Johnny Liberty - The Global Sovereign's Handbook

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About this edition

About this edition This document was crafted out of the original series of PDF documents made available by Johnny Liberty on his website. After merging them, I used Adobe Acrobat to mass-extract largely unedited text and images. After this, I took to Open Office to recreate an original document again. Using that free office-suite's PDF-export function, a new comprehensive document was created. This document is made in a user-defined pagesize that is limited to the lowest common denominator of the US Letter and european A4 format limitations, making it easy to print on either, for example on I reiterate Johnny's remark, that the document is placed in the public domain, in whatever form to help the cause. I did all this work of reworking the Global Sovereign’s Handbook because Mr. Liberty and many like him meet with foul play by the powers that still be, every day. There is a profound change going on though, and this seminal work must remain available. It took tremendous time and effort to locate and convert all the components of the book, as almost no traces were to be found on the internet. I have always been strongly independent, and free-thinking, but at some point you realise that you need more than the thoughts alone. You want to get to the root of what’s holding you back. As I have been on a quest for finding more information about liberty for some time now, the time has come to start participating and educate people. Already aware of the work of David Icke, I started to look for anything that would further my understanding. I found some sources on the internet, like works by Murray Rothbard, Ludwig von Mises, Walter Block, Hans-Hermann Hoppe et al. scattered all over the internet, which I eagerly retrieved. At this time, I started to get any work I could get hold of, into Open Office, so I could change the look and feel of the works, and print them myself. I wanted to read all of it, everywhere. Paper still beats a notebook. I discovered the Sovereignty doucments in somewhere in 2004 I believe, and then my quest really took off. Like it was meant to be, I started to find more and more works, websites, keynotes. A pivotal moment came with the discovery of Constitution Class by Michael Badnarik, presidential candidate for President of The United States of America. It opened my eyes to the links between Europe and America (I am a Dutch citizen, or rather, subject). The fact that a good deal of the values originally developed in Europe had migrated to America (and were lost there). The mechanisms became clear through this excellent scolar. I bought his book ‘It’s good to be king’, and started to buy books from stores all over America, like Laisser-Faire books and the Ludwig von Mises institute. But by discovering this profound work of Love and Liberty that the Gobal Sovereigns' Handbook really is, I had found a new basis. It just clicked into place. Here was the treasure trove to get both a deeper understanding of how the process of enslavement had come to be, and how to actually peacefully work against it, just as Icke would do in his later performances. From there, I moved on to read other works like The Creature from Jeckyll Island by G. Edward Griffin about the creation of the Federal Reserve. Works by Rothbard (whom I had seen as only a economic writer at that point), also about the gold standard and the IRS. Already convinced of the blessings of very limited government, I had now moved on from considering myself a minarchist to a full fledged libertarian. After reading more and more works by these scholars, and having listened to hours and hours of by Dave Champion, I started to understand the link between what Rothbard used to call The Old Right (european: classical liberalism), the Enlightenment and the various religious groups. The religious right may have been on the oppressive side during the sixties, working against the modernisations of that era, but they have gradually come to be more aligned with the libertarians and their moral views, just as they have become more conservative. The oppressive nature of the marxists or corporatists or whatever they may guise themselves as today, has made some few strange bedfellows! Seeing youtube and other videocast sites on the internet grow as an outlet that's not easily stopped, I regain some trust for a more free future. Films like Loose Change 2nd edition, Aaron Russo's America-Freedom To Fascism or Alex Jones' Terrorstorm and all the information about 9/11 that is getting through to more people every day, will counterbalance a lot of indoctrination, and possibly awaken people. The final push came when I dicovered the strong, moral motivation and out-of-the-box thinking as presented by one of the finest proponents of anarcho-capitalism I had yet found. Sure, I had read Anthony de Jasay on game theory about politics ('Against politics'), or George Reismann's work ('Capitalism'). Most libertarians or minarchists will try to convince by reason alone. Most find some role for the state or obscure their utter disapproval in the acceptable academia-treatises no newspaper editor will ever read or comprehend. Few, however, reason with morality strongly aligned with their arguments. ...Until I found by Stefan Molyneux. Entirely abrogating the very concept of state, he did what the founding fathers were not able to do: conceptualize liberty in terms of property and freedom itself without any superior organisation. Different in style and substance, I can say that my quest for liberty became finally solidly founded by Msrrs. Liberty, Rothbard and Molyneux. F. Naaijkens (2004, 2007).


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