Guide for Hair Transplant Surgical Procedure

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Guide for Hair Transplant Surgical Procedure Everyone wants to have long and healthy hair but male pattern baldness usually destroys the dreams of male and female patients. Baldness is a serious disease like other health issues and due to the adverse effects of hair loss, a completely bald is possible at the peak stage. Hair loss is not painful but psychological reasons compel the patients to visit the Avenues clinic for hair transplant in Ahmedabad. A considerable number of patients visit every month to have reliable hair loss treatment. The main treatment technique used in the clinic is hair transplant surgery and this procedure is considered as the most reliable hair loss treatment that provides permanent results to the patients.

To ensure certain success after the hair loss treatment, the patients have to choose only reliable and trusted surgeons. If you have chosen a qualified surgeon and reliable hair restoration clinic, the process of treatment is the same in most of the clinics. Before you undergo the treatment, it is better to have an idea about hair transplant surgery. Here are we going to provide essential information about the hair transplant surgery. Have a look!

First Meeting:

This is the period of the initial consultation and this is the base step to take the final decision whether you need hair transplant or not.

Checkup: This step is also important because the surgeon has to check your scalp, medical history, family history to ensure an appropriate hair loss treatment for you. Some lab tests are also possible to determine the root cause of hair loss.

Second Meeting: During this period you can ask as many questions you want regarding the clinic and treatment. Usually, the surgeon has to answer all the questions to ensure a clear treatment process. The patients, at this time, may share their expectations and goals of the surgery. The patient has to agree with the possible outcomes of the surgery. The surgeon and patients communicate to determine the number of hair grafts, cost, number of hair transplant sessions.

Hair Transplant Surgery: In this step, a hair specialist removes the hair from the back and sides of the head and transplants hair grafts to the bald area. The back and sides are called donor region and bald sites are called the recipient area, mainly two techniques called FUE and FUT.

Recovery: After the surgery, recovery or aftercare period is also an important period for the treatment. At this phase, the patient has to follow all the instructions given by the surgeon. This is the complete process of hair transplant surgery and the patients have to wait for at least six months to observe positive results after the surgery. This process is followed in all the authentic clinics including the Avenues hair restoration clinic. If you are experiencing hair loss, it is better you contact the Avenues as soon as possible to have hair transplant in Ahmedabad. By doing so, you can hope to have high-quality and affordable treatment.

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