Shoulder Care Program

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Shoulder Care Program When to perform: When you are healthy with NO shoulder pain. Off-season, pre-season or inseason. Up to 3 days a week. Stretching can be completed everyday if desired. When NOT to perform: Do not perform if shoulder is painful or injured. No game days. No back to back days. Equipment required: TheraBand/tubing, stability ball, 1-3lb weights (or use can of soup, etc.), a weighted medicine ball (or a baseball/softball/basketball) ______________________________________________________________________________ START WORKOUT

1. Stretching: a. Modified Sleeper stretch: at least 3x for 30 seconds each (bottom left) b. Modified Cross-body stretch: at least 3x for 30 seconds each (bottom center) c. Chest stretch: at least 3x for 30 seconds each (bottom right)


2. Advanced Throwers 10 Exercise Program: Watch full video here. Exercises with * should be completed with 3 continuous patterns. Pattern 1: both arms 10x. Pattern 2: hold position while opposite arm completes motion and switch for 5x each arm. Pattern 3: alternating arms 10x. No breaks between the 3 patterns. All other exercises should be completed 10x. Repeat all Advanced Throwers 10 exercises 1-3x. a. Shoulder rotation using tubing while seated on stability ball i. Keep elbow against your side (towel is optional) ii. Hold non-throwing arm still in position shown below with 1-3lb weight

b. Arm raises at 45 degrees while seated on stability ball* i. Keep thumbs up ii. Only go to shoulder height

c. Side arm raises while seated on stability ball* i. Keep palms down ii. Only go to shoulder height


d. Side lying shoulder rotation i. Start in side lie, progress to side plank ii. Keep elbow against side (towel is optional)

e. Shoulder squeezes out to side on stomach while lying on stability ball* i. Keep palms down

f. Shoulder squeezes above head on stomach on stability ball* i. Keep thumbs up

g. Row into shoulder rotation on stomach on stability ball* i. Start with arms straight down, move into picture 1, then picture 2, and reverse to starting position


h. Lower trapezius muscle series i. Shoulder pull into rotation with tubing seated on stability ball 1. Start with arms straight in front, move into picture 1, then picture 2, and reverse to starting position 2. Ending position is a low “W”

ii. Higher shoulder pulls into rotation with tubing seated on stability ball 1. Start with arms straight in front, move into picture 1, then picture 2, and reverse to starting position 2. Ending position is high a “W”

iii. Standing low row with tubing 1. Keep elbows against side


iv. Standing wall circles 1. Hand moves on ball in circles in both directions

v. Shoulder blade press ups 1. Place hands under shoulders 2. Keep arms straight

i. Bicep curls and triceps extension seated on stability ball


j. Forearm exercises i. Windshield wiper and wrist curls in palm up and down positions

3. Plyometrics: Pick 1 exercise out of the 4 to complete and alternate each workout. Complete 3 sets of 10-12 repetitions with 60 seconds of rest in between each set. a. Wall dribbles: video here

b. Plyometric push-ups: video here i. Options: push-up with air, push up and clap 1. Elevate hands to a higher surface if unable to do on ground


c. Weighted ball toss and catch on stomach: video here i. Can use a softball or baseball if don’t have access to a weighted ball

d. Shoulder rotation with tubing: video here i. Explosive movement from picture 1 to 2, then slow return to picture 1

4. Repeat stretching: a. Modified Cross-body stretch: at least 3x for 30 seconds each b. Modified Sleeper stretch: at least 3x for 30 seconds each c. Pectoralis minor stretch: at least 3x for 30 seconds each

END OF WORKOUT _____________________________________________________________________________


Tips: • • •

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Start with 1 set for each exercise and build to 3 sets to avoid excessive soreness. Start without weight in hands during the Advanced Throwers 10 to avoid excessive soreness and gradually increase to 1lb, 2lb, etc. Do not exceed 5lbs. You can still complete the program without a stability ball. All the Advanced Throwers 10 exercises can be completed in standing. In fact, you can complete the entire program with only 1 TheraBand/tubing and 1 ball if needed. Use household objects that weigh 13lbs if you need to add weight. Completing the 3 stretches everyday would be a good habit to form. Do not perform plyometric exercises without thoroughly warming up first. They are meant to be performed explosively so a good warmup is necessary. Start and end every workout with stretching. Include long toss into your workouts 1-2 times a week. Use a crow-hop method and throw with a slight arc to desired distance. Focus on using your legs and core. Make sure to warm-up before. Set aside rest days for your shoulder in-season and periods of no throwing during the offseason! Tell your coaches or parents if you are experiencing pain during throwing and immediately stop this shoulder care program. Seek a healthcare professional, such as a physical therapist, for evaluation, diagnosis, and a rehabilitation program for returning to sport. Contact if you have any questions.


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