Honed Vs Polished Granite

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Honed Vs Polished Granite: Which one would be the right choice?

Granite is a popular choice for Worcester MA kitchen remodeling but it will only look good if you choose the right finish.

Either you can go for a honed or polished one. However, it’s a tough decision to make for the homeowners.

Eventually, your end choice is going to stay for a prolonged time in your kitchen so we prepared this article to help you in picking the most suitable finish.

How they are different from each other?

Polished granite is considered as the most common choice. And in recent times, honed granite surfaced and emerged as its strongest contender. Both granite finishes vary somewhat in appearance, characteristics, and cost.


Polished Granite carries a stylish and shiny surface that reflects light and mimics a mirror-like appearance. It perfectly brings a vivid impression due to several color options. This kind of granite countertop finish will complement any inner design.

On the other hand, honed granite is the opposite in terms of appearance. It looks organic and simple but lacks the shine on the surface.


Polished granite is less porous than honed granite countertops. In addition, its surface is pretty hygiene and less vulnerable to stains. Even if left unsealed for some time, it’s easy to clean whereas honed granite needs to be kept in sealed condition. By chance when food or any liquid spills, you may notice the dark patches that are hard to remove.


Many people think polished granite countertops are costly but that’s true. It always remains in the stock so the availability factor determines the cost here.

Unfortunately, honed granites are less in stock although they are popular too. Sometimes, you will have to place a custom order for it.

Best Choice for Your Kitchen

In the end, your decision should be based on your personal choice, preferences, and the design of your home. If you are confused between honed and polished granite, consider your need first.

Go for the polished granite for a luxurious feel. The only thing you will have to worry about then is time-to-time maintenance.

Honed granite countertops are most appropriate for homes containing rustic designs. If you want something simple, it could be a better match.

Visit a marble and granite store near me to notice the difference between them closely. Make sure the store you visit is offering reliable and original countertops.

Get Pure Marble and Granite Near Me Kitchen Countertops from Shrewsbury

Find the best variants of honed and polished kitchen countertops near me only at Shrewsbury Marble and Granite Inc. It prides itself on providing exceptional customer services, quality installations, top-notch materials, and competitive prices.

You can take the help of its customer service agents to get the right materials and decorate your dream home. There are marble, granite, and quartz countertops to choose from. Once your pick the desired stone, the team will work under your guidance to complete the work in the stipulated time. Connect with it today to get a free estimate.

Source: https://bestblogshub.com/honed-vs-polished-granite-which-one-would-be-the-rightchoice/

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