How to take out braids without losing hair

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How To Take Out Braids Without Losing Hair Braids can help to fix hair. But, most people don’t know how to take out braids? Here are some tips to help you quickly complete this task. 1. Gather tools. Prepare a spray bottle with water or else a spray-on conditioner or moisturizer. Prepare a comb with a long, slim pointed handle or with a metal pick at the end of it. 2. Moisturize hair before taking out the braids, for hair will become dry and brittle while in the braids. The hair may break if it is not properly moisturized. 3. Remove all hair bands and ties which are used to secure the braids. Cut off the extensions just below where the real hair begins. 4. Use a long end of the comb and push the pointed end into the braid about a quarter inch from the end to remove the braids. Then, pull the comb gently downwards. After that, the braid will separate and come free. 5. Use the same motion to continue up the braid. Moisturize hair as often as needed. If you take out too big a section at a time, the hair starts to tangle or the comb will not go through. Starting with a smaller section, move back towards the end of the braid. 6. Take out the braid. Use a wide-toothed comb or pick to gently de-tangle the braid. Comb the ends first and work your way up to the scalp slowly. 7. Go to the next braid and repeat the steps to remove all of the braids. Use your chosen moisturizer to spray the hair again, and then comb through the entire head of hair.

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