Food 4 Thought Issue 50

Page 39

supplement broader responses such as increased


taxation and reduced alcohol availability,” Dr

Other researchers from NDARC, including Dr

Livingston said.

Natacha Carragher whose research looks at the


and substance use, developed a “robust” tool to measure the stringency and enforcement of different alcohol policies. They used the tool to

A second study to be presented at the NDARC

assess policies that have been implemented in nine

Symposium found that global traditional

countries in the Western Pacific Region –

differences in male and female drinking levels had

Australia, Japan, New Zealand, Singapore, Hong

virtually disappeared over the course of the last

Kong, China, Malaysia, the Philippines and


Vietnam. Each country was scored out of a

The study, which will be presented by Dr

possible 100 on the stringency and enforcement of

Catherine Chapman and Associate Professor Tim

its alcohol policies.

Slade both researchers from UNSW who are

Countries with higher alcohol policy scores had

involved in the National Health and Medical

lower per capita consumption, according to the

Research Council’s Epidemiology Stream,

study. Australia had the highest overall rating but

gathered and synthesised data from 75 studies in

was weak on specific policies such as advertising.

59 countries, including Australia, among people

“This tool suggested that alcohol policies work in

born from the 1900s to the 1990s.

reducing consumption,” Dr Carragher said.

Men born in the early 1900s were over three times

“Australia has many strong policies, particularly in

more likely to drink alcohol than women, according to the data. The study showed that


links between mental health or mood disorders

relation to motor vehicles, but still has significant gaps, particularly in relation to advertising

this ratio had

policies. Evidence

decreased so that

suggests that if we

women born in the

further strengthen

1990s are almost as

these policies, we

likely as men to

could significantly

drink alcohol.

reduce risky drinking,”

“Similar changes have

she said.

occurred with respect

The policies around

to heavy episodic or

advertising of alcohol in

binge drinking,” Dr

Australia have been in the

Chapman said.

spotlight in recent times.

“Indicators from Australia

In June 2013, Australian

increase in harms measured by hospitalisations and

suggest the drinking

Food News reported that

emergency presentations in many states and

patterns of males and

Western Australian

territories and by police data on alcohol-related

females are in line with

Commissioner of Police Karl


global trends,” she said.

O’Callaghan had called for a

“The picture we have of drinking in Australia is

ban on alcohol advertising

consumption has dropped but harms have


increased. This new evidence about the divergence

The study by Dr Chapman and

alcohol-fuelled violence” had

in habits between heavy and light drinkers goes

Associate Professor Slade found

reached “epidemic proportions”.

some way to explaining the apparent

that policy made a difference to

At the same time, a report from

contradictions,” he said.

drinking habits. An analysis of

the independent Alcohol

“These changes may appear small, but increases in

16 policies in nine countries

Advertising Review Board

very heavy drinking have strong impacts on the

demonstrated there was a

(AARB) found that

risk of illness and injury,” Dr Livingston said.

relationship between the

self-regulation of alcohol

“An effective policy response to these changes in

stringency of policies, the

advertising was “failing” and

drinking habits may be to target certain

effectiveness with which

that there was an “urgent

interventions such as brief interventions in health

they were in enforced, and

need for regulation on

settings to the heaviest drinkers as a way to

resulting levels of

conflicted,” Dr Livingston said. “Overall

during sport broadcasts, saying that “binge drinking and

alcohol promotion”.


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