Seeking the Skink

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Scale Analysis Non Human’s PoV Ecosystem Illustration Site Analysis Scenario Development Stratergy Development Master Plan site wide Focus area stratergy and master plan Focus area 1 Focus area 2 Focus area 3 3 4 5 6-8 9-10 11 12 13-14 15-18 19-22 23-26 LACH5424 Shubham Gautam - 23333753 Contents

Scale Analysis - West Coast Long tailed Ctenotus

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Life through the skink’s eyes

sketches reflect the views and scenarios the Non- Human experiences everyday. The sketches are drawin as the author moves from the Kensingtion bushland to the suburban development showing how the conditions change for the skink.

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POV inside bushland POV in the middle of the sports reserve POV on the wall of a suburban backyard POV next to a suburban road waiting to cross These

Ecosystem Illustration

This illustration shows the ecosystem the western long tailed ctenotus lives in. the Skink feeds on various invertebrates which can be found around fallen leaves and grass. the skink being a rptile likes to sunbath on rocks and hard surfaces which are well protected from potential predators. fallen dry wood, large rock and landforms are best suited for the sikinks to lay their eggs.

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Vegitation Layers

Initially different openspaces , canopy cover , front verges , backyards and different types of openspaces were mappped to further understand the possible habitats for the non human.

Tree Canopy & Road Network Urban Forest Cover Public Open Spaces Vergers & Backyards scale: 1:15000 scale: 1:15000 scale: 1:15000 scale: 1:15000 scale: 1:15000 LACH5424 Shubham Gautam
23333753 Site Analysis -

Site Analysis

Possible habitat

Small parks

Sports Reserve

Backyards & Verges

scale: 1:8500

Bush Tree Canopy

Composite diagram for habitat identification

After the initial mapping , a composite diagram of all layers was combined to form a layer cake. on top of this with orange color a high level mapping of possible habitats has been done.

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Shubham Gautam

Site Analysis

Possible habitat


Non- Habitable Built mass

Habitable Vs Non-Habitable

Habitable Zone Non-habitable Zone scale: 1:20000 scale: 1:20000

On top of possible habitats a new layer of non habitable zones and possible barriers has been drawn. This exercise helps to understand the problems that the non- human might have in the suburban setting of Kensigngton.

1 Backyards are blocked off by boundary walls making movement impossible.

2 Eventhough there is ample amount of green spaces accros the suburb, the quality of these spaces is not very ssafe and suitable for the non human.

3 lack of understory planting along the roads makes it tough to find sources of food.

4 The road network devides the area into smaller cells and as ther roads are wide enough, crossing them becomes a challenge.

scale: 1:8500

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Scenario Development

After identifying the main problems, 6 scenarios were developed with different approaches and positives and negatives. while all of the scenarious try to reconnect the openspaces, reduce barriers and create staged vegitation growth.

Problems : Movement Barriers, Quality of Habitat, Safety Issues

Large Parks Habitat Hotsopts Connected Cells scale: 1:15000 scale: 1:15000 scale: 1:15000 LACH5424 Shubham Gautam - 23333753

Scenario Development

Scenarios Problems : Movement Barriers, Quality of Habitat, Safety Issues Green Spines Raburn for skink Skink Highline scale: 1:15000 scale: 1:15000 scale: 1:15000 LACH5424 Shubham Gautam - 23333753
Weathered wood

Site Wide Stratergy

Re- wild Educate Connect

After analysing the pros and cons of all the scenarios a stratergey for the site wide masterpan has been developed.

1 Re- wilding ,An attempt to redevelop front verges, parks, emptylots and backyards into diverse and rich habitats for not only the skinks but also for the largere urban biodiversity’s benifit.

2 Educate , Focus on creating spaces where humans can interact or passively experience the non humans of the site and also rflect and respect them more.

3 As all the analysis suggests , the whole suburb is divided into smaller un connected patches. Creating connections and slowing down traffic for bout non humans and pedestrians accross the site to make it more walkable for everyone.

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Master Plan

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Masterplan 1:10000

Focus Area Stratergy

Re- wild Educate Connect

In conclusion the sitewide stratergy includes foloowing principles:

1 identifying and developing waste and underdeveloped openspaces auch as vacant plots and back yards.

2 Rewilding the front verge to create an unobstructed new green spine.

3 introdution of connections accross the roads with places to reflect, meet and educate.

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Focus Area Master Plan

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Focus Masterplan 1:1000

Focus Area 1 : A connection that educates

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Human View Non- Human View

Focus Area 1 Plan

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Focus area plan 1:200

Focus Area 1 : Sections

A B LACH5424 Shubham Gautam - 23333753
Section A 1:100 Section B 1:100

Focus Area 1 : Planting and Material Pallet


More flowering and less dense plants

Highly dense native bushes

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Chenille honey-myrtle Melaleuca cardiophylla Umbrella bush Melaleuca cardiophylla Umbrella bush SpiderGrevillea Preissii Net Grevillea Leucophyllum
Texas sage Callistemon viminalis Weeping Bottlebrush Achillea millefolium common yarrow Spyridium globulosum Basket bush Olearia axillaris coastal daisy-bush Agonis flexuosa Weeping peppermint Rytidosperma
Banksia menziesii Acacia
Hovea trisperma Spider net grevillea Lechenaultia
caespitosum wallaby-grass
caespitosum wallaby-grass
Metal Grating Sandstone Weathered wood Large mulch Porous Paving Gravel paths Large rocks Road/ Parking Paving

Focus Area 2 : Nature street for the skink

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Human View Non- Human View

Focus Area 2 : Plan

Focus area plan 1:200 LACH5424 Shubham Gautam - 23333753

Focus Area 2 : Sections

A B LACH5424 Shubham Gautam - 23333753
Section A 1:100 Section B 1:100

Focus Area 2 : Planting and Material Pallet


More flowering and less dense plants

Highly dense native bushes

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Melaleuca huegelii Chenille honey-myrtle
cardiophylla Umbrella
Callistemon viminalis Weeping Bottlebrush Achillea millefolium common yarrow Spyridium globulosum Basket bush Olearia axillaris coastal daisy-bush
Spider net grevillea
Melaleuca cardiophylla
bush Melaleuca
Rytidosperma caespitosum wallaby-grass Chrysocephalum apiculatum
willdenowiana Hovea trisperma
Jacksonia sericea Dampiera teres
nivea Lechenaultia formosa
Metal Grating Sandstone Weathered wood Large mulch Porous Paving Gravel paths Large rocks Road/ Parking Paving

Focus Area 3 : Re-Wilding and opening up Backyards

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Human View Non- Human View

Focus Area 3 : Plan

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Focus area plan 1:200

Focus Area 3 : Sections

A 1:100 A B LACH5424
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B 1:100

Focus Area 3 : Planting and Material Pallet


More flowering and less dense plants

Highly dense native bushes

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Melaleuca huegelii Chenille honey-myrtle Melaleuca cardiophylla Umbrella bush Melaleuca cardiophylla Umbrella bush Leucophyllum frutescens Texas sage Achillea millefolium common yarrow Spyridium globulosum Basket bush Olearia axillaris coastal daisy-bush Rytidosperma caespitosum wallaby-grass Acacia willdenowiana Hovea trisperma Jacksonia sericea Dampiera teres Banksia nivea Lechenaultia formosa Banksia menziesii Adenanthos meisneri Anigozanthos Hemiandra pungens
Metal Grating Sandstone Weathered wood Large mulch Porous Paving Gravel paths Large rocks Road/ Parking Paving

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