Cybersecurity Technology Firm in California

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Cybersecurity Technology Firm in California

Cyber security technology helps us defend computers, servers, mobile devices, electronic systems, networks, and data from malicious attacks. Cyber Security applies in several contexts in our day to day life ranging from business to mobile computing and can be further classified into the following spaces. Network security - Technology applied here to secure a computer network from intruders, whether targeted attackers or opportunistic ones. Application security- It focuses on keeping software and hardware ( both) free of threats. A compromised application can lead to the accessibility of the data it's designed to protect. Information security - It is all about the integrity and privacy of your data protection both in storage and in transit. Operational security- It includes the various processes for handling and protecting data. Users' permissions while accessing any network and the procedures that determine how and where data may be stored or shared fall under the domain. Disaster recovery - It deals with how an organization would respond to a cyber-security attack that may cause operational damage or data. Disaster recovery policies guide how the organization restores its functions and information to return to its operating capacity as before the event. Business continuity is the organization's plan while operating without specific resources. End-user education- It addresses the human factors in cyber-security: people who may unknowingly introduce a virus to a network or do not follow good security practices. It involves making the users aware of the subject and deleting suspicious email attachments, not plugging in unidentified USB drives, and other essential lessons vital for any organization’s IT security. Categories of cyber threats we face 1. Cybercrime includes individuals or groups targeting networks and individual systems for financial gain or disruption. 2. Politically motivated Cyber-attack. 3. Cyberterrorism aims to undermine electronic systems to cause panic or fear. A massive amount of data and transactions get on to the cloud every day, and security becomes a crucial concern and goes beyond just compliance demands. As the size and

infrastructure increase, so does the complexity of cloud-native security with increasing issues to handle it’s vulnerability aspects. Araali – Leading Cybersecurity Technology Firm in California Araali Networks offers a comprehensive Unified Risk Management solution aligned with AppSec to shield your apps from known and unknown vulnerabilities. It's DevOps to protect your Saas/ Services through the least privileged Access Control Policy automation and SecOps to detect threats and surgically respond if needed to contain the losses. You can deploy the Araali solution with a single command into your VMs or k8s infrastructure as a daemon set. There's no configuration or disruption to normal application behaviour. You could get an inventory of the risk from your apps and services into a self-organizing, intuitive dashboard. Also provided are real-time alerts when your apps exercise new behaviour (no false positives) prioritized by critical apps (analytics & CMDB integration).

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