Conceptual Stress Dr. Shriniwas Kashalikar

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2] Is this chapter related to third chapter? Yes. In the third chapter Lord Krishna asks Arjuna to per-form actions in the light of SELF realisation and thus over-come the disease of DICHOTOMY of spiritual and material [day to day] life. But Lord realises that it is NOT easy to do this. This requires tremendous insight into the do-main of spiritual experience and its appropriate expression in day to day life. He recognises the fact that for this, additional explanation is required. So He proceeds to ex-plain some intricacies about how to choose one’s actions ! 3] Why was this dilemma present in Arjuna’s mind even when he knew his duty as a warrior? It is good to answer this question because that would clarify the explanations given by Lord Krishna in this chapter. Arjuna was a learned individual. He had certain ideas about what is good and what is bad. He knew that as a warrior it was his duty to fight wars and destroy the evil elements in society. But in this situation he thought that medicine was worst than disease. He felt that the war was far too brutal and instead of providing solution would create misery for thousands. So his upbringing, learning and constitution together were posed against his personal judgement. In this situation he found himself at loss to decide what was good and what was bad. This is because the merits seemed to involve only personal gains in terms of kingdom and respect in case of victory. Further it meant adherence to regulatory principles in the SHAASTRAs [Even though mechanically] . But demerits involved tribulations of thousands of individuals and death or rather killing of thousands. Further this involved killing of thousands of near and dear ones who were his teachers and relatives. 4] Is this discussion useful today? This is EXTREMELY useful for everybody irrespective

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