July August 2021 Fore Your Information

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Fore Your Information

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As the fires rage around our area of the state and force evacuation of our members and their staffs not only from their place of business but also their homes, we want to remind you that GCSAA and the Sierra Nevada Chapter are here to help. Just reach out to our office and we can give you details of how to apply for financial assistance that may be needed. We had reports that Bailey Creek had been evacuated for a couple of weeks due to the fire. This is why we had to make the tough decision to relocate the Presidents Cup Tournament to Winchester C.C. at the last minute. Craig McDonald Superintendent at Bailey Creek reports they are back safely and the course is open again. In the Tahoe area the Caldor Fire caused the evacuation of Tahoe Paradise G.C, Edgewood, and Lake Tahoe G.C. Colby Gunsch from Tahoe Paradise reported that somehow the fire missed the course and is safe at the moment. We have been in contact with

several superintendents in the area that are in harms way to be sure they are safe. There have been some moves around our area. Ram Sena has accepted a position at Tahoe Donner as the Superintendent which left an opening at Catta Verdera G.C. "Jogi" Choung has taken over the Catta Verdera superintendent position. Spencer Nelson from Montruex has accepted the position as superintendent at Genoa Lakes. Sean O’Brien has announced his retirement and that leaves Alta Sierra C.C. in search of a superintendent. We will soon be getting our annual dues invoices to you. Please look for those in your email and update any information that is not correct. If you have information that you would like to share please give us a call. Remember that your association provides complimentary e-mail blasts to those in search of an employee.

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