Silver Magazine - exclusive blueprint sample magazine

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emotional vampires







second life







Unless it’s absolutely relevant or necessary, you won’t find content in this magazine that rams the ‘over 50’ tag down your throat.

What you’ll find, I hope, is just stuff that you’re interested in and inspired by. And hey, you might even be under 50 and reading this magazine and still enjoy it, because NEWSFLASH there’s subjects in this world that are timeless and ageless, like ooh, say, culture and travel and food and fashion and serious issues and sport and business and for goodness’ sake just about anything else in the whole wide world. Because guess what? Everyone likes that stuff.


#LifeBegins Tasty THINGS Julie Burchill Joe McGann Fashion shoot Beauty pages Confessions of a funeral crasher Summer of Love revisited Guest columnist Gustav Temple of The Chap Car review BMWi8 Julie Graham problem page

Published by Title Media Sussex Ltd © Title Media Sussex Ltd. All rights reserved.

What we do promise though, is to take into consideration your experience. Your wisdom. Your knowledge and strength, and all the other gold that you’ve spent years carefully mining. We know you’re full to bursting with history and laughter, as well as being world-weary and bearing some battle scars. And those things only come with the passing of years. The rich tapestry of life. We’re all about wearing your wisdom and age with pride. Forget being great ‘for your age’. You’re just great. And you don’t hit your maturity without taking some wounds. So let’s celebrate and support that, together. I hope you enjoy SILVER. Life begins...

Sam Harrington-Lowe Silver Magazine Founder



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Everything that has a birth date and time also has a planetary and star map alignment, including Silver Magazine. TV astrologer

Claire Petulengro

has Silver’s birth chart and predictions for success… “The magazine’s production is located across two main locations; Shoreham by Sea and Tunbridge Wells, and the magazine’s birth date has been identified as 12 noon, Tuesday 19th November. “I see that Mercury is preparing to turn direct, meaning that the success of this magazine will reach further afield than those involved perhaps think possible. There may be teething problems on day one, maybe into day two; but after that, watch out! This is one publication people will be clamouring to get their advice and inspiration from. “Better get your passports ready Team Silver, it looks like success is written in the stars for you.”

Follow Claire Petulengro to find out your future. Live readings available.

BEGIN TO SLEEP BETTER Ah the menopause – making women hotter than fire since time began. And generally mostly at night, are we right? Well, this might help. It’s a customisable duvet that means you can choose two sides – hot or not – and enjoy sharing a bed again with someone whose core temperature would melt gold. You simply log in, pick your tog depth for each side, and sink into bed. Night night.

Hot and Not Duvet from Nanu from £50


TRAVEL BEGINS This is a skiing trip that’s a bit off-piste. A reinvention of the winter sports break, this fully-organised package sees you taking off from London in a little BA 32-seater, and straddling a week’s activities between two resorts, LAAX and Davos Klosters. Launching in Feb 20, this 7-night trip invites passionate skiers to experience the luxury of private charter travel for a fraction of the price, and enjoy over 500km of pistes across two ski areas. Maximum skiing time, minimum hassle.

It Gets Worse is the second instalment of Nick Lezard’s rueful, dissolute life. At home in the Hovel, his bachelor existence makes a further descent into chaos, the misadventures are faced with sardonic wit, pathos, and something like dissident wisdom. Silver recommends

It Gets Worse £9.99 paperback

From £1,550pp

WAGGING BEGINS Yes okay, we know. But we love this (and Sam made us include it). Don’t forget your doggie best friends this season, with this candy cane packed with treats and gifts.

Dog Candy Cane £15





Smooooooooth moooooove







We love Beef Wellington but it’s a faff, so here’s the fix. Donald Russell has a Wellington with truffles and you don’t even need to make it. It comes to your door, ready-made and frozen, and you just whack it in the oven. Grass-fed, fully matured, succulent beef fillet, and made with black truffles. Heaven. Aldi has been named the best place to get £35 into the festive spirit this Christmas, as the supermarket scooped an incredible haul of medals at this year’s Spirits Business Liqueur Masters. A Gold Medal was awarded to the brand new Ballycastle Strawberry & Cream Liqueur and we can see why. If you love Baileys but fancy a change, this is for you. Sour Cherry & Prosecco Jam has got us excited. £9.99 per bottle This is a new, lightly-set jam. An excellent store cupboard standby, it’s a cracking accompaniment to duck, a great filling for all sorts of cakes – particularly chocolate – and is simply delicious on your breakfast toast. £2.99 Not everyone wants their food with a face, and this is delicious. Waitrose has launched their own label vegan bacon alternative. Made from seitan, these smoky streaky slices and pieces are great for a vegan fry-up or in an alternative facon sandwich. A rich, smoky and earthy flavour, cured in maple syrup. We’re seriously impressed, and we take some pleasing. From £1.99 at Waitrose


Put some fizz on your crumpet

Bring home the facon

Shaken, not stirred Move over M&S, an independent British start-up has launched a range of super-premium bottled cocktails. The bartender-quality cocktail range is made with artisan spirits from around the world – we’re loving the Negroni. To drink, simply pour over ice and pretend you’re at The Ritz. £15 per bottle




C O L U M N I S T :




Talking about my generation



Most of her milestones passed in a blur, but after her 60th


This was quite understandable, seeing as how I was married alive to Tony Parsons at the time, but I also wept because I genuinely believed I would now be *past it*. Having achieved my ambition of being a published writer before I was old enough to vote, I really believed that it would be all downhill from thereon in. The big birthdays after that - 30, 40, 50 passed me by in a blur of booze and cocaine. But I approached my 60th birthday this year with a reasonably clear mind and an unexpectedly revived writing career. I found that I viewed the occasion with nothing worse than mild surprise that - in the words of the song - I’m still here. Whew, that went fast!

times I was written off as a rude snob simply because I was too scared to talk to people. But I’ll talk to anyone now. I’m more patient than I once was, too, though my awareness that I have more of my earthly life behind me than ahead has made me feel puzzled at people who seem to believe they have an infinite amount of time to waste. One area where my patience has waned is with the young; individually they are charming, but was there ever a generation less robust in their attitude to being offended? I’ve never cared what people think of me and this, more than any other quality except my talent, has contributed to my ongoing happiness.

If people are so touchy when they’re young I’m overweight, have tinnitus, chronic insomnia and strong, one can only imagine what sort of and feet which look like they’ve been run over miserable oldsters they’re going to turn into, by a callous millennial when they really will skateboarder. But I don’t find have something to moan Losing a bit of health myself missing my youthful about as their brains and and beauty is a small price beauty one bit; look at the bodies break down. prize pair of poltroons it *got* to pay for no longer being me in the marriage market Me, I’m going to carry before I was even thirty! I shy or scared. on causing offence and really hated being told ‘You’re doing good, marvelling too pretty to be a journalist’ that I’ve made so much money and had so by visiting American musicians (ALWAYS Yanks!) much fun doing the only job I ever wanted. and being asked ‘How much?’ by strange men in Losing a bit of health and beauty is a small the street - something which started when I was price to pay for no longer being shy or scared. a tall blonde 12-year-old in a school uniform, so I’ve had a good innings of being objectified. I’m not romanticising old age - I know it can

Ichronic ’ m overweight , have tinnitus, insomnia and feet which l oo k l i ke they’ v e been run over lous nnial skateboard-

Some ageing women complain of feeling *invisible* but for me it’s not a problem, which may have something to do with being 5 foot 10 with a good rack and a bad attitude. As my looks have faded, my confidence has grown. I was an excruciatingly shy adolescent, a situation probably not helped by my dressing up like a Vegas hooker in the skintight satin and tat of my tribe, the Glitter Kids, and then wondering why men were perving over me. I can’t count all

be lonely and challenging, but then so can childhood, adolescence and middle-age. But if I – who made it as a teenager, was fetishised in her profession for being The Voice Of Youth, and was the oldest *enfant terrible* in the hacking racket until well into her thirties – can navigate it with boldness and curiosity, anyone can. The fee for this piece has been donated to

Sussex Homeless Trust

feet lookous millen like they’somnia ve been run overwhich by a call nialand skateboarder.

Iand remember wel lcked my 20th birthday lconsol oselbathroom myfcried inamy blyin.

I remember well my 20th birthday I locked myself in my bathroom and cried inconsolably.

CR I M I NALLY GOOD R EADS ‘Sensational’ Lee Child

‘Just gets better and better’ Independent

‘Absolute genius’



 real reader review

 real reader review

 real reader review




C O L U M N I S T :


M c G A N N


of the morning, and the light at about 8.30am on my balcony would be perfect, a nice bounce off the river too, to light me kindly. Next morning, I arranged the chair and framed the shot. This involved me fiddling about arranging books, cushions and various toilet bag items in such a way as to keep my iPhone steady. After some swearing, we were set. Action.

“The constant existential tussle of the jobbing actor; the thin line between confidence and self -delusion.”




It’s become a part of every professional actor’s life. The call from the agent comes:

“A CASTING DIRECTOR WOULD LIKE YOU FOR A PART, BUT THEY’VE ASKED YOU TO SELF-TAPE AN AUDITION FOR THEM.” I have to admit that my heart always sinks. I’ve sent off at least 15 of these

and have yet to get the job. I have tended to complete and send these tapes under sufferance, disdainfully even, so as not to get my own hopes up unrealistically. The constant existential tussle of the jobbing actor; the thin line between confidence and self-delusion. The call comes, I am on holiday in Goa. Could I please self-tape a scene and get it back in 24 hours? It was for a part in a US TV mini-series about the men behind Harley-Davidson; a good gig, in other words, so I resolved to give the self-tape thing another go, and to do it in good heart. I had three A4 sides of a scene to learn, and would also need to hint at the character and the setting (1920s America). I plumped for a blue chambray shirt and a vintage Paisley bow-tie, with a linen jacket. The daytime temperature was reaching 35, so I’d shoot it in the cool

We did three takes and I picked what I thought was the best. This is tough but I plumped for the one in which I looked least needy, and sent it to my agent in London. Went off to the beach and put it out of my mind. Que sera sera, as Doris wisely sang. I arrived back to find I’d been offered the job. Woo-hoo! I’d broken my self-tape duck. What made the difference? Was it my delivery, my accent, the cleft in my chin? Was it the beautiful setting, or respect for my 35 years of experience? Ultimately I reckoned it was the Paisley bow tie. There’s something about a man who ties his own bow tie. A solidity; a trustworthiness alongside cool savoir-faire that harks back to the great days of Hollywood. Perhaps, anyway.

@JosephMcGann “I’ve a fine felt hat, a stout pair of brogues, and I’ve rosin in my pocket for my bow...”

Get Joe’s style Lock & Co Hatters Fairbanks felt trilby hat £460 Elegantly contoured and handmade from smooth felt, with an up-curved brim, tonal grosgrain band and soft satin lining. Joe Brown Tuscany Brogue boots £70 In a rich shade, with a wooden stacked heel and contrast navy laces, they’re the ultimate inishing touch. Self-tie navy large paisley silk bow tie £19.99 Classic English Style tailoring since 1880. Made using 100% woven silk and featuring a collar adjuster to make sure they sit perfectly on your shirt.




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coming ant to be, e b e r a s me omen y a w w e l e a r e Th er ere. h w t y s e y h a t w e l l a the peop cool that was the finding ud. o r p e b , r, l l e a w o p e h t Walk t ys had a w l a e v You’ nd it. fi o t d a h you just

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DAWN wears‌ Turquoise vintage Dorothy Perkins ruffle dress SOLD community charity shop Shoreham White vintage furry shrug and pink sunglasses stylist’s own


mum a single d n a n ntal swome busines ehavioural, me a , n la n ui te b antha Q urope. l. I crea I’m Sam iful teenage gir events across E s oak ut re esire to had d y m of a bea onal health ca d niverse d aroun oti revolve however the u demons of and em A D A R r n; years at my inne reciatio My early tain call of app brawling with stance abuse. rking ur up and wo rine d sub , n d u n o a r up the c plan. I ended a b Kathe ging a nt d habits y, mana to Edinburgh, ugh, n a differe developed ba a p m o nd eatre c me tho r a trip failure a for a th os. Afte had a plan for d everything. i g d n i u t k s r o c musi l. Life hange years w I spent ous Ridge Farm Fringe Festiva iction, which c m on dd at the fa I set up Bright or substance a y and f d t n n a ad a bab sisted tme h a , e Perry r d t e i o r t r as a ent in overy, m offering equine embarking c e and I w r l u f n joy nally ntre myself i ment ce ople – before fi I found ddiction treat e . elping p cross the globe na h a s p e s u r t o e s sa –h herapy re event psychot g my health ca tin on crea

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is My ethos with myself.

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Jweaarnes…y l s i S pinushswyiOhbrtoitwSe, ACoSt£tokn4ir0mt idi twruihfsaltneiehdbceoemtltta, inAteSr£arra2Or5inSgs Estylist ’sown JAN wears…

Sisley pussybow shirt in white, ASOS £40

Cotton midi skirt with tie belt and ruffle hem in terracotta, ASOS £25

Earrings stylist’s own yourself as a perfectly imperfect person (SAM)

Sam wears Viblvelnavtacketge jSOLD afrcket om communi t y chari t y sModel hop’s Shoreham own trsand oushoesers SAM wears… Vintage black velvet jacket, from SOLD community charity shop Shoreham

Model’s own trousers and shoes

Dawn wears Vipiblnnasttrackigepe, SOLD communi t y chari t y s h op Shoreham SiLeat lCas verOka h er u al Shoe, Ravel DAWN wears… Vintage black pinstripe dress, from SOLD community charity shop Shoreham

Silver Oka Leather Casual Shoe, Ravel £85



I’m Dawn Wilso hypnother n and I am a wellbe ing coach, apist and n full utritional retreats he c h ef. I run w y qualified lping wom o rksh en to rejuv vitality, pa enate their ops and rticularly hea in the seco nd phase o lth and f their life . My childh ood was n ot the hap health and piest. My my father mothe left when to sleep at I was only r was in poor night envis tw ioning a li at 17, with fe of grand o. I would go ap eur. I left h I was 20, a assion for fashion. om Im n Two years d started doing cloth oved to London w e hen later es p Dawn, a d I had a shop in Ken arties in the evenin gs. r s e in ss hire gton calle times. I bo d Dance ti ught myse agency with my ow ll n designs. lf a lovely a lord and flat near H Exciting travelling y d e Park, wa abroad a lo sd t. Then th ere was a r ating ecession. While in B ali I bec living a m ore spiritu ame interested in B uddhism a al life. I le raw foods arnt abou nd and juices t e n ergy heali practices. , and went ng, La deeper into healer at R ter I became a hyp spiritual notherapis egents Par t k College and also a and energy raw food c hef. Don’t feel

To my young er self I wou the pressu ld say re to look or behave ac Just relax and celebr ertain way. ate being y o You are un u. ique.

I have l

earned That gettin g older ha s se I like the person I h t me free. I have no ave becom time to ha e. rbour bitte r n e s s, res I see my w entment or jealousy . rinkles as a part of m e. My ethos is If there’s o ne thing in it is that w life I hav e can be a nything w e learned, e want to be regardless o f a g e. We can always cha be sure that things will nge and w hen we ro go with it ll and the journe y is easier.

JAN wears… ASOS DESIGN Tall soft shirt in sheer, £35 All jewellery stylist’s own

..make friends with people because you like them, not because you want them to like you. (JAN)



A supersize limited edition of our iconic moisturiser PRO-COLLAGEN MARINE CREAM 100ML in support of Breast Cancer Care.


@ELEMIS Breast Cancer Care is a working name of Breast Cancer Care and Breast Cancer Now, a registered charity in England and Wales 1160558, Scotland SC045584 and Isle of Man 1200.





HOW COME IT’S ALL SO DIFFERENT!? Melanin and genetics play a big part in the ageing process. European/Caucasian skin has the least amount of melanin and is therefore more susceptible to sun and UV damage, which causes rapid ageing. Asian skins have medium melanin production, so have some UVA protection which will slow the ageing process. African/Caribbean skins have the highest amount of melanin, which gives a much higher level of UVA protection. To help protect you, ALL skin types should wear a minimum SPF15 throughout the year to protect skin from sun damage and UVA rays.



STROKES the ageing skin you’re in

Specialist makeup artist

Joyce Connor on how skin types age differently and how broad brush strokes don’t suit everyone’s palettes. It’s a relief to see improved diversity in the field of beauty, but there’s still a long way to go.

Now we’re finally starting to see decent makeup ranges for all skin tones, it’s time to look at ageing skin with a specialist approach. When it comes to both makeup and skincare, what worked for you at 25 doesn’t always work as well at 55. And Caucasian skin at 55 is very different from African/Caribbean skin or Asian.

FIRSTLY, AT WHAT AGE DOES SKIN START TO CHANGE AND SHOW SIGNS OF AGE? All skins are different. European and Caucasian skin typically starts to show signs of ageing at around 25 years, especially in very pale skins. Asian skin will start to show signs of ageing at around the age of 40/45 years of age, and African and Caribbean skin will start showing signs of age at around 55 years of age. Obviously this is a generalisation but a reasonable rule of thumb.


As our skin ages we need to use different skincare routines to those we had when we were younger. Caucasian/ European skins tend to be much drier because of the lack of melanin, and from sun damage. In your fifties, increase exfoliation to at least once a week and add a daily oil or serum, and weekly mask to your skincare routine. Retinol based products for night time, and a daily SPF 20 in winter and SPF 30 in summer. Asian skins tend to be more dehydrated and will benefit by using a hydrating mask weekly and a daily facial spritz to keep skin hydrated throughout the day. African/Caribbean skins tend to be oiler because of the higher melanin levels, but this reduces with age. Using a nightly facial oil containing vitamin c will brighten skin in winter, and a weekly refining mask for those with slightly oiler skins. Exfoliation is important for all skin types to increase the penetration of oils and serums.

WHAT TYPE OF MAKEUP SHOULD YOU AVOID? As our skin ages we need to be aware of the makeup choices. Caucasian/European skins will look more youthful with peachy tone blushers and lipsticks. Avoid wearing glitters and shimmers on the eyes. Fairer skins should switch to grey or brown mascara, black can appear more ageing. Asian skins tend to be more olive toned so wearing less foundation and tinted moisturiser will give an appearance of smoother skin. Avoid wearing heavy black all around the eyes and soften lines by smudging eyeliner to give a softer look. African/Caribbean skins need to step back from caked-on foundation, and a wash of base colour looks more natural. Avoid using black pencils on eyebrows and opt for a dark brown powder instead. With all skin tones, the clue is in softening the approach. Steer away from black, and avoid heavy foundations etc. Let the more natural, beautiful you shine through!





Six of the best 5

Bobbi Brown Pot Rouge for Lips and Cheeks in Calypso £22.50


1 ESPA Refining

Skin Polish £30


MZ Skin Retinol Skin Booster £110



Organic Apoteke Rejuvenating Face Mask £39.95


Chanel Hydra Beauty Masque De Nuit Au Camélia £64


Rosalique 3-in-1 Anti-Redness Miracle Formula SPF50 £29.99


Swisscode Hydro Facial Spray £45

Benefit ‘they’re real!’ brown mascara fun size £22


Bad Gal Bang blue eyeliner by Benefit £18.50 benefitcosmetics.


Elizabeth Arden Eight Hour Great 8 Daily Defense Moisturizer SPF £36


IT Cosmetics CC cream £31 Boots/


6 Kat Von D Shade + Light Eye Contour Palette £50 Debenhams


Elizabeth Arden Vitamin C Ceramide Capsules Radiance Renewal Serum £72



Vitage Renewal Antioxidant Treatment Mask £24


3 Goldfaden MD

Doctor’s Scrub £120 Harrods/

EX1 Cosmetics Invisiwear Liquid Foundation 14.0 £12.50, Superdrug


Elemis Pro-Collagen Marine Oil £67

5 Armani Eye & Brow Maestro £67 25






Confessions of the

FUNERAL These women in black scour obituaries all over Britain to go to strangers’ funerals up to four times a week for the free food, emotional company and maybe something a little more risqué…

Straightening her best black jacket, Cheryl Johnson files past the coffin, pausing outside the church to read the cards on the wreaths and sprays of funeral flowers. She offers her sincerest condolences to the widow and her two daughters before promising to join them at the local gastro pub for a lunch buffet and to raise a toast to the dearly departed.


Later, as Cheryl, 69, tucks into a sausage roll at the wake and sips on her second glass of wine, she nods at the fond memories being shared about the deceased by his grieving family and friends. They have no idea this well-dressed grandmother-of-two is nursing a grave secret – she has never met the dead man, and only found out about his cremation through the local paper’s obituaries. That’s because Cheryl is a funeral crasher and this is the sixth stranger’s funeral she’s been to this month.

“It might sound strange but funerals are a wonderful day out,” she says. “You get to meet new people, dress up, and there’s usually some fantastic food. It’s very much like a wedding with a celebratory atmosphere after all the emotion.

At the end of the wake, she took out a Tupperware box, filled it up with food and cycled off with it

“Everyone wants to remember and celebrate the dead person’s life and they just assume that I knew them too. It’s never awkward. “I started doing this after a spell of funerals when members of family and a few friends died. I realised when there hadn’t been a funeral for a couple of months that I missed the company and having a reason to socialise. “I’m not being disrespectful. I’m honouring the dead by being there to celebrate their life. It doesn’t matter that I didn’t know them. I’m helping to give them a good send off.”

Women in black Surprisingly Cheryl is not alone. None can be more prolific though than Theresa Doyle who was caught going to several funerals a day around Slough, Berkshire, and ‘pilfering dead men’s sandwiches’. Outraged mourners complained that the 65-yearold carries a black funeral outfit on the back of her bike to change into before going into church. She then tags along to the wake and helps herself to heaps of food – even taking some home in Tupperware containers to put in her freezer. Mrs Doyle, who is thought to have been crashing funerals for the last 14 years, has even been accused of inventing stories about how she knows the deceased. After crashing Margaret Whitehead’s daughter Catherine’s funeral, the pensioner said that she’d worked with Catherine as a waitress. “There were a lot of people at the funeral from


Catherine’s work so I just assumed she was a colleague,” the distraught mother said. “But my daughter was never a waitress.

“She [Doyle] was eating from the buffet like there was no tomorrow. At the end of the wake she took out a Tupperware box, filled it up with food and cycled off with it in the basket on her bicycle. She intrudes on people when they are upset and sad.”

WHY DO THEY DO IT? Psychologist Angela Mansi (CORR) identifies funeral crashers as ‘emotional vampires’ sucking up the energy and drama of the real mourners at the ceremony. “There is clearly something missing from their own lives,” she says. “A funeral is a private, deeply emotional occasion. These crashers aren’t just there for the food – they want to be immersed in the grief and be around people who are mourning a loved one. “They are an observer at a stranger’s funeral but there’s a real need for them to be fulfilled by being there and that relates to emptiness and loneliness.” Angela, who lectures on business and the ‘dark side’ of personality at the University of Westminster, says that funerals are a way for these often isolated, lonely people to become, albeit temporarily, part of a community.

“We used to have more established places for people to come together, such as churches, fayres and fetes,” she explains, “but there are less of them now. “People are being further isolated by technology and more are living alone so funerals are one of the last ways we can pay homage to someone while joining in with others in a social ritual.

IT’S NOT JUST WOMEN And a man dubbed the Grim Eater, who crashed up to four funerals a week and took home food in a doggy bag, was banned recently by undertakers on the other side of the world. “He was showing up to funeral after funeral and, without a doubt, he didn’t know the deceased,” Danny Langstraat from Harbour City Funeral

They had no idea this well dressed grandmother had never met the dead man Home, in Wellington, New Zealand, said. But after taking the crasher aside to warn him to stop, the undertakers took a photograph of him and circulated it to all their offices and colleague.

Funeral first date One woman who accidentally found herself crashing a funeral on a first date with a man she met on Tinder didn’t think it was sexy though. The woman, from Leeds, whose tweets about the disastrous date went viral, was initially excited when her date refused to reveal where he was taking her saying only: ‘wear a black dress and I’ll surprise you.’

Noel McDermott, psychotherapist and international speaker, insists that going to strangers’ funerals is normal and was only deemed inappropriate by the Victorians who wanted to sanitise death and everything surrounding it. “In many cultures it’s still not unusual for an entire town to turn out for a funeral – even though many of the mourners will never have met the deceased,” he explains. “Grieving is what makes us human. In fact, the most defining moment of the human species transitioning from animals is when we began to start decorate public spaces around death and make graves.” Funerals are emotionally intense and many funeral crashers may crave that raw and deep intimacy and experience, Noel says, especially if they are on their own. And there can even be a surprising outcome to all that pent-up emotion – funerals can be highly erotic. “It’s well known that people often hook up at funerals,” he says. “There’s so much talk of death, and so much heightened emotion, that people want to reminded of their mortality and will often engage in sexual intercourse as a way of reminding themselves they’re alive.”


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How to crash

a funeral

We’re not suggesting you should, but shares the secrets of how to attend without attracting attention to yourself.

Dress appropriately. Black clothing

should enable entry to most funeral without a second glance. The key is to fit in without standing out.

Pre-plan and research.

Read obituary notices – often the family will include all the details you need, from the name of the deceased to the time and location of the service. You will also be able to work out if there is a wake.

Act confident. This is perhaps the most important thing – just walk in as though you were meant to [be there]. Be punctual but not early. Arriving late gets looks, but so does being the only one in the church as people arrive. However, if you walk in with the crowd then you are just one among many – which is usually 15 minutes before the funeral is due to start. As you enter, sign the condolence book and take an order of service. Blend in but don’t just stand about.

Standing about awkwardly will get you noticed and then people are likely to question you. Stand in the crowd and talk to someone. Priests or nuns are good as they are experienced with funerals and are more causal than the average mourner.

Her ardour soon cooled when he picked her up and drove her to a crematorium for his grandmother’s funeral. Explaining how she felt, she explained, “He was holding my hand crying – I couldn’t leave.” Needless to say their romance is now dead. But there’s no reason why going to a funeral can’t be as enjoyable as going to a wedding, says writer Bridget Whelan. The 63-year-old from Brighton & Hove in Sussex, was brought up in Ireland where she says funerals are seen as part of the rich tapestry of everyone’s social life. “They can be a great social occasion,” Bridget says. “It’s a chance to meet lots of nice people and have some fantastic food and drink. It’s a bit like a wedding, and in Ireland it’s completely normal to go to the funeral of someone you hardly know or have never met. And if you’re in your 50s or 60s a funeral can be the highlight of your social calendar.” “Everyone knows about the local funerals and everyone comes. Those that attended my father’s funeral included his chiropodist and my mother’s hairdresser. An old school friend of my uncle’s by marriage was there. He had never met my father. Why did he come? Because my uncle had lost a brother in law – that was enough reason.” Bridget says there’s nothing to be ashamed of by letting people know you didn’t know the deceased. “My advice to anyone thinking of going to a funeral is go,” she insists. “Be honest and say if you didn’t know the deceased well. Explain you heard the news and wanted to let the bereaved know how sorry you were to hear it.” By Karen Pasquali Jones

Go in pairs if possible. Being part of a

duo is a lot easier than being alone. It will give you someone to talk with freely at the wake and someone to help come up with excuses or ideas if needed.

Noel McDermott can be contacted at Angela Mansi can be contacted at Angela @WorkPsychol on Twitter






To celebrate the 30TH anniversary wof the Summer of Love, this year Wag Club founder Chris Sullivan revisited some old haunts, celebrating the dawn of house music and its inexorable rise to be one of the biggest, most punk subcultures ever… Photos: Dave Swindells

SUMMER “Three elements collided in 87/88 to make this unique cocktail of hedonism that took over the world,” says DJ, promoter and producer Dave Dorrell, whose landmark club ‘Love at The Wag’ gave that heady summer its indefatigable moniker, the Summer of Love. “The first was this music from Chicago called House; which was modern, up-tempo, relentless, and very underground. It was designed for dark basements and flashing lights, which was a new paradigm then. The second element was chemical – Ecstasy – an amphetamine-based drug that gave you tons of energy, along with a certain euphoria. And finally there was the fashion; which was loose, unstructured, and the perfect accompaniment to the other two. When this combination hit the UK it went through the roof. It was flawless. It was revolutionary and it was absolutely bloody marvellous!” 1988 street party


Of course, house music had already been around for a while in the UK before the socalled Summer of Love. Releases such as Your Love by Jamie Principle, and Acid Tracks by Phuture (DJ Pierre, DJ Spanky Spank and Herb J) had done the rounds in groovy club North and South, while Farley ‘Jackmaster’ Funk’s Love Can’t Turn Around had the audacity to hit number 10 in the UK in October 1986. Jack Your Body by Steve Silk Hurley reached number one in the UK charts in February 1987. But at the time, house music was simply another genre, doing the rounds with hip-hop, disco and rare groove. Northern DJs such as Mike Pickering

Shoom, 1988

OF L VE THE RISE OF HOUSE MUSIC AS A GREAT BRITISH INSTITUTION in Manchester, Graeme Park in Nottingham, Derby-born Hector Heathcote at the Wag Club (who played Your Love the first house record I ever heard, in ‘85 after a record buying trip to Chicago), and brothers Noel and Maurice Watson, sensing that it was time for a change, were mixing more and more house music into their sets.

“…the influence of US gay clubs on the resultant UK and international rave scene is paramount. It would not have existed without them.” 33

Clubbing 1988 “London was locked tight into the Rare Groove scene,” remembers Belfast born Noel Watson. “But Maurice and I had been to New York clubs like The Paradise Garage, Area, Danceteria etc, so we wanted to bring that here, and this vibe, this house music to London. It took a while to take off because house was considered to be ‘too gay’ by a lot of clubbers.”

Roots in the gay club scene Lest we forget, ‘house’ music was named after Chicago gay club ‘the Warehouse’, while other gay clubs such as Frankie Knuckles’ The Power Plant, also in Chicago, and New York’s Paradise Garage (nicknamed the ‘Gay-rage’) with Knuckles’ best friend DJ Larry Levan, was where the music was coming from. While MDM (a close relative of ecstasy) was the drug of choice, with a bit of LSD thrown in.

Hispanic gay men. Dressed in singlets, t-shirts, trainers and shorts, they were all totally off their boxes, dancing their asses off. The atmosphere and sheer power of the music hit you like a brick in the face. I had never seen or heard anything like it, and the only woman I saw in the place was my girlfriend. But the influence of US gay clubs on the resultant UK and international rave scene is paramount. It would not have existed without them.

“If I could relive just one night of my life again it would have to be a night in Amnesia. It was the best place on earth.”

I went to Garage in August 1980 and, after running the gauntlet of drug dealers outside who proffered everything from Quaaludes to Mexican mushrooms, PCP, Acid and THC, made my way up this ramp and into this huge space filled with about two thousand rampant, almost totally black and


Later on, in 85/86, still the only clubs I can recall that played a good chunk of house music (mixed with the likes of Feels Good by Electra and Don’t Make Me Wait by The Peech Boys) were gay clubs like The Pyramid at Heaven on a Wednesday, with DJs Colin Faver and Mark Moore, The Jungle at Busby’s on a Monday with Faver, Vicki Edwards and Fat Tony, and the mixed gay night at the Wag on a Saturday with Fat Tony and Hector - all of which also, and not coincidentally, had a big MDMA presence.

In 1986 certain promoters who crossed into the London/gay/fashion scene began employing DJs with an eye of the future. Robin King and Nick Trulocke (whose girlfriend at the time was Clothes Show host Caryn Franklyn) did Delirium at the Astoria, beginning September 1986, with DJs Noel and Maurice Watson who injected a fair slab of house music into their mix.

Everything starts with an E Another aspect that seemed new, but wasn’t, was Ecstasy, also known as Methylenedioxymethamphetamine, or MDMA. The drug was first synthesized in 1912 by German chemist Anton Köllisch, and it was used by the US military in experiments in the 1950s. Hippies were the first ones to take it up, and had caned it since the midsixties. It was named Ecstasy by businessman Michael Clegg in 1981 who manufactured it legally in Texas and sold it as a ‘fun drug’ that was “good to dance to.”

the aforementioned gay discotheques, and was legal in the US until July 1st 1985. As for the UK, it was illegalised in 1977, but it wasn’t until 1980 that, to fund their visits, enterprising New Yorkers (including my then girlfriend) smuggled in significant amounts of the powder to sell in underground clubs like Le Beatroute in Soho, after which it became more and more popular amongst groovy club goers for whom Ibiza Town (and not San Antonio) was a premier destination.

The Ibiza connection The playground of naughty jetsetters such as Grace Jones, Terry-Thomas, Amanda Lear, Roman Polanski, Steve Strange, Freddy Mercury and Kenny Everett (whose orgies were legendary), Ibiza had been the premier destination for Spanish gays and hippies escaping the wrath of Franco, whose fascist regime ended in 1975, and was as camp as a row of pink tents. It was like the Blitz, Taboo and Studio 54 -on-Sea.

“…timing was perfect, as that summer quality ecstasy had hit the streets by the truckload. The Summer of Love was under way.”

MDMA by 1980 was all over the US and was the number one drug of choice for patrons of

Transvestites, some on stilts, roamed the streets handing out flyers for its premier nightspot, The Ku Club, which featured a swimming pool, an abundance of extremely beautiful people – many wearing very little – and unbridled hedonism. I‘d been going to the Ku since 1981 and there was nowhere else like it in the world. It and Ibiza were unique.

Dawn rising at Amnesia 1989

At the clubs you could see sights such as the aforementioned transvestites, maybe a man dressed in full American Indian kit con feathered head dress, a couple in Day-Glo Lycra and huge platform boots, gay Cavaliers, people in loin clothes with Aladdin Sane hair and make-up... And all in 90 degrees heat. Ibiza was off the Richter scale. In 1985 in an effort to spend more time there I started bringing Wag DJs to the island. I was exporting London to Ibiza and didn’t think of doing it the other way around. I just didn’t think it would ever work. Others disagreed.

“The energy in that basement was profound,” says Rampling. “It was fun, and apolitical and all about the music.” At the end of August 1987 four friends – Danny Rampling, Johnny Walker, Nicky Holloway and Paul Oakenfold – went to San Antonio Ibiza to celebrate the latter’s 24th birthday and meet up with their old pal DJ Trevor Fung who, working there, informed them of this club on the other side of the Island named Amnesia and this new drug called ecstasy. “You and I used to go there after the Ku, which used to give out hot chocolate dosed with magic mushrooms at dawn,” grins Steve Holloway, as we chat. Steve was the first Wag DJ to play on the island. “It was never that busy then, but then again we never arrived til after 6am.” For yours truly, Amnesia only really took off


around 1985, after Alfredo started mixing New York and Chicago sounds. After that, it started opening at 5am where it attracted all the local club workers, who went bananas. “In Amnesia, DJ Alfredo fused all these different types of music including Paradise Garage stuff, ‘Jibaro’, the Woodentops, Cindy Lauper and the Talking Heads,” reminisces Danny Rampling, the man behind the legendary club Shoom. “He inspired us all.” “I felt very surprised by all these English boys and girls loving the records I was playing,” reflects Argentine DJ Alfredo Fiorito. “In Amnesia, background or social class didn’t matter and it was freer and cheaper than elsewhere. Also the British appreciated this open-air club and partying together with people of different nationalities, ages and colour. And, as I always say, they weren’t the main thing, but the drugs certainly helped.” DJ Nancy Noise had worked there for two summers before 1987. “I was going out every night all night at Amnesia, Glory’s, Ku…” she explains. “It was those nights that led to clubs like Future. It was a special time in London during the Summer of Love but I wouldn’t say those nights altered my life as much as the nights in Ibiza previously. If I could relive just one night of my life again it would have to be a night in Amnesia. It was the best place on earth.

Bringing it back to London “We all came back from my birthday, and all started clubs, mixing Balearic with Acid House and it went off in a way that we could never imagine,” recalls Rampling. “We broke down barriers and we were all about inclusion and bringing people together regardless of race, colour or sexual mores.” “It became the most important and the best

holiday we ever had,” agrees Oakenfold. “We were compelled try and recreate it, even if it went tits up.” The first UK club that Alfredo played in in the UK was Project in Streatham, opened by Oakenfold shortly after his return from the island. Initially billed as an Ibiza reunion the club was open till 6am, and Oakenfold played tracks he’d heard in Ibiza; The Chant by Nitzer Ebb and Why Why Why by the Wooden Tops – two records that might have been played at the Blitz club in 1980 – alongside the few Chicago house and New York dance tunes that were available then. Project closed after six weeks, and Oakenfold, with his business partner Ian St Paul, moved their operation to The Sanctuary at the back of Heaven, where Future was born. A tiny dark room that held just a couple of hundred it was intimate, and really bloody hot. Oakenfold’s manager Mickey Jackson remembers it well. “Future became the place to be in London, with everyone (including Prince!) coming down, but we were all there for each other and not because of who’s who;

it was our scene and everyone was invited. I remember when Leigh Bowery waltzed onto the dance floor once, in a wide dress lit head to toe in light bulbs. He was awesome so the crowd gave him a bit of room while he flashed his bulbs, pirouetted a few times and left!” Indeed, what Rampling did with Shoom, and Oakenfold with The Project and Future, was bring back this distinctly Ibicencan approach, mix it with acid house, put it in a tiny club, add smoke machines and flashing lights, throw in a decidedly London edge and open the doors to a crowd, many of whom had never have considered going to Amnesia, Ibiza Town or the Warehouse in Chicago. And their timing was perfect, as that summer quality ecstasy had hit the streets by the truckload. The Summer of Love was under way. “The music and attitude was great,” clarifies Gary Haisman, whose record We Call it Acieeeeed stormed up the charts in 1988. “But this wouldn’t have happened without the ecstasy. It would be like the first Summer of Love in San Francisco in 1967 without LSD – no fucking way Jose. In the summer of ‘87 the Dutch turned MDMA into tablets that were easy to sell, easy to take and as strong as fuck, and their importation coincided with the rise of all these clubs like Shoom and Oakenfold’s Project in Streatham, and your night in Clink Street.”

Spectrum, 1988

It felt like a new punk After a dismal first night at Shoom, for the second night a month later Rampling went flat out. They filled the basement with dry ice and strobe lights and pulled in DJ Colin Faver who’d cut his teeth paying Euro disco and electro at Steve Strange and Rusty Egan’s club The Camden Palace. A former punk rocker, Faver (who was first given MDMA by Soft Cell associate Cindy at the Camden Palace in 1984) was all about electro and up-tempo throbbing beats and as such was the man for the job. To add to it, Rampling now used the soon-to-be-ubiquitous smiley logo, printed on a t-shirts he’d bought from RAP in Covent Garden. Designed by Simon ‘Barnzley’ Armitage the look certainly hit the zeitgeist head on, and they had themselves a hit.

“It was like transforming from a chrysalis into a butterfly. Like suddenly belonging. There was no ego, no pretentiousness…” “The energy in that basement was profound,” says Rampling. “It was fun, and apolitical, and all about the music. But like punk it gave a lot of people the chance to be creative and be a part of something that was theirs.” “My brother Joey supplied the sound and I helped him,” chuckles DJ legend Norman Jay. “And as Colin Faver was blasting it out at top volume and the smoke machines were pumping out, these kids climbed into the tiny space in the speakers – and these were powerful! 10,000 watt reggae sound system speakers! I knew then that something was happening. I loved the madness, the anarchy and the punk rock DIY attitude. Out with the old and in with the new.” By January, Shoom (the name describes the rush of E as it hits) was off the scale and had developed its own mores and style of dress. Bandanas, Converse, dungarees, baggy t-shirts and long hair; it was utilitarian, cheap, accessible. And suited the scenario down to the ground.


“We had 50 people at Shoom on the first night and queues of 2,000 three months later,” remembers Rampling. “It was mind blowing.”

The dawn of underground rave culture This was now a scene with its own music, drugs, clothes, attitude and philosophy. It was destined to kick off. “Shoom was like travelling into a different dimension,” smiles Charlie Fitzgerald, formerly Colston Hayter, whose rave promoter brother Tony was dubbed ‘the acid house king’. “It was like transforming from a chrysalis into a butterfly. Like suddenly belonging. There was no ego, no pretentiousness, no shoulder pads, nobody hitting on you, and definitely no handbags! It was just people on the same level having the best night of their lives. “It was so hot in there we were melting, and I remember being in the bar area and pouring bottles of Perrier on our heads. It was such a shock when the lights went on at the end of the night. I think Danny played Why Can’t we Live Together [Timmy Thomas 1972] but everyone sang ‘Why can’t we Shoom Together’, and then it was over and I didn’t want it to end. And it didn’t. That was just the beginning...

In part two Chris explores the

explosion of house and the dance culture, from its storming burst into popular culture, and the hedonism of illegal parties and raves... Read the Second Summer of Love

Chris Sullivan promoted a long list of warehouse parties, founded and ran the Wag Club, and is a former GQ style editor who has written for many others including Italian Vogue, The Times, Independent and The FT. He now is Associate Lecturer at Central St Martins School of Art specializing in ‘youth’ cults.

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Gustav Temple

In some quarters it is believed that when a person passes the half century, all attempts to be stylish should be abandoned in favour of comfortable, practical, and often beige clothing. This is of course a complete travesty. Show your true colours; purchase that racy pocket square you always fancied but never dared to wear when 25; wear a selection of hats that replace a bald pate or greying locks with aplomb - and for you to doff elegantly when the mood takes you.

As the party season approaches, one must up one’s game in the face of the sartorial peccadilloes about to be unleashed. Yes, I’m talking about ‘ironically’ worn snowflake spattered jumpers and woolly hats with antlers. A chap approaches the Season of Goodwill by spreading his joy via a sensational wardrobe. It’s the perfect opportunity to raise your wardrobe game a notch or two. Those cherry-red trousers you never find the nerve to wear - don them on Christmas Day. That midnight blue dinner jacket with shawl lapels can be livened up with a colourful pocket square instead of the standard white. Gustav Temple has been editor of The Chap Magazine - Britain’s longest-serving gentleman’s quarterly - for 20 years. The Chap aims to help men up their sartorial game. ‘Best of The Chap’ is a 300-page collection of the finest features from the last 20 years.


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Help me! Ever asked for advice and then almost wish you hadn’t? Pithy Glaswegian actress Julie Graham responds to those of you who want a good dose of brutal common sense. Buckle up...

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Dear Julie I’m bored at home now I’ve retired, and have started to fancy the woman next door. My wife is always busy with hobbies and I’d like to make my neighbour my hobby. We live in the countryside, miles from anywhere. It’s hard not to fantasise about this… John, Aberdeen Dear John This made my ‘creepy stalker’ radar very twitchy. Boredom is one thing but it’s no excuse to project your lustful fantasies onto an innocent woman who is probably just being friendly, blissfully unaware she’s stirring the loins of the man next door. For god’s sake man, find a hobby that doesn’t include the possibility of scandal, followed closely by divorce, or you’ll end up living in a small bedsit after your wife has taken you to the cleaners. Unless of course, her ‘hobby’ happens to be the next door neighbour’s husband. Take some cold showers, or maybe channel this passion into wooing your actual wife? Perhaps then the woman you married might not need all those hobbies after all. Dear Julie My teenage daughter went out the other day and when I was collecting the billion cups and plates in her room I spotted she has a diary. So now I know where it is, I’m bursting to read it. She’s been having some emotional issues lately — maybe knowing more about them would mean I can help? Daisy, Hants Dear Daisy Well, you could avoid the temptation to read her diary by telling her to bring her own damn cups and plates down. And yes, if she finds out you have read her diary then she will hate you, but more importantly she will stop trusting you. There’s more than one way to skin a cat. If you really believe she’s having some emotional issues apart from the normal teenage angst ones then maybe go the old-fashioned route and talk to her? I find something like driving or shopping trips where you’re both relaxed are times when my daughter tells me what’s going on with her. When there’s no pressure, no drama. Also remember; if you do open that Pandora’s Box you’d better steel yourself to read things that will upset and disturb you without being able to confront or address them, unless you’re prepared to come clean about invading her privacy. If you feel her safety is being compromised in some way then that’s another matter but other people’s diaries and private thoughts are, in my opinion, best kept private.


Look out for Julie in the three-part psychological thriller ‘Penance’ by Kate O’Riordan, premiering on Channel 5 early 2020

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