李碩 GRE 精選必背字彙 (試閱試聽本)

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GRE 精選必背字彙 GRE High Frequency Vocabulary

.高頻 1000 單 ( 附 18 小時有聲解析 ) .進階字彙 340 個 .必背字首字根整理

WordGod English Institute 李碩 老師 編著

Contents 《李碩 GRE 精選必背字彙(有聲解析版)》使用說明............................3 必背字首字根整理 ...................................................................................6

30 個必背字首 Must-learn Prefixes .................................................................................... 7

90 個 GRE 必背字根 Must-learn Roots .............................................................................. 9

GRE 精選高頻 1000 單 ......................................................................... 17

Wordlist 1 ........................................................................................................................ 18 Wordlist 2 ........................................................................................................................ 21 Wordlist 3 ........................................................................................................................ 24 Wordlist 4 ........................................................................................................................ 27 Wordlist 5 ........................................................................................................................ 30 Wordlist 6 ........................................................................................................................ 33 Wordlist 7 ........................................................................................................................ 36 Wordlist 8 ........................................................................................................................ 39 Wordlist 9 ........................................................................................................................ 42 Wordlist 10 ...................................................................................................................... 45 Wordlist 11 ...................................................................................................................... 48 Wordlist 12 ...................................................................................................................... 51 Wordlist 13 ...................................................................................................................... 54 Wordlist 14 ...................................................................................................................... 57 Wordlist 15 ...................................................................................................................... 60 Wordlist 16 ...................................................................................................................... 63 Wordlist 17 ...................................................................................................................... 66 Wordlist 18 ...................................................................................................................... 69 Wordlist 19 ...................................................................................................................... 72 Wordlist 20 ...................................................................................................................... 75 Wordlist 21 ...................................................................................................................... 78 Wordlist 22 ...................................................................................................................... 81 Wordlist 23 ...................................................................................................................... 84 Wordlist 24 ...................................................................................................................... 87 Wordlist 25 ...................................................................................................................... 90 Wordlist 26 ...................................................................................................................... 93


Wordlist 27 ...................................................................................................................... 96 Wordlist 28 ...................................................................................................................... 99 Wordlist 29 .................................................................................................................... 102 Wordlist 30 .................................................................................................................... 105 Wordlist 31 .................................................................................................................... 108 Wordlist 32 .................................................................................................................... 111 Wordlist 33 .................................................................................................................... 114 Wordlist 34 .................................................................................................................... 117 Wordlist 35 .................................................................................................................... 120 Wordlist 36 .................................................................................................................... 123 Wordlist 37 .................................................................................................................... 126 Wordlist 38 .................................................................................................................... 129 Wordlist 39 .................................................................................................................... 132 Wordlist 40 .................................................................................................................... 135

GRE 精選進階字彙 340....................................................................... 138

重要程度 5 ..................................................................................................................... 139 重要程度 4 ..................................................................................................................... 147 重要程度 3 ..................................................................................................................... 155 重要程度 2 ..................................................................................................................... 163 重要程度 1 ..................................................................................................................... 171

後記 Postscript .................................................................................. 178

索引 Index .......................................................................................... 179

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李碩 GRE 精選必背字彙


《李碩 GRE 精選必背字彙(有聲解析版)》使用說明

背誦 GRE 單字無疑是考取 GRE 高分的第一步。然而,GRE 學術字彙浩瀚無垠,許多

考生常常不知從何下手,也不知道要背到何時才能結束(其實也沒有真的結束的一天),深知 學生們的困擾,老師以 ETS 官方試題為本,再加上個人的教學、求學經驗,精選出大約 1000 個高頻單字(平均分配至 40 個字表 (wordlist) 並附贈老師親錄之 18 小時有聲解說)及

340 個進階字彙(分為 5 個重要程度),協助同學精準掌握 GRE 單字範疇。

■ 單字解析隨選隨聽,時間管理大師就是你! 與坊間任何書籍或補習班教材不同,老師特地花了半年的時間,針對高頻 1000 單裡的

每個單字,都錄製了平均 1 至 1.5 分鐘的背法講解,總時長超過 18 小時。


老師音檔,聽完後馬上就能有個印象,知道一個生字可以怎麼想、在背法上可以怎麼切入, 藉此加強自己與單字的連結,鞏固單字記憶。

或者,同學也可以善用本書 Wordlist 的設計,每次都以一個 Wordlist 為單位聆聽音檔。

一個完整 Wordlist (約 26 至 27 個單字)音檔長度平均落在 28 分鐘,這對需要通勤的人

來說算是一個非常完美的時間規劃,無需拿著紙本講義,就讓音檔連續播放當 Podcast 聽,

除能善用零碎時間外,這些單字也會默默進到同學腦子裡,不知不覺就讓你把單字給記起來了。 而若同學是想邊聽錄音,邊在紙本講義上做筆記,28 分鐘的音檔加上同學專心做筆記的

時間,一個 Wordlist 一小時內應該就能完成,是否很有效率呢?

總而言之,有聲解析搭配本書 Wordlist 的設計,可以讓同學更清楚知道怎麼規劃自己的

單字學習,讓背單字更有成效,甚至還可以不用受紙本講義的束縛,只要想背單字,就聽單字! 同學規劃自己的單字背誦進度時,也可利用眾多老師與考生推崇的《17 天搞定 GRE 單詞


規律所設計出的學習規劃輔助程式,為降低自己對單字的遺忘程度,同學不妨試試看,讓這套 生成器幫助你自動產出最適合自己的讀書計畫。

下表為「每天背誦 2 個新字表」的學習進度規劃範例:


李碩 GRE 精選必背字彙

Day 1 WL 1-2

*WL 1-2

Day 8


Day 2

Day 3

*WL 1-2

*WL 3-4

WL 3-4

*WL 3-4

Day 9

WL 5-6

*WL 5-6

Day 10

Day 4

Day 5

WL 9-10

WL 11-12

WL 13-14

*WL 5-6

*WL 7-8

*WL 9-10

*WL 11-12

Day 13

Day 14

*WL 1-2

*WL 3-4

*WL 9-10

*WL 11-12 WL 25-26

Day 11

Day 12

WL 19-20

WL 21-22

WL 23-24

*WL 9-10

*WL 11-12

*WL 13-14

*WL 15-16

*WL 17-18

*WL 15-16

*WL 17-18

*WL 19-20

*WL 21-22

*WL 23-24

*WL 13-14

Day 15

*WL 15-16

Day 16

*WL 5-6

*WL 17-18

Day 17

*WL 7-8

*WL 19-20

Day 18

*WL 21-22

*WL 23-24

*WL 25-26

Day 19

WL 35-36

WL 37-38

*WL 15-16

*WL 17-18

*WL 19-20

*WL 21-22

*WL 23-24

*WL 31-32

*WL 33-34

*WL 35-36

*WL 23-24

*WL 25-26

*WL 27-28

*WL 29-30

*WL 31-32

*WL 33-34

*WL 27-28

*WL 29-30

( * 代表當天需複習的字表 )

*WL 7-8

*WL 29-30 *WL 35-36

WL 27-28

*WL 13-14

WL 33-34 *WL 5-6

*WL 13-14

*WL 11-12

WL 31-32 *WL 3-4

*WL 7-8

*WL 9-10

WL 29-30 *WL 1-2

*WL 5-6

*WL 7-8

WL 17-18 *WL 3-4

Day 7

WL 7-8

WL 15-16 *WL 1-2

Day 6

*WL 19-20 *WL 25-26

Day 20

WL 39-40

*WL 21-22 *WL 27-28

Day 21

*WL 9-10

*WL 11-12

*WL 13-14

*WL 31-32

*WL 33-34

*WL 35-36

*WL 37-38

*WL 25-26 *WL 37-38 *WL 39-40

*WL 27-28 *WL 39-40

從這個表,我們也可以看出在背單字過程中「頻繁接觸」的重要性,因此同學面對 GRE


老師提供的音檔,增加對這些單字的處理深度 (depth of processing),相信就會有事半功倍的


■ 再添進階字彙 340,讓你分數更近 340! 基本上,若同學有完整背完高頻 1000 單,再加上一些解題技巧的訓練及內化,大概就

具有 GRE 320 分的實力了,但若你的目標是想要考到 330 分以上,再多背一些難字是必要的。 因此,老師蒐集並研究了更多 GRE 的最新考情,最後嚴選出 340 個進階單字收錄於本書

中,並將這些單字依其在 「GRE 考試上」以及「日常生活使用頻率上」做了重要程度 1 至 5

的分級(5 為最重要,1 為最不重要 ),建議同學可從重要程度 5, 依序往下背,投資報酬率 會較高,也相信在同學有了高頻 1000 單以及老師音檔引領的基礎下,已抓到背單字的訣竅, 再碰觸這 340 單,一定會覺得如魚得水!


李碩 GRE 精選必背字彙


■ 高頻字首字根總整理,背起單字神給力! 在許多單字的解析錄音中,老師會協助同學做字首、字根的拆解,並提醒同學哪些字首、


會需要同學記憶的字首、字根基本上在 GRE 中都相當高頻,在很多個 GRE 單字中都

容易看見它們的蹤影,所以若能記起這些字首、字根的意思,就能像獲得一把金鑰,同時開啟 許多單字的門。

因此,老師也特別整理了 30 個必背字首與 90 個必背字根收錄於書中,同學可在正式

背單字前大致閱讀瞭解一下,並請注意字根切勿硬背,多看提示字 (Hint),利用你已學過的 單字,來輔助字根的記憶。




■ 等價字彙看幾眼,近義單字一把抓! 本書針對多數單字,都有特別記錄該單字在 GRE 句子等價題 (Sentence Equivalence) 中

曾出現過(或老師預測之後可能會出現)的近義選項(書中以 價 表示),藉此奠定同學做 句子等價題時配對單字的能力,也讓同學透過近義字的認識,進一步加深對一個單字的印象。



寫作、口說用字上能更加精準的話,建議還是要多查線上字典(如 Dictionary by Merriam-

Webster、Cambridge Dictionary 等),以瞭解這些單字在上下文中該如何使用。

本書盼能協助各位考生跨越 GRE 的第一道關卡-單字,也希望能為臺灣 GRE 教學做出

更大的突破,感謝你以這本書作為 GRE(或其他有同樣單字難度的考試)的準備素材,相信

這本書在各個層面上都不會讓你失望,尤其當你發現原來背單字還能有老師陪著的時候。 敬祝各位,背/聽單字愉快!


李碩 GRE 精選必背字彙



( 30 個必背字首 & 90 個必背字根 )



李碩 GRE 精選必背字彙

30 個必背字首

30 個必背字首 Must-learn Prefixes # 01


Prefixes ab-(變形: a-, abs-, apo-) ad-(變形: ac-, af-, ag-, al-, an-, ap-, ar-, as-, at-)


ambi-(變形: amphi-)


an-(變形: a-)




ben-(變形: bon-)





con-(變形:co-, col-, com-, cor-) contra-(變形:contro-, counter-)






du-(變形:di-, dicho-)


en-(變形:em-, im-, in-)


equ- (變形:eg-)


ex-(變形:e-, ec-, ef-)

Meaning away from, off 遠離,脫離

to, toward 向 both sides, around 雙邊,周圍

without 沒有 before 先前 good 好

around 環繞 with, together 一起,共同

against 相反 down, away 向下,分離 not, apart 不,分離 two 二 make 使 even 相等 out 向外


GRE Vocabulary aberrant, abhor, abstemious, abstruse, apogee, avert adhere, aggrandize, appease, assimilate, attuned ambient, ambiguous, ambivalent amorphous, anonymous, apathetic antecedent, antediluvian benefactor, benevolent circumspect, circumvent coalesce, collude, commiserate, consolidate, corroborate contradict, controvert, counterfeit, countermand delineate, denigrate, deprecate diffident, discord, disparate dilemma, dubious, duplicity, dichotomy embellish, enfeeble, impassioned, imperil, ingratiating, invigorate egalitarian, equanimity, equivocal eclectic, effusive, erudite, explicable

李碩 GRE 精選必背字彙

90 個必背字根

90 個 GRE 必背字根 Must-learn Roots #



ac, acr







sharp, sour, bitter

acid 酸

尖,酸,苦 mind, soul


animal 動物

human 人類




desire 慾望



war 戰爭


capit, cipit

bird 鳥

beauty 美 head 頭

人類學 -

GRE Vocabulary acerbic, acme, acrimony, acumen, acute, exacerbate animadversion, animosity, equanimity, magnanimous, unanimous anthropomorphism, anthropogenic, misanthropic, philanthropy avaricious, avid

aviation 飛行


belle 美女


rebellious 叛逆的 bellicose, belligerent, rebellious

capital 首都

capitulate, recapitulate, precipitate accede, antecedent, cede,


cede, ceed, cess

go 行進

exceed 超過

concede, concession, precedence, precedent, recede, unprecedented



clud, clus

cogn, gno

close 關閉

include 包含

know 知道

recognize 認出



heart 心

record 記錄



grow 成長

increase 增加



believe 相信

credit 信用


conclusive, exclusive, occlude, preclude, reclusive, seclude cognition, cognizant, connoisseur, incognito, prognosis accord, concord, cordial, discord accretion, crescendo, increment credence, credential, credible, credulous, discredit, incredulity

李碩 GRE 精選必背字彙

高頻 1000 單

GRE 精選高頻 1000 單

(Wordlist 1 — Wordlist 40)



李碩 GRE 精選必背字彙

高頻 1000 單:WL 1

Wordlist 1

� 試聽單字解析音檔請點:https://reurl.cc/Rr9Dyz

zealous /ˈzɛləs/

義 (a) 熱情的,狂熱的 marked by fervent partisanship for a person, a cause, or an ideal

zeal (n) 熱情

例 zealous missionaries


義 (a) 偶爾發生的,斷斷續續的 occurring occasionally, singly, or in irregular or random instances

zealot (n) 狂熱份子

價 fervent, fiery, ideologue (n), impassioned, passionate


例 sporadic protests


義 (a) 臨時的,暫時的 existing or accepted for the present time but likely to be changed

/prəˈvɪʒənl̟ /

spurious /ˈspjɚrijəs/

flabbergasted /ˈflæbɚˌgæstɪd/


價 occasional, fitful

例 a provisional government/contract 價 temporary

義 (a) 虛假的,欺騙的 of a deceitful nature or quality 例 spurious excuses

價 artificial, implausible, specious

義 (a) 大吃一驚的 feeling or showing intense shock, surprise, or wonder: utterly astonished

例 We were flabbergasted by/at the news that he’d won the game. 義 (a) 不規則的,不確定的 characterized by lack of consistency, regularity, or uniformity


例 keeps erratic hours


義 (v) 謀劃,策劃 DEVISE, PLAN


veritable /ˈverətəbəl/

materialize /məˈtirijəˌlaɪz/

cede /ˈsiːd/

價 capricious, fickle, flighty, inconsistent, volatile 例 contrive ways of handling the situation

義 (a) 名副其實的,不折不扣的 being in fact the thing named and not false, unreal, or imaginary 例 The island is a veritable paradise.

義 (v) 成為現實 to begin to happen or exist

例 The bad weather we had worried about never materialized.

義 (v) 讓予,放棄 to give control of (something) to another person, group, government, etc. 例 They ceded their authority. 價 relinquish


李碩 GRE 精選必背字彙

進階字彙 340

GRE 精選進階字彙 340

(重要程度 5 – 重要程度 1)


340,分數更近 340!

有了前面高頻 1000 單的洗鍊 這 340 單肯定不是問題了


李碩 GRE 精選必背字彙

進階字彙 340:重要程度 5

重要程度 5


義 (a)(感情或記憶)持久的 continuing for a long time: not changing


例 They enjoyed an abiding [=enduring] friendship.


義 (a) 極壞的,糟透的 extremely poor or bad


adjunct /ˈæˌʤʌŋkt/

價 stable

例 They were living in abysmal poverty.

義 (n) (a) 附屬物,附件 something that is joined or added to another thing but is not an essential part of it 例 The Web site is designed as an adjunct to the book.

義 (v) 責備 to speak to (someone) in a way that expresses disapproval or criticism

admonish /ædˈmɑːnɪʃ/

例 His mother admonished him for shouting. 價 scolding (n)

義 (v) 力勸 to tell or urge (someone) to do something 例 She admonished them to keep trying.

affectation /ˌæˌfɛkˈteɪʃən/ affect (v) 假裝

affective (a) 情感的 affection (n) 喜愛

alienate /ˈeɪlijəˌneɪt/ alien (a) 陌生的 inalienable (a) 不可分割/剝奪的

allusion /əˈluːʒən/ allude (v) allusive (a)

義 (n) 假裝,矯揉造作 behavior or an action that is not natural or sincere and that is often intended to impress other people 例 He raised his eyebrows with an affectation of surprise. 例 To all his problems she affected indifference. 例 He has no affective ties to his family.

例 He shows great affection for his grandchildren.

義 (v) 使疏遠 to cause (someone) to feel that she or he no longer belongs in a particular group, society, etc. 例 Disagreements can alienate teenagers from their families. 例 When I first went to New York, it all felt very alien to me.

例 People are created equal and endowed with inalienable rights. 價 estrange

義 (n) 暗指,影射,典故 a statement that refers to something without mentioning it directly 例 Her novels are packed with literary allusions.

例 She alluded to some health problems, without being specific.


李碩 GRE 精選必背字彙

進階字彙 340:重要程度 1

重要程度 1


義 (v) 正式廢除,撤銷 to end or cancel (something) in a formal and official way


例 The rule has been abrogated by mutual consent.


義 (n) (v) 侮辱,冒犯 a remark or action intended to insult or offend someone; to insult or offend someone

價 rescind


例 The test was an affront to our intelligence.


義 (n) 批評 a critical and usually censorious remark


aphorism /ˈæfəˌrɪzəm/

例 He was affronted by her rude behavior.

例 She was being critical, but her animadversions were mild.

義 (n) 格言,警句 a short phrase that expresses a true or wise idea: ADAGE 例 When decorating, always remember the familiar aphorism, “less is more.” 價 dictum

aplomb /əˈplɑːm/

beleaguer /bɪˈliːgɚ/

bulwark /ˈbʊlˌwɚk/


義 (n) 自信沉著,泰然自若 confidence and skill shown especially in a difficult situation 例 He’s handled the reporters with great aplomb.

義 (v) 困擾,使煩惱 to cause constant or repeated trouble for (a person, business, etc.) 例 a company beleaguered by debt

義 (n) 壁壘,保障 a strong support or protection

例 My savings were to be a bulwark against unemployment.

義 (n) 滑稽諷刺作品或表演 a play, story, novel, etc., that makes a serious subject seem funny or ridiculous


例 a writer whose burlesque often bordered on (近乎於) cruelty


義 (v) (n) 挑剔,吹毛求疵 to make often peevish (帶怒氣的) criticisms or objections about things that are not important

價 caricature


例 The critic caviled for hours about a single sentence.


義 (n) 很容易的事,十拿九穩的事 something that is very easy to do


價 carp, quibble

例 This dish is a cinch to make.


李碩 GRE 精選必背字彙


Index A abase ··············· 147 abashed ·············· 94 abate ········ 27, 44, 53 abdicate ······· 10, 147 aberrant·· 7, 10, 45, 74 aberration ············ 74 abet ············ 100, 109 abeyance ······ 98, 110 abeyant ·········· 30, 98 abhor ········ 7, 24, 101 abhorrence········· 101 abhorrent ··········· 101 abiding ·············· 139 abject ··········· 11, 155 abjure ··············· 100 abnegate ········ 12, 46 abominate ············ 24 abridge ················ 66 abridged ······· 66, 125 abrogate · 13, 168, 171 absolve ···· 35, 62, 74, 147 abstain ··········· 14, 97 abstemious 7, 58, 137 abstinence ··········· 14 abstruse 7, 14, 74, 76, 78, 83, 126, 129 absurd ········ 109, 152 abysmal············· 139 accede ··················9 accentuate ··········· 24 accolade ·············· 81 accord ··············9, 92 accretion···········9, 25 accrue ··············· 101 acerbic ·· 9, 29, 47, 69, 123 acme ······ 9, 140, 155 acquiesce ············ 68 acquiescence ·· 10, 68 acquiescent ·········· 68 acquisitive ···· 94, 102, 112 acquit ··········· 35, 147 acquittal········ 62, 147 acrimonious····· 42, 47 acrimony······ 9, 42, 84 acumen ···· 9, 87, 120, 132 acute ··· 9, 24, 37, 110 ad hoc ··············· 105 adamant ·············· 96 adduce ········· 10, 103 adhere ··················7 adjunct ·············· 139 admonish ··········· 139 adroit ····· 27, 121, 132

索引 Index anomalous ·········· 45 anomaly ··········45, 74 anonymous ······· 7, 21 antagonism ·········· 57 antagonist ··········· 57 antagonistic 32, 45, 57 antecedent ···· 7, 9, 55 antediluvian 7, 82, 163 anthropogenic ·· 9, 11, 29 anthropomorphism · 9, 111 antidote ············· 136 antiquated ·······19, 82 antithesis ··········· 104 antithetical ·········· 104 apathetic ···· 7, 12, 112 apathy ·· 112, 135, 174 ape ··················· 111 apex···· 125, 140, 151, 155 aphorism ············ 171 aplomb ·············· 171 apocalypse ········· 163 apocalyptic ········· 163 apocryphal ········· 163 apogee ··· 7, 125, 140, 151, 155 apologist ············ 140 apotheosis ·········· 163 apotheosize ········ 163 appease····· 7, 82, 109 applaud ······ 117, 121 applause ······· 62, 121 apposite ····· 13, 42, 62 appraisal ············· 58 appraise·············· 58 apprehension ·· 13, 31, 64, 102 approbation ···· 34, 38, 133 appropriate 42, 62, 69, 95, 175 apropos ············· 136 apt70 arbiter················· 37 arbitrary ··········37, 96 arcane 74, 76, 78, 126 archaic ········· 82, 163 archetypal ·········· 140 archetype ··········· 140 ardent················· 98 ardor ··············97, 98 arduous ···· 43, 48, 63, 137 arid ············ 147, 148 articulate 23, 109, 131 artless ················ 55 ascetic ················ 38 aspersion ············ 30 assent ················ 14 assertive ······· 66, 114 assiduous · 14, 59, 129 assimilate ········7, 106 assorted·············· 91 assuage ········ 82, 119

adulate················ 38 adulation ······· 38, 133 advent ················ 15 adversarial 15, 32, 45, 57 adversary ······· 15, 32 adverse ····· 15, 40, 45 adversity ········ 15, 97 advocate · 15, 22, 106, 116, 140, 164 aesthete ·············· 56 aesthetic ············· 56 affable ······ 10, 42, 98 affect ··· 115, 139, 149 affectation······ 10, 139 affection ·· 49, 97, 107, 139 affective ·············139 affinity ··········· 76, 131 affliction ·············· 87 affluent····· 11, 72, 133 affront ················171 aggrandize··· 7, 11, 74 aggravate · 80, 95, 135 aggregate ······· 11, 31 aghast ················ 77 airtight ···············155 alacrity ················ 84 alien ··················139 alienate ········· 49, 139 allay ······ 82, 109, 127 allegorical ············ 65 allegory ··············· 65 alleviate ··· 11, 47, 53, 155 allude ··········· 11, 139 allure ·················106 allusion ··············139 allusive ··············139 aloof ·············· 32, 57 altruism ··············· 27 altruistic ··· 27, 61, 127 ambient ················· 7 ambiguity······· 23, 117 ambiguous · 7, 54, 117 ambivalence ········· 48 ambivalent ··· 7, 15, 48 ameliorate ······ 53, 69 amenable ············ 61 amorphous 7, 90, 134 amplify ················ 91 anachronism ········ 91 anachronistic ········ 91 analogous······· 26, 78 analogy ·········· 11, 78 anathema ············ 67 ancillary ·············140 anecdotal ···········128 anecdote ············128 animadversion ·· 9, 15, 171 animosity ··············· 9 annex ················147 annihilate·· 12, 43, 110 annul ·················· 12 anodyne ······ 129, 155


assured ··············· 71 astute·················· 51 attenuate ········ 14, 49 attest ·················· 88 attrition ················ 14 attuned ············ 7, 59 audacious ····· 99, 110 augment ·············· 57 auspicious · 9, 14, 115, 126 austere ··· 58, 137, 153 austerity ·············· 58 authoritarian ·· 93, 148 autodidact ····· 10, 147 avant-garde ········ 124 avarice ········· 67, 112 avaricious ·· 9, 94, 112 aver ············· 15, 140 averse ············ 15, 32 aversion ······· 32, 114 avert 7, 15, 38, 62, 122 avid ················ 9, 26 avidity ················· 26 B badger ·············· 140 baffle ··········· 93, 149 banal · 63, 67, 94, 127 baneful ················ 27 banish ·········· 23, 140 banter ·········· 23, 126 baroque ············· 117 base ···········147, 159 befuddle ·············· 27 beguile ················ 47 behemoth··········· 155 beholden ········ 61, 88 beleaguer··········· 171 belie ··················· 64 belittle ······· 36, 76, 79 belligerent ··· 9, 66, 73, 76 bemoan ············· 125 bemuse ··············· 19 benefactor ········ 7, 10 benevolent ·· 7, 15, 27, 61, 127 benighted ············· 83 benign ···· 78, 129, 155 bereft ················ 163 beset ················ 147 besmirch ······147, 154 bewilder ··············· 89 bland ··········· 63, 135 blatant ·········· 99, 104 bleak··················· 50 blemish ··············· 28 blight··················· 65 blithe················· 135 blunt ················· 129 bogus················ 163 boisterous ············ 96 bolster ·········· 40, 128 bombast ············ 121


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