sisterMAG46 – Thinker – EN

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R i l ke a b ou t Rodi n

» The artist has to return t o G o d ’ s o r i g i n a l t e x t. «

r e l at i o n s h i p

the century and iconic sculptures that are still known around the world and sold at high prices. Those who would like to learn more about the special relationship between the two artists should definitely read the recommended book (with much additional information) that deeply elaborates on

said friendship. If possible, take the book to the beautiful gardens of the MUSÉE RODIN in Paris – a view of fresh, green chestnut trees and the pretty limestone façade of this hôtel particulier

(Rodin lived there between 1908 and 1917) will make reading even more worthwhile. After his death in 1917 , Rodin was buried underneath »THE THINKER« on the grounds of the estate that he bought in 1895 to have a quiet place in addition to his studio in Paris.


SISTERMAG 46 | 03 / 2019

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