Check your Candidacy for Hair Transplant-

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Check your Candidacy for Hair TransplantAre you experiencing severe hair loss and want to visit a hair loss clinic. If yes, you have made a great decision because visiting the clinic can open the door of success and it is better than ignoring the seriousness of the disease. The experts of the Avenues clinic say that hair transplant in Gujarat is the best hair loss solution for the patients of male pattern baldness.

Hair transplant surgery is performed by moving the hair from one place to the other and the donor place is generally the side or back of the head because of resistance of the hair growing on these places. The experts depend on the donor area and if this area is not so strong, the surgeon has limited options. You have read it correctly! Hair transplant surgery depends on certain principle and it is necessary that all the patients have good results after the surgery. The failure of the surgery might mean two things. The first is, the surgeon is not capable and the second is, the patient is not a suitable candidate for the hair transplant surgery. Here we are talking about the second reason. After you visit the clinic, the first step of the clinic should be checking your candidacy for the treatment.

You are a good candidate for the surgery if you meet the following requirements:

Strong Donor Area: Donor area is an important part because the surgeon uses hair grown on this area for the surgery. If these hairs are not healthy and thick, the surgeon cannot use the hair for the surgery and they cannot meet the expectations of the patients. it means you are a perfect candidate if you have a good donor site.

Your Expectations: You may hope to have positive outcomes after the surgery if you have realistic expectations before the surgery. Hair transplant surgery is not a cure and it is not a cure as well. This surgery transplants your hair from one place to the other place. Therefore, have realistic expectations when you visit the clinic for the first time.

The Type of your Hair: Before transplanting the hairs, the surgeon has to check many features of your hairs, such as color, texture etc. after the surgeon is fully satisfied with the results of the surgery, he will carry on performing the surgery.

The Reason for the Surgery: If the hair loss is temporary and it is occurred due to a reason like improper diet, pregnancy or stress, hair transplant surgery is not a suitable option for the patients. Hair transplant is recommended only in the case of male pattern baldness. You may visit the Avenues clinic to check your candidacy and if you are found to be a perfect candidate, you may undergo the hair transplant in Gujarat without any worries or confusions.

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