One Voice | Stepping Through

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| A DOORWAY IN THE HEART This second book marks a new season in life. The “stepping through to the other side and enjoying the view” season. Thank you family and friends who walked with me, held me together, encouraged me and cheered me on. I am blessed. You’re all amazing.

whispers on the breeze of spring come rains of refreshing tears as the winter of my my discontent melts away clearly seen are the faded years you’ve been steady by my side you’re always there relieving my fears in the middle of chaos you calm my soul from beneath the ashes beauty appears one glance fractures a tower of lies swept up and away in the whirlwind one word quiets the storm inside set down in the silence to abide seasons change through all of life and you keep me staying near leaning on your heart brings strength rhythm of love day to day, year to year




fly carried on the wings of life safely risking all fly in the face of fear and doubt safely risking all listen to the voice of hope as it whispers on the wings of life soar on the heights rest on sure currents of strength take this flight of hope fly in sure currents of love breathe deep the rhythms of grace flying high live as you were designed to be flying free

I’ve stepped out of the dark places of my heart into all of who you are all the revolving doors have stopped moving all the carousels have stopped spinning a silent breeze comforts my face I’m leaving this city, tearing down walls all illusions of safety that kept me from you I’m packing up my childish ways my superman lunchbox with thermos trading them for your ways - yours are better peel away everything I wasn’t created to be let it fall by they wayside wake me up from the mundane from sleepwalking as I drive through this life renew me completely, surprise me with joy allurement in the desert sustained by fountains of life wrap me up in you dress me up in love




peace and comfort aren’t the same thing I was meeting with a dear friend the other day and I found myself commenting, “Peace in the midst of the uncomfortable... Peace and comfort aren’t the same thing...” As I pondered what I said, the more I realized how much this is true. The Lord often takes us into uncomfortable places, usually accompanied by walking into the unknown (whether physically or emotionally). I would contend that we as humans need to be nudged (or pushed) into "the uncomfortable" area in order to change, grow and discover. Otherwise, we become content with the mundane, status quo and quickly become numb in our comfort zones. Sometimes the unknown and uncomfortable are scary and well... uncomfortable. But, the KEY is knowing and trusting the Father is right there with us. HE is our peace and in the midst of anything we face... we can experience His love and peace. Why? Because our home, security, peace, acceptance, who we are is all found in Him. He is a good Father who loves us into becoming the best “us” we can be - transforming us into sons and daughters; who resemble Jesus. A note about peace (shalom): it isn’t a peace that gives you warm fuzzies and an absence of anxiety or violence. Shalom means absolute wholeness: soundness of mind and body; health and welfare; peace of mind, body and spirit; safety; completeness; peace within relationships. His peace goes sooo much deeper than our present circumstances... it is a place to live. And living there helps us deal with and face those uncomfortable places we find ourselves is. So embrace the uncomfortable... and rest in His peace as you discover where He wants you to learn, grow, explore and dig deep. I guarantee what you find will be worth the discomfort and a treasure you won’t trade any passing comfort zone.


he is the great awakening my daddy holds the stars in His hand he spins around the world dancing his dance his voice calls through the fire and wind his heartbeat carries the rhythm of romance flowing... rivers into dry wells creating... flesh onto dry bones breathing... life into dry souls daddy, you are the awakening come awaken truth come awaken life come awaken love you are the great awakening your daddy holds you in His hand he spins around you dancing your dance his voice calls through fire and wind his heartbeat carries a rhythm of romance for you come awaken beloved come awaken child come awaken to love

storing up those gold stars playing people like cards gaining all and starving all the same pry your fingers from they’re clinging listen all who hear listen and come near hear His song that your soul may live proudly stand, you’re right seeing your name in lights gaining all praise, empty all the same give up those grave cravings listen all who hear listen and come near hear His song that your soul may live pry your fingers from they’re clinging give up those grave cravings let them slip away let them slip away faithful love promises are near faithful love promises are here hear His song and live sing His song of love



love, sometimes, is a violent choosing ONE VOICE...

In talking with a friend, I found myself saying, “Love, sometimes, is a violent choosing.� It was one of those moments where you surprise yourself with what comes out of your own mouth. A pleasant surprise with more truth than I first realized. Love. God IS Love. How God showed his love to us, displaying who he is, his character and depth of love, was to send us Jesus. God in the tangible flesh: walking in human skin, experiencing life, extending love, demolishing strongholds, bringing freedom, and experiencing death. This display of love climactically brought us to the cross in extreme, lavish fashion. Jesus chose a violent display of love in order to bring us access into a relationship with the Father. And in a glorious finish he ransacked the gates of hell, defeated death and rose from the dead - giving us eternal life and a glorious inheritance. Love. We often face a violent choosing of love in our ever growing relationship with the Father. The conflict between our own flesh and the spirit of truth can bring a violent inner struggle. Do I believe my skewed, wounded perceptions of life? Do I follow my selfish desires and short-term fulfilling desires of my flesh? Do I believe the labels lies and interpretations of others about me? OR Do I believe in the truth of Jesus, the Father and the Holy Spirit? Do I believe in the blood he shed on the cross giving me access to this amazing love? Do I believe what HE says about me in the word and my relationship with him? Learning to love ourselves. Do I choose violently to push back the lies, ungodly beliefs and selfish desires...and embrace true love?

Love. Relationships with others, especially close ones, seem to bring out the worst in us. For some reason we are the ugliest to those we live with and love the most. Selfishness, personalities, immaturity, misinterpretations, miscommunication, woundedness...the list can go on forever. At times, we find ourselves facing another violent choosing of love. Do we choose to let the misinterpretations, small things, wounds and different processing styles pile up into the dissolution of the relationship? Do we choose to see the negative put up walls and refuse to be vulnerable? Do we choose to only see through our own eyes and interpretations? OR Do we choose to violently push aside the ever present emotional volcano state and choose love? Choosing to communicate, stay vulnerable, speak truth and see the one in front of you for who they are. Choosing to be okay with differences and maybe not understanding everything. Choosing to invite the Father into the relationship and situation... choosing to see the people in our lives as HE sees them and who HE is fashioning them to be. Choosing to set aside my ‘rights’ and being right. Choosing to love. Discovering how we can serve those we love as the bride of Christ...”we are servants of another man’s wife”. Love. Love is not always a violent choosing. Most of the time it’s easy, glorious and filled with adventure...but sometimes. Sometimes we have to grow up and violently choose love.


love, sometimes, is a violent choosing cont.

I am blinded by the shiny brightness of my brokenness your light shines through the cracks in my crumbling castle walls of protection once provided life support I needed to survive nothing but a thin veil of stones you’ve gently pulled the plug and now I can breathe on my own cause I’m breathing you in I’m breathing with you illusion of self-safety is seen in light of your reality it causes cloaks of shame to fall to the ground here I am exposed by your light and my life support isn’t working anymore you’ve gently pulled the plug and now I can breathe on my own cause I’m breathing you in I’m breathing with you your light shines through bringing me to life as I breathe more of you as I breathe more of you


fallen cloaks


be brave. be courageous Be courageous. Be brave. The war within is a thin veil of lies. Although the intensity of this veil’s tight grip on your mind seem sure... they are but thin veils that burn away like fragile whips of grass. In the midst of truth they burn away in the light of truth light shown into our hearts with the revelation of Jesus: of who He is; who we are in Him; the authority I have as a daughter, a child of God, royalty. The key is... I must believe. I must declare it with assurance and faith in who is in me and whose I am. I have to be brave and courageous... often times the bravest we can do is face ourselves and the strongholds/lies that imprison us falsely. I (we) have agreed with the enemy for far too long. But, the truth shall set us free. My bravery comes forth as I speak out loud. That which the enemy tried to steal and use as a weapon against me is my biggest weapon... my voice. My voice is strong and carries the breath of God (whose voice breaks the cedars of lebanon... creates... breathes life). My voice is my power in fighting the weapons formed against me. It was silenced for a while because of hurts and ignorance... fear, rejection and shame. But the light of Christ has shown brightly into my heart and revealed His love... building me up to speak forth truth. He is teaching me to wield my weapons with His light, love and righteousness... with the tenacious perseverance intrinsic to my DNA. Be brave. Be courageous. Wield your weapons of truth with the strength of the Holy Spirit... remember He who is IN you is greater than anything in the world (even you).

there’s something in the silence it’s the calm pounding of waves finding their resting place on the shores heart pounding shores slowly eroding the rough edges refreshing the dry places changing landscape into beauty heart pounding beauty a comforting constant to rely on a tide bringing you in to me a tide bringing me in to you it’s you, it’s you there’s something in the silence it’s the rhythm of the constant finding the melody on the strings strings of my heart slowly melting the cold, hard parts serenading the deaf places changing my heart beat into beauty heart pounding beauty a comforting constant to rely on a song flowing you into me a song flowing me into you it’s you, it’s you let your waves break upon my shores let your rhythm tun my heart in the silence with you a comforting constant to rely on there’s something in the silence a comforting constant to rely on it’s you. it’s you.




come by me I am here ready and willing pouring out my spirit pouring out freely over you in you over you in you come by me come near my heart listen to the rhythms of my love of my grace enter the door to the chamber of intimacy the inner chamber of my heart is unlocked it is open to you. I am here, ready and waiting come in, come deeper into me I long to share my heart with you. the secrets of love the desires and longings I have for my children the brokenness I have for the lost and wounded come in and fellowship with the deep things of my heart the joy the sorrows the suffering the great depths of my love I am wrapped in light dressed in life come deeper in the secret places I am ready and waiting


all in

I’m in an accelerated school for the broken I find myself being stretched and poked prodded and ambushed taught and lead by a sneaky sneaky God It’s time to grow up and put on truth develop strong character learn to use the tools I’ve been given deepen my confidence in his love It’s time to grow up into maturity There’s an urgency in his call And anticipation in his voice of the greatness of things to come I can't help but wonder what this preparation is for I can’t see the finish line But I am all in

When the lion roars; His children come running When justice roars; The rivers come rushing When the bridegroom roars; His bride comes falling We come running to you We let justice flow through We come falling We come falling In love Let love roar; Let love roar Lion of Judah roar Let love roar; Let love roar Rivers of justice roar Let love roar; Let love roar Bridegroom Judge roar Roar from Mount Zion Your kingdom comes Roar from Mount Zion Your justice comes “[The Lord’s] voice shook the earth then, but now He has promised, saying, ‘One more time I will shake not only the earth, but heaven too!’ And this phrase, "one more time," makes it clear that the things shaken are removed, since they are created things, so that the things not shaken may remain. Therefore, since we have received an unshakeable Kingdom, let us have grace, through which we may offer service that will please God, with reverence and fear. For indeed, "Our God is a consuming fire!"


let love roar

the village ONE VOICE...

I saw a picture of a small village, set up on a hill; lit up with candles and a few street lights. In this village is young maiden; and she is waiting for something... waiting for her bridegroom. Yet, her wedding gown has been placed in a trunk off o the side [not completely forgotten but stuck in a hope chest for ‘someday’. Yet, in her eyes is a look of hope deferred... that the ‘someday’ may not come. Far off in the distance, through the valley is coming a band of travelers. Led by torches and singing. The bridegroom is en route. Back in the village the watchmen and other young maidens are watching and waiting. They are looking for the bridegroom as well. Some see the flickering in the distance and excitement rises in their bones. “This could be Him! The bridegroom is coming!” A few begin to shout yet they stay at their posts. Others say nothing in order to wait and “make sure” it really is him, “the one”. Still others see nothing because they are asleep, distracted by their own self-gratification parties or out seeking oil for their lamps. They’re so oblivious they don’t even see what’s going on in front of them - the bridegroom is coming on the horizon and they don’t recognize him. And the still, the bride is waiting; heart sick and hope deferred. Almost afraid her fairy tale may not come true. Distracted by day to day, mundane activities, she’s far from ready to be whisked away by her beloved. She has everything she needs but isn’t packed; she doesn’t even know how to really use all that she has at her fingertips. And, in a lot of ways the maidens and watchmen have waned in their hope as well and isolated themselves - the bride to be has been left to wonder and wait alone. Arise with clarity of vision o maidens and watchmen. Behold, the bridegroom is coming; sound the alarm - sound the wedding bells. Hope and truth are alive and well! The light of the world is on the horizon...

the shofar is read to be lifted upon his lips [for when he enters the city gate he shall blow the trumpet] - to blow the sound of arrival announcing His Day has come - the Day of the Lord - the King’s wedding day is almost here! He is here for his bride. Sleep no more; fight no more; arise in unity and prepare the way prepare the bride and make her ready; dress her up in wedding garments of praise. Open her eyes to see her bridegroom - her beloved. I heard the sounds of horse hooves pounding the ground. It was dusk and the sun was setting as the riders were pressing forward, intently going to their destination. There was an urgency, passion and a sense that destiny was being fulfilled. Many riders, if not all, had banners they were carrying. Each banner declared the names and attributes of the Lord....through words, colors and images. They were riding in to victory. Riding for the bride.


the village cont.

so long my old friend always by my side in this ghost town so faithfully pulling strings twisting my heart upside down, it’s time to say goodbye a constant companion, i’d grown accustom to your blame strangely finding comfort in the predictability of the pain, it’s time to say goodbye i’m letting go of your hand and ignoring all your lies don’t come around anymore a wall between us is beginning to rise, it’s time to say goodbye exposed for the fraud you are i’m parading you around a captive of my victory hang your head and walk away bound, it’s time to say goodbye it’s time to say goodbye it’s time to say goodbye it’s time to let go and let me run it’s time to say goodbye it’s time to say goodbye it’s time to let me fly


it’s time to say goodbye


live in love Invisible faces passed on the streets every day. Hidden in plain view; shackled by shame, chained by fear. Nobody sees this one. Will you see this one? Young girl, she trusted a family friend. He kidnapped her to a world far away; alone and afraid. A slave, trapped in the sex trade. She was only thirteen. Young boy, his parents imprisoned by poverty. Sold to a cruel debtor to survive; alone and afraid. A slave, trapped in the labor trade. He was only seven. Invisible faces passed on the streets every day. Paraded in plain view; shackled by addiction, chained by greed. They buy them, sell them, use and abuse them. Nobody sees this one. Will you see this one? Successful man, captive by lust cravings. Sold himself into pornography; alone and afraid. A slave, trapped in addiction. He bought the girl. Common woman, tries to do good each day. Shops and buys freely, ignorant of the alone and afraid. Employs the debtors, securing the slaves. She bought the boy. Will you look? Will you see? Will you pray? Will you free? How much is one life worth? How do we tackle such evil? The answers don’t come easy. The cost is expensive. Shifting lifestyles, raising standards. Exposing darkness, choosing life. Praying, intercede, calling down heaven. Live in love.

In the light of your face is life In the gaze of your eyes is firey love Can I just stare at you for a while? you are light you are beautifully holy you know my frame you’ve given me your name and I love you more than life I am falling into you I am falling into you into your light into your life into your love I’ve exchanged a veil of shame for a wedding veil of love


light of your face

renovations ONE VOICE...

Please excuse the mess, renovations in progress. So, I invited this guy to come in on a consult. I shared my thoughts, He shared his and then encouraged a few changes, updates, fresh renovations to make the place more... lively, current, homey. We talked through ideas, preferences, plans and sifted through blueprints. He cast a vision of what could be and I bellowed an excited, “Yes, do it!” Now, it’s a bit later. Boards are lying everywhere, there’s a hole in the floor, walls are moved or missing and paint cans are strewn about. I’ve temporarily misplaced those fancy blueprints and pictures for the finished project. I don’t remember thinking through the ramifications of living here while the renovating process was taking place. Every thing is familiar yet nothing is familiar. I barely recognize a thing but every now and then I catch a glimpse of what was in the midst of the chaos and, I breathe in the sawdust of hope. In the middle of the process, the beauty of what will be is coming to the surface and I realize once more how much this guy knows what he’s doing. All this craziness is gonna be great! In the mean time, where is my bed? In the mean time, you’re welcome to come in... please excuse the renovations; my heart is a mess.

waiting ONE VOICE...

Waiting is often placing ourselves proactively in the very center of life’s tensions. We feel pulled in many directions yet it takes all the strength we have to stop and calm down our souls and command peace to the storm in side. Waiting is not sitting idly by hoping something will magically change or God will pop in and fix everything. Waiting is an active call to press in farther and deeper. Stepping up into our identity and declare who we are as children of the King. And, to actively practice our listening skills in the most important relationship we have; with our Father. Waiting is sometimes harder and more tiring than running... yet it is so worth sitting awkwardly in the tensions of time. In waiting, we exercise the powerful weapons of rest and trust. Our vision becomes clearer, our hearts expand and grow in maturity, our ears fine tune their frequency and we fall deeper and deeper in love. Wait with joy and eager anticipation... the new season is going to be beautiful!

Discovering new facets of who Father is an incredible journey. Every time I turn around, his kindness is there. Calling me deeper, calling me into his embrace. Simple little blessings, kissing my heart with love. His kindness leads us into the exposing light of truth. The quietness that comes with his presence calms my soul. He removes the messes I make and teaches me softly. Simple little nudges, kissing my heart with kindness. He pulls from beneath the ashes who he’s breathed me to be. He waters the fields, raining down light, life and love. His goodness causes joy to sprout up from within. Simple little embraces, kissing my heart with goodness.


kindest one

finally here with me ONE VOICE...

the idea of you has kissed my heart and the sunlight softly warms my face seeds of love have grown up into a harvest as I’ve waited here in contented grace cause you’re here now with me you’re finally here now with me and I can’t help but smile how did we end up here above the clouds our paths combined in one, a love taken hold of as you take my hand, hear the song on the wind everything around whispers in rhythms of love cause you’re here now with me you’re finally here now with me and I can’t help but smile your smile melts away the outside of me and I can’t help but give you everything let’s dance in love forever let’s dance in love forever cause you’re here now with me you’re finally here now with me and I can’t help but smile as we walk along the goodness of God to give me you you’re finally here now with me and it’s so, so good

Your love is the sweetest thing Your love is the sweetest thing Your love is the sweetest thing I know little rain kisses from above snow flakes floating softly to the ground soft sunlight on skin seeing your face in everything around, around me Your love is the sweetest thing Your love is the sweetest thing Your love is the sweetest thing I know I can sail to the edge of the horizon soar past the furthest star rise with the sun and moon together in your love I crave everything you are You are the kindest heart I’ve touched You are the greatest friend I’ve had You are the sweetest love I know Your love is the sweetest thing


sweetest thing

you came to me one day with the wings of dawn I drew in life and rain It seems I had not seen the sunrise in some time you were there standing beside me to sustain you awakened my blind eyes I think I saw for the first time again you came offering this cup said at all costs you were mine and offered an eternal love asked me to leave it all behind my everything smiled out loud drank to our wedding day with wine you came hands extended your eyes dancing with mysterious light with gentleness you embraced me sang our song as you held me tight dancing promises of forever keep time words of love echo through each night when you come you call me beloved and call me your own when you come you call me beloved and call me home and so I wait I wait for you to come won’t you come


when you come


melody swirling storm clouds facing deep darkness every sinking sand testing locked doors waiting waiting waiting surrounded by fear internal external prisons tears flowing steady tears dried empty waiting waiting waiting hands out reaching eyes searching heaven seeking hope glimmers grasping life streams waiting waiting singing my weapon is the melody in my heart singing singing singing your love song my heart swells amidst courage songs faith hope love singing singing singing sword wielding truth cutting down walls demolishing lying roots removing stumbling blocks singing singing singing releasing freedom songs strength confidence trust dancing upon grave-clothes springing joy wells

my weapon is the melody in my heart

l Have you ever had a re-occurring issue with the Lord that seems to linger? Sometimes those layers of truth seem to be unending. It’s like, “I believe you, yet I still don’t believe you... yet I want to believe you fully.” I’ve been struggling with one of those issues with the Father again, still... and today he gave me a fun encouragement picture. The picture was of a huge cliff and I saw myself climbing it, freestyle. The Lord told me that the cliff was truth and this process of climbing it was my process of transformation taking truth internally into my whole being. I had those pins and carabiners you hook into the wall as you go for safety. I realized that I was somewhere up on that cliff, holding on for dear life as I climbed upward. Even though it has been a difficult time, I was thankful for the pins in the wall so that I could rest when I was tired or discouraged. There are times when it seems reaching the top is never going to happen... but it will. Sometimes I doubt my strength, desire and abilities... but I see the top, I see, know and feel the truth.... yet somehow I haven’t fully internalized it. All I know is going down into the valley of lies isn’t an option. So up, up, up I go.


rock climbing truth


reflection the reflection i see when I’m looking at you when I’m looking at me is a beautiful revelation of Christ within the hope of glory there are days when the reflection is dim when beauty is seems faded but you’re there in fullness waiting in nobility the scales fall when I stare in your eyes when every color explodes from within your heart radiating beauty the best place to be is home in his heart in his love and embrace dress in garments of praise righteousness and purity

will you wait ONE VOICE...

will you wait with me stand in the crucible of time to change everything upside right the world is at stake will you wait will you wait with me deep oceans of passion swelling intensity of a breaking heart my life for keeps will you wait

the borrowed strength of another infuses life into the spirit you lend me your hand and I give you mine your shoulder catches my tears and I give you mine parts of us stretch, bend and break getting molded into new shapes and places sharpening iron creates a heated tension pressing forward in a season of pliable growth hanging on with tenacity in a whirlwind of uncertainty bursting forth is a glorious reward deepened roots of understanding what it means to give and take widened vision of grace what it means to continually give grace expanded hearts in comprehending what it means to love, and love again


iron friends


season left, season right It is a new season and I’ve emerged out of the wilderness; out of the brokenness, out of the grave clothes of a false me. I’ve been freed by the powerful words of truth, love and identity whispered by a kind, gentle and relentless Father. Who loves with the intensity of hurricane at times. Bombarding with love, truth and a beckoning to let go and be swept up into his heart. It’s scary. It’s painful. It means leaving it all behind and starting new wherever you land. There is not turning back. There is not heroic attempt to save a piece of the past. As the wind, rain and flood is coming at you, pelting you in the face, knocking the wind out of you at times... you’re faced with a choice: do I yield to this very real reality of truth overwhelming me? or do I fight to keep what is already slipping through my fingers, holding me back, keeping me imprisoned (even if it’s a pretty prison at times)? Either way seems like an unavoidable death... and it is. And I’ve chosen to let go and be swept away into his heart. Where light, truth, freedom and love have greeted me. I’ve been ushered into a new season with the Father by my side. He holds my hand. He is the only one who whispers in my ear and guides me on this next adventure. Here I am in green pastures, plowing a fresh field and the harvest is already sprouting.


elaborate king I know why the angles cry holy As they fall down at your feet Something inside breaks at the beauty You are Holy, robed in glory You lavish your love Beauty, robed in glory You delight in mercy Worthy, robed in glory You gave everything Would be My Elaborate King? Come and make my soul set free I know why creation sings praises As you awaken the dawn Something inside breaks at the wonder I know why all the saints bless your name For you are faithful and true Something inside breaks at your goodness

I’ve been thinking a lot about bravery these days. A friend of mine once told me I was one of the bravest people she knew. This shocked me because I often feel like the least brave person on this earth because I feel afraid much of the time. Afraid of what people think. Afraid of not having the right answer or doing the right thing. Afraid of being hurt or hurting others. Afraid of being alone yet afraid of being fully loved. Afraid to full let my guards down and let the world see the fullness of who I am. So many ‘afraids’. I like being safe. I like feeling safe. For a long time I haven’t felt safe or felt ‘at home’ in a physical place where I could let my walls down even with myself. The Lord has always been my my home, safe in His heart but in the last couple years, I’ve had to learn to plant roots. I didn’t rest internally for many season but here in this recent season, I have cultivated a home physically and emotionally. I feel safe at home. I can breathe freely and rest. I have ‘found myself’, gotten to know me more and I like what I see. The security of solitude has been a good friend. As I look back on my life I must admit I do recognize a brave woman who wouldn’t let her fears hold her down for too long. Even still, I look back three months ago and marvel at how much He’s changed/changing me. I think to myself, maybe being brave isn’t a lofty ‘movie type’ persona of soldiers, tragic circumstances, big battles, heroic escapes of death and pain. Those people are still brave but maybe bravery is more like the simple definition found in the dictionary: courageous behavior or character; one ready to face and endure danger or pain. Maybe it is about taking all those ‘afraids’ and turning them into fuel we use to propel us into change and transformation. Not letting ourselves be trapped by fears, weighed down or put in a box. Maybe it’s about pushing back and saying, “No! I will not live chained to fear, shame and wondering ‘what if?’ I’m not going back to those old ways of thinking and patters which spiral me down into a lesser version of myself. I will fight for myself and for those around me. I will fight for love and face what is before me.” Whether that be a perceived fear of what people think; a relationship which needs mending; a confrontation; a weakness in my character that needs fixing; a relationship that might be blossoming; saying no; saying yes; being vulnerable or letting my guard down and inviting people into the safe



bravery cont. ONE VOICE...

places of my heart. Whatever I am facing that might bring me pain is a risk and usually fear wants to tag along to talk me out of it or distract me from being fully present, fully engaged and fully me. Bravery is taking the risk and letting fear fall away like the thin veil it is. It is stepping into the clarity and fullness of life in the adventure I am currently on. Bravery is knowing that it is worth the pain it takes to get to the other side of transformation. It can be a valuable commodity in the economy of God’s heart. We trade him our pain, bravely stand before him and say, “Yes, here I am in all my messy humanness...but here I am.” He says, “I’ll take it, I’ll take you!” And, He does. Somehow He miraculously exchanges our pain (and any fears attached) for strength, love, healing, destiny and identity. It is a glorious process of transformation between the Father and His daughter (or son). We just need to brave (sometimes daily) and face our fears, face our stuff, face ourselves, take a risk and say yes. We must never settle. Never, never, never, never, never give up. And, always, always, always, always, always choose love. So I guess I am brave. I am bravely facing the layers of pain and messiness still there in my heart, even now. I hold on to the Fathers strength and love as he holds me through the process of transformation until all fear is gone. Epilogue When you know the heart of your Father know the voice of Jesus the Good Shepherd bravery sometimes seems more normal. Not such a ‘big’ deal. We, like sheep can be timid, fearful, wandering and sometimes stupid beings. It is a brave thing for sheep to trek through a valley filled with dangerous terrain and predators in order to get to the high places where the grand feasting takes place. Predators and dangers surround them constantly outside their comfortable, fenced in pasture zones down below. This is a big deal for helpless animals. So why do they make this dangerous journey? They brave it because they know the Shepherd’s voice. They’ve experienced His love, protection, discipline and constant care. They have complete trust in His ability to protect, care and love them as they safely pass through the valley and up the mountain. It may not seem so brave to them because they are just following His voice. Trusting in His constant goodness.

thunder peels back the mountains lightening roars, east to west no restraint is the storm the sky is saturated in darkness pouring rains, rushing winds no restraint is the storm in the storm i hear your voice it's rising i hear your song my heart is trembling in the whirlwind i keep running in the storm in your song


no restraint is the storm

face the lies telling you who you are step up into the covering of the blood wash away lies in the words of truth uncovering the deep well of life within step through the darkness into the daylight face the ugly mess imprisoning you inside step up into and through the cross walk in the reality of love and forgiveness uncover the deep love waiting for you step through the darkness into the daylight face the daily weight of the drowning world step up into love’s freedom to fly walk in the freedom of his embrace uncover the light yoke of carrying his glory step through the darkness into the daylight the light of his face breathing life into your soul into your spirit deep into your heart


step through the darkness


amazing you still come, even when i feel alone you still love, even when I turn my face you still heal, even when I keep breaking your still give, even when I fight your grace how amazing you are you still come, every reaching hand is held you still love, every aching heart is embraced you still heal, every wounded soul is restored you still give, every empty spirit you filled up space how amazing you are you still come, and set the captives free you still love, and wipe the tears from faces you still heal, and bind the broken ones you still give, and restore the lowly places how amazing you are

other than He is other than darkness He is other than our thoughts and ability to comprehend He is other than goodness of humanity He is all encompassing goodness His is impeccable character His 100% in all His emotions; he doesn’t sacrifice one emotion for another His works are beyond humanity’s definitions of perfect good He is other than any other religion’s god He is better than our absolute best He is happier than our highest happiness... he is absolute bliss He is pure in motives and love... other than all our manipulations and strings we attach to people He is more loving than our deepest love... he goes deeper He is all purity, cleanness and sinless... hard to imagine or attain but thankfully we don’t have to attain it... His gift through Jesus is complete forgiveness and reconciliation He is other than our understanding of holiness He is more intelligent than all our brain power put together His joy is an ever-present part of his character... his disposition is rooted in joy He is kinder than the kindest act experienced He operates out of mercy... he will let consequences and judgments be carried out because his heart beats with justice... or he wouldn’t be who he is He invites us respond to him as voluntary lovers, bringing forth true love, praise and glory back to him and helps us do that in the process It is all God. It is his righteousness, grace and holiness that we rest in. He displays his holiness through his words, his works, his promises, his name... his character. As we spend time with him...He transforms us. He is redefining our comprehension of holiness into pure, unending love flowing from our being.


God is total holiness... He is totally other than.

more ONE VOICE...

Don’t let me settle for less than all of you and all I am in you Don’t let me settle for good I want the best in you Don’t let me settle for mediocrity I want the excellence of you Don’t let me settle for complacency I want the adventure of you Don’t let me be settle and be lulled to sleep I want to be fully awake in you I long to live always in the more moving forward head over heels into the deep end the unsatisfiable satisfaction of your love I want the more of you

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