HSG65 - Successful health and safety management

Page 85

Health and Safety Executive

Organising: communication Communication of intent and demonstration of commitment Everyone in the organisation needs to know what the implementation plans are and how they are progressing. Success depends on a visible demonstration by senior management in leading and supporting the process.

Planning Implementation plan A key output from the steering committee or the system architect is an implementation plan which serves as the blueprint for action. Key milestones for implementation and success criteria should be determined, set and regularly reviewed by management. The health and safety management system manual/key procedures How far the system needs to be documented will depend on any particular legal requirement and the overall style and approach to written communication within the organisation. Organisations may find it helpful to produce a health and safety management manual covering the principles and management arrangements. Preparing such a manual can be an important output from the steering committee. Recognition of the ‘people’ issues Change creates uncertainty and concern. Its effect on people’s feelings must be considered as part of the implementation process. One way of recognising and acting on this is to devote more attention to communications, involvement and training. The approach to new ways of working for health and safety can also contribute to a change of culture across the business in the longer term. Health and safety can act as a vehicle for broader organisational change. The effect of introducing the health and safety management system needs to be considered both in terms of the opportunity it presents and potential for conflict with other existing business arrangements.

Measurement The implementation process itself needs to be measured. Some multi-site organisations have used a weighted implementation plan to help drive the process at subsidiary level. Other key implementation measurement activities are the monitoring of the activities necessary to achieve the objectives of the implementation plan, the quality of the outputs achieved and the timescales involved.

Audit and review Periodic reviews are necessary to ensure that the process is on track and continuing to meet its objectives. As overall health and safety management competence and ‘feel’ for the system improves, initial assumptions will alter. Other business changes and initiatives will have materialised and will need to be incorporated in the implementation plan. Reviews need to take account of the information generated from the measurement process and how to initiate any necessary remedial actions. Auditing is a common way to assess implementation progress particularly when an initial audit can act as a benchmark. It can be useful to examine the quality of the system being created as well as the degree to which the gaps are being closed. Successful health and safety management

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