Oceans, the Face of our Future

Page 81

Picture 8: Plastic waste on the sea shore

Picture 3: Animal stuck in fishing nets

Because this problem is becoming more and more important, there is an organisation called Plastic Oceans Foundation, which engages people of all ages, to understand the danger of continuing to perceive plastic to be disposable. When they become aware of the ultimate threat to human health, it will become personal choice to prevent plastic in the oceans. To inform people about this important topic, they use films and pictures, so that people can imagine it better. The foundation has its own website, where you can see their projects and films. About plastic in the ocean there is also a film called A Plastic Ocean in which people reveal what is really happening in our oceans and try to aware others and to encourage them, to start behaving more responsibly. There is also campaign called Clean Seas, which is urging governments to pass plastic reduction policies, targeting industry to minimize plastic packaging and redesign products and calling on consumers to change their throwaway habits, before irreversible damage is done.


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