I N F O R M AT I O N Edition No. 14 • Dezember 2003
nodig-construction.com online information Nodig-Construction, the international trade platform for everybody interested in trenchless pipe installations and pipe-replacements offers loads of useful information:
• a range of used machines • latest Site stories • glossary explaining most of the terms concerning the trenchless industries
oice nly ch The oerfect for pnstallation pipe i
TR Newsletter
TRACTUELL for collection
• techniques regarding trenchless pipe installation and rehabilitation • events • link list • tenders here we plan on offering tenders from all over the world concerning trenchless technology. At the moment tenders from our partner sell2arabia can be viewed in a short from. For details a subscription with our partner is necessary. We are constantly seeking for new partners offering international tenders • market news we keep you informed with news concerning trenchless technology • newsletter you can subscribe to our newsletter that keeps you informed regularily • notice board platform to enable a dialogue among suppliers, planners, users, contractors or other people interested in the trenchless industry.
TT Group of companies Tracto-Technik GmbH Head office P.O. Box 40 20 D-57356 Lennestadt Tel.: (+49) 2723/8080 Fax: (+49) 2723/808189 E-Mail: export@tracto-technik.de
TT Technologies Inc. 2020 East New York St. USA-Aurora, IL 60504 Tel.: +1 630-851-8200 Fax: +1 630-851-8299 www.tttechnologies.com E-Mail: info@tttechnologies.com
Tracto-Techniques Siège Social Avenue Benoit Frachon Z. I. de Boulazac F-24750 Périgueux Tel.: +33 Fax: +33 www.tracto-techniques.com E-Mail: info@tracto-techniques.com
TT UK Ltd 10 Windsor Road GB-Bedford MK 42 9SU Tel.: +44 1234.342.566 Fax: +44 1234.352.184 www.tt-uk.com E-Mail: ttuk@compuserve.com
Your GRUNDOMAT-Partner:
TT Asia Pacific Pty Ltd 31, Demand Avenue, Arundel, Goldcoast, Q 4214 Queensland, Australia Tel.: +61 (0) 7 55 614 999 Fax: +61 (0) 7 55 614 900 www.tt-asiapacific.com E-Mail: info@tt-asiapacific.com
Soil displacment Under rail crossing with GRUNDOMAT assisted by pipe bursting on pages 4 - 6
Pipe bursting First sewer rehabilitaion project with GRUNDOBURST 800G in China on pages 12 - 13
New technique trenchless installation of house connections with GRUNDOPIT technique on pages 16 - 17
S O I L D I S P L AC E M E N T Dear Readers, we apologize for having kept you waiting for the latest edition of this newsletter, but we did so with reason. As you will notice, we have altered concept and layout which means more practical application reports with less text and more pictures to include maximum information in a single issue. To cut a long story short: from 2004 the TRACTUELL newsletter will be published twice a year to give our sales partners adequate coverage and to keep you updated on the latest trenchless techniques and products. Yours TRACTUELL team
Contents 3 4
Soil displacement: Installation of a PVC sleeve pipe under a three-lane-highway -6
7 8
Pipe ramming: gas main installation utilizing pipe ramming and slick-boring
10 12 14 16 18 19
Impress © Copyright by: TRACTO-TECHNIK GmbH Spezialmaschinen D-57356 Lennestadt Contents: Carola Schmidt
Soil displacement: and pipe bursting: Undercrossing of a railway line with Grundomat and Grundoburst
Pipe ramming: Contractor Coffey installs a Ø 900 mm steel pipe as part of urban redevelopment in Swansea/Wales - 11 Pipe cracking: Contractor Arby carries out the perfect job in Michigan, USA - 13 Pipe bursting: First large capacity pipe burster in China rehabilitates sewer pipe in Bejing - 15 Pipe bursting: Replacement of a concrete sewage pipe with GRUNDOBURST - 17 HDD systems: Installation of two parallel pipes through boulder rock with GRUNDODRILL 20S HDD systems: GRUNDODRILL 13X keeps emerald and heritage safe in Ireland HDD systems: Four new techniques merging directional drilling and pipe ramming help contractors tackling difficult HDD projects
Job: Installation of a PVC sleeve pipe Ø 50 mm under a three-lane highway (bore length 24 m), through limestone. Insertion of new residential water service line Ø 25 mm in the 50 mm sleeve. No open cut! Customer: Residential homeowner Contractor: Clifford Collins & Son, Mt. Vernon, KY, USA Equipment: Grundomat-P 75 mm supplied by TT Technologies Short description: It was a residential line and the homeowner had been waiting for the new service for years, but no one would attempt the project because of its level of difficulty. Any installation method would need to be trenchless. Because of the the extremely compact and dense limestone fill under the road, Collins decided that a 50 mm PVC sleeve needed to be installed under the road first and the actual 25 mm water service line inserted into the sleeve. Despite the tough conditions the tool made tremendous progress. At the 20 m mark, however, they encountered some trouble. The piercing tool was put into reverse by turning the air hose a quarter turn. Slowly the tool began to back out of the bore-hole. After two hours, the tool had reversed itself and the PVC pipe out of the bore-hole. After another hour, the tool reached the exit pit on the other side of the highway and the PVC sleeve was in place. After removing the Grundomat from the air hose the new pipe was attached to it and pulled into place.
GRUNDOMAT pulls its weight
The water service installation project had been on the books for seven years before Clifford Collins and Son, Mt Vernon, KY was able to accomplish the task with a Grundomat piercing tool.
- 21 New technique: Three GRUNDOPIT models for the trenchless installation of house connections for gas, water, power and telecommunication
Information: New TT sales partner in Korea / Trenchless technology in India
Information: Get in touch with the TT products: Exhibitions and events 2004
Setting and Layout: Anne Knour Printed by: Druckerei Hachenburg on recycable paper Circulation: 10.000 copies 2
In order to avoid damage to the 1-inch HDPE service line from the limestone fill, Collins installed a 2-inch PVC sleeve first to protect the water line.
The highway could not be open cut, so a trenchless option was required.
Undercrossing of a railway line:
Pipe bursting assists GRUNDOMAT Job: Under rail crossings, upsizingfor the trenchless installation of 12 PEØ 16 0 mm cable ducts Project: Watford/Bletchley Remodelling Phase II Customer: Railtrack
The 110 mm GRUNDOMAT soil displacing hammer emerging on the opposite embankment on the final bore.
After the 6 pilot bores had been completed, the level was once again checked using a GRUNDOCONTROL – Level Measuring Unit
Contractor: Balfour Beatty Rail Projects Ltd . Subcontractor: B & W Tunnelling Limited
The pilot rod in the GRUNDOBURST 400 G3 about to be pushed through the 85 mm sacrificial sleeve, in readiness for the upsizing operation.
Project location: Little Heath Lane, Bourne End, Herts, UK Equipment: GRUNDOMAT Ø 110 mm and GRUNDOBURST 400 G3 with Quicklock rod system, The working platform that was constructed for the 6 No. under rail crossings. No speed restrictions/limitationswere placed on the network whilst the works were carried out. High speed trains were still travelling at 110 miles per hour.
Completion time: 4 working days
The upsizing operation was carried out utilizing a GRUNDOBURST 400 G3 Quicklock rod system with a pulling capacity of 40 tonnes. The PE duct / sleeve that was installed on the upsizing operation was 160 mm in diameter. The butt fusing of the pipe was carried out on site. Each section was 12 metres in length.
The fourth GRUNDOMAT pilot bore being carried out. The 110mm GRUNDOMAT aligned in the starting cradle in readiness to carry out the first of 12 No. pilot bores beneath the railway embankment installing an 85 mm diameter sacrificial liner. Bore distance 32 metres.
At the request of Balfour Beatty on behalf of Railtrack, the accuracy of the GRUNDOMAT was monitored using a receiver and datasonde. NOTE: The vertical round steel bars that had been driven into the embankment to allow the engineers to monitor any ground disturbance/movements throughout the whole of the works. No movement was recorded on any pilot bores, or even during the GRUNDOBURST upsizing operation
The GRUNDOBURST 400 G3 in operation during the upsizing operation. This photograph was taken at the second site location.
The 4” cutting blade and 210 mm Ø expander set up in readiness for the upsizing operation to commence. NOTE: The 160 mm PE connected directly to the expander, so that the bore hole is lined at all times.
continued from page - “Undercrossing of a railway line - Pipe bursting assists GRUNDOMAT”
Left: Highlights the 4” blade and 210 mm expander arriving at the working platform following the upsizing operation.
Gas main installation utilizing Pipe ramming & Slick-boring
NOTE: The Quicklock rods in the next 85 mm sacrificial liners in readiness for the next upsizing operation.
Right: The six number 160 mm PE cable ducts in position on the first site (view from working platform). NOTE: the pipes were installed at 500 mm centers
Right: The GRUNDOMAT accuracy was consistent throughout the entire demonstration. This view being from the exit side, on site No. 1, south of the bridge.
Left: The 6 No. 160 mm PE cable ducts installed at site No. 2, north of the bridge. Again, the pipes were installed at 500 mm centers. The required accuracy was achieved.
Job: Installation of 3658 m of Ø 300 mm gas pipeline, several rail lines crossings. No directional drilling allowed. Customer: Nicor Gas, Aurora, Ill. Contractor: Arby Construction, New Berlin, Wis. Equipment: Grundoram Gigant Short description: The railroad was concerned about the potential for voids under the track. The alternative construction method that would not create the potential for slumps under the tracks was the slick-bore method. During the slick-bore process the product pipe is welded to the back end of an installed bore pipe. A winch, trackhoe or excavator is used to pull the casing out. As the bore pipe is removed the product pipe is pulled into place. The bore pipe is installed with a pneumatic pipe rammer. The Arby crew successfully completed all three of the slick-bores they attempted for the project. The first bore was approximately 36 m long. The subsequent bores were shorter, averaging 20 m each. The total time per slick-bore ranged from 30 min. to 1 hour to complete. Slick-boring and ramming are particularly conducive to transmission pipeline installation. On these types of installations, crews usually have enough room on either side of the road or rail crossing to install good sized sections of pipe. But even in tighter working areas, they are still able to ram in the bore pipe section by section and install the product pipe section by section.
Step 1: During the slick-bore method, a pneumatic pipe rammer is used to install a bore pipe under a rail line, road way or other structure.
Step 2: After the bore pipe is installed, the spoil is removed and the new product pipe is attached. A winch, track-hoe or excavator is then used to remove the bore pipe. As the bore pipe is removed, the new product pipe is pulled into place behind it.
‘Swansea Vale’ as a model for city expansion in the UK:
Steel pipe ramming as part of urban redevelopment Job: Installation of a 900 mm Ø steel pipe over 52 m length as host pipe for a 600 mm Ø PE storm-water pipe. Customer: Swansea City & County Council Contractor: Coffey Construction, Ireland Equipment: Grundoram Goliath Description: Swansea, the second largest city in Wales, was named by the vikings. One landmark project, "Swansea Vale”, currently being jointly promoted by the Swansea Joint Venture will act as a catalyst for future regeneration in the area. Swansea Vale which is a new ‘green’ suburb in the north eastern sector of the city and county, adjacent to the Enterprise park will provide a prestigious residential and commercial district and acts as a model for city expansion in the UK.
Swansea City & County Council is currently undertaking a large scale drainage scheme as part of this investment to service extensive areas of land in the Swansea Vale site.
port & guide the 900 mm Ø steel pipe throughout the installation.
The first part of this scheme was to place a 600 mm Ø concrete storm water pipe beneath spine road 6 of the Enterprise Park. The contractor Coffey Construction chosse the Grundoram Goliath to carry out the job. The crossing at the Swansea Vale site was to be 52 metres in length and called for the installation of a 900 mm Ø steel pipe through which will pass the 600 mm PE storm-water pipe.
With the first length of pipe (11.96 m in length) secured in the start position a pushing cone & a soil removal adaptor was fitted onto the Goliath hammer. The first pipe took just 4 hours to install despite strong clay conditions, making an average progress of 3 m per hour. When the air supply was coupled to the Goliath hammer the drive started, gently at half volume to begin, increasing to 0.75 volume once Coffey’s Engineers had established ground penetration of the pipe.
A launch pit 24 m x 3 m x 6 m deep was excavated and blinded with concrete on the 4-12-02. Favourable site conditions, allowed Coffey’s to do without sheet piles at the face of the embankment. A 20 m long steel I beam was set in place at the base of the pit at a slope of 1:350 to sup-
The first pipe took just 4 hours to install despite strong clay conditions, making an average progress of 3 m per hour. The C.C.L. boring crew removed 1 m of spoil from this pipe after it was installed, & this soil removal was carried out after every pipe was installed.
Pipe number 2 (12.59 m in length) was secured in place & aligned on day 2. The two pipes were welded together using a full penetration butt weld. The progress of pipe 2 was therefore 4.2 m/hr. On day three, pipe no. 3 (12 m in length) was driven across. Strong clay conditions or obstructions were encountered 1/3 of the way along pipe 3. On day four the next pipe (10.8 m in length) was driven beneath the road at a compressor force of 0.75 volume. The drive of the first 8 m of the pipe was at 2.5 m/hour. On day five, pipe number 5 (4.8 m in length) was aligned & welded. When there was 2.5 m of the pipes left to drive it slowed to a halt due to the build up of spoil & large boulders behind the pushing cone.
Overall view of the job taken from the end of the launch pit. As can be seen, C.C.L. used two standard "600” compressors to give maximum force of impact to the Goliath hammer. Each compressor was fitted with a safety air cut-off valve & a lubricator was fitted to the exit air line from one of the compressors to ensure constant lubrication of the Goliath hammer.
Coffey’s decided at this stage to jet out the pipe even though it had not fully gone across beneath the road. The pipe was jetted with the most powerful jetting machine available and the final 2.5 m of pipe was then rammed. After a final cleaning of the pipe by Drain Brain, the contract was complete. S.C.C.C confirmed that there had been no disturbance to the road despite the reinforced pipe end cutting through a number of large boulders en-route.
The charsacter of Swansea is marked by the appealing contrast of old and new. The Norman castle, which was first mentioned in 1116 as being attacked by he Welsh, perfectly fits into the modern Swansea city centre.
The Goliath Hammer ramming pipe number 3. This photograph reveals a subsoil which contained a mainly gravely clay content.
Large pieces of tarmac removed from the pipe. Some lumps of tarmac were 600 mm in diameter
Large jets as used by Drain Brain Industrial. The jet on the extreme right is the one that was used in our contract. It has one jet facing forward & 10 jets facing in reverse.
A large block of tarmac removed from pipe. Some lumps of tarmac were 600 mm in diameter.
Dynamic Pipe Bursting: Dynamic Pipe Bursting:
Perfect Job for Warren, Michigan Perfect Job for Warren, Michigan
Although work progressed at a rate comparable to open cut, disruption to the 100 or so businesses was minimal. Driveways were kept open, water users on Van Dyke were only out of water for a few minutes while being transferred on or off the temporary bypass and many side streets were open to traffic during construction.
Job: Pipe bursting over 2000 m of a 150 mm cast iron watermain and upsizing to 200 mm potable water HDPE. In addition, over 377 m of 300 mm cast iron needed to be burst and replaced with 300 mm HDPE. Customer: City of Warren, Michigan Contractor: SOS Service, Brighton, Michigan Equipment: 200 mm GRUNDOCRACK Hercules with a 250 mm rear expander for the150 mm mains, 260 mm GRUNDOCRACK Gigant with a 380 mm rear expander for the 300 mm mains, 10-ton Grundowinch.
The Warren, Michigan pipe bursting project generated a tremendous amount of interest. It was the first watermain pipe bursting job ever in the state. During the final stages of the job, the city invited representatives from other cities and engineering firms to a demonstration of the method.
Description: Like many cities throughout the US, the city of Warren, Michigan has experienced a range of problems with an outdated and undersized water transmission system installed between 1930 and 1950. The mains needed to be replaced and upsized. The project would be the largest and the first of its kind in the state of Michigan. Much of the bursting took place under heavily traveled areas including the seven lane State Highway 53, known as Van Dyke Avenue seing heavy daily traffic. Existing mains also ran under sidewalks and adjacent to commercial buildings. In these areas pipe bursting would prove most valuable. In addition to bursting, several small areas were open cut, including the removal and replacement of fortyone 8-inch diameter and two 12inch diameter gate valves and wells. The vast majority of the project, however, was completed through pipe bursting.
600 mm diameter water transmission line bordered the watermain. Moving the main further to the west, under the sidewalk, was ruled out. Moving the main to the east, directly under Van Dyke, was also ruled out several reasons. That left two options: open cut and replace or pipe bursting.
If there was ever a perfect application for a particular job, pipe bursting was for the city of Warren project. The watermain that was replaced was surrounded by potential hazards. A 9-way Ameritech conduit bank containing fiber optic cable ran parallel to the watermain, just to the west, under a sidewalk. To the east, a large
Pipe bursting’s low profile made it the method of choice. Bursting would not interfere with the Ameritech conduits or the 600 mm water transmission main and work could be confined to a single lane of traffic. The city would also see a dramatic reduction in amount of, and costs associated with, pavement replacement versus an open
cut application. Burst lengths averaged one city block, approximately 82 m. Depending on repairs encountered, bursting times averaged 20 minutes to one hour. Both the Hercules and Gigant bursting tools were able to overcome a multitude of point repairs, due in large part to the guide head technology.
Pipe bursting required only a small amount excavation. Disruption to the 100 or so business along Van Dyke Avenue was kept to a minimum.
If there was ever a perfect application for a particular job, pipe bursting was for the city of Warren project.
The Grundocrack Hercules is lowered into the launch pit. Bursting runs averaged the length of one city block, approximately 82 m.
The GRUNDOCRACK Gigant arrives in the exit pit. Warren clay soils have been know to conduct stray electrical currents, contributing to the deterioration of the old cast iron mains.
The SOS Service crew used a Grundowinch with a 10-ton pulling capacity. The constant tension, variable speed winch played a key role in the success of the project.
Sewer Rehabilitation GRUNDOBURST 800G Project in Beijing Job: Renewal of a 400 mm concrete pipe, wall thickness 30 mm with PE pipe SDR Ø 450 mm over a length of 270 m Customer: Beijing Municipal Administration Contractor: Beijing Chuanganya Trenchless Technology & Engineering Co. Equipment: GRUNDOBURST 800 G Description: Late 2002 The Beijing Municipal Administration contracted Beijing Chuanganya Trenchless Technology and Engineering Co. Ltd. to coordinate the total reconstruction of over 300 m of an existing concrete sewer main, some 270 m of this was to be done by trenchless pipe bursting.
The original sewer main was laid in 1982 and in recent years has shown signs of serious gas corrosion and has required two major repairs in the 3 to 3.5 m depth sections. It was decided that the capacity of the main had to be maintained or preferably improved, it was then decided that the new replacement would be a 450 mm SDR 21 PE 80 Polyethelyne pipe. The 800 G stood out from the competition for many reasons, but the main virtues that made the decision easier were • quality of the equipment , • the patented interlocking QuickLock Rods that enable quick and efficient operation, • the ability of the machine to pull the expander and new pipe into the extended frame of the machine, • the technical support and after sales service.
In July, with field engineers from TT Asia Pacific and Local TT Distributor McAllen (Tianjin) on site, the project started, commencing from manhole one (1) through to manhole ten (10) with the longest section of 84 mm and an 8 degree bend at manhole two (2). The project was completed well within the capabilities of the GRUNDOBURST 800 G machine, proving itself to be an excellent investment for the future for the company. Mr. Wang Guohui – Managing Director of The Beijing
Chuanganya Trenchless Technology and Engineering Co. Ltd. and his General Manager Miss Bai Xiaohong had chosen a very challenging project to train on the 800 G and also introduce the first large capacity hydraulic pipe bursting machine into China.
They were most pleased with the performance of the TTG equipment and the training and support from TT Asia Pacific.
Manhole No. 7
The existing 400 mm concrete pipe of 30mm wall thickness was laid on a solid slump concrete base of 700mm width and 150 mm thickness at the invert with steel reinforced concrete caps at each pipe joint, every two metres apart. The main ranged in depth from 1.5 m to 3.5 m, and went through no less than 10 manholes and had 7 direction changes, the project was made further challenging by the fact that the main ran through a narrow street between the Beijing Union University and local residential highrise units. 12
The Chuanganya Trenchless Technology and Engineering company, researched pipe bursting equipment manufacturers in great detail world wide, evaluating cost of equipment, equipment specifications, performance/history/job reports of equipment, technical support and after sales service.
L = 9.5 m
Manhole No. 3
Manhole No. 2 L = 36.7 m
L = 38.3 m
L = 46.5 m
Manhole No. 1
Manhole No. 4
L = 43.0 m L = 70.7 m
Manhole No. 5 Manhole No. 6
L = 36.7 m
Manhole No. 10 Manhole No. 11
Manhole No. 9 L = 34.0 m
Manhole No. 8
L = 7.8 m
L = 3.0 m
After completing a rigorous and comprehensive study of the equipment available, and evaluating the suppliers, the company chose the TT Group´s 80 tonnes pull back force GRUNDOBURST 80 G.
GRUNDOBURST 1000G replaces 375 mm concrete pipe
Once the 520 mm diameter expander had been butt welded to the pipe string, it was then transported to the exit pit by 2 No. 360° excavators.
Job: A 375 mm diameter concrete pipe which had been lined with a CIPP was replaced by a MDPE pipe Ø 450 mm SDR 17.6 over a total distance of 140 m. Customer: Scottish Water Contractor: ABV East, Edinburgh Site location: Longniddry, East Lothian, Scotland Equipment: GRUNDOBURST 1000 G with 450 mm diameter burster head and 520 mm expander. Ground conditions Rock fill, the original pipe was laid in the late ‘60s.
Overall view of site from the launch/working pit - total bore distance 140 metres.
The guide rod having just arrived in the exit pit. It took approximately 1 hour and 40 minutes to push the QuickLock rods through the existing 375 mm Ø lined concrete pipe to the exit pit.
This photograph shows the expander and 450 mm pipe about to be connected to the guide cone and bursting head. Note the prevailing ground conditions.
The launch pit face which was designed/ constructed to withstand pulling forces of up to 200 tonnes.
The reason for carrying out the above works using trenchless technology was to minimize any damage to the area which is a triple SI site (site of special scientific interest). Also, caution had to be taken due to salt marsh growing in the area.
The 520 mm diameter expander with 450mm PE stub being butt fused to the pipe string in readiness to be transported to the exit pit.
Once the 520 mm expander and PE pipe were connected to the 350 mm diameter guide and 450 mm bursting head, the bursting operation commenced.
This photo clearly shows the expander being docked in the extension frame on the GRUNDOBURST 1000 G following the successful completion of the bursting operation.
One of AMEC site personnel removing the CIPP which had become gathered around the newly installed 450 mm MDPE SDR 17.6 pipe.
HDD SYSTEMS The 509 mm back reamer along with the 355 mm SDR 17 PE pipe being pulled into the bore. This installation of the pipe took 55 minutes.
GRUNDODRILL 20S copes with parallel bore through boulder rock
The GRUNDOREAM along with its exchangeable blades arriving in the start pit.
Job Installation of two HD-PE pipes diameter 355 mm SDR 17 through large boulder rock beneath the Dublin outer ring road over 55 m length at depths of 2,50 to 3,50 m. Contractor: Coffey Construction Customer: South Dublin County Council Project: Dublin Outer Ring Road, N7 Naas Road, South Dublin Equipment: GRUNDODRILL 20 S GRUNDOREAM backreamer Detection euipment: DCI Eclipse systen Mixing system MA 05 plus electric generator Drilling fluid: 80,000 litres (17528 gal) of Water and 3.5 tonnes of Bentonite
The overall view of the job site with the GRUNDODRILL 20S in the foreground.
The first of the two pipes arriving into the start pit along with the back reamer. The first installation has been successfully completed.
Time: Pilot bore: 3.05 hours 1st pre-ream with 350 mm: 2 hours 2nd pre-ream with 509 mm: 3 hours Pipe pulling: 55 minutes.
The first of two pre-reams is about to commence – the photo shows the GRUNDOREAM 350 mm back reamer, and behind it the dummy set of rods that will be pulled in the bore hole. The bore has been completed - the bore head arrives in the exit pit.
The GRUNDOREAM along with its exchangeable blades arriving in the start pit. The dummy set of rods can also be seen arriving in the start pit, in readiness for the second pre-reaming operation.
The bore head being located using the DCI Eclipse system.
The sonde housing, along with the bore head, being disconnected from the drill string, the new low torque connector makes disconnection much faster and easier.
Both pipe installations completed to the satisfaction of Coffey Construction. The TT engineer is also happy that the installations have been completed.
GRUNDODRILL 13X keeps emerald and heritage safe Job: Installation of a pumped sewer pipe ND 250 mm beneath the River Liffey in Kildare (as part of the Kilcullen Sewage Improvement Scheme) over 65 m lenght. Contractor: Murphy International Equipment: GRUNDODRILL 13 X GRUNDOREAM with 350 mm blades Detection equipment: The latest Eclipse system from DCI and a small boat. Short description: Throughout Europe Ireland justifiably maintains that special recognition as the Emerald Isle. The job site close to Newbridge town centre was a leafy green glade, the River Liffey set beneath a canopy of mature trees winding its way through this sedate, fertile county on its way to the everincreasing hustle and bustle of Dublin City. Wild flowers and wildlife in abundance could be seen along both river banks where many a fisherman has idled in the hope of tempting just one of those game fish into his net. The GRUNDODRILL 13 X system was placed in position on the North West side of the river, ready to begin the required 65 mtr long pilot bore. The ground at this point was gravel with large cobbles, not the easiest of ground. Despite encountering very hard ground conditions en-route the pilot bore was completed in just three hours, dead on target and to the required depth. The drill head was removed and the GRUNDOREAM attached to the drill string to start the pre-ream. This would open the 82 mm pilot bore up to around 300mm using the 13 X’s refined Bentonite mixing system. The pre-ream completed, the same reamer was setup again to be pulled back through the bore for final sizing and simultaneous installation of the 250 mm SDR II PE Pipe. Both the pre-ream and final installation were achieved in 1.25 hours each giving a total job time of just 5.5 hours. The whole mature environment was maintained for all those who regularly visit this Emerald glade and the pipe installed most satisfactorily with no disruption. 18
Overall view of the job site – bore length 65 m. Background showing the exit area.
Merging HDD and Pipe Ramming Some of the most spectacular trenchless projects have been accomplished through the use of directional drilling. Drill operators and manufacturers are finding new and creative ways of tackling tough projects and difficult situations by utilizing pipe ramming technology to assist directional drills. Recently, several pipe ramming techniques have been introduced that are helping drill operators solve drilling problems and tackle tough conditions. The techniques are changing the way drillers approach projects and respond to problems on the job. A) Bore Salvage The first technique is used to remove a stuck product pipe are simple yet highly effective. During a bore salvage the pipe rammer is attached to the end of the partially installed product pipe. The pipe rammer needs to be attached to the pipe so that it pulls the pipe from the ground. This can be accomplished through a fabricated sleeve. A winch or some type of pulling device is used to assist the rammer during operation. In many cases, the percussive power of the pipe rammer is enough to free the stuck pipe and allow it to be removed from the ground. B) Drill Stem Recovery The principal is the same during a drill stem recovery as it is during bore salvage, however, there are two possible tool configurations. Depending on the situation, contractors can remove the drill stem from the ground or, if the stem is still attached to the drill rig, push on the stem while the drill rig pulls back.
The new Grundoream back reamer used for the pre-reaming operation. The 80 mm pilot bore was increased to 350 mm in order to accept the 250 mm water main.
The 250 mm water main has been installed to the satisfaction of the client and contractor.
C) Pull Back Assist The pullback assist technique works directly on getting the product pipe installed. Drilling underwater or in loose flowing soil conditions a condition known as hydrolock can occur. Hydrolock occurs when the external pressure being put on the product pipe from ground water pressure, drilling fluid pressure and/or soil conditions exceeds the drill rig’s pullback capability or the product pipe’s tensile strength. The percussive action of a pipe rammer in this situation is used to help free the immobilized pipe. The pullback assist technique has been successfully used on steel pipe, as well as HDPE. The technique can be used as a safety measure in anticipation of hydrolock problems or after the pipe has become immobilize.
Technique A: Bore salvage
Technique B. Drill stemrecovery
Technique C: Pull back assist
Technique D: Conductor barrel
D) Conductor Barrel™ The Conductor Barrel process differs slightly from the other three methods in the sense that it deals with the actual drilling aspect of the project rather than pullback or recovery. The concept behind the Conductor Barrel is creating a clear pathway through poor soil conditions so that drilling can begin in more preferable soil conditions. The success of a drilling operation can often be determined right at the start. If drilling does not begin in soil that is conducive to drilling, the success of the entire project can be put in jeopardy. Loose, unsupported soils are prime candidates for this method.
During the Conductor Barrel process, casings are rammed into the ground, at a predetermined angle, until desirable soil conditions are met. The spoil is removed from the casing with an auger or core barrel. Drilling proceeds within the casing in the desirable soil conditions. In addition to assisting drilling operations at the start, the conductor can also serve as a friction-free section during pullback or prevent situations in unstable soils acting in a similar fashion to containment cells. Drilling contractors throughout North America have successfully employed all four directional assist techniques.
Trenchless installation of house connection lines with GRUNDOPIT Keeping an eye on the expenses, multiple house connections are of growing importance in new development areas. The installation of gas, water, electricity and telecommunication lines is co-ordinated by the single suppliers, the lines are installed in one and the same trench and connected to the service area of the building via special building inlet. Due to different connecting points, usually this method cannot be used for subsequent connection of the site, for example to the gas or telecommunication net, or for the renewal of potable water lines. Depending on pipe diameters, soil conditions, bore lengths and degree of difficulty, the application of
the horizontal fluid-assisted drilling unit Grundopit is required, available in 3 different capacity grades (standard, power and pit version). At first, a pilot bore is carried out, then the pipes up to ND 150 are installed in lengths up to 80 m, depending on the machine type, coming from a connection pit or a sewer manhole right into the cellar (fig. 2). The main reasons for application are subsequent gas and telecommunication house connection lines in protection pipes up to OD 63. Fibre glass lines lying in sewer pipes can be installed from the manholes without pits, in convenient cases even straight into the ser-
In most cases, however, the bore head coming from the supply space is located from the front of the cellar wall (fig. 3). After this, a core hole bore is performed above the bore head (figs. 4 and 5). As soon as the drill tools have been changed, the pipe is pulled in (fig. 6). Its end is equipped with a special wall inlet (fig. 7), which seals the cellar wall from the outside and within. If the machine is started from the shaft building, the shaft is also bored through with a core hole drill, which can be connected directly. Soils, which are difficult to drill (i.e. rocks) can be worked with the hammer bore head driven by compressed air. As a rule, however, the operation is performed with a standard fluid-assisted bore head from a connection pit.
Fig. 2: Establishing a house connection with the steerable mini bore rig Grundopit S, coming from the sewer manhole straight into the supply space of the cellar.
Advantages of the Grundopit operation technique: • flexible application due to the optimal adaptation to varying working conditions • high installation precision, quality and safety • the additional hammer bore head allows propulsion in difficult soils • combination drive unit with hydraulics and compressed air • can be started from pits size diameter 1 m • add-on core hole drill • by using different mixing systems, the Grundodrill can be operated with a simple water-polymer or a Bentonite suspension • due to hydraulic removal of the bore cuttings, surface damage is avoided • the wall inlet system is sealed absolutely tight
Fig. 6: Pulling in the pipe string.
Fig. 3: In the cellar: locating the bore head from the front of the cellar wall.
Fig. 7 and 8 (above and below): The wall inlet mounted to the pipe end is pulled in.
Start out of shafts of Ø 1 m starting with the core hole driller.
vice space of the building. Monitoring and steerability also enable parallel installations and undercrossings beneath roads and small inshore waters in an extremely precise manner.
Fig. 1: Establishing a house connection with the steerable mini bore rig Grundopit P, coming from the connection pit straight into the supply space of the cellar.
ding on the requirements. The suitable mixing systems are available at your choice.
The Grundopit can be operated either with a simple water-polymer or a Bentonite suspension, depen-
For establishing simple house connections the non-steerable Grundomat soil displacement hammers are available for more than 30 years. House connections up to 20 m in length are carried out in a straight course from point A to point B. Preferably, the operation is started from a connection pit to the target pit in front of the house wall. Pipes up to ND 150 can be pulled in with the soil displacement hammer. The house inlet can be driven with a core hole drill. The steerable Grundosteer soil displacement hammer (guided mole) installs pipes up to OD 63 in a pilot bore, it is usually started from a core hole bore in the cellar in direction of the connection trench / pit. The course of the Grundosteer can be monitored and steered. It is capable of bore lengths up to 60 m in difficult terrain profiles (house connections with gradients, beneath staircases, foundations), by-passing external lines. Grundosteer works without drilling fluid.
Fig. 4: Core hole drilling operation.
Fig. 5: Drilling above the bore head.
TT Asia Pacific Ltd appoints sales partner for Korea TTAP announce the appointment of Shin-Kang Trading Companyas the authorized Distributor/Sales Partner for TTG products in Korea Shin-Kang Trading Company was established in June 1990 in Seoul, Korea. The Company is owned and managed by President Mr. ChungJee Won, Manager Mr. Jun H. Won and Administration Manager Ms. Ja-Young Won.
We commenced with Bentonite business for vertical drilling market and have since expanded to cover the construction, environmental, wastewater treatment, and trenchless market.
of continuous support and good customer relationship, we have been very successful on trenchless market and more than 90% of HDD operators are customers of our Company.
The first directional drilling was introduced into Korea when we also began our successful entry into the trenchless market. Customer support is our focus and we are very active in this regards.
After spending 6 years in trenchless market, Shin-Kang were eager to do business with TT and become a member of the TT team. TT products are well known and popular for their superior quality of equipment and their service in Korea.
In order to give better technical support to trenchless customers, a trenchless seminar was held in Korea on April 1999. All companies and all attendants were satisfied with the seminar and gained valuable knowledge and techniques for their field. With this kind
We welcome Shin-Kang Trading Company as a member of the TT Asia Pacific team, but more importantly as a member of the Global TTG family, and we look forward to the expansion of the trenchless equipment market in Korea.
As custom has it... In October 2000, Research Development & Manufacturing Corporation (RDMC) whose main business is manufacturing automotive gearing components, saw the potential for Trenchless Technology in the Bangalore region of India. Particularly in view of the massive increased demand to lay a complete fibre-optic cable network throughhout the entire Continent. The successes of the newly purchased GRUNDODRILL 10 S and the skill of the RDMC operators led to a further rig being purchased - a GRUNDODRILL 13 X family rig. RDMC have used this equipment in varied soil conditions from hard soil to clay type and have installed Ø 40 x 12 and Ø 75 x 4 of HDPE pipe simultaneously in a single installation. RDMC also purchased a GRUNDORAM Koloss ramming hammer a 145 mm GRUNDOMAT soil displacing hammer. RDMC are hoping to increase the Trenchless 22
side of the company by adding a GRUNDODRILL 20 S HDD rig in the future. Before working any newly acquired equipment, a ceremonial ritual is carried out by blessing the equipment to ensure that no harm comes to it. This proved to be the case of the first 13 X drilling shot which can be seen as the drill head arrives safely in the exit trench.
Exhibitions & Events 2004 2004 is going to be a busy year for TT and its sales partners with numerous international exhibitions and local customers events for. The lists ranges from the world’s largest construction fair BAUMA in Munich over the UCT in Housten, Texas to the popular Hands-on Days in Lennestadt. Take the opportunity to get in touch with the TT products and the latest developments in trenchless technologies. Exhibitions UCT 2004
January 13 – 15, 2004
February 17 – 20, 2004
Sep Polutin
March 17 – 20, 2004
NO DIG 2004
New Orleans/USA,
March 22 – 24, 2004
BAUMA 2004
March 29 – April 4, 2004
Gas Expo Shanghai
March 31 – April 2, 2004
May 19 – 21, 2004
Water National Show AWWA Orlando/USA
June 13 – 17, 2004
August 13 – 15, 2004
NordCon 2003
August 21 – 23, 2004
September 3 – 7, 2004
September 9 – 12, 2004
Water Sewerage & Waste
September 18, 2004
September 17 - 19, 2004
September 23 – 27, 2004
MT Expo
Sao Paulo/Brasil
September 16 – 20, 2004
September 22 - 24, 2004
Ville sans Tranchée
Sept. 30 – 2 Ocober 2004
6.Bregenzer Rohrleitungstage
Sept. 30 – Oct. 1, 2004
Trenchless Middle East Dubai, UAE
October 12 – 14, 2004
Watertech & Agrifair Cyprus
October 16 – 20, 2004
Birmingham, UK
November 11 - 13, 2004
November 15 – 17, 2004
November 18 - 20, 2004
November 20 – 23, 2004
FaGeBo 2004 & Excell award
Olpe, Germany
January 30, 2004
Hands-on Days 2004
Lennestadt, Germany
September 13 - 19, 2004
For details on the exhibited equipment, stand numbers and more fairs and exhibitions check the TT website at www.tracto-technik.de.