The Great Gospel of John Book 11

Page 122

[8] Your credo is therefore nothing other than the following, which I will tell for your own good: We people, who have had a look at the whole world, have made the experience that man has and can have no life any longer after this earthly life. But because one must live on this world, one seeks to live at least as well as possible. In order to do that, one invents something through which one can make oneself indispensable and useful to the people seemingly with the least effort and strain in the world. Then the people will do all the heavy work for us, we will live very well, and the people that totally takes care of us will be of the opinion that they are doing God a pleasing duty through this, if they do everything upon everything for us! We present ourselves however to the people as a result of our ability to perform miracles as constant and indestructible representatives of the gods on Earth, and we will also live as gods. But only no traitors! If we can maintain ourselves for 50 years without any betrayal, princes as well as their people will crawl in the dust before us in sheer humility. [9] But in order to make things as effective as possible, we cannot shy away from any cost at the beginning in order to set everything up as it can only be imagined. Then we must constantly present ourselves before the people as the most loving and sympathetic men, enthusiastic about the gods, and we will be carried by the peoples on their hands! The old religious fathers were indeed very clever in that they created a people in the way that they could best use them; but we experienced Essenes want to set up a religion to which all the peoples along with their rulers will have to come in the end! For how things are almost everywhere, we know and will learn and know more in the future, and we will always improve our successful institute and enrich it to the highest degree with everything and everyone who can be serviceable to us, and so stand as fully indestructible against all our enemies for all time! [10] Now, if the true miracle-workers from the Spirit of God want to unite with you, your deceiving institute would certainly be something unconquerable, and you would soon have 121

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