March issue12

Page 19

Intrapersonal Intelligence Best suited to be a career counsellor, consultant, criminologist, healer, futurist or trend predictor, personal counsellor, philosopher, programme planner, entrepreneur, psychologist, researcher, small business, owner, spiritual counsellor, theologian, therapist, writer, wellness counsellor

Interpersonal Intelligence Best suited to be an administrator, communications manager, customer service representative, human resources manager, marketing specialist, nurse, politician, psychologist, religious leader, social worker, teacher, trainer

BodilyKinesthetic Intelligence Best suited to be an actor, athlete, carpenter, computer games designer, crafts person, dancer, sports therapist, forest ranger, jeweller, mechanic, personal trainer, surgeon

Naturalist Intelligence Best suited to be an animal health technician, anthropologist, astronomer, botanist, environmental lawyer, farmer, forest ranger, gardener, geologist, landscaper, meteorologist, nature photographer, veterinarian, water conservationist, wetlands ecologist, wildlife expert

SHOW THEM THE MOON AND THEY WILL REACH FOR THE STARS! Best suited careers for an intelligence The MI profile of your child can guide him in choosing a suitable career path.

VisualSpatial Intelligence Best suited to be a 3D modelling & simulation, architect, artist, film animator, graphic artist, interior decorator, photographer, mechanic, navigator, pilot, sculptor, strategic planner, surveyor, urban planner, webmaster

VerbalLinguistic Intelligence Best suited to be a writer, poet, journalist, teacher, lawyer, librarian, marketing consultant, newscaster, politician

MathematicalLogical Intelligence Best suited to be an accountant, mathematician, statistician, economist, detective, computer analyst, computer technician, computer programmer, database designer, engineer, network analyst, physicist, scientist

Musical Intelligence Best suited to be an audiologist, composer, conductor, disc jockey, music critic, sound editor, music teacher, music therapist, musician, recording engineer, singer, songwriter, speech pathologist 17

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