colours have been used ever since the first version of our logo was printed on our business cards, because they are appealing to both males and females and elegant at the same time.

In which city are you located? We are located in the capital of Southern Germany – Munich.

Most often used software?


ShopLove ;-)

How did you find your company name?

Main food during starting up phase?

Timo suggested ShopLove as the

Coffee from our beloved Severin coffee

project name in the very early stages

maker, one of the first things we

(in March). After identifying with this

bought. n

01 /1 5




At Kitchensurfing you can hire a chef based on your taste and preferences, who then prepares a meal for you at your home. So far available in New York, Berlin and Boston, it is planned to expand the offer to other cities soon.


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fin g




fin g

k i tc


Apron designed by Nata from The Noun Project



om   |  c . k oo @ k i tc h b e c a f ensurfing L  |

tc / ki


s n e


Explain in your own words the idea of your company. What are you doing?

happier if we had a cosy dinner with

Kitchensurfing is a community of

that doing that in a home was better

talented chefs and people that enjoy good food. People enjoy Kitchensurfing because we make it easier to enjoy more time with your friends and family – you can have a larger party and the cost is less than going out. If you have young kids, it’s a much better experience. If you want to use food as a gateway drug to culture, you can actually talk to the chef or even have them teach you a few

friends at least once a month – and than in a restaurant if you wanted to have more than six people.

Who is using Kitchensurfing so far? What are the most common occasions? We’re very popular for special occasions like birthdays and anniversaries. A lot of couples or smaller groups have really enjoyed doing things that are part meal


and part education. We’ve also made a

What was the inspiration for your idea?

if you have young children, it’s hard to

I’ve been working on technology

restaurant. When people realize that

products for a long time, but sometimes I get tired of sitting in front of computers. The last time that happened, I decided to open a restaurant with some friends. I loved the experience, but one of the things I saw was that there are many, many talented chefs all over the world and that being a chef is hard – they work a lot and the pay is poor. My cofounders and I saw a way of giving them a new outlet for their talent and also giving people an amazing food experience. We all realized that we were much

pretty big splash with young families – find a babysitter or take them out to a you can have better food prepared in your own home, they’re pretty excited about it.

What is the most wanted dish? I don’t know if I can say that there is a most popular dish. Traditional Italian and French food is very popular, but so is Asian cuisine. But we have a wide variety of chefs: Thai, Korean, Moroccan, etc. – and once people try Kitchensurfing, they get a little more adventurous with their choices. 01 /1 9




How do you finance your company?

What did you do before?

We’re lucky to have a very supportive

I started off as an eighteen-year-old

group of people behind us that believe

senior software engineer in the first

in what we’re doing. Many of them

dot-com boom. More recently, I founded

are founders of well-known Internet

a company called Mobile Commons,


which is used for fundraising and

How do you earn money?

advocacy by pretty much every major non-profit and political campaign in the

We take a small percentage of every

United States. I’ve also worked on some

transaction from the chef’s side. The

»just for fun« projects like augmented

way Kitchensurfing works is that you

reality cartoons and opening a few

order online ahead of time, then the

restaurants in New York City.

chef does all the shopping, cooking,

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

Who was your first team member (in which department?) outside the founding team?

We’ll be in many, many cities around

We managed to find a bunch of in­credibly

the world and an excellent home

smart, talented young people to help

cooked meal or the fanciest food you

us work on building our community

can imagine will be available with a

and all the on-the-ground brass-tacks

button tap on your mobile phone.

things people do not like to talk about

and cleaning up for you.

Who do you see as your main competitors? We have some technology companies in the same space, but they’re not direct competitors. A much more important

but which are necessary when you build an Internet company. They all started as interns and have grown into positions in customer support, chef outreach, and many other things.

thing for us to overcome is people’s

How did you find your company name?

comfort level with having a chef in their

We wanted a name that was playful and


fun and that spoke to both chefs and

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Founders: Lars Kluge, Borahm Cho & Chris Muscarella

potential diners. We really started

Main food during starting up phase?

off by saying that every kitchen is an ad

We have chefs coming to visit us all the

hoc restaurant waiting to happen and

time, so we don’t really do the standard

that’s where the idea of chefs on the

startup pizza routine – we have really

move came from.

delicious food around us pretty often.n

How did you come up with your company colours? We like warmth – in people, in surroundings, in emotion, and in food.

In which city are you located? Kitchensurfing is based in Brooklyn, NY. We have some people on our team in Berlin (my two cofounders are German and used to live in Berlin), Boston and in Poland.

Most often used software? The Chrome browser or a simple text editor 01 /1 5











01 /1 7



Kitchen For a while now, infographics have been a big trend in the World Wide Web. The visual representation of numbers, facts and relationships is not only an eyecandy, but also makes it easier to grasp information. This trend has also found its way into the food sector. For this issue of sisterMAG, S 足 ibylle Roessler from the acclaimed blog

FUNKYTIME L had a look at the trend and created this visually 足beautiful recipe of a hot water足 melon salad. See more ideas for


01 /1 9



If you want something, then just do it.

GUERILLA BAKERY L interview Thea Neubauer | photos Agentur Freiland L

What is Guerilla Bakery? Once a month, we three sisters get together and make various kinds

Who is behind Guerilla Bakery? Who does what? And what do you usually

si st

of h ­omemade baked goods – from

do when you’re not baking?

cupcakes and strudel to natas (sweet

Guerilla Bakery is us - three sisters

Portuguese puff pastries filled with

that originally come from Vorarlberg.

pudding) and crumble cake – and sell

But we have been living in Vienna

them for about two hours in form of

­together in one house with sepa­rate

a pop-up bakery at various locations

flats for quite a while now. One of us

in Vienna. After two years of Guerilla

is an actress and the other two are

Bakery, we finally started our online

journalists. But we all do the baking,

blog in order to

selling and are carrying things around

share our recipes, ideas and culinary

(and oh yes … our friends and partners

life with others. We have always wanted

are also forced to help). So, there is no

to be actively involved in shaping the

real work allocation. At the beginning

city’s life, especially to convey this

it was me – Isabel – who did all the

special Sunday feeling of having a cozy

drawing, made all the posters and

»Kaffeeklatsch« (German for getting

wrote all the signs etc. Now, I don’t

together and gossiping) with friends.

have the time anymore, unfortunately.

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When and how did it all begin?

How often does such an event take

About five years ago we came up with


this idea on our couch. How­ever, it still

Usually once a month.

took us a few years until we ­actually

What kind of treats do you make?

put the idea into practice. If I ­remember correctly, it was in March 2011 when the youngest of us posted an event on Facebook and all of a sudden t­ here were 20 people in our flat on that Sunday (10 of them were total ­strangers to us) – it ended up in a nice gettogether, though. For our second bakery session one month later we had to go to another, much bigger flat. People were waiting in line for about an hour – three floors down the staircase. After 45 minutes we were completely sold out.

Most of our treats are cupcakes. However, you won’t find any of those classic ones that come with dough that is too dry and way too much buttercream on top. Instead you will get exactly what its name already suggests »a cake in a cup«. Why? Because they are much easier to be portioned, eaten and wrapped up. People love our »Devils Chocolate Cupcakes« (with a liquid center) or the »Sticky Elvis Cupcakes« with



bananas 01 /1 1



(sweet Austrian pastries containing

Do you have something like a dreamlocation where you would love to sell goods some day?

flour as a main ingredient) or natas.

Phew. I think we would love to

and peanuts. But we also make cheesecakes, strudel, golatschen

Not to forget all the seelentröster (comfort food) in glasses: homemade chocolate pudding or rice pudding, crumbles etc.. We simply make everything we feel like trying and that fits perfectly well into the season. So, it is important to us to use apples and not strawberries during wintertime and to buy local and organic products, even if it is quite expensive and not always that easy to get.

ourselves. Together with a furniture store, musicians – DJs or artists – we would design the interior just the way we like it. An open kitchen would be great to prepare and bake everything right there in front of the people. We would serve good coffee while soft music is playing in the background. How lovely that sounds... !

"Pratersauna". But we have also

What is your next step? Would you like to expand? Where do you see yourselves in one year from now? You said in an interview with the Falter, Vienna’s city magazine, that you set yourselves some kind of an expiration date – when will that be?

been to the "Hafenjunge" (a great

Well, we won’t open up our own

graphic design studio which is also a

restaurant … maybe we will write a

shop and a coffee house at the same

cooking book or so. We don’t see the

time) and to various cafes.

end yet but we do see many people

Where have you already sold your goods? We started selling our baked goods in our own flat, then in the "Hotel am Brillantengrund" and in the club in Vienna

open up a temporary coffee house


who copy our idea. So our idea is

breakdowns – on every single Guerilla

obviously perfect for today’s times.

Bakery weekend. Franchise – that is

Besides, everyone likes cake anyway.

kind of hard to do. After all, we want

And if no one shows up to our events

everything to be and taste just the way

anymore, that’s fine with us too.

we like it: not perfect but homemade.

Could you imagine supporting your idea in other cities as some kind of a franchise-campaign? What do you think of people who copy your idea?

What do you like best about Vienna’s coffee house culture?

Not only in Vienna but throughout

reading the newspaper. But we don’t

To sit around for hours while having a cup of coffee, watching people and

Germany you find people who copied­ like grumpy waiters and waitresses our idea. However, most of them though. probably underestimate how much

definitely won’t get a lot of money out

You have just redesigned your brand completely. What was for you the most important aspect in terms of packaging and the visual

of it. But you will get a lot of nervous

representation of Guerilla Bakery?

work and effort go into putting a project like this together and that you

01 /1 3



Well, at the beginning we made all the

with our own hands) we thought was

posters and price tags etc. ourselves

a great idea just as the play of colours

and then some day a friend of mine

(the spots of watercolour). So, we

(he owns the agency Freiland) had that

simply loved all of it.

brilliant idea of making us our own CD. We were very fond of his idea but we also wanted to keep the homemadefeeling which is why it wouldn’t look too perfect. We wanted the design to be girlie but not just plain nice, to keep the handwritten style and to use colours we fancy. After we showed

Are small coffee parties on a Sunday truly the revival of the Biedermeier era? Or would you consider your popup bakery as a rebellion against all those modern coffeehouse chains? At the beginning we didn’t think about any of it, to be honest with you. We

si st

the graphic designers what we like,

just wanted to DO something without

we gave them free rein. At the end

thinking too much. Well, on the one hand

we were absolutely delighted with

I do see people retreating from public

the presentation. Media, for example,

life and focusing on things like cooking,

doesn’t know what we look like so to

writing hundreds of thousands of blogs

use our own fingerprints (handmade

about »better living«, DIY and cooking

er M AG




opens up and women feel incredibly

Would you describe yourselves as r­ ebellious?

cosmopolitan because they have just

Just recently in the subway a punk

followed a recipe from a blogger in New

dressed with H&M clothes called me

York while knitting a scarf at the same

a »snobby upstart or something like

time. All shopping streets in the world

that« and then I thought I am probably

look alike but then there are websites

100 times more rebellious and open-

such as Etsy and Dawanda that continue

minded than him with his 14-years.

to boom by offering handmade goods

So, I would say »yes, I am rebellious«.

and unique items. I personally don’t like

But it’s not because of Guerilla Bakery.

coffeehouse chains, and I also don’t like

It’s because of the fact that we are just

the Viennese coffeehouses that much

the way we are. I personally don’t see

(because the coffee usually tastes bad).

baking or knitting as rebellious acts.

But there is an audience for everything.

For me a rebellion is the way people act

I guess we just wanted to show that if

in their everyday life. And in Vienna you

you want to do something just go ahead

are already considered a rebel just by

and DO it!!!

being polite.

etc.. But on the other hand everything

01 /1 5



What is your favourite dish?

chocolate cheesecake I am always

Phew: Right now its freezing outside

making right now and which does not

which is why I am crazy about my sister Vanessa’s cookies and crumblecupcakes. During summer I am into Sarah’s



crumbles and tons of strawberries. And

need to be baked in the oven. But we all love those recipes most that make people say words like »Woooow….. Mmmh….Ohhhh« and that don’t keep us too long in the kitchen. n

besides that, I very much like the white

You can find more infos and recipes at L or on their Facebook page L

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Have a look a t the very sweet vid eo about Guerilla Baker y. But be careful! Afte rwards you'll definitel y crave for some cupca kes!


ABOUT THE CORPORATE DESIGN Frank Netzband developed Guerilla Bakery's Corporate Design with his agency Freiland . The designers put a lot of thoughts into the logo and all the other necessary elements such as fonts, colours etc. Most important aspect of the redesign: The production of all media and packaging must be easy and inexpensive. The Freiland team even developed an own font for this purpose. Thereby the beginnings of the Bakery were referenced, when signs and stickers still were handdrawn or -written. The "corporate typeface", which consists of elongated letters without descenders – a mix of uppercase and lowercase letters – is used on signs and price tags, as well as on their website. For body text, however, they decided on a free font called "Fjord"

which is also available

as Google Web Font. The Corporate Design of Guerilla Bakery is colourful and full of wit. Sketchy illustrations are coloured by watercolour blobs. Stickers and posters read words like "sugar orgasm" or "cookielingus". n 01

More pictures

/1 7



e h t m o r f s e p i c e R y r e k a B a l l i r e u .G not only o d y r e k a B la il r e u G f The three girls o ome s w o h s o ls a t u b s e bake themselv t a e k a m to u o y r fo s e of their recip home.

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sweet potatoes & puff pastry 01 /1 9











Mini-frittatas Frittatas are the classic Italian omelettes. Normally they are made in a pan and are served as starters or main dish – both cold or warm. Here we bake a mini version in little muffin forms, thereby creating a perfect portion to eat in a few bites.

01 /1 1



No more expensive truffles from the confectionery on High Street: Guerilla Bakery's orange truffles are just as good as theirs – actually they are better because they are made with love and passion!

orange truffles

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01 /1 3











One apple a day … that apple tastes three times better when it is served in combination with marzipan and airy puff pastry. They are super easy to make and great in combina­tion with vanilla sauce, cranberry marmelade, ice­ cream …

Apple quiches

01 /1 5



sweet potato mini-tartes with chickpeas, spinach & For ca. 12 tartes mozzarella 1 pck puff pastry

1 big sweet potatoe

sweet potatoe and scrape the inside. Mix sour cream and cream cheese in a separate bowl, add spinach and chickpeas to this mixture. Season with salt and pepper. 4. Cut puff pastry into little rectangles and put those into the muffin form.


Fill with the prepared mixture and

top off with a few more pieces

1 onion

1 Pck fresh baby spinach 50 g sour cream 55 g cream cheese 150 g chickpeas 1 pck mozzarella





pepper and bake at 180°-200°C for 20 minutes (the cheese should have melted, the pastry should be golden brown). Serve warm.

salt and pepper 1. Bake the sweet potatoe in the preheated oven for 45-60 minutes at 170-180°C. 2. Mince onion into fine cubes and sweat in butter. Add spinach into this pan and fry for a few minutes. si

3. Butter a muffin pan. Half the soft

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Mini-Frittatas d to­ with spinach, drie 8 eggs matoes and goat cheese 240 ml milk salt and pepper 225 g sautéed leaf spinach 80 g diced sautéed mushrooms



3 tbsp diced dried tomatoes

1. Chop chocolate into little pieces

85 g soft goat cheese

and put into a bowl. Put butter and

1. Preheat oven to 170°C and butter

orange zest into a small casserole

a muffin form. Beat together eggs with milk, salt and pepper. 2. Put a tablespoon of spinach and mushrooms





muffin forms, fill up with the milkegg mixture. Sprinkle with dried tomatoes and pieces of goat cheese. 3. Bake for 25 minutes (the egg should be firm, the frittatas turning golden brown).

continue stirring until the mixture ALMOST boils. Sieve the buttercream mixture into the chocolate bowl, really squeeze the juice of the orange zests using a spatula (you want to get the good orange aroma). 2. Let the mixture sit for a minute, then beat this mixture with the orange extract (and optional food colouring) until it is soft and smooth. Cover

orange truffles

and let it melt. Add heavy cream and

ca. 20 pieces

with foil and put in the fridge for 2 hours. 3. Form your truffles: Take mixture out

57 g butter

of the bowl using a teaspoon. With

your hands shape the dough into

½ orange (only the zest)

2 tbsp heavy cream

balls, roll them in powdered sugar

250 g white chocolate

and let them cool off in the fridge

½ tsp orange extract

for at least another 20 minutes.

30 g powdered sugar 01

(red and yellow food colouring )

/1 7



Apple-quiches 1 pck puff pastry

4 apples

cinnamon grounded cloves

1 vanilla bean

1 roll marzipan

pine nut juice of 1 lemon bit of butter 1. Preheat oven to 180째C! You may peel the apples, but you can also use them in whole with their skin. Cut into little pieces. Instantly sprinkle apples with lemon juice. 2. Season apples with cinnamon and cloves and scraped out vanilla seed. You can add brown sugar. However


Download all recipes

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the marzipan already adds a lot of sweetness. 3. Put pine nuts in a pan without oil or butter and brown them (careful, they burn very easily). Add nuts to the apple mixture. Optionally you can also add raisins, soaked in rum. 4. Take puff pastry out of the package and cut out big circles using a glass or cookie cutter. Put them into the buttered muffin form. Put a piece of marzipan into each pastry and add apple mixture. Top with a few flakes of butter. 5. Bake for ca. 20 Minutes. They taste great with vanilla sauce, cranberry marmelade or icecream.




ot so long ago, cookbooks were practical friends that gave us concise, factual advice. They were well respected, but they certainly didn’t have everyone in raptures. Those days

are gone. The cookbooks of today seduce and inspire. They reflect our lifestyle. And this is proving to be very popular. The sales figu-

res for cookbook publishers are on the up. This is not only the case in Germany, but is, in fact, an international development. As long as the publishing houses continue to surprise us with forthcoming books from season to season, we’ll remain excited.

01 /1 9



DIY IN THE KITCHEN If you can buy everything yourself, then DIY is definitely more exciting. Trying and experimenting will be fun enough in itself. Seriously though, it tastes far better too!

A COUNTRY COOK'S KITCHEN Time-tested kitchen skills by Alison Walker (Rizzoli Publishers) A cookbook that is as charming as it is diverse. Whoever takes a look inside will want to dash off to the kitchen and get cracking right away. We thought the orange marmalade was exquisite, the crumpets divine and don’t even get us started on the heavenly spiced pears! In short: Alison has it down. As does photographer Tara Fisher.

THE ART OF FERMENTATION An In-depth Exploration of Essential Concepts and Processes from Around the World, by Sandor Ellix Katz A book for everyone who likes getting down to the bottom of things and isn’t content with superficialities. History, concepts and processes – Sandor Ellix Katz has an answer for everything and has followed up every how and why for us.

THE KIMCHI COOKBOOK by Lauryn Chun ( Ten Speed Press )


Kimchee is basically the trademark of Korean cuisine. In this book, the Asian art of preserves puts its best face forward. Smells and textures are to be found that open up a whole new world and yet wonderfully blend with the known world, as shown in the Cooking-with-Kimchee-­ recipe section.

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SO SWEET, SO GOOD A new era of sweets is upon us. Or rather: a new era of bakers, pastry makers and sweet lovers. Wherever you look online, sweets are being celebrated. Pretty as a picture and delicious. Who doesn’t want a taste?

THE VINTAGE TEA PARTY YEAR by Angel Adoree (Mitchell Beazley) If you enter Angel’s world of tea parties, you will find yourself in a world of your own. This is where you break with traditional cookbook genres, where you live a passion and the reader dares to dream. At the same time, Angel puts a lot of love into the recipes. Splendid!

PASTRY by Richard Bertinet ( Ebury Press ) Richard Bertinet‘s collections of recipes are some of the best among baking books. The master baker’s skills are desirable, they are what we strive for. Until now, bread was near and dear to him. We can finally indulge in pastry.

SWEETS Himmlische Verführungen für den ganzen Tag by Nicole Stich (GU) – German language Nicole Stich, darling and pioneer in the food blogosphere. We were eagerly looking forward to her next book to be published. Now that it has been published, we are delighted. Sugar, crèmes and fruits, oh, simply everything the sweet cooking world desires. Off we go to the land of milk and honey (blog: L). 01 /1 1



HOW TO BE FAR AWAY IN YOUR OWN KITCHEN Remember the times when we traveled the world? When time had no meaning and we were constantly out of cash? But we didn’t care, for the journey was the reward. This all has changed now. Fortunately, there are cookbooks with their recipes that we can take comfort in. They bring faraway smells and sensational tastes close to us in the blink of an eye.

JERUSALEM by Ottolenghi and Tamimi ( Ten Speed Press ) Yotam Ottolenghi and Sami Tamimi enjoy hero status in the foodie community. Not only is their history captivating (Ottolenghi is from Israel, Tamimi from Palestine, both live in London), but also their ability to compile a collection of modern and luscious recipes that are rich in flavor and texture and are always quite the eye catcher. Well, as I said, they are heroes.

EVERY GRAIN OF RICE by Fuchsia Dunlop ( Bloomsbury) Fuchsia Dunlop is a modern adventurer. She is drawn to Chinese cuisine. She was the first cook from the Western world at the Sichuan Higher Institute of Cuisine—as the only woman among almost 50 men. We immerse ourselves with relish in her Chinese home cooking dishes that she presents in a way that our mouth is watering

CREPES by Martha Homberg (Chronicle Books ) No time to go to France this year? It is of course almost unbearable for a foodie not to press your nose against the patisseries or be blissfully overwhelmed at the cheese counter. But at least you can make your own crepes at home. There is hardly any better book to raise your spirits than this one. Vive la France! si st er M AG




VEGGIES ARE ESSENTIAL The passion for vegetables is the new motto these days. Meat is not locked out, but it finds its way less and less frequently into our kitchen. So now veggie ­recipes have to prove that they are not only saturating but also make you happy. And they do.

RIVER COTTAGE VEG EVERY DAY by Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall ( Bloomsbury Publishing) Hugh is veg-tastic! He writes cookbooks that turn us into groupies. Witty, with ease and absolute connoisseurship in this field. Home cooks feel at home here. With Hugh, you don’t just cook during the weekends but also after work in the evening.

ÖSTERREICHISCH VEGETARISCH by Katharina Seiser & Meinrad Neunkirchner ( Brandstätter Verlag ) – German language Where other cookbooks resort to the international trea­ sure trove of ingredients, these two authors remain faithful to their culture. Fortunately, imitations of Wiener Schnitzel & Co. are nowhere to be found. What’s special about it is the collection of every-day recipes with local vegetables that undergo delicate refinements and are combined in surprisingly new ways.

TENDER by Nigel Slater ( Dumont Verlag ) In his book Tender, Nigel Slater combines what most ­people want and only some can: gardening and cooking. Whereas it is usually true to say that cooking starts with buying groceries, in this case it starts in the backyard. Nigel’s recipes are the same as always—easy, subtle and simply yummy. 01 /1 3



We want to create a land of fantasy.

ROYAL SMUSHI a portrait by the owner of the royal café Rud Christiansen

Danish for "Butter & bread" usually a buttered rye bread + topping

Royal Smushi Cafe concept was

– however in a smaller and perhaps

actually conceived by wanting to

more inviting culinary form that

break the constant repetition of cafe

pleased both eye and palette – with an

design and food that was clearly

emphasis on "small is beautiful" and

based on huge café chains.

also with consideration for smaller

Also there was no café anywhere in

servings by respecting the need for

the world that incorporated Danish

fewer calories and using fresher

design and food. Likewise it had never

and healthier mixes of ingredients.

been tried before to incorporate

If a SMUSHI was a painting, then

Danish manufactures of well known

only the necessary colors and forms

designers into a product placement

were used and the artist would know

scenario, where you would actually

exactly when to stop. There would be

get to see and try these various items.

no excess paint that wouldn’t benefit

Also in Denmark we have an old

the artistic impression but only

si st

tradition called Smoerrebroed, which

confuse the eye of the beholder.

is becoming less and less known

In our world today, it is important to

especially by the younger people. Thus

give the customer a sanction where

we believed, it was time to reinvent it

they can enjoy an hour or two in a

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land of fantasy. Royal Smushi Cafe has

place but also where the customers

all the elements of a fairy tale – with

become each other’s spectators.

a very feminine touch of colors and

We had no great illusion of becoming

gastronomy – but always remembering that this is a café, not a museum or a fancy restaurant. Thus the Royal Café gives the customer this luxury

the first Danes in the cafe world to venture into the very complex Japanese market. From a business perspective there was really no basis

feeling without having to pay luxury

for this, other than the fact that we

prices. Knowing that a majority of

had an idea which we felt could work

cafe customers today are female and

globally. Traditionally Japanese people

younger, Royal Café still has managed

like Scandinavian design and food and

to secure a wide spread audience in all

after having opened in Copenhagen

genders and age levels. Thus allowing

we were quickly visited by a great

the clientele to be everything else than

number of Japanese customers, who

boxed into a specific category – and

all showed their appreciation by what

by this we have managed to keep the

we had achieved. So with thumbs-up,

place full of a yin-yang spirit where

we thought that we would try to find the

not only the cafe becomes a spectator

right partner in Japan as well as the 01 /1 5



si st er

right location. We actually succeeded

– where The Royal Cafe will welcome

in finding both. The professionalism

their future guests on the ground

of a company like Ito En which has

floor next to the main entrance. We

proved their ability to produce great

now have three cafes in Japan: two in

tea and other beverage related

Tokyo and one in Kurashiki the south

products, as well as in just a few

of Japan.

years to become leaders in the cafe

Our main goal by creating a "new"

business with the TULLY's chain - we

cafe - was not to make a repetition

were indeed very lucky and honored

of what already had been done in the

to be chosen by them. Also we were

past, but to keep a red line between

fortunate enough to having been

our existing cafe in Copenhagen by

given the opportunity to get the most

using new surprising elements of

prestigious space – probably in the

design and interior. We incorporated

world – for the location of our café:

two very tall golden trees with leaves

in the middle of Ginza in the heart of

that were incorporated by lighting the

Tokyo. But not only that – also in a

various natural seasonal colors that

totally new and beautiful building –

exist in Japan and Denmark - spring,

the MITSUKOSHI Department Store

summer, fall and winter. Thereby





we achieved the Danish picnic feeling

our beloved Danish rye bread, which

when the customers dine nder and

is a bit darker than normal bread. We

around these trees. These trees along

also use many toppings and dressings

with our very long table and beautiful


"historical funky" glass wall, the eyes

and also compliment the dish. Our

constantly can explore new details of

intention is to keep the SMUSHI as

Danish humour and its colorful past.

close to our original Danish concept

The result we feel - will again enable

– because everybody enjoys the taste

our customers to dream themselves

– but of course we will also respect

away from the daily hustle and bustle of

the Japanese pallet of seasoning and

the ever more demanding life awaiting


outside the doors.

original recipes.

SMUSHI is a combination of sushi and

In Denmark we have many traditional

smoerrebroed in the sense that they

cakes and desserts that have often

are both smaller and easily consumed

been forgotten by the new generations.

bites of food that satisfies both the

It has been our focus to create these

pallet and the eye. However SMUSHI

recipes again and experience with

is, as opposed to sushi, prepared with

their particular taste. These recipes

a numerous of ingredients spanning

really value the ingredients and the

from vegetables – raw, cooked, pickled

combination of often simple tastes

– and meats – pork, beef, chicken,


duck which are grilled, smoked, cured,

found in nature result in simple but

cooked and boiled as well as seafood

delicious delicacies. In The Royal

like shrimps, crabs, salmon, eel,

Cafés in Japan, we will continue in this

herring or cod prepared in likewise

effort. Our menu varies through the

numerous ways. All is served on or with

day starting in the morning, adding

various types of bread, particularly with

lunch, afternoon teas and snacks and











01 /1 7



Fusion of Danish and Japanese traditional dishes

si st

our newly invented concept called

innovation everywhere you look. We

DAKAYA for the evening clientele –

feel that Japan is one of the world’s

done in a light and elegant way.

most energetic and most adaptable

When entering The Royal Cafe, you

environments for innovative thinking

should get a feeling of Denmark and

- but also a place where innovation

by dining there you should experience

becomes reality and is not just

also a taste of Denmark.

an unrealistic dream – because

It is our hope that we will bring a

of people’s appetite for new and

new and inspiring link between the

stimulating creations, however never

Danish and Japanese culture and by

compromising quality or honesty. We

creating our dishes. We do believe

respect this way of thinking and we

there is a place for us – even in a

will do our utmost to live up to this

country where there is vast amount of

respect. n

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Fish Meat vegetarian sweet


D Fish Smushi 

summer recipe


Hvide Sild

white herring page 34

1 TBSP FINELY CHOPPED RED ONIONS Mix the sour cream with lemon




potatoes lightly and fold them into the sour cream with the rest of the ingredients. Season with salt and pepper.

Smushi Construction On a piece of buttered rye bread (oblong), place a spoonful of crushed




white marinated herring on top and decorate with glasswort,

All recipes originally published in the official SMUSHI Cookbook L (Fadl's Forlag)

red cress and thin slices of red onion that have been soaked in ice water.



Celeriac puree roget al

smoked eel page 63

Dice a celeriac into chunky cubes and cook the cubes in enough milk to cover them. Strain the celeriac, but keep the milk. Blend the celeriac to a fine puree with half the milk and a lump of butter, and season with salt. Let the puree cool off in the fridge.

Smushi Construction Place a piece of smoked eel on a buttered piece of rye bread of a similar length. Top with celeriac puree and a salad of fresh pear cubes and macadamia nuts tossed with oil, lemon juice and salt. Sprinkle with sprouts and cress, and decorate with eatable flowers. 01 /1 1



D meat & Poultry smushi 

summer recipe



ham salad page 81

Ham Salad

Smushi Construction

Dice a good boiled ham and mix

Cut out a buttered piece of rye bread

the cubes with mayonnaise.

with a cutter. Leave the rye bread in

Season with Dijon mustard,

the cutter and fill up the cutter with

salt and pepper. Add lightly

ham salad. Give it a gentle squeeze

blanched peas.

and carefully remove the cutter. Top with two blanched pieces of asparagus in a cucumber twister. Decorate with thinly sliced red onions that have soaked in ice water,

si st

cress, sprouts and pea sprouts.

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winter recipe  meat & Poultry smushi D



Forloren Hare

Mock hare


page 108

PICKLED BABY CARROTS Mix 2/3 basic pickle* and 1/3 orange juice (boil freshly squeezed juice before use). Blanch baby carrots and put them in the orange pickle. Let them pickle for ~24 hours before use.

»MOCK HARE« Mix minced meat with salt. Add egg, breadcrumbs, cold bouillon and rest of the vegetables. Let it rest in the fridge for an


(bake potatoes and scrape out inside)


hour. Lay a cross of small pieces of bacon, place a scope of minced meat in the middle and shape the bacon around like the back


of a hare. Roast it in the oven in a deep

Butter a piece of rye bread and top

roasting pan with a bit of water and bouillon

it with a slice of mock hare and

at 170 °C/338 °F for approx. 25 minutes.

pickled baby carrots. Decorate

Fry them crispy just before serving.

with marjoram. 01 /1 3



D vegetarian smushi 

all year



Asparagus page 137

Mousseline The easy and perfectly acceptable way: Whisk 2.5 dl/8.5 fl oz cream with approx. 5 g/0.2oz. instant Hollandaise powder, and season with lemon juice. The original way: Whisk two egg yolks in a bain marie with 30 g/1 fl oz. Hollandaise reduction till it is stiff and fluffy. Fold in 100 g/3.5 fl oz melted butter and let it cool to room temperature. Season with si

salt and spoon it into a piping bag.

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Smushi Construction Steam two asparagus in a bit of water and butter till they are almost tender. Cut them in half. Roll a thin slice of white bread around the asparagus. Fry the roll in butter on the closing side first. You can use a tooth pick to hold the roll together. When the roll is golden, pour a bit of olive oil tossed with salt, pepper and lemon zest on the asparagus. Let the roll cool off and make a couple of mousseline tops on top. Decorate with fresh herbs.


all year  sweet smushi D WHITE BREAD 50 G SUGAR



Cut a square piece of white bread and cut a round whole in the middle. Coat the bread in a mixture of 2 eggs whisked with 50 g sugar + 50 g cream. Fry the bread on all sides till it is golden.

elderflower Berry jam Bring the ingredients to a boil while skimming. Let it simmer for 10 minutes, then pour it into jars.



Mix the dry ingredients. Heat up oil, sugar, syrup and vanilla and mix it into the dry ingredients. Roast it in the oven at 160°C for 25-30 minutes


till it is golden. Let the granola cool off and store in a dry place.


Smushi Construction Heat up the French toast and fill the hole in the middle with jam. Mix granola with maple syrup, place on top and decorate with mint leaves.


arme riddere

French Toast page 158

health ward

A controversially discussed star shines on the sky of fitness

CROSSFIT – STRONG IS THE NEW SKINNY More than two decades ago, Greg

for determining the fittest woman and

Glassmann, a former American High

fittest man on earth.

School Physical Education teacher,

The quintessence of America’s new

developed a new highly intensive training method with the stated goal of improving strength, endurance as well

fitness trend, whose programming is also used by many police and fire departments or military organizations,

as overall functional fitness without

is quite simple. The main goal is

having the same workout schedule

to train one’s own body for every

every day.

day challenges by doing complex,

In 2000, he founded CrossFit, Inc.

demanding coordinated movements

which has been expanding since.

that involve various muscle groups at

According to his website there are

the same time.

4,500 CrossFit-Gyms and more than


35,000 accredited CrossFit-trainers


worldwide. In cooperation with R ­­ eebok,

powerlifting elements (squats, bench

a subsidiary of Adidas, CrossFit has

press and deadlift) are combined with

now its own sportswear collection and

bodyweight exercises (pull-ups, push-

organizes the annual CrossFit Games

ups etc.) or sprinting.

si st er M AG



weightlifting and






CrossFit does not take place at a classic

room with treadmills and numerous

gym but in so called boxes where you

flat screens.

won’t find any typical fitness m ­ achines

takes place in big, sparse rooms only

or a cardio-

equipped with the most essential

Instead, the workout


things. Barbells, dumbbells,

01 /1 9



kettle bells, medicine balls, jumping ropes and rowing machines make the heart of every CrossFit fan beat faster. Amateurs, however, probably think of torturing PE lessons. The heart of every CrossFit-Routine is the workout of the day, short WOD, often being named Don’t stop after women or soldiers killed in action. WOD’s when you’re consist of elements mixed tired, stop in various combinations when you’re and have to be completed done! within a certain amount of time or have to be repeated as often and as fast as possible. For Example: five pull-ups, ten push-ups, fifteen squats or running as many rounds as possible within a timeframe of 20 minutes. This training program is called Cindy. As soon as the clock ticks, loud noises

and aggressive music set in. Shouting teammates motivate the athletes to give their best until they reach their personal limits. Dripping with sweat, grasping for air and full of happiness drop the athletes to the ground. However, these intense and demanding workouts are the reason why more and more experts question the CrossFit training method. Technically sophisticated exercises are being repeated in a state of physical exhaustion which increases the risk of injuries tremendously. Professional boxing with qualified trainers is therefore indispensible. Classes




techniques of complex movements as well as certain health-enhancing basics are mandatory for newcomers as well as advanced Crossfitters to avoid severe sport injuries.

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A central element of CrossFit is the strong community experience. Physical and mental exertion make CrossFit athletes reach their limits, the team spirit helps to overcome those limits. Two successful representatives of the German CrossFit community took their time to answer our sisterMAG-Questionnaire. Please describe CrossFit in three words: Fun, Success, Variance. When and why did you start CF? I started at the end of 2009. My boyfriend “discovered� it one year before and he then started doing CF together with me aside from his football training with the Vienna Vikings. Today he owns the CrossFit ACE.

PROFILE NAME: Paloma Schreiber AGE: 25 Jahre LIVES IN: Vienna

What kind of sport did you do before starting CF?

PROFESSION: Student at the University for Applied Arts in Vienna

As a child I was into ballet, then volleyball and capoeira and after that I did six years of kick boxing.

CROSSFIT-BOX: CrossFit ACE in Vienna

How does your typical weekly workout schedule look like? CrossFit does not have a typical workout schedule. Every day is different. The majority of the workouts is a combination of metabolic conditioning exercises, gymnastics, weightlifting as well as other functional muscle building exercises. What are your favorite and least favorite CF-exercises? I prefer the Olympic weightlifting. For me it is the most challenging exercise since it is not only about strength but most importantly about technique and concentration. I could totally live without the running exercises, though.

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How have your body and face changed since you started doing CF on a regular basis? More muscles, less fat. My “mind” hasn’t changed a lot though since I have always been doing quite a lot of sport. But I have never ever done any sport that is so much fun to me. Do you have a nutrition plan or are you on a special diet? No. But I love to cook every day which is why I never eat any fast food or anything similar. "Stone Age Diet", more about this on page 178 }.

Do you follow the Paleo diet? And what do you think about it? No. But I do support eating natural and pure food or considering food as some kind of medicine. However, I can’t live without dairy products plus I would have to torture myself to be consistent with my diet on special occasions or when eating out.


What is your friend’s and family’s opinion on your outstanding commitment to CF?

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Those who tried it instantly fell in love with it, just as I did. And those who prefer a wellness day usually shake their heads. Do you sometimes also have “weak moments” in everyday life that you just want to spend with your friends on a couch, watching a movie, eating your favorite pizza and a whole box of macadamia nut ice-cream for dessert? Yes, of course and quite often. But those aren’t weak but deliberately chosen and very delightful moments that nobody should miss out on! What do you like best about CF? Feeling one’s own body, having fun working out and being part of such an incredibly diverse CrossFit community. Are there any disadvantages? Caution: Risk of addiction! According to your opinion, what are the most popular and most common misconceptions or misunderstandings concerning CF?


What advice would you give to a CF newcomer? To be patient for about two weeks. And after those two weeks you will feel a difference, even in your everyday life. What does CF mean to you and what is the greatest impact CF had or has on your life?

Butterfly Situps


Many people don`t start CF because they get scared when watching videos of professional CrossFit athletes and lose their self-confidence. But there is a fitness level for EVERYONE! Besides, you are not always that exhausted after a workout that you drop to the floor. CrossFit is much more than working out hard. Doing CrossFit will improve your strength, technique, coordination, your overall explosiveness etc.

{1} Lie on the ground, put a folded towel under your lower body, the soles of your feet touch each other, knees fall to the sides. Put your stretched arms above your head.

I am in a much better shape and in some respects I think I also got a bit more self-confident by doing CF. What would you tell women who don`t want to lift weights because they are scared of turning into a f­ emale hulk? I can only tell from my own experiences that it just feels incredible to become stronger, faster and more flexible – especially more sexy - with every day of ­training, plus it keeps you motivated. My advice: Compare one kilogram of muscle to one kilogram of fat. What has more volume? l

{2} Contract belly muscles and pull yourself up while your fingers pull in the direction of your toes.

01 /1 3




Please describe CrossFit in three words:

NAME: Melissa Wegner

Fit for life!

AGE: 23

When and why did you start CF?

LIVES IN: Ansbach

Mid-2010. I was invited to my first workout by a friend of mine. Since then I have been working out five to six times a week. Why? I was convinced by the CrossFit community. Together you are pushing yourselves through the work­ outs and that brings you together. We sometimes even meet outside the “box”.

PROFESSION: studies Food Management at the University of Weihenstephan-Triesdorf CROSSFIT-BOX: CrossFit Ansbach CrossFit Vienna

What kind of sport did you do before starting CF? Before CF have never really done any sport seriously. I just did some swimming as a lifeguard and took standard dance lessons. So, during my first workout I noticed immediately that I wasn`t in such a good shape. I couldn`t do any pull-ups or push-ups and couldn`t run a single kilometer without being completely out of breath. How does your typical weekly workout schedule look like? vv Mondays through Wednesdays: Olympic style weightlifting, strength exercises, endurance workout vv Thursdays: rest day vv Fridays: power lifting, endurance workout vv Saturdays: Olympic style weightlifting, a particularly intense workout vv Sundays: rest day What are your favorite and least favorite CF-exercises? I prefer the Olympic weightlifting elements: Clean & Jerk and Snatch. Those exercises take up most of your discipline and need a lot of training but you can actually

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see the progress plus the Snatch just looks really cool. My least favorite CFexercise? You could ask that question every CrossFit athlete and all of them would probably give you the same answer: BURPEES! Or Wallballshots? Or Thrusters? Or…. ? How have your body and face changed since you started doing CF on a regular basis? I have broader shoulders, bigger thighs and my stomach is a bit more flat than before. However, CrossFit is not about idealizing your body, but about getting in GREAT shape. You train for real and everyday life plus you don`t run that easily out of breath anymore carrying water bottles, climbing stairs or helping friends move. My mind has clearly changed as well. CrossFit teaches you life changing lessons, for example to endure the probably hardest five minutes of your life, to just grit your teeth or to keep fighting, even if it’s hard. And I guarantee you that you will feel so

much better and happier after you have finished your workout. The entire team gives its best, you earn the respect of your teammates and you develop a better sense of what your body is capable of. Your work­ Do you have a nutrition plan or are you on a special diet?

out is our warm-up!

Right now, I follow the so called “Paleo-Diet” to 95%. That means I only eat meat, vegetables, nuts, seeds, some fruits, some starch-products and no sugar. Noodles, bread and dairy products are strictly forbidden as well. Athletes who follow that diet recover a lot faster after a workout and have much more energy. Besides, my skin looks way better, I also concentrate better and I need less sleep. What about the last 5%? Well, I am also just human. J Do you follow the Paleo diet? And what do you think about it? Yes, and I totally love that diet. At the beginning it was a bit tough. But I just can recommend it to everyone to try 01 /1 5




and follow this diet for an entire month. You can really feel and see the difference afterwards. All of my friends who tried this diet once changed and reorganized their nutrition plans by adding Paleo elements to it. However, no one follows it 100%.

{1} Bend knees, place your hands under your shoulders on the ground

What is your friend’s and family’s opinion on your outstanding commitment to and great enthusiasm for CF?

{2} Jump back with both feet while bending your arms and lowering yourself to the ground.

Do you also sometimes have “weak moments” in everyday life that you just want to spend with your friends on a couch, watching a movie, eating your favorite pizza and a whole box of macadamia nut ice-cream for dessert?

I probably go on people’s nerves since I pretty much talk and post about nothing else but CrossFit. But most of my friends are also into CF. So, all in all I think that all of them are proud of my athletic performances and my commitment to CF and that they always wish me luck.

Mmmmmmh!! Macadamia nut ice-cream!! I told you, I am also just human. J What do you like best about CF? What I like best about CrossFit is the community. That might sound kind of romantic but it’s the truth. Are there any disadvantages? CrossFit is and will always be a lifestyle: Once you have tried CF, it won’t ever let you go! So, RUN!

{3} Revert this motion quickly and quickly jump up. Clap your hands above your head. si st er M AG




What are the most popular and most common misconceptions or misunderstandings concerning CF? First: As soon as women start lifting weights they will soon look like bodyguards. Second: CrossFit is not for beginners. Both are wrong. What advice would you give to a CF newcomer? Especially at the beginning it can be really tough – not to mention taking the stairs after a workout. But it`s definitely worth persevering. What does CF mean to you and what is the greatest impact CF had or has on your life? For me CrossFit is more than just some kind of sport, it is a lifestyle. Every day I am looking forward to working out and I am not exaggerating. I am proud of my body and want stay fit and healthy for many more years to come which is why I watch my diet as well as my way of life, even outside the “box”. What would you tell women who don`t want to lift weights because they are scared of turning into a female hulk?

When life knocks you down, do a Burpee!

Doing CrossFit you will get more muscles. But the fear of turning into a female bodybuilder is completely unfounded. And those who don’t want to believe me should take part in a CF-workout and have a closer look at all the women who are working out at the CrossFitGym. I would be quite surprised if someone found a female hulk since I haven`t met one yet. 01 /1 7



Find out even more about the Paleo Diet and Fitness on this blog L.

EAT Meat Fish Seafood Eggs


Milk & dairy products grains

processed foods, which

Fruits Vegetables Nuts

include sweets and candy, alcohol, instant meals



The Paleo diet, also referred to as caveman or Stone Age diet, is a modern nutritional plan based on eating plants and wild animals similar to what cavemen are presumed to have eaten during the Paleolithic era. Supporters of the Paleo Diet argue that today’s typical Western diet is responsible for the epidemic levels of si st er M AG



numerous civilization diseases. Critics on the other hand ques­tion the evidence for that thesis referring to various hominid species that didn`t have a consistent diet plan during the Stone Age p ­ eriod (lasted for about two million years) and to the fact that for ­example quantities of consumed meat also varied. n




Recharge your batteries within 25 days using Ayurveda

DON'T ABSTAIN! REFUEL! Restore your energy, enjoy purer skin, stronger hair, improved digestion and reduced cravings for sweets and meat – doesn’t this sound tempting? After sumptuous holidays and fancy dress parties comes the time to do yourself and your body some good. Fasting is not the only way to regain strength and energy for the warm season: there is now an easier way with less sacrifice. Have you ever been on a fasting cure? No solid food, just

HOW TO GET THE ENERGY KICK It doesn’t take a lot to stimulate your digestive capacity. You can detoxify and still supply your body with everything it needs in order to regain strength and vitality.

water, tea and juices. The Lenten Fast has a long tradition and aims at reinvigorating body and mind. At the same time it helps to lose weight but as we abstain from solid food, our body experiences some kind of an emergency situation: the digestive system is weakened and all the nourishment that is taken in is being stored. This holds true not only for the duration of the fasting period but also for the time afterwards when the body prepares for

Oral hygiene:  During the night toxic debris deposits on your tongue and manifests itself in a white coating which should be removed in the morning before brushing your teeth.

the next fasting period and regains the pounds which had laboriously been lost beforehand. Abandon the Abstinence! If you don’t feel tempted by the idea of classical Lenten Fast, try an Ayurveda treatment with green smoothies and wheatgrass drinks instead! Green smoothies consist of leafy vegetables and fruit puréed to delicious smoothies by a high-performance mixer. The leaves are bursting with rich nutrients but are hard to digest. By mixing them, the

The power of water: A glass of warm water just before breakfast activates digestion.

Super-Smoothie: Treat yourself with a daily green smoothie or wheatgrass drink as concentrated source of vitamins, proteins and minerals. 01 /1 9



cell walls are broken down to make the

of the common wheat plant. It provi-

nutrients bio-available to your body.

des chlorophyll, amino acids, mine-

In case you don’t own a high-perfor-

rals, vitamins, and enzymes. Further-

mance mixer, wheatgrass-drinks are

more wheatgrass contains no wheat

the perfect alternative. Wheatgrass is

gluten, is therefore integrable into a

a food prepared from the cotyledons

gluten-free diet. n

sisterMAG gives it a try! The Feinstoff concept immediately sparked our interest. How does wheatgrass powder taste like? How long does it take to notice the effects – are there any in the first place? We therefore ordered one of the Feinstoff sets to give it a try! You will hear about Thea's experiences in the next sisterMAG issue.

This is how it works:

Have a green smoothie with wheatgrass powder every morning!

What we are going to test?

Whether the Naturya wheatgrass ­treatment yields the promised effects:

Mix 1 tsp of Naturya wheatgrass powder with ¼ l of water or juice.

—— more energy

Enjoy your smoothie consciously and slowly.

—— stronger hair

Let 20 minutes pass before you start with your breakfast.

—— less cravings for meat and sweets

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—— purer skin —— help sluggish digestion —— rich supply of protein


Try Naturya wheatgrass powder for FREE with Feinstoff & sisterMAG! 1. Become a fan of sisterMAG and Feinstoff on


Lunch habits:  The wheatgrass provides your body with sufficient nutrients causing a change in your eating beha­ vior within 25 days.

2. Send Feinstoff a short message containing

your name and address and a reference to the sisterMAG article. Feinstoff gives away 1 set of Naturya wheatgrass powder (lasts for 40 days) to the first 20 participants! Additionally, Feinstoff gives away a Vitamix TNC 5200 high-performance mixer among all participants who post a short field report on the Feinstoff Facebook wall. From crushed ice to avocado pits – the perfect mixer for green smoothies can handle them all!

Meal times:  As there are times of better and weaker digestion you should avoid to eat between 2 and 5 p.m. and – if possible – also avoid meals after 7.30 p.m. Avoid cooling foods: Raw fruit and vegetables should be avoided just as well as dairy products and cheese as these groceries have a ­cooling effect and thereby impede the digestive fire.

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THE FRANKLIN METHOD: THREE ASPECTS OF MOBILITY Movement starts in your head: How to easily master your daily life with joy, an understanding of your body and the power of imagination. text INGUNN ABRAHAM L


he sound of the alarm reminds me

people. Although

that I am meeting a friend tonight to

in the beginning my

go to a new movement class. This class

weaker self just wanted

is based on the work of Erik Franklin

to sit down on the comfortable

who took the idea of ideokinetics

couch, I was happy by the end of the


class and every fibre of my body felt




revolutionary method of synthesizing



We are a colourful bunch: the warm,




anatomy on the basis of the newest human and sports medicine. I am simply hoping for better flexibility and less pain. The flyer seems encouraging and promises an interesting workout based on your own imagination.

delicate musician

movement with





tenseness, the mother and daughter open to a new body experience, a retired couple wanting more flexibility, an eager physiotherapist, an agile


woman in her 40’s with back problems,

and a water bottle, I enter the bright

my friend with a damaged knee and

ballet hall with its shining mirrors

me with my hip pain. First, we are told

and beautiful wooden floors, ready to

to feel what is going on inside our body

relax my neck among a small group of

for two to three minutes. How are we


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 left arm. Easier, higher, further. I am actually stunned by how the power of imagination affects my flexibility. feeling physically today, right here, right now? This particular, intensive way of self-perception is going to be an important part of the three-hour class and fully opening up to it will lead to several new body experiences.

The following coordination exercises make our brains receptive to actively focus on the shoulder girdle. I “sponge” the shoulder muscle which means I squeeze it with one hand while imagining how used water is pressed out of the muscle. With delight, I feel fresh spring water flowing into it. We

We take each other’s hands and swing

try to imagine different pictures: for

our arms with strong impulses, let

example how melting ice cream, liquid

them swing with the lightness of the

honey or a warm bubble bath glide

moment. Then, we raise our left arm -

down over our shoulder girdle. After

but only in our t­­ houghts - with the help

practicing the left side, I notice how

of our imagination. Repeat. Sense the

relaxed my left shoulder looks in the

aftereffects. And to my great surprise,

mirror. It is about an inch lower than

I discover that while swinging both of

the right one. But there is more. Hip

my arms one after the other, it is a lot

flexibility, bounce and elasticity of my

easier to do so for my mentally-trained

left leg are by far better than those 01 /1 3



of my right leg. Now the other shoulder is in need of training to balance things out. We sit on mats in a circle and curiously listen to explanations about the human anatomy. How the body is built up, what moves where and how bones and muscles, even organs, organ systems, connective tissue and blood vessels are part of the respective movements.

How the trunk and arm are organized,

comes almost too early, I could have

how the arm is connected to the body

stayed like this a while longer.

and what the shoulder girdle does.

Still lying down but now without an

In pairs of two, we focus on movements

exercise partner, everyone puts balls

again and feel how the different­­ that are specifically designed for the

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muscles react to each exercise.

Franklin Method under their shoulder

Afterwards, during a constructive

blades, and later under the upper arms

break, my exercise partner lies on the

too in order to shift the upper body in

floor and I gradually slide my hands

all directions. Rolling the ball is easier

and arms under his shoulder girdle.

on the joints than for instance doing

Even as a beginner, I can clearly feel

exercises on the machines at the gym.

how his shoulder blades sink into my

To put the method to one last test, each

hands like two heavy bags of grains

of us chooses their preferred picture

and how they relax, regroup and get

for their imagination. And I can see

tonified. We switch. Now it is my turn to

the result in the mirror – shoulders

relax completely.The waking-up part

hanging loosely on my relaxed and




HEALTH WARD I understand that a little effort of imagination can improve personal and / or specific activities, whether I'm sitting at my computer, standing in the k­ itchen or walk around.

swinging diaphragm, the kidney as the door to vitality, preventing arthritis in the hip joint, the lungs in motion and upright body. The

the harmonic nervous system. n

brain saves this state of feeling good, and it can access this memory later if we are in need of relaxation.






evaluated in Germany at the moment and is about to be recognized by insurance

We end the class dancing or rather

companies. The Franklin Method is the

gliding freely through the room, space-

only physical training method worldwide

consuming and light as a feather. I

that primarily focuses on working with

have come to understand that the

mental pictures. What makes it so

small effort of imagining something

special is that this method turns away

can improve personal and/or specific

from machines and a predetermined

activities, whether I am sitting at

set of exercises. Whether you are a

my desk working on the computer,­ beginner or have experience with standing in the kitchen or walking exercising, whether you are young or somewhere. old – everyone can learn the FM and We all plan to come back for more

use it whenever and wherever.

classes: We will continue the journey

For more information, books and

through our bodies and continue

addresses for training visit

exploring the dynamic spine, the L 01 /1 5












aa xtr













SU inc




Knit Section


Gorgeous Knitting Supplies

Illustration: ThN


text  Leonie Kau L

January 2012. A typical January in Hamburg: the days are short, mostly grey and very cold. The magic of Christmas is gone, the energy we still had at the turn of the year – paired with our good intentions – gradually fades. Good wishes for the new year still reverberating in our lives, everybody secretly yearns for spring. At least this is the way I feel. My education and training is finished, the job search still in process but I'm still not entirely sure in which direction I should steer my life. In this mood, I receive a call from a dear friend. We chat about this and that and plan the next reunion. Finally she asks me, if I would like to visit a knitting class with her. In the latest issue of a German lifestyle magazine she found out about a little knitting café in Hamburg’s »in«district Schanze and that there was still space in the next beginners’

class. Next day we sign up for the course in early February. And my journey begins. When I first opened the door to »mylys«, I had no idea how regularly I would be visiting this space over the next few months, how many more times I would open this door. »mylys« L (which means my local yarn store, a common term in the English language, but not very known in Geman), opened by Naima Hakim in March 2010, has two doors. The right one leads directly into a yarn store. Hand-dyed wool by different manufacturers from around the world is piling up in white shelves in the foyer area. The two rear rooms invite visitors to linger: for example by spending time spooling wool, browsing in knitting books and magazines, exchanging ideas and – of course – by knitting. In one of these rooms our course begins. 01 /1 9



mylys Hamburg

Betta, the teacher for the next three evenings, introduces herself and the project she especially designed for the beginner’s course. We will all end up with a handmade hat, I note in disbelief. I start In the my first experiments following under the strict, yet patient eyes months I of Betta. The other continue my course members, I feel, journey. Or is are more likely to be knitting the described as »returners« journey it­ to knitting, to whom this self? course is addressed as well. After a little practice at home I finally get the hang of knitting – and cannot put down my needles anymore. My hat is slowly growing, stitch after stitch. I really enjoy the feeling of wool in my hands and the sound of my knitting needles. At that point, I still cannot imagine which options knitting will open up to me. At last, on the third day of the course, I have learned all the basics that you need for knitting (and I don’t realize this until much later as

well). Betta patiently finishes up the threads of my head and I am proud about my first self-knitted project. In the following weeks I am a constant guest of »mylys«, I discover


the numerous English and German knitting magazines, search for wool for new hats, which I give away to my loved ones, and plan new projects. I experience a »Knit Night« for the first time – this is an open knitting meeting held in the winter months every second Friday in the shop – and I am delighted! Knitting together is colourful, entertaining, helpful and always inspiring. When I want to be part of this community, I enter »mylys« through the second door, the one to the left. It leads to a small café where homemade treats and sweets are served. Enjoying the special atmosphere of the space, I sit there and knit. And thank goodness that shop and café are interconnected – that way I can easily get new wool without the inconvenience of travelling across the city! In the following months I will continue my journey. Or is knitting the journey itself? – In July I visit Paris and one of my first ways in the city leads to »la droguery«, a beautiful handicraft

shop in the 1st arrondissement. Here crafters of the 21st century can find everything they yearn for. Some things I quickly recognize like the large ball winder, on which an employee handles large hand-dyed wool strands and forms them into balls, where the thread flows easily from the centre. Or the books and magazines that provide inspiration for future projects. But there are also new items: small, thematic magazines, which are self-published by »la droguerie« L or small boxes with all materials (tutorial, wool, little accessories like buttons etc.) for a small project, mostly for toddler or baby clothing – I spontaneously name them »ready-to-knit«-boxes. I haven’t seen such boxes in Germany yet. I want to save the idea, maybe create my own little boxes to give away to other knitting enthusiasts. Before I leave the shop I choose a few buttons to sew onto my first handmade cardigan. That way I can sew a little memory of my trip to yet another beautiful handicraft shop 01 /1 3

1 9 1

onto my own garment. Whenever I close the buttons on my jacket, I am reminded of a beautiful summer day in Paris. The highlight of all my voyages in 2012 is definitely »loop« L: A knitting shop situated in the heart of London. Experts call it »knitters’ heaven«. Rumours say that it might be the most wonderful shop in Europe. At home at »mylys« I am assured that every knitter, who travels to London, must definitely visit this little two storey shop full of wool, wonderful haberdashery accessories and with a unique atmosphere. However, it will still be a while before I push open the heavy wooden doors in Islington.


In the meantime, it is early fall, I somehow stumble upon »ravelry« L – the network for knitters and crocheters. It really was only a matter of time. For a few days I cannot stop logging on and quickly realize why this site is a must-have for any knitter. My enthusiasm for this site is still as untarnished as on the first day, which is why I don’t even

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KNIT SECTION loop London

know where to start with telling you about the possibilities of this (free) membership platform. Apart from your own notebook, where you can save your projects, add pictures, tips and notes, you will find a vast number of tutorials (including a large number of free instructions), information about wool and their manufacturer, forums and groups. First and foremost: you will find inspiration! The possibilities seem endless to me. I can look for releases of my favourite designers, check out what other people have done with the wool I recently purchased. Using the function »friend activity« I can follow my friends’ projects, see what they plan to knit or add them to my

favourites. In short: it is wonderful (caution: highly addictive) and definitely worth a visit. At the end of November I return from a trip to London. I bring back a nicely labelled bag reading »loop – gorgeous knitting supplies« which is filled with wool and memories of another store. Like all the other experiences from the last few months, this visit has charmed me. Knitting and everything about it makes me happy. The voyage, as I have discovered in my first year as a knitter, is infinite. It begins everywhere and ends nowhere. It enriches, changes you, it infects you and – foremost – always leaves you wanting more. n

Links for your »voyage«: eL d s. ly y m : rg u b m a H s ly My Loop London: loopknitti L Droguerie Paris: ladrogu

01 /1

Ravelry: L





Photos Cristopher Santos L Styling Eva-Maria Neubauer L Makeup & Hair Barbara Laneve L Model Stiene Vandenbulcke






Handmade pullover with fur sleeves – Download tutorial & pattern D || Skirt made of shiny fabric – Tutorial in sisterMAG N°1 || High Heel Pumps in Brown: Cinti via Zalando || Bracelets: Nomination L

Lime-coloured swea­ ter: COS L || Checked skirt inspired by Louis Vuitton: handmade – tutorial in the next issue || Golden flats: Kurt Geiger L

Handmade top made of fake fur – tutorial in the next issue || Jeans: stylist's own || Pumps in Black: andrea puccini || Necklace "Sahara": Sveva via L

Handmade crochet pullover in mint green || Violet bonnet: Escada Sport || Mint coloured pants: ZARA TRF || Pointy flats with silver tip: Stuart Weitzman || Silk scarf: COS

Hand-painted polo shirt pullover: Esprit || Skirt is painted and stamped using potatoes: Download tutorial D || Blue high heels with bow: Palazzo Bruciato L || Purse with crocodile leather appearance: F­ urla L

Handmade cotton pullover: Download tutorial D || Wide circle skirt with floral pattern: handmade || Belt: stylist's own || Blue pumps with bows: Palazzo Bruciato L

How to make it right

Knitting Instructions and their hidden messages text  Victoria Kau L

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The design of this page was inspired by Breanna Rose's wallpaper »Floral« L

Do you still remember how you

it to you. You can then just

learned to ride a bike? I do very clearly:

imitate him/her and learn

how my dad held on to the back rack

it for yourself. Before

while pushing me from behind and

there were books,

promising not to let go. After a short


while he did anyway – and I could


suddenly ride all by myself!

or physical, was

It is this particular moment that I still

transferred orally.

recall – our garden, my little bicycle, and my summer dress. I, however, don’t remember how I actually learned bike riding. Just like I don’t remember how I learned swallowing, speaking, or walking. This is because these actions belong to the category of tacit

knowledge, mental

With the invention of book printing and

Knitting is one of those physical techniques that – once learned – becomes implicit.


(that only dealt with teaching



or other techniques) using words as well as images became

knowledge. Tacit knowledge is the


kind of knowledge that is difficult to

Knitting is one of those physical

transfer to another person by means

techniques that – once learned –

of writing it down or verbalising it.

becomes implicit. However, learning

It’s simply knowledge you possess

knitting without a teacher is quite a

without knowing why or how.

challenge. Today, books, magazines,

The best way to acquire tacit knowledge

and video tutorials seek to bridge that

is to have someone show and explain


01 /1 9



Knitting is uncomplicated enough to be fun, and adequately demanding not to get boring.

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For centuries, knitting was taught in

considered lazy and at odds with pu-

families, guilds or convents. Back in

blic decency. Every book contained a

those days knitting was a much more

foreword in which the author admo-

private matter. People earned a living

nished the reader to be industrious

with knitting and trained apprentices.

and obedient – virtues all combined

Only in the 17th century did instructi-

in no better activity than knitting.

on manuals (also called how-to-texts)

Knitting is uncomplicated enough to

become a known book genre that prospered with the breakup of the guilds in the 18th century. Authors of these books tried - with detailed instructions and drawings - to demystify the technique of knitting. It is however assumable, that girls (and a few boys) had usually learned knitting at school or at home already. These books therefore served as further education.

be fun, and adequately demanding in order not to get boring. A very useful means, therefore, of keeping women quiet - especially as there were far more than just socks to knit. In the 19th century, a great variety of beautifully designed magazines appeared containing knitting, sewing and crocheting instructions. Large with wonderful graphics and model drawings,

si st er

At that time, knitting had become an

they encouraged women to produce

occupation used to teach girls and

numerous (often useless) items. Not

women virtues and moderation. They

only were there tons of bags, hats and

were expected to stay at home, pro-

tablecloths, but also egg bags, foot

duce something useful without being

covers and little bags for threads and

employed (which was then taboo) and

cut-offs. The high-quality magazines

keep their minds off any possible de-

as well as the pretty crafts in them

baucheries. According to these dog-

tempted the customer and crafter

mas, knitting books of that time burst

into buying, browsing and imitating.

with moral obligations. If a woman

Thus both magazine and crafted item

didn’t knit or sew at home she was

became a must-have and must-do; a





Modische Masche, 1/1968 reward for eye, hand and mind – and

men at the front and were economi-

a well-camouflaged ideology.

cal with theirs. In the pages of 1940s

In the beginning of the 20th century,

Vogue, you could learn to unravel old

women began to defend themselves against the female obligations of the time. They left their homes, took up

pullovers and knit new ones from the wool, if you so wished. Who would want to give up style just because of

sports, established associations and


fought for their rights to vote. As a

In the post-war period, knitted fashi-

result, the moralising remarks in the

on was no longer in demand but by the

knitting books gradually diminished.

1970s, the natural homespun look had

Magazines that once only featured

become fashionable and knitting was

craft topics, now also dealt with po-

popular once more. In the GDR espe-

litical and societal subjects. Knitted

cially, crafting became a huge trend.

items become more practical, looser,

Stylish clothes were hard to come by

and more comfortable. In addition,

and everyone walked around in the

the two World Wars brought an end

same clothes, prompting the rise of

to the innocence of knitting. Efficient

DIY. There were a few GDR magazines

women knitted warm clothes for their

that contained crafting instructions as 01 /1 3



well as re-

The fact of the matter remains that

quests made to

no text, drawing or photograph can

the female reader to produce

teach knitting as well as a real per-

something for practical - as well as

son. This is once more proved by the

aesthetic - purposes. The message

knitting video tutorials, which can

was clear: use your spare time wisely,

be found on countless video portals,

thank you very much!

blogs and websites. These tutorials

One of the most famous magazines

are living proof of skill sharing. As

of the period was Pramo (a German abbreviation for practical fashion). It contained a lot of removable patterns and instructions. At that time, photographs were used for the first time to show the knitters’ hands and the wool in detail. When compared with the drawings of the last century, si

these did little to further the cause.

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often and whenever they like, users can watch their own private teacher - ideally only his/her hands and viewed from his/her perspective. Digital media hence encourages the popularity of analogue pursuits. Craft fans, it seems, spend as much time seated in front of their computer screens as they do with their craft projects. The virtual and the tactile appear to now

KNIT SECTION Modische Masche, 1/1968

There is no other craft that has been charged with as many connotations as knitting.

coexist in a 21st century symbiosis

as a natural, physical

of sorts. In addition to the videos, the

act. More often than

users happily propagate ecological

not, there is usually a

and individualistic messages. Keen

secondary purpose be-

knitters are often seen to be creative

hind the act. Whether peo-

idealists who abhor mass production

ple knit in order to earn a living,

and cheap labour.

to subordinate to the patriarchal soci-

If you take a closer look at the texts,

ety, or to make an individualistic-eco-

images, and videos about knitting in the past decades and centuries, you may notice they are a lot more than

logical statement, there is no other craft that has been charged with as many connotations as knitting - in the

technical instructions. They become

instructions as well as the practice.

- in accordance with the particular

An instruction is an instruction is an

social context - guidelines for life or

instruction but it is worth searching

even for making it right. Knitting is

for the secondary, hidden meaning be-

one thing. Regardless of whether it is

hind age-old pastimes. Not to worry,

taught by a person, book, or video, it

though – these little manipulations

is quickly internalised and performed

are mostly harmless. n 01 /1 5











The lovely team from Purl Soho l in New York are an institution when it comes to knitting, DIY and blogging! Their projects always become instant hits in the bloggosphere, on Pinterest and Facebook. For this special edition of sisterMAG they allowed us to share the instructions for their "Super Soft Merino Hats" with you! Photos: Purl Soho L

Materials Purl Soho's Super Soft Merino l, 100% merino wool, 87 yards per skein. How much Super Soft Merino each hat requires: »» Baby - about 36 yards »» Toddler - about 47 yards »» Kid - about 58 yards »» Women's - about 69 yards »» Men's - about 80 yards A US #11, 16-inch circular needle A set of US #11 double pointed needles A jumbo stitch marker (optional)

The Pattern Gauge 3 stitches = 1 inch in stockinette stitch

Finished Sizes Baby (Toddler, Kid, Women's, Men's) 12 (14, 16, 18, 20) inches circumference 6 (6 3/4, 7 1/2, 8 1/4, 9) inches high

Basic Hat Pattern THE CUFF

Cast 36 (42, 48, 54, 60) stitches onto the circular needles. Place a marker and join for working in the round, being careful to not twist the stitches. round 1: *K3, p3, repeat from * to end of round. Repeat round 1 four (4, 5, 5, 6) more times. THE BODY

Knit every round until piece measures 4 1/2 (5, 5 1/2, 6, 6 1/2) inches from the cast one edge. THE CROWN

Baby: start the crown with round 9 Toddler: start with round 7 Kid: start with round 5 Women's: start with round 3 Men's: start with round 1 01 /1 7



One Stripe Hat 1: *K8, k2tog, repeat from * to end of round. (54 stitches) round


2: Knit.

round 3: *K7, k2tog, repeat from * to end of round. (48 stitches) round

4: Knit.

5: *K6, k2tog, repeat from * to end of round. (42 stitches) round


6: Knit.

round 7: *K5, k2tog, repeat from * to end of round. (36 stitches) round

8: Knit.

Changing to double pointed needles... 9: *K4, k2tog, repeat from * to end of round. (30 stitches) round

10: *K3, k2tog, repeat from * to end of round. (24 stitches) round

11: *K2, k2tog, repeat from * to end of round. (18 stitches) round

12: *K1, k2tog, repeat from * to end of round. (12 stitches) round

Following the Basic Hat Pattern (above)... With Color A, cast on and knit the cuff. Cut Color A. With Color B, knit to 1/4 inch of crown. Cut Color B. With Color A, knit 1 round and then knit the crown.

Three Stripe Hat Following the Basic Hat Pattern (above)... With Color A, knit the cuff and the body until piece measures 2 (2 1/4, 2 1/2, 2 3/4, 3) inches from the cast one edge. Cut Color A. With Color B, continue to knit the body for 2 (2 1/4, 2 1/2, 2 3/4, 3) more inches. Cut Color B. With Color C, knit 1 round, then knit the crown.

Pinstripe Hat


13: *K2tog, repeat from * to end of round. (6 stitches)

Following the Basic Hat Pattern (above)...

Cut the tail and thread it through the remaining stitches. Weave it into the inside of the hat. Weave in the other

With Color A, knit the cuff.

ends and you're done! si st er M AG



*With Color A, knit 2 rounds. With Color B, knit 1 round. Repeat from * to end of hat.



Pinstripe Hat


One Stripe Hat

By creating meaningful content and by selling only our most favorite things. WHAT ARE YOUR FAVOURITE CRAFTING RESSOURCES ONLINE AND OFFLINE?

We find most of our inspiration in nature and beautiful imagery. WHY DO YOU THINK, YOUNG PEOPLE WANT TO KNIT AND

Three Stripe Hat

Basic Hat (one colour)


There are so many inspiring things going on out there in the craft world now, so we believe they have more exposure to it than ever before. FAVOURITE PROJECT FROM PURL BEE BLOG?

The Double Seed Stitch Blanket l made with our new Super Soft Merino yarn. This ran on our blog in January of this year. 01 /1 9



THE CRAFTERS ist a regular series in sisterMAG where we introduce people and their creative craft or profession.

„HELLO! WE’ RE POM POM. NICE TO MEET YOU.» text LEONIE KAU L With this lovely (as well as unusual)

wonderfully colourful and refreshing,

welcoming Meghan Fernandes and

is supposed to become something

Lydia Gluck introduced themselves

meaningful and lasting hence also

and their new knitting magazine to

translates their own understanding

their readers in May 2012. The first

of craftsmanship and handmade into

editorial explained their idea to create

print. »We're going to make sure

a »bright, new knitting magazine« and

every issue of ›Pom Pom‹ is one you're

therefore engaged every knitter right

going to want to settle down with,

away since many of them feel that

mug in hand, to read through and then

a lot of magazines on the market

revisit again and again for the patterns

right now are too classic and

and projects«, is how they therefore

some even feel a little dusty.

address their readers in Issue 2 which

This is at least the feeling Lydia (25) and Meghan (28) had when they first met three years ago through work, at »loop« L, a famous yarn shop in Islington,

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was published in late summer 2012. »Pom Pom« is not supposed to be an ordinary magazine. The goal is that the issues will grow into their creative readers’ hearts – and shelves!

London. Their common joy for

And it seems that they already have

creativity and knitting bound

reached this goal. The booklet, printed

them together right away.

on high quality paper, has its very

You can literally feel this

own unique charm. The photographs,

passion just by holding one of

for which so far only friends and

the now four A5 sized issues

acquaintances have posed, the text,

of »Pom Pom«. The magazine,

layout and, of course, the knitting,


crochet and recently craft instructions

to the worldwide interest in »Pom

have a distinctive character. The

Pom«, which wants to take up this

presentation is lovely and thoughtful

vibe, further develop it and allow

with attention to detail. Anyone who

»intelligent creative types« a modern

orders an issue receives a lovely

approach to knitting. However, Lydia

packed parcel, the magazine nicely

and Meghan do not limit their target

wrapped in fine paper and each with

audience to a specific age group, but

a personal note. Besides knitting

want to reach all people who like the

patterns, which are certainly the focus

style of their magazine. Since this is so

of the magazine, you can find crochet

colourful, something can be found for

patterns, short articles about knitting

everyone’s taste buds. This diversity

and great recipes.

might also result from the fact that,

When asked about the source of their

since Issue 2, other independent

inspiration, the two founders name

designers have started contributing

different influences. Lydia says that

and publishing patterns in »Pom Pom«.

she still draws much inspiration from

Quality is extremely important to

her year abroad in Mexico. However, the

the two young editors, which is why

British capital probably plays the most

the curation and selection of each

important role for the two


choice, who ori­ginally come from the U.S. and Wales. This revelation is not surprising at all when you look around London. The city is young, colourful and diverse – aspects that si

of course contribute

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individual instruction is crucial. Their

that long, you might want to take a

motto: »All killer – no filler«. And there

look online and check out their blog L,

really aren’t any placeholders in the

which takes on the feel of their paper

four issues, 500 copies were printed

issues. There, »Pom Pom«-readers

of each. The first edition is sold out

are kept up-to-date, get little tastes

completely and the demand is growing

of the next issue and are sometimes

worldwide. Lydia and Meghan proudly

even treated with a free pattern.

report that »Pom Pom« already travels

Dear »Pom Pom«, nice to meet you,

to Australia, Japan and New Zealand.

too! See you very soon.

While we are still struggling with winter in Europe, Meghan and Lydia are sitting in their studio in London’s east and are already working on the fifth edition of »Pom Pom«, which will be published in May, picking up the »Camping Vibe«. If you cannot wait

b e w e h t n o m o P m o P L Website: pompomma L g a m m o p m o p @ r: te Twit Pom Pom at Ravelry L

and Etsy L

Styling: sisterMAG L si

Photos: Ashley Lud채scher L

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4 22

Wool: Artesano Yarns L Location: Wolff Verlag Berlin L





for knitting as a focus

Wonderful natural wool in blue and brown from the British Online Shop artesano . The wool looks especially nice when displayed in baskets or enamel bowls.

of this issue, we definitely wanted to have a knitting party. The party took place at the historical address of "Unter den Linden" in Berlin Mitte. While enjoying tea and a piece of cake, some handled their first stitches, while others continued working on their pullover project. On the next pages you will find many ideas and tips for your own knitting party. Have fun with our projects, recipes and DIYs with tutorials and 01

patterns for download.

/1 5










N rty NITicSkEpCaTIO SKtr

A big chunk of bright red yarn welcomes our guests at the big entrance door. This red yarn leads up the stairs to the first floor, where our party takes place in the rooms of Wolff Verlag L, a small publishing house, focused on history, art and literature.

An afternoon at Unter den Linden

01 /1 7











Books & magazines For our friends who still need an idea for their next project, we put out knitting books and magazines. We use little pom poms in different colours as bookmarks (click on the scissors to see the tutorial)

Anna (above) studies an old pattern. Ashley (bottom right) forages for ideas in vintage issues of the magazine ÂťGarn & WolleÂŤ. Wonderful: vintage magazines from the 50s. You can find them on ebay or at flea markets.

top: The bouquets are tightly wrapped in white yarn. Dipped into water they soak the water and will hold up for a few hours standing nicely in a corner without a vase.

01 /1 9



Marshmallows covered in white chocolate. The wooden sticks are wrapped in colourful wool.

Circles and balls are the theme of the party: pompoms, balls of wool or our cake centerpiece: it is a nut cake with chocolate frosting, fully covered in chocolate hazelnut balls.

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The walls are covered with oversized prints of old fashion magazines (click on the printer to download some pictures). The buffet is brimming with marshmallow sticks, our ball cake, colour足 ful sweets, home足made chocolate and mini blueberry cakes.

A sweet buffet

01 /1 1



Tea cocktail

stick decora used marmelade can find their gla your leftover ya Secure end with h a wooden stick g

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Little balls Delicious tea cocktail for chilly of wool on a afternoons: Infuse peppermint ate each glass (we and green tea. Pour 10 ml elderjars). Thus, everyone flower syrup into each glass, fill ass again. Simply roll up with the tea. Add a slice of arn into little balls. lemon. hot glue and glue on k. Fixate with hot glue.

01 /1 3











A square-cut basket serves as goodie bag for our guests. It is filled with wool from artesano, a handmade letter (made out of wire – download tutorial below) and a white primrose. As decoration we made knitting needles using wooden sticks and beads, dipped in blue paint.

Chocolate & wool

01 /1 23



On the right: handmade chocolate, wrapped in transparent paper. It is super easy and you can get very creative. Our guests got white chocolate with cranberries and pecans, as well as dark chocolate with dates, popcorn and some almonds. Simply melt chocolate, pour onto aluminium foil and sprinkle on dried fruits, nuts etc.









The best reward is to take home a finished project at the end of the afternoon. On Pinterest we found these L little, crocheted bows. At our party, several of these cute accessories were knitted. We created a tutorial for you to download (click on the scissors).

Knitted bow

01 /1 7




Outlook April

We visit BARI where local Paola shows us around.

Already read all of the articles in this magazine, even knitted a pullover along the way? Well, it won't be long until our next issue in April 2013! The focus will be on one of our favourite holiday destinations – a country full of opposites …! The rooms will include a beauty parlour, a cinema and of course a big kitchen – after all sisterMAG visits Italy! Spring Greens: ­Giulia creates ­recipes that bring spring into our k ­ itchen!

Jeans and shine: sisterMAG shows you how to sew and recreate the looks of the runway!



IMPRINT sisterMAG – A Journal for the Digital Lady eMail Twitter @sister_mag Facebook Editor in Chief Deputy Editor in Chief Fashion Director

Theresa Neubauer Antonia Neubauer Eva-Maria Neubauer

Contributing Editors (Text)

Ingunn Abraham, Jenni Fuchs, Lea Hilsemer, Katharina Höhnk, Elodie Love, Leonie Kau, Victoria Kau, Max Krüger, Donata Proske, Sandra Wolff Contributing Editors (Photo) Sivan Askayo, Judith DeGraff, Ashley Ludäscher, Katharina Rose, Sibylle Roessler, Cristopher Santos Design Illustration Translation Proof

Theresa Neubauer (Art Dir.), Judy Torgard Elisabeth Weber Sabrina Bäcker, Kathrin Greyer, Sarah Müller, Antonia Neubauer, Donata Proske Marina Engelhart, Chinyere Feasey, Simone Haffner, Nicole Hawkesford, Laura Keitel, Isabelle Koelling, Katharina Kraatz, Amy McCracken, Marisa Nöldeke, Antje Reiche, Rachna Sahni

Published bi-monthly by Carry-On Publishing GmbH, c/o Neubauer, Korsörer Str. 7, 10437 ­Berlin, Germany. Re-use of content is only allowed with written permission of ­p ublisher. There is no liability for unsolicited manuscripts and photographs. Management

Antonia Neubauer, Theresa Neubauer, Alex Sutter

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Alex Sutter (Sales Dir.) Christine Wolgast Antonia Neubauer (Marketing Dir.), Donata Proske 01 /1 9








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