Springs Family Values Fall 2011

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Fall 2011

Values & Fun Guide Your Source for Great Family Based Values and Recreation

Back to School! Family Fun

Fall Trips! Working from

Home! Your local source for great family based values and recreation. Check out our website for daily FREE giveaways and deals. SFV_Fall_final.indd 1

Community Family Events Calendar SpringsFamilyValues.com

7/20/11 10:17 AM

Join us at SpringsFamilyValues.com

Online, Anytime! family fun within our community special offers & daily deals giveaways, contests, prizes daily devotionals & jokes weather, gas prices, and more

Your portal to family fun! While the Springs Family Values Magazine is still a great source of information and deals, the SpringsFamilyValues.com website will be an interactive





many of our advertisers and providing you with current weather conditions, UV rating, gas prices, daily devotional, FREE computer and phone apps, special events and family fun ideas all in one location! Be sure to become a fan of Springs Family Values and Fun Guide on Facebook and follow us on Twitter! We post about


great community events, deals and more, plus, we also offer our fans great opportunities to win merchandise, gift certificates and more from our advertisers! Don’t miss out! Join our family and tell your friends and family about us too!


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Greetings! It’s that time of year again! Time to breathe deeply and inhale that wonderful aroma of... school supplies! I have always enjoyed walking up and down the school supply aisle, even when I didn’t have children of my own. Now that I have a school-age child, it becomes even more fun. See our short, easy-to-read articles for making your child’s educational experience a positive one and go on-line to read about ways to help your child/teen resolve conflict and offer alternatives to classic “bully” behavior. For those parents whose youngest child is entering Kindergarten, it is time to consider what you will do with your extra time. In this issue of SFV, we have offered the experiences of two very successful “work-from-home” ladies; both have walked away from professional careers to pursue a career from their home. We hope you find inspiration for considering a business of your own. Do your kids enjoy video gaming? Parents either love it or hate it for a variety of reasons. See SFV’s guide to keeping a child active while allowing for some rainy-day video gaming fun. Remember, always check to make sure the games your child plays are appropriate for their age and support the values you are instilling in your child. Go to our favorite site: pluggedin.com for all the information you’ll ever need on movies, games and more. Our summer/fall issue would not be complete without a fall trip suggestion! The golden beauty of the Pike’s Peak region aspen trees is not to be missed. Pack a picnic, grab your camera, load your family in the mini-van and head into the great outdoors! Finally, we encourage you to look for our editor picks: Kiddie Kutters, Focus on the Family and Play It Now Sports! All three local businesses represent Colorado Springs well and make a positive difference in our community. All our best, from our family, to yours!


marketing services

Published by: Ascend Marketing Services, your local wholesale mailing and printing service provider. 719-390-5400 www.AscendMailing.com

welcome to our family! table of contents


Back-to-School Guide


Fall Trip for the Family


Eating Out With Kids


Patriot’s Day Celebration

Ways to encourage and connect with your kids.

A map to help you find gold in the mountains.

Our dining-out guide for families.

Focus on the Family’s 4th annual celebration honoring our servicemen and women.


Community Events Calendar


Principles of Good Posture


Working from Home


Get Your Game On


Community Coupon Clip-Outs

Follow us on Facebook & Twitter for last minute family fun ideas.

Our keep-it-handy guide to coming events in the Springs.

Good posture equals good health.

Making it work for you.

Comparing gaming systems.

Savings for you and your family!

Springs Family Values magazine & website encourages and welcomes input from our readers, advertisers and sponsors. Please feel free to send letters to the editor, information or calendar submissions, story ideas, praises or (constructive) criticism, etc to info@springsfamilyvalues.com. All information provided on the Springs Family Values magazine & website is provided for informational purposes only and does not constitute a legal contract between any person or entity unless otherwise specified. Information, pricing and conditions on the Springs Family Values magazine & website are subject to change without prior notice. Although every effort is made to ensure that the information contained within the Springs Family Values magazine & website is accurate and up to date, neither Springs Family Values magazine & website nor its parent company Ascend Marketing Services, LLC. is to be held liable for inaccuracies in information, prices and conditions, products and services being advertised in this magazine or on the website. All information on the site/ magazine is subject to human error in the input of data concerning our products and services and as such cannot be guaranteed as a valid source of information. If there is any doubt concerning the accuracy of the information contained within the magazine or website, please contact Springs Family Values at 719.390-5400 and speak to a customer service representative or email us at info@springsfamilyvalues.com.


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7/20/11 10:06 AM


Where every academic subject is taught from a biblical perspective. • A Focus on academic excellence • Preschool through high school • Competitive sports programs • Daily chapel service • Over 98% of the graduating class is continuing on to college* • Honors and AP® courses offered *2011 statistics


5905 Flintridge Dr., Colorado Springs • Ph: (719) 598-8610 • www.PikesPeakChristianSchool.org SpringsFamilyValues.com SFV_Fall_final.indd 4

7/19/11 4:37 PM



For a complete list, please go to our website: springsfamilyvalues.com

Preparing for Preschool

The Importance of Play

1. If you are worried that your child may exhibit

As a new school year starts, well-intentioned parents are busy filling their children’s schedules, believing they are preparing their children for future success. In the midst of sport practices, dance classes, foreign language lessons and the like, children lose opportunities to simply play. Even preschool and elementary teachers are often guilty of cutting out free-play time in the interest of more academic preparedness. The American Association of Pediatrics (AAP) believes unstructured play is vitally important to the development of children at all ages. In support of this belief, the AAP recommends daily free and unstructured play for helping children reach important social, emotional, and cognitive developmental milestones as well as for helping them to manage stress and become more resilient. While there is nothing wrong with enrolling your children in extra activities, their academic and extracurricular schedules should offer an appropriate balance. Your children’s schedules should be based on their needs, skills and temperaments instead of the pressure to keep up with competitive community standards. Do not believe the hype of marketers and advertisers who promise to turn your children into “superchildren” if you enroll in their programs. One size extracurricular schedules do not fit all children! The best predictor of children’s future successes is not the number of extras in which they participate; it is having parents who listen, care, discipline appropriately and share pleasurable time with their children. Spend unscheduled, spontaneous time in child-led play. These are the things that, according to the AAP, make truly supportive, nurturing and productive parents and caregivers.

separation anxiety, schedule short play dates with friends or other opportunities which allows your child to participate in groups. Don’t become a “Helicopter Mom”; step back and let children engage with each other which is an important step in social development.

2. Preschool is about exposure to the ABC’s and 123’s,

not mastery. Introduce concepts by involving your child in daily activities such as folding laundry. Begin by matching color, shape and size; and introduce concepts such as big, bigger, and biggest. Sing the ABC song while washing hands. Not only does it help to introduce the letters of the alphabet, it helps to ensure thorough hand-washing.

3. Play games to encourage observation and listening

skills when traveling in the car. Play “I Spy” or other games that reinforce counting proficiency, as well as color, shape, and size recognition. Encourage full sentence structure when identifying items as part of the game.

4. While not all preschool programs require children to

be potty-trained, most expect four-year olds to be completely trained and three’s to be able to use the potty with few accidents. Be sure your child’s training includes the “wipe me” responsibility too!

5. Children often feel more secure when they see their

name on their cubby or other space in the preschool. Schedule a visit with the teacher prior to the first day of school and get ready to hear stories about “my school”!

Robin Stephenson, M.Ed. For more information on early care and education visit www.proeea.com Bio: Ms. Stephenson is an experienced educator with more than twenty-five years in the field of early care and education. She is the principal associate for Professional Early Education Associates, past president of the National Association of Child Care Professionals, and Nana to one-year-old Xanden.



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The American Association of Pediatrics provides the following recommendations for bringing unstructured play back into your children’s schedules:

Provide young children with times of unstructured play and older children with downtime every day. Allow your children, at any age, to explore a variety of interests in a without feeling pressure to excel in each area.

Provide your children with “true toys” such as blocks and dolls that require children to actively use their imaginations when playing. Avoid over-using passive entertainment such as television and computer games.

• •

Read to your children – just for fun – every single day.

When choosing a child care or early education program, choose a setting that focuses on social and emotional needs of children in addition to academic preparedness.

Join or form a preschool playgroup once your child moves from parallel play to cooperative play (around age 2 ½).

Consult your pediatrician or a trusted mental health professional if your children show signs of excessive stress, anxiety, or depression. To view the full report from the American Association of Pediatrics titled The Importance of Play in Promoting Healthy Child Development and Maintaining Strong Parent-Child Bonds, please go to www.aap.org/pressroom/playfinal.pdf. Karen E. Mitchell, M.Ed. Mrs. Mitchell has worked in the education field for 15 years. She holds a Master of Arts degree in Curriculum and Development from the University of Colorado.


Weekend University How many times have you thought to yourself “I want to go back to college” and then after that brief moment the realization of “when can I fit this into my already hectic schedule” kicks in. Well, Weekend University is just the answer. By taking classes in a condensed 10-week format on Saturdays you aren’t required to choose between work, family, children’s activities or college. Your work week schedule is not impacted; there is no need to leave work early or use vacation time to take a college course. Weekend University at the University of Colorado Colorado Springs (UCCS) was created for the adult learner who is trying to balance work, family and all the other activities that fill up your work week. Weekend University allows you to achieve your higher education goals, but without having to make an entire life adjustment. It is amazing how a condensed class can whiz by and you realize you have already completed another college course and you are one step closer to achieving your educational goal. By allocating a few hours on your Saturday you are able to still enjoy your weekend, but feel satisfied you are striving toward your college degree. Weekend University provides the same environment, services and culture you desire in any college experience, but the best part about Weekend University is parking is free and you don’t have to hover around other cars hoping you will find a space. There is plenty of parking close to your classroom at no charge! For further information about UCCS Weekend University or a list of upcoming courses please visit our website at www.uccs.edu/weekends or feel free to contact us 719-255-3498 or weekends@uccs.edu.


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find gold in the mountains

A family fun guide to fall color! Sometime in September, Colorado becomes even more colorful. Fall sets in and the leaves highlight the hillsides with a golden glow. There are many great drives throughout the state with incredible views of fall color. We are going to highlight one that can easily be done in a day with lots of time for getting out of the vehicle and having some fun. The trip involves circling Pikes Peak. It could be done in either direction but we recommend starting near the Cheyenne Mountain zoo at Old Stage Road and heading west until it becomes Gold Camp Road which takes you all the way to HWY 81 not far from Victor. Enjoy the old gold town of Victor (they have a great hiking loop through mining country with lots of equipment and buildings still standing to explore and photograph) and then catch HWY 67 to Cripple Creek. There are lots of fun activities and good dining (albeit mostly casino based) in Cripple Creek. Be sure to visit the wonderful, and FREE Pikes Peak Heritage Center on the way out of town. It is a great place to let the kids stretch their legs and learn about the areas gold mining history, wildlife, fossils, prehistoric Colorado (with dinosaur exhibit) and more. Take 67 from Cripple Creek to Divide and make frequents stops at the many overlooks for some incredible fall foliage views. From Divide it is just a 45 minute trek on HWY 24 to return to the Springs. Woodland Park is a great little town to shop and eat as well. Actual drive time

For a more detailed trip plan, visit our website at springsfamilyvalues.com

is under 4 hours so that leaves plenty of time throughout the day to make side trips and just get out of the car end enjoy the scenery. When is the best time to go? It varies from year to year so be sure to monitor our Springs Family Values website for notification of when the leaves begin to change, when the PEAK viewing time is, discount coupons for stops along the way and more.



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S book keep form you


Scan and bookmark to keep this information on your smart phone.

eating out with kids... The where and when guide to eating out with kids!

3 Margaritas



Gunther Toody’s

Day of the week: Tuesday Details: kids 12 and under eat free; 2 free kids meals per family Day of the week: Tuesday Details: kids 12 and under eat for 99 ¢; up to four kids per adult meal purchase

Bambino’s Pizza

Day of the week: Monday & Tuesday 1 free kids meal per adult meal purchase

Black-eyed Pea

Day of the week: Tuesday Details: kids 12 and under eat for free all day; one kid’s meal per adult meal purchase

Captain D’s

Day of the week: Sunday and Thursday Details: kids 12 and under eat for free; two kid’s meals per adult meal purchase

Conway’s Red Top

Day of the week: Monday Details: kids 10 and under eat for free; one kid’s meal per adult meal purchase.


Day of the week: Tuesday 4-10 pm & Saturday 4-10 pm Details: kids 10 and under eat for free; two kid’s meals per adult meal purchase

The Egg & I

Day of the week: Everyday, all-day Details: kids 12 and under eat for free; two kid’s meals per adult meal purchase

Famous Dave’s

Day of the week: Tuesday Details: kids 10 and under eat for free; one kid’s meal per adult meal purchase

Day of the week: Tuesday 5 -8 pm Details: kids 12 and under eat for 99¢; two kid’s meals per adult meal purchase Day of the week: Monday 5 -8 pm Details: kids 12 and under eat for free; one kid’s meal per adult meal purchase

The Indigo Sports Pub and Restaurant

Day of the week: Monday through Thursday Details: kids 12 and under eat for free; one kid’s meal per adult meal purchase


Day of the week: Wednesday Details: kids 12 and under eat for free; two kid’s meals per adult buffet and drink purchase

Jose Muldoon’s

Day of the week: Sunday Details: kids 12 and under eat for free; one kid’s meal per adult meal purchase

La Casita

Day of the week: Wednesday 5-9 pm Details: kids 12 and under eat for free; two kid’s meals per adult meal purchase

Souper Salad

Day of the week: Sunday 4-10 pm Details: kids 12 and under eat for $2.49 (kids 3 and under are free) one kid’s meal per adult meal purchase

Texas Roadhouse

Day of the week: Monday Details: kids 12 and under eat for free; one kid’s meal per adult meal purchase

Check out beansprouts.com for some exciting, fun and healthy new ways to cook for your family! Featured on Good Morning America. Offers verified by SFV but subject to change and not guaranteed by SFV.

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7/19/11 4:37 PM

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4th Annual

Patriots Day Celebration at the Focus on the Family campus The Focus on the Family Bookstore and Welcome Center will host the 4th annual “Patriots Day” event on Saturday the 10th of September. This event honors our military, emergency personnel and first responders, who spend their careers protecting the American People. Participating in this exciting day at Focus will be members of the military, a search and rescue team, the Red Cross, the Warrior Community Partnership, and numerous others.

Free food samples

Prize drawings throughout the day

Free Kids play area Free giant inflatable slide for the kids

“Super Saturday Specials” in the Bookstore

Goodie bags for the first 100 kids

Whit’s End Soda Shoppe specials all day

Free movie showings in the Welcome Center

KBIQ Radio broadcasting on site

8605 Explorer Drive (Corner of Explorer and Briargate Pkwy)


719-531-3464 • www.focusonthefamilybookstore.com

Get Out of the House!

Grab the family and come visit the Focus on the Family Bookstore and Welcome Center. It’s much more than a bookstore, you and your family will be pleasantly surprised! Open Monday thru Friday 9am-5:30pm and Saturday 9am-5pm (closing at 4pm after Labor Day.) SpringsFamilyValues.com SpringsFamilyValues.com

SFV_Fall_final.indd 11


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PLACES TO GO & PEOPLE TO SEE Create special memories with your family this fall using the great suggestions in our community calendar! For more great events, visit our website!

August Aug. 4 - Sept. 2

Shakespeare at the Ranch Rock Ledge Ranch • Tuesdays and Saturdays 6 - 9pm (General Admission), 6 - 7:15pm (Picnic), 7:30pm (Production) Theatreworks presents a Shakespeare Festival at Rock Ledge Ranch. Enjoy a picnic on the grounds of Rock Ledge Ranch from 6-7:15pm featuring minstrels, hot dogs and bratwurst courtesy of Margo’s Vienna Station. The Theatreworks production of “The Merchant of Venice” begins at 7:30pm in the Festival Tent. Tickets are $10-$30 with discounted same day tickets available to all patrons of Rock Ledge Ranch. www.theatreworkscs.org • 719 .255.3232


Denver Botanic Gardens at Chatfield 9am - 9pm Free Admission Day Visit the DBG website for further information on FREE events at the Denver Botanical Gardens! www.botanicgardens.org • 303.973.3705

Aug. 6 - Oct. 1

First Saturday’s Car Show First and Main Town Center • 8 - 10am Join First Saturday’s Car Show in August for British Car Month! Car Show is FREE and located at the First and Main Town Center (off Powers) in the Dick’s Sporting Goods parking lot. Show Cars include: Hot Rods, Muscle Cars, Classic Cars, Sports Cars, Exotic Cars and Race Cars. For more information or to register a car: call Eva Alabaugh 719.593.2632


Critterfest Rocky Mountain Dinosaur Resource Center 6th, 9 - 6pm; 7th, 10 - 5pm Join us for our 7th Annual Critterfest: Lions and tigers and bears! Oh My! Actually, at RMDRC, our event emphasizes such critters as dogs, cats, wolves and hedgehogs! This year we will have more organizations represented than ever before. Along with the wolves and hedgehogs, we’ll have reptiles, dogs and cats of every size, shape and color. There will be more than 20 groups represented and they want and need your support. This is your chance to get up close and personal with some fun and unusual animals. www.rmdrc.com


Summer Fun at the Garden: Honey Ants! Garden of the Gods Visitor & Nature Center Red Rocks Room at GOG Visitor Center • 11:30am Join us for a presentation by Led Park on Honeypot Ants, one of our most unique nocturnal Park residents. This event is FREE, but reservations are required. www.gardenofgods.com • 719.634.6666


Sky Sox vs. The Memphis Redbirds with special guest, Clifford, the Big Red Dog! Sky Sox Stadium • 5:05 pm Bring the family and enjoy an evening with the Sky Sox and special guest, Clifford, the Big Red Dog! As a special bonus, all hotdogs are just 50 cents! web.minorleaguebaseball.com


Denver Art Museum - FREE first Saturday Denver Art Museum • 10am On the first Saturday of every month, you can enjoy the art collections and non-ticketed exhibitions without spending a dime! Free tickets are available on-site starting at 10am. info@denverartmuseum.org


Mother-Daughter Creations Rockrimmon Library • 4 - 6pm Space is limited. Children ages 3 and up, please. Mothers and daughters make a “Beach in a Bottle.” Programs are free; supplies are provided. Contact Cynthia Roberts to register by Aug 8th at pm. 719.593.8000 ppld.org/rockrimmon-library Croberts@ppld.org 10 Create Playdate: Paint Denver Art Museum, North Building, Level 2 • 10am Drop in with your little ones, aged 3 to 5, and meet up with other tots and their grown-ups to see what happens when you paint with mud. Play looking games, meet new friends, and play! Create Playdates are included with general admission. No reservations are needed. info@denverartmuseum.org • 720.865.5000

of the Colorado Springs Astronomical Society, make glow-in-the-dark slime with Science Matters, and star in your own live 3D movie with Cool Science. Bring the family for a fun summer evening of star gazing. Light refreshments will be available for purchase at the Mountaineer Market. Please call 633-9925 ext 173 for weather-related cancellation information. www.cmzoo.org • 719.633.9925


Family Movie - Gnomeo & Juliet, Rated G Sand Creek Library • 1:30 - 3:30pm www.ppld.org/sand-creek-library • 719.597.7070


Denver Museum of Nature & Science FREE Admission Day Denver Museum of Nature & Science • 9am - 5pm Make sure to check the website for details of upcoming FREE admission days! www.dmns.org • 303. 322.7009


Family Film Night “Mars Needs Moms” Old Colorado City Library Branch • 6:30 - 8pm Kids are welcome to wear pajamas to this month’s family film. ppld.org/old-colorado-city-library • 719.634.1698

25, 26 - Sept. 5


Parent’s Night Out Bemis School of Art/Fine Art Center • 5 - 9pm Supervised fun for your favorite artist! Drop off your children with experienced art teachers; they will paint the night away while you enjoy evening out! Children will draw and paint zany animals on parade. All levels of curious creativity welcome. Visits to the Fine Arts Center galleries will be included in event admission. Advanced registration is required. csfineartscenter.org 719.475.2444


Full Moon Tour Colorado Wolf & Wildlife Center • Call for Times Would you like to meet a wolf? Dress like you are hiking in warm clothes with good boots. Bring your camera and a flashlight. Cocoa and coffee will be provided. Be prepared to meet one of the wolves after the tour. Tickets are non-refundable and need to be prepaid either by phone, mail, or online. No children under the age of 8, please. Visit our website or call for times. wolfeducation.org • 719.687.9742


Neighborhood Community Fair Holy Cross Lutheran Church • 5 - 8pm, 7 - 9pm Join us for carnival games, activities: including karaoke, face painting, food, sales booths, community resources, live band, street dance and giveaways! www.holycrosscs.org • 719.596.0661


Photography Hike – Ridge Trail, led by Paul deBerjeois Garden of the Gods Visitor & Nature Center • 9am See Garden of the Gods through the eyes and camera of a professional! Join Paul deBerjeois for a hike of Ridge Trail. Reservations are required. Call for more information and availability, 719.634.6666. www.gardenofgods.com


Public Free Days Fine Arts Center • 3rd Tuesday of the month Make sure to visit the website for further information on FREE events through the Fine Arts Center! www.csfineartscenter.org • 719.475.2444.


Stargazing Evening Cheyenne Mountain Zoo, Sky Ride • 8 - 10pm Don’t miss the Friday evening Stargazing Series’ at the Mountaineer Sky Ride which provides a unique experience to soar over the Zoo as the sun goes down! Traverse the night sky via the telescopes and guidance

Colorado State Fair 25th Sneak Peak Night! 98.9 Magic FM Sneak Peak Night! 5 - 9pm Gate admission is FREE from 5-9pm. All-You-Can-Ride carnival ride bands are $10. Enjoy the sights and sounds of the State Fair the night before the fair opens!

28th Military Appreciation Day Active duty and family members, retired, and discharged military receive, with proof of military affiliation, FREE gate admission and the option to purchase discount rodeo tickets. Events include a free military appreciation concert at 4pm in the Amphitheater and optional $5 rodeo tickets through the State Fair Box Office for the PRCA Dodge Rodeo at 7pm and the firstever Freestyle Bullfights following the PRCA Rodeo. www.coloradostatefair.com • 719.561.8484


“Alice in Wonderland” Tea Party Fountain Library Branch • 2 - 3pm Join the fun and enjoy cake, crafts, games and fun! Call for more information and reservations. 719.382.5347 • ppld.org/fountain-library


Circus Fair – Commemorating the Opening of the Colorado State Fair Bemis School of Art • 12:30pm Treasure a day with your family, enjoying artist demonstrations and hands-on art projects led by Bemis School of Art instructors one Saturday of each month. Create your own works of art during this day of discovery; all ages welcome! Don’t miss the free, docent-led tour of the FAC galleries at 12:30 PM! www.csfineartscenter.org • 719.475.2444


Pike’s Peak Eco-Festival Rock Ledge Ranch • 10am - 3pm Learn about living “green” from a Pike’s Peak perspective. This event features over 60 eco-conscious exhibits from local businesses and offers live music, local food and fun for the entire family. Teach your family the importance of recycling, energy conservation and alternative energy sources. Learn more about natural health and beauty through the informative wellness sessions. VIP parking for bicycles! Event is free, but a donation is encouraged to benefit and support Rock Ledge Ranch. www.rockledgeranch.com


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September 3-5 Colorado

Balloon Classic

Memorial Park Starting at 6am each day You are invited to our party. We’ll bring the balloons! 3rd

6am - Start 7am - Ascension 8-9:30am Concert featuring Skim Moore 5-6:30pm Concert featuring The Legend Band 7:30pm Lay out balloons 8pm Balloon Glo


6am - Start; 7am - Ascension 8-9:30am Concert featuring The Amber Waves Band 5-6:30pm Concert featuring Alicia Archibold 7:30pm Lay out balloons, 8pm Balloon Glo.


6am - Start; 7am - Ascension 8-9:30am Concert featuring the Colorado Springs Conservatory



Chile Chili Festival Rock Ledge Ranch • 11am - 4pm Colorado Springs celebrates its First Annual Chile Chili Festival at the Historic Rock Ledge Ranch on September 3rd, 2011 - Labor Day Weekend. HOT FOOD, COLD DRINKS, and CHILE CHILI FUN! Visit with fabulous chile/chili vendors from the Western Region and be entertained by roaming artists and performers. There will be a Chile-Chili Cook-Off and other delicious and eclectic foods for the entire event (visit website for more information and entry forms). There will even be a poster contest and paint-out featuring artists from around the region. Learn about Sustainability and FarmTo-Fork (Know Your Farmer!) projects from around the Western Slope - all while celebrating the Chile Pepper. www.thatsnatural.info • www.rockledgeranch.com


Labor Day and Vintage Baseball Game Rock Ledge Ranch • 10am - 5pm The highlight is our annual vintage baseball match between the Camp Creek Cloud Busters (your home team) and the Colorado Territorial All-Stars from Denver. The Cloud Busters is no “farm team,” but needs your support to cheer them on to another victory! The first pitch will be at 1:00 pm. The rules are different; no one wears a mitt or glove (except the catcher), and “cranks” (that’s you, the spectators) can influence the umpire’s call in your team’s favor! Picnics are welcome, but don’t miss the opportunity to sip a cold cream soda or root bear available for purchase at the Heritage Shop. Vendors will be here to supply hotdogs, popcorn and ice cream as well. It may be the end of summer, but not the fun! www.rockledgeranch.com


4th Annual Patriot’s Day Focus on the Family Bookstore & Welcome Center See ad on page 9 for more details.


Holly Berry House Fold Art Festival Rock Ledge Ranch • 16th Noon-6pm, 17th 9am 6pm, 18th 10am - 4pm Co-sponsored by the Holly Berry House Folk Art Gallery, this nationally known event benefits the Ranch’s restoration projects. Visitors will see the best of handcrafted folk art, from clothing to furniture, as well as antiques and live music. Piecing Partners will have a quilt exhibit and a silent auction of their exquisitely

made quilts and wall hangings. The Orchard House will be open for living history interpretation. www.rockledgeranch.com

24 2nd Annual Garden of the Gods Powwow Rock Ledge Ranch • 10am - 5am The rich American Indian heritage of the Pikes Peak region is explored on a daily basis at Rock Ledge Ranch. But on this special day, the Ranch celebrates America’s indigenous nations with an expanded program. The powwow is planned to take place on American Indian Day, Saturday, September 24, 2011, and will include Traditional and Educational Events, as well as Native American arts & crafts and food vendors. www.rockledgeranch.com 17

Manitou Lua Soda Springs Park • Noon to 6pm Traditional Hawaiian Luau Manitou- style with a roast pig, grilled Mahi and all the side dishes. Surfboard simulator, live entertainment and a Polynesian review. www.manitouchamber.org 719.685.5089.


Ride for Heroes and Patriot’s Day Festival Glen Eyrie Conference Center and Castle • 8am (Ride for Heroes); 11am - 4pm (Patriot’s Day Festival) 8am The second-annual Chick-fil-A Ride for Heroes offers cyclists an opportunity to support hometown heroes, including police, firefighters and military personnel, while pedaling through scenic Colorado Springs. Race registration costs $25 per rider from July 2 to Aug. 31 and $40 thereafter. There are discounts available. 11am - 4pm The rides will be followed by the Patriot’s Festival, a free event featuring demonstrations from the Flight for Life helicopter, local K-9 dog unit, face painting and other family fun! All events will honor and benefit hometown hero organizations, including The Home Front Cares, the Pike’s Peak Region Peace Officers’ Memorial and Colorado Springs Professional Firefighters. Bring a blanket to reserve your front-row seat for live music from local bands. No outside food or beverage will be allowed. www.PatriotsFestival.com

23-25 Chile & Frijoles Festival

Downtown Pueblo (1st and Union) • 23rd 3 - 11pm; 24th 10am - 11pm; 25th 10am - 6pm This is an event rich in history, fun, and great food! Come enjoy the aroma of roasting chilies, sample salsas made by local farmers, judge the Best Bean Dip in Pueblo. Let your kids have fun competing in the The Art of the Bean (bean sculpture contest), or check out the Great Bean Spit Off. For those brave ones there is a Jalapeño Eating contest. If the kids are still looking for something to do after all that excitement, send them over to the Piñata breaking area where they can let off a little steam. There will be chili, salsa, and frijoles contests as well as a farmer’s market, a fine art show, live entertainment, car show, and “Salsa & Cerveza” Brew Fest. www.pueblochamber.org • 719.542.1704

October 8

Sweet Afternoon Bake-Off Rockrimmon Library • All Day, Meeting Room Rockrimmon Library’s annual Sweet Afternoon BakeOff event; enter your cake recipe by September 24th or just come and sample the entries between 1PM and 3pm on the day of the event. If you have entered, your cake must be delivered between 10 and 11am. www.rmdrc.com


Mothers & Daughters Create Black Treat Pouches Rockrimmon Library • 4 - 6pm, Meeting Room Programs are free; supplies are provided. Space is limited. Registration is required and ends October 10th at 6pm. Attendees must be 6-18 years old. Attendees must give 24-hour cancellation notice to allow others on waiting list to attend. ppld.org/rockrimmon-library Cynthia Roberts 719.593.8000


Free Admission Day at Denver Zoo www.denverzoo.org • 303.376.4800


Planetarium Show at Rocky Mountain Dinosaur Resource Center Woodland Park • 11am - 3pm The Challenger Learning Center will bring their planetarium to the RMDRC with continual shows. Sit back, relax, and enjoy your solar system, as a trained astronomer blasts you off into an adventure that is out of this world! www.rmdrc.com


Halloween Celebration at Rocky Mountain Dinosaur Resource Center Woodland Park • 1:30pm - 3pm The Fantasy Forest Entertainment Co. featuring Cathy Kelsay (Puppeteer/Storyteller) will once again present a playful Puppet Workshop at the Dinosaur Resource Center. See a lively puppet theater show and learn how to be a puppeteer yourself, creating your own bag puppet. Have even more fun when you get to put on a puppet show using what you’ve learned, your handmade puppet, and the puppet theater. Also be sure to wear you best Halloween costume for the costume contest that takes place at 3pm right after the workshop...there will be a parade through the museum, treat bags for all, prizes and lots of Halloween fun. www.rmdrc.com

29 17th Annual Emma Crawford Coffin

Races & Parade Manitou Springs • Noon to 3pm Spooky fun for the whole family. Come out and watch the Parade of Coffins followed by the coffins racing up Manitou Avenue in Historic downtown Manitou Springs. www.manitouchamber.org • 719.685.5089.


Teen Halloween Party Briargate Library • 6-7:30pm Teens are invited to join us for an evening of costumes, tricks, treats and maybe even the Monster Mash! Come dressed in your best costume and prepared for a costume contest, great music, candy, non-candy foods, and lots of fun! Please note that costumes must be APPROPRIATE for the library. Questionable costumewearers may be asked to change or leave. Open to teens 12-18 only, and all attendees must register. ppld.org/briargate-library


Boo at the Zoo Cheyenne Mountain Zoo • 7:30pm Come See the Original Creatures of the Night! It’ll be all treats and no tricks (except the magical kind!) for your little ghosts and goblins at this year’s Boo at the Zoo, the region’s most exclusive Halloween party. The event is a fun way for families with young children to trickor-treat and enjoy Halloween festivities in a safe and unique environment. All treats are orangutan-friendly too! www.cmzoo.org

Check out SpringsFamilyValues.com for more up-to-date information! SpringsFamilyValues.com

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principles of posture Long ago and far away a fourth-grade teacher scolded her student,

Dr. Tim Wright has been advocating an active and healthy lifestyle to families through chiropractic care since 1999. As a Colorado Springs native he loves being outdoors with his wife and two young children.


“Stand up straight! You look like a pretzel.” The unthinking teacher only offered criticism, and the student was left to unkink himself in ways that probably caused more structural damage. As in days gone by, most people think good posture involves thrusting out the chest and pulling back the shoulders. Telling a person he needs to improve his posture usually results in a sudden, robot-like increase in stature with him stiffly incorporating most or all of these muscular stresses. This is poor advice and reveals little understanding of good posture. As a direct result most people have protruding stomachs, slumped shoulders and necks that protrude far in front of their body’s center. Aside from unattractive aesthetics (i.e. looking really funny), such chronically inefficient posture places ongoing strain on the back and neck muscles. Poor posture also interferes with the normal function of the heart and lungs; metabolic processes deteriorate due to a lack of normal oxygen supply; and it can lead to chronic back and neck pain as well as gastrointestinal or endocrine diseases and many other disorders. The good news is achieving good posture is not difficult. It takes work, as well as consistent attention, but the work is not hard. It is merely new and different. The key element to good posture is a straight spine, but keep in mind that straight doesn’t mean rigid. The goal is to get your spine straight without tightening all your muscles and holding your breath. The solution requires a little imagination. Imagine a string dangling from the sky, which is attached to your sternum (breastbone). Continue imagining that you dangle from the string like a puppet and the string is supporting all your weight. As a result your chest lifts up easily and your spine straightens naturally and smoothly. This is called “hitching your sternum to a star.” The next step is to allow your shoulder girdles to rest on your rib cage. You don’t have to press your shoulders down to do this— just don’t hold them up. Most people unconsciously tighten their neck and shoulder girdle muscles all day long. By being conscious of what your muscles are doing, you can start letting go of tight shoulder girdle muscles. The shoulders will then gently descend and come to rest on top of the rib cage where they belong. By following these easy postural corrections, over time, you can develop a posture that is fluid and efficient. You’ll appear taller, comfortably reaching your full height with grace and ease. Tension and anxiety will decrease and you’ll have more restful sleep. Good posture is good health. At Rockrimmon Chiropractic we have one goal for you and your family, which is allowing your body to work the way God designed it to work. We detect and eliminate the root causes of heath problems so you can reach and maintain your full health potential. Call our office today for your family wellness appointment at (719) 593-1969.


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Helping get families back on the road to wellness. SPECIALIZING IN:

• Sports-related injuries • Exercise programs to improve flexibility and guard against future injuries • Small children and babies with health issues from ear infections to constipation

• Relying on the God given healing potential that is our bodies • Chiropractic care to reduce the use of dangerous drugs and their side effects






Family Wellness Check (a $240 value)

Includes consultation, examination, report of findings and initial chiropractic adjustment. Offer expires 10-31-11. SpringsFamilyValues.com 425 W. ROCKRIMMON BLVD, SUITE 100, COLORADO SPRINGS

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Make a Living Through Giving Reach Out in Kindness Act on Your Promptings

What little girl wouldn’t love a singing princess for her next birthday?


Send Out Cards makes it more convenient, less expensive and has a reminder so you will never miss a special occasion. You can use this unique tool to keep in touch with family, friends, and with both existing and new clients.

Contact: Bernadette Ortega at (719) 930-1688


Send out cards FREE by visiting www.sendoutcards.com/bernadette



Lyrical Enchantment can turn your child’s ordinary “Princess” party into extraordinary!

Lyrical Enchantment Lori Rathbun, Party Princess

(719) 651-6768 • lorirathbun74@gmail.com www.lyricalenchantment.com

Birthday Parties, Singing Princess Telegrams, Princess Tea Parties and Special Occasions

Get Paid to Party!

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Our advertising dollar goes to you...

I thought I might get an extra $20 or $30 dollars. I got $314! Rodney & Deb were wonderful! “We were delighted with our gold event and with the $400 we made for hosting the event - money we

What can be easier than inviting all your friends over for a jewelry party? Only this time they don’t have to buy anything, in fact everyone makes money!

“Paying Top Dollar on the Spot for All Your Unwanted Gold”

Here’s how it works: Gather your friends together and ask them to bring their unwanted gold jewelry. Front Range Gold Exchange evaluates the gold and will pay top dollar on the spot, regardless of condition. Your friends receive their money at your party and you receive 10% of the total amount purchased.

really needed at the time! Our friends were grateful for the opportunity to earn $4,000 in cash! Thank you!” - Donna C.

If you have a $4,000 party you will get paid $400 for having fun, and your friends go home with cash! It is really fun and profitable. “Get Paid to Party”!

Mention this ad and receive 12% at your gold exchange party!

For specific questions or to schedule your gold exchange party or fundraiser contact us at:

719-375-0306 • HaveGoldGetCash@gmail.com 14


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HOST a PARTY One of the quickest and easiest ways for a family to make some extra money (or get free products) is to host a party. Whether it be lia Sophia, Avon, Arbonne or another, you can get a percentage of the sales by hosting a party at your home and inviting friends to view and sample a brand of products. For something different, Front Range Gold offers a home party where your guests go home with extra money from trading in their old gold jewelry. Your friends will love the fact that they have the opportunity to earn money instead of spend it and the host gets 10% of the amount of gold purchased by Front Range Gold. Be sure to invite grandma and your older friends and relatives! Older jewelry often had more gold than today’s plated bling. Our suggestion is to host a dual party where you have Front Range Gold AND another business. This makes you look good because you are not only inviting your guests to check out the new merchandise but giving them a means to pay for it at the same show! An “Out with the Old, In with the New” show where you have FRGold buy their old jewelry while a lia Sophia rep shows the new makes a lot of sense and the host gets commissions from both companies.


from home

and loving it!

There are literally THOUSANDS of “work from home” opportunities out there. Most of them do have the potential to make a decent income but the one thing in common is : You have to WORK IT before it works for you! In this issue we highlight some people that have had great success with their work from home business. But even “great success” is a relative term so here are a few tips if you are dreaming of becoming your own boss.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Decide what you REALLY want from the program. Is it solely to make money? How much would you NEED? Are you hoping to work less hours? Is it for the perks many companies offer? Choose something you enjoy. If you are doing something you love, it doesn’t feel like work and your chances for success will increase exponentially. Seek advice of friends and family. They may tell you that you aren’t cut out for that type of business or that they feel no one would buy the product and save you time and trouble. If you are still sold on it then be sure to double up your efforts in Steps 4 and 5. Research before you jump in. Don’t just read the company’s promotional materials and listen to their top sellers. Seek out comments on the internet from other’s who have joined the program, find out what their customers say about the product, look for Better Business and other ratings. Do some detective work: find out what percentage of representatives stay with the progam vs those who drop out. Find Successful Resources. Look for others who have been successful with the progam, ask them if they would consider mentoring you or giving you their tips for success. If you find out they had to put 80+ hours a week and a lot of their own money up front to make it work then you may decide it is not for you. Create a plan of action. Rarely do things turn out like we imagine, so put together some goals and timelines that you can refer to along the way. If you set a goal such as, “I need one out of ten people to buy my product to be successful,” and in reality you only get one out of 30, then that would be a flag to bail out quickly. Give it all you’ve got! It may be the case that the first few months will reflect the best you can do with the program because that is when your enthusiasm level is highest.


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BeautiControl I was Superwoman and an expert at managing my life. I had three children, a husband, and a fantastic job as the VP of human resources for a large agricultural firm. I commuted and traveled extensively, and I thought I had it all – frequent flyer miles, a great secretary, a beautiful house, a wonderful husband and beautiful children. Then, in 2004, my Superwoman skills suddenly seemed inadequate. I was diagnosed with skin cancer on my face and my 16-year-old son suffered a back injury that required major surgery, a body cast and nine months of rehab. Two weeks later my father was diagnosed with lung cancer and given three to nine months to live. While on a business trip, I opened my calendar and counted the days I had not kissed my children good night during the previous year - it was a vast number. I knew right then my life needed to change. I quit my corporate job not knowing what I would do, but there had to be an answer. I chose BeautiControl because I had a strong need to learn and teach women how to care for themselves through pampering and self-care. As women we often put the “oxygen mask” on everyone else before we get a breath of air for ourselves. BeautiControl creates a mobile spa retreat, teaching women skin wellness and relaxation techniques. It gives them the “oxygen mask” they so desperately need. Since 2004, I have become an Executive Director & National Senior Trainer with the company. I have earned three cars, become debt-free and am moving into my dream home. Maintaining my own identity was another big advantage. I am a wife, mother and nana, but I am still me. I have developed self-confidence and a higher self-esteem. I believe each woman has two sides: the woman she is today and the woman she is becoming. The process of “becoming” is amazing and empowering. Creating a successful home-based business is a challenge but reaps huge rewards. My life now comes first, then my business. I am still Superwoman but with a twist – I have harmony, peace and family. I am in control of my life and my time. I have FREEDOM and FLEXIBILTY, which are rare commodities for mothers. Kelly Braaten, Director, Trainer & Coach; BEAUTICONTROL: Beautiful Skin • Beautiful Life

TIPS to FOLLOW HOME OFFICE ORGANIZATION n Have a designated workspace

where you can shut the door and concentrate on your work. If you don’t have an office, at least create a permanent work- space in the corner of a room. n An

organized workspace will help you stay productive. Spend a few minutes every day to keep your office clean and everything in its place.

n If

you feel you can’t get organized on your own, professional organizers love to help you make decisions, create new habits & reinforce a better working environment.

Call Jessica Bair for a free onehour home office organization consultation. (719) 352-1590.

lia sophia As an engineer, I was one of a handful of women at my job with higher than a Top Secret clearance; I felt important when I told people what I did. I let my job title define who I was and the life I led. Working about 50 hours per week, I saw my family for a few precious hours each night – this American Dream thing just wasn’t working out the way I thought it would! I hosted my first lia sophia show because I loved the jewelry! But hearing I could have my own business, ignited a flame inside me! Although I was nervous, I became an advisor, and soon was having more fun than I’d ever had in my life! I never dreamed staying home was possible but just a few short months after I joined, I resigned from my job. I was able to take a leap of faith because I could envision two clear futures: one future defined me and my family – how much time we could spend together, how many hours per day my children would Stephanie and her husband be in daycare, and how much money I could earn as a woman in my career field (10% less than men). in Puerto Rico. The other future was much more exciting: in this one, I defined my life and family’s schedule, and I had the ability to help other women find their own American dream. When I did a great job at work, my boss never came up to me and said, “Here’s a free vacation for you!” With lia sophia, I’ve earned a dream vacation every year since I began! I now have a team of over 200 advisors on my team, work less than half the time I was working as an engineer, and make more money doing it! It is a joy to be at home with my boys, and I absolutely love helping other women run the business of their dreams. Stephanie Richard, Advisor; lia sophia jewelry



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When was the last time you were pampered?

Work At Home United your life, your dreams, your business!

The Total Spa Escape by BeautiControl

Susan Barr • 719.278.5039 www.workathomeunited.com/susanbarr www.livetotalwellness.com/susanbarr

Time to put you at the top of the list and turn back the hands of time! Relax and escape with head to toe pampering – lips, eyes, face, hands & feet! Pampering, Relaxation, Instant Face Lifts, Makeovers and More! So……turn off your cell phone, leave the job, the kids and husband behind, kick off your shoes and indulge!!!

BeautiControl ~ The Total Spa Escape Contact Kelly Braaten at 719-761-1525 or kelly@spaandimage.com for your complimentary ESCAPE! www.spaandimage.com

;I king am

What is most important to you ….

ving ort

•S pending time with your family?

e uld n). had boss n! ney

•P aying down debt or saving for the future?

With a lia sophia® business, you don’t have to choose. You can have it all! Have your own home-based business and represent a fantastic collection of fashion jewelry.

Find out how today! Stephanie Richard (719) 650-7552 • www.liasophia.com/coloradosprings

•H aving the ability to set your own schedule?

SpringsFamilyValues.com 17 © 2011, lia sophia. All rights reserved. • 21677 • #1797

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get your game on

Need help deciding which gaming system is right for your family?

A common yet valid argument of mothers against video games is they keep children idle in front of a TV and their thumbs are the only thing getting exercise. The Wii changed that with its motion controller and has been a huge success. Microsoft (Xbox 360) and Sony (Playstation 3) both have released their motion controllers to get some of the “action gaming” pie.


PS3 with Move Controllers

Xbox 360 with Kinect

While fun for adults in short bursts and at parties, the Wii can feel severely limited once you realize the simplicity of its motion controls. While bowling or swinging a bat feel somewhat accurate, more detailed movements like sword fighting or golfing rarely feel like the real thing. The cartoonish graphics also can have limited appeal.

The camera/controller combo of the PS3 Move system makes it the most accurate and flexible of the three consoles. The “ice cream cone” motion controller has amazing tracking abilities and can detect the slightest movements allowing for great precision for games like golf, tennis, or bowling. It simply “feels” the most like the real thing.

The “Your Body is the Controller” approach is unique and has the most potential for something truly different. The Xbox 360 is a well polished, well-rounded system that has unfortunately been plagued with hardware failures (i.e. it might break prematurely).*

ADVANTAGES Price; Nintendo’s games; Simplicity; Small size.

ADVANTAGES HD graphics and sound; Blu-ray, Most accurate motion tracking, most FREE online features; Good system for both kids and parents; Least likely to go obsolete.

DISADVANTAGES No HD graphics or sound, motion controllers are very limited (having the Motion Plus attachment helps somewhat); Limited online capabilities; No DVD or Blu-ray playback; Low percentage of highly rated games vs. the other systems. BEST FOR Families with just a passing interest in video gaming; Younger children or senior citizens; Simple fun lovers.

DISADVANTAGES Online features aren’t as polished as Xbox Live, least “user friendly” system. BEST FOR Families that play together; Those also desiring a Blu-ray player; Dad’s wanting a realistic golf simulator. Tech lovers.

Want to REALLY know what is in the games your child is wanting? Check out www.PluggedIn.com 18

ADVANTAGES Less clutter, 360 versions of games are often considered the best when they are released on all three systems; Most well-rounded system for a whole family that enjoys gaming. DISADVANTAGES Kinect wants A LOT of open space in front of your TV; Motion tracking is not as accurate or responsive as PS3 Move; Has had a lot of hardware failures in the past;* Fees charged for FULL online experience. BEST FOR Teenagers who want to play online with their friends; Those desiring an in-home exercise program; Hardcore game lovers. *The latest models tend to be much more dependable.


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Play it Now Sports

Now registering for Fall and Winter Leagues !*

INDOOR SPORTS LEAGUES FOR KIDS Five great sports in season all year at Play it Now Sports! Play it Now Sports is an all-new 45,000 sq ft indoor sports facility located at Academy & Union in Colorado Springs. Providing a safe, clean, and friendly atmosphere for the youth of Colorado Springs and their families to play and enjoy sports in a great indoor year-round facility. Indoor Sports Leagues for Kids Ages 4-14 Basketball, Volleyball, Baseball, Flag Football, Soccer Adult Leagues Start this Fall No Cancellations Due to Mother Nature Fun Sports Birthday Parties

Now Registering for FALL and WINTER Leagues.*

7 19.5 91.60 10 • w w w . p l a yi t n o w s p o r t s . co m 7 19.5 91.60 10N. Ac• a dewmwy w . p l( Uanyi ow 5025 B lvd. io nt&nAc a desmpy o ) r t s . co m 5025 N. Ac a de m y B lvd. ( U n io n & Ac a de m y )



SFV_Fall_final.indd 24

*Fall League begins week of Sept 5th, Winter League begins week of November 1.

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