Conceptual Stress Dr. Shriniwas Kashalikar

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different parts of body. In some editions the title is only AATMASNYYAM YOGA. Later we will explore the meaning of this word in greater depth. 2] Is this chapter related to the fifth chapter? Yes. In the fifth chapter the essence of SANYAASA was described and shown to be useful in day to day life. Its social implication was also discussed. Further it was shown that those of us who are entrusted by the nature to carry out the task of accomplishing TOTAL RENAISSANCE would essentially understand the meaning of the word SANYAASA. Further it was also pointed out that the SANYAASA is full of LOVE and not at all dry or indifferent as it is made out to be. In this chapter Lord goes ahead to continue his aphorism stating that the enlightened one who performs his duty with-out expecting any petty gains is a true SANYAASI. Such SANYAASI carries out his duties without being anxious even about gains for the universe because of the knowledge and confidence. Such true SANYAASI is also a true YOGI. The Lord affirms that the individual who simply renounces his daily duties, useful for individual as well as social well being [i.e. holistic health], is not a YOGI and not a SANYAASI. Just as the Lord has explained that without socially useful professional activities one cannot become a SANYAASI, similarly here He explains that anyone who has not renounced the petty desires CANNOT become a YOGI by simply performing the duty ! Hence SANYAASA and YOGA are in essence one and the same. If one has renounced routine life then he has to do socially useful work and one who does socially useful work must renounce the anxiety about the petty gains and even social benefits. A man who is free from the bondage of sense pleasures as well as intellectual paradigms and hence all sorts of expectations from life, and is active in socially useful professional duty and is blissful in heart is a real YOGI >> 281 <<

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