How to sew 3 piece hair weave

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How to Sew 3-piece Hair Weave How to sew a 3-piece hair weave? 1. Prepare all supplies. Comb weave pieces smooth, and then place them on a table. Sew extension at the base of the client’s hair. Attach the weave on the scalp braids or cornrows. 2. Clip all the hair around the hairline, and stay 1 inch away from the hairline at the front, sides, and nape. 3. Determine partings according to your selected weave style. Weaves can be attached to the nape section of the head. Determine the length of cornrows by measuring the width of the weave. 4. Cornrow hair horizontally across the head, and these are called tracks. Please make sure that the width of the track is the same as the width of the braid. Plan the tracks to hide the ends of the cornrow. Use rubber band to secure the ends. 5. Use the rack-and-sew method to sew in a 3-piece weave, starting at the lowest cornrow, work from nape to crown. Cut a length of thread twice the length of the weft. Make the needle pass though the weft to connect it to the track, and pull the thread through to create a loop. 6. Place the needled through the loop. Wrap the thread around the needle. Tighten the loop to form a locking stitch, securing the ends of the weft to the track. Sew the last track and weave. 7. Finally, remove the rest of the hair from the clip, and then comb the hair as well as style. Tips  

It is recommended to use blunt needle. As the best type of hair to use, human hair is a little expensive, clients can wash and style the hair. However, if you style synthetic hair with a blow dryer or curling iron, it will burn.

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