Silkie Magazine

Page 151

Lad vs Lady

a girl meant I couldn’t dress comfortably or play

should be worried past our 20’s if we haven’t

with my friends? This was the beginning of my

managed to rope down a guy just incase a flat

never-ending battle against gender stereotypes.

pack wardrobe appears and we can’t handle the DIY alone or worse what if we don’t give birth?!

This stereotyping of genders continued into my

This portrayal of women as feeble and dependent

teens, with a lot of new rules and validations

is incredibly damaging, leading strong, indepen-

of identity that I still don’t quite understand.

dent women to be scrutinized and attacked for

Suddenly, I was in a world where women MUST

being able to live their own lives freely. Even

be thin, beautiful, sexy and quiet. The ideal

in lesbian couples, there is ridiculous pressure

image of beauty is splashed onto magazines

for one of the couple to be the more dominant,

and newspapers. When a woman is in control

and therefore male figure in the relationship.

of her sexuality and has many partners happily,

And even when this pressure succeeds, they’ll

she’s seen as negatively sexually promiscuous

still be labeled some new stereotype of ‘butch’,

and they are labeled with ‘Slut’. When a woman

and will be expected to have tattoos, a cropped

gains a few pounds, which is natural and com-

haircut and a whole lot of flannel shirts. And in

pletely healthy as we grow older, she’s labeled as

gay couples alike, society expects one of them

‘Fat.’ Or ‘Ugly.’ This kind of bullying of women

to be the more submissive and therefore female

out side of the ‘perfect woman’ image is incred-

role in the relationship. And this person will be

ibly unhealthy, leading young women and girls

expected to love musicals and theatre, flower

everywhere to hate themselves and their bodies

arranging and drink ‘girly’ drinks like Appletinis.

just because they don’t fit the media’s portrayal

It seems the media and society itself can’t handle

of ‘beauty.’ What happens to the girls who aren’t

the thought of a woman being able to take care

the high-cheekbone-blonde-haired-clear-skinned-

of herself or even more ghastly, being able to

big-breasted-beauty that is portrayed everywhere

take care of both herself and her partner. And

we look? It is insane how tiny that bracket of

the thought of happy relationships outside of the

perfection is, and how we try to squeeze roughly

‘hetero’ bracket must try mirror their image of

3 billion + women into the same small category

perfect love as closely as possible, even at the de-

of ‘beauty’ instead of creating for ourselves our

struction of a person’s true identity and feelings.

own ideas of what beauty really is, and is it even actually important, not just following the me-

And women are not alone in this horrible stereo-

dia’s ridiculous portrayal of women.

typing war against real life and perfect imagery. Men, as a result of needing to be the stronger

We are also told we are ‘the weaker sex.’ We

sex, are under horrible pressure to come out on

are led to believe through TV shows and movies

top, no matter what. They will receive abuse as

that we need a man in our lives to handle all the

kids for showing interest in ‘feminine’ things,

bills that of course a woman wouldn’t be smart

such as dresses or dolls or playing ‘House’ with

enough to figure out. We are led to believe we

the girls. I remember another story from when I


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