2 minute read
from SiGMA Issue 16
by SiGMA Group
TIGER PAY is an e-wallet established in ���� which focuses mainly on the Japanese market and other Asian markets. TIGER PAY is a multi-currency wallet that supports not only JPY, but also USD, EUR, and cryptocurrencies (BTC / ETH / XRP / USDT / USDC). TIGER PAY aims to be a user-friendly wallet that combines processing speed and security. TIGER PAY is a must-have payment solution for companies in the iGaming industry that are considering expanding into the Japanese market.
Supported Payment Methods
Local Bank Transfer in Japan
International Bank Transfer
Tiger Pay Prepaid Card

TIGER PAY offers a prepaid card that you can charge from your TIGER PAY account.
Credit card
You can simply transfer funds to the card for your daily needs and asset management is easy. TIGER PAY provides you with a more convenient environment to use your assets.

Pay-easy (Japan)
Currency Exchange
With TIGER PAY, currency exchange is easy because it is a multi-currency wallet. Real-time processing of currency exchange when you need it.
Real-time currency exchange at the time of remittance makes it easy to manage your assets no matter what currency you are holding.
Tiger Pay Business
When you open a business account, you can implement TIGER PAY as a payment method from your service site via API.
Advantages of using TIGER PAY:
a wide variety of Japanese payment methods easy payment �� hours a day, � days a week multi-currency asset management
The tool identifies issues, risks and recommendations based on the regulatory standards set out by the European Commission, FATF and several other regulatory bodies. Themis believe in helping our clients be proactive, we want you and your business to consider your financial crime threats and we can support you by providing you with the tools to identify those specific gaps.
Like I always say: would you prefer to pay a fine in the hundreds of thousands, sometimes millions of euroes, or take a product or service which can help you tighten your governance and controls for a fraction of the cost? I think the answer is obvious!!
Education. There is nothing more important than educating a business and its employees about financial crime. Whether that is senior management or front of house staff, we should all know how to identify criminality and what is required of us in our specified roles. To support firms with this, we at Themis provide financial crime training to senior managers who are not financial crime experts. This has been hugely successful as it helps senior managers understand what their regulatory responsibilities are.
Anti-Financial Crime Risk Assessment, I think it is super important for all gaming firms to ensure they assess their internal governance and control frameworks. Whether that is testing the tone from the top or reviewing their policies and procedures, it is imperative that everything remains “water-tight”.

THEMIS的宗旨是帮助我们的客户转 为积极主动,我们希望你和你的企业 对自身的金融犯罪威胁进行思考,而 我们可以通过提供工具来支持你识别 其中的具体差距。就像我常说的:你宁 愿支付几十万或几百万欧元的罚款, 或是反过来选择一个可以帮助你加强
治理和控制的产品或服务,而费用只 占一小部分?我想答案显而易见!
哪些是企业可以采取但却忽略的基 本步骤?
第一,教育。没有什么比对企业及旗下 员工进行金融犯罪方面的教育更重要
了。无论是高级管理层还是前线员工, 我们都应该知道如何识别犯罪行为, 以及我们在特定角色中需要做什么。 为了支持企业,我们THEMIS公司为非 金融犯罪专家的高级管理人员提供金 融犯罪培训。我们在这方面已经取得 了巨大的成功,帮助高级管理人员了 解自身的监管责任为何。
另外还有反金融犯罪风险评估,我认 为对所有博弈公司来说,确保其针对 内部治理和控制框架进行评估是非常 重要的。无论是从头到尾的测试或是 审查公司的政策和程序,当务之急是 让一切都保持 "无懈可击"。