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Memorial Day, sometimes called “Decoration Day”, is a federal holiday observed on the last Monday in May, set aside to honor those who have died while serving our country

In reality, we get a holiday that was paid for by others, at a cost that is incalculable, and those who paid for it are mostly forgotten over time. Let’s take a moment to recall the deaths of two men fighting for our young country in its infancy. It happened at Logan’s Fort in 1777. The Native Americans who attacked the fort were paid mercenaries of the British, making them enemy combatants of the Americans.

Two Logan’s Fort men died during that battle. First, William Hudson died immediately when he was shot while guarding Mrs. Ben Logan, Mrs. William Whitley, and another woman, all of whom had ventured out of the fort to milk some cows.

Burr Harrison, who was wounded but retrieved and brought into the fort by the heroic efforts of Ben Logan, subsequently died from those wounds 7 days later.

We honor those two early soldiers of our country, as well as the hundreds of thousands of others who perished and made the ultimate sacrifice, while fighting for our rights and freedoms.

Remember, all gave some, but some gave all. William Hudson and Burr Harrison gave all the ultimate sacrifice of their lives right here in Lincoln County.