SB Faith & Family December

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INSIDE Helping Those In Need Interview with Christian Artist, Josh Wilson Delicious Gifts

2 | Faith & Family


Wise Words


Ad Directory


Mama Drama Reality Christmas


The Real Stuff The Inside Skinny on the Incarnation


Youth News Reaching Students with the Gospel

ON THE COVER Helping 12 Those In Need







DECEMBER 2013 Publisher Ashley Foster Editor

Jason Foster

Ad Consultant

Mary Driscoll

Advertising Mary Driscoll 318-423-4483


Close to Home The Mystery of Loving-Kindness


Faith Under Fire Looking Love in the Face

Bonita Bandaries, Candace Chaney, Patrick Hawthorne, Dianne Howell, Calvin Hubbard, JoAnne Timothy, Donesa Walker


SPECIAL FEATURE Christian Artist, Josh Wilson



Little Bits Tidings of Comfort & Joy


Simple LIfe Four Weeks to a Low Stress Christmas


Thoughts in Christ Turning Bible Time into Story Time


Health & Wellness 10 Signs your Brain needs a Tune-up


Food for Thought Delicious Gifts


SB Faith & Family exist to provide Christians and the community at large with ways to grow and develop as a part of their faith & family. The local publication is designed to promote positive living by sharing with readers the latest news on entertainment, healthy living, parenting and inspirational literature as well as what individuals and organization are doing to try to address needs of the family. SB Faith & Family is published monthly and is available at high traffic locations throughout the Shreveport/Bossier Area. SB Faith & Family can also be read online at

Theoria Publishing 6658 Youree Dr. Suite 180 #297 Shreveport. LA 71105

December 2013

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4 | Faith & Family

Wise Words

The Word became flesh; that is, the Son of God, co-eternal with God the Father and with the Holy Spirit, became human – having become incarnate of the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary. O, wondrous, awesome and salvific mystery! The One Who had no beginning took on a beginning according to humanity; the One without flesh assumed flesh. God became man – without ceasing to be God. The Unapproachable One became approachable to all, in the aspect of an humble servant. Why, and for what reason, was there such condescension [shown] on the part of the Creator toward His transgressing creatures – toward humanity which, through an act of its own will had fallen away from God, its Creator?

replacing that curse which had been uttered by God in the beginning; they are adopted and receive the promise of an eternal inheritance of life. To a humanity orphaned by reason of sin, the Heavenly Father returns anew through the mystery of re-birth, that is, through baptism and repentance. People are freed of the tormenting, death-bearing authority of the devil, of the afflictions of sin and of various passions.

It was by reason of a supreme, inexpressible mercy toward His creation on the part of the Master, Who could not bear to see the entire race of mankind – which, He, in creating, had endowed with wondrous gifts – enslaved by the devil and thus destined for eternal suffering and torment.

Those in darkness are enlightened by the Divine light of grace and reason.

And the Word became flesh! order to make us earthly beings into heavenly ones, in order to make sinners into saints; in order to raise us up from corruption into incorruption, from earth to heaven; from enslavement to sin and the devil – into the glorious freedom of children of God; from death – into immortality, in order to make us sons of God and to seat us together with Him upon the Throne as His royal children. O, boundless compassion of God! O, inexpressible wisdom of God! O, great wonder, astounding not only the human mind, but the angelic [mind] as well! Let us glorify God! With the coming of the Son of God in the flesh upon the earth, with His offering Himself up as a sacrifice for the sinful human race, there is given to those who believe the blessing of the Heavenly Father,

Human nature is deified for the sake of the boundless compassion of the Son of God; and its sins are purified; the defiled are sanctified. The ailing are healed. Upon those in dishonour are boundless honour and glory bestowed.

are the virtues: Christian humility, alms-giving, continence, purity and chastity, simplicity and goodness of heart. Let us, then, O brothers and sisters, bring these virtues as a gift to the One Who was born for the sake of our salvation – let us bring them in place of the gold, frankincense and myrrh which the Magi brought Him, as to One Who is King, God, and Man, come to die for us. This, from us, shall be the mostpleasing form of sacrifice to God and to the Infant Jesus Christ. Amen.

The human mind is given the rational power of God – we have the mind of Christ (Cor.2, 16), says the Holy apostle Paul. To the human heart, the heart of Christ is given. The perishable is made immortal. Those naked and wounded by sin and by passions are adorned in Divine glory. Those who hunger and thirst are sated and assuaged by the nourishing and soul-strengthening Word of God and by the most pure Body and Divine Blood of Christ. The inconsolable are consoled. Those ravaged by the devil have been –and continue to be – delivered. What, then, O, brethren, is required of us in order that we might avail ourselves of all the grace brought unto us from on high by the coming to earth of the Son of God? What is necessary, first of all, is faith in the Son of God, in the Gospel as the salvation-bestowing heavenly teaching; a true repentance of sins and the correction of life and of heart; communion in prayer and in the mysteries [sacraments]; the knowledge and fulfillment of Christ’s commandments. Also necessary

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Reality Christmas

Christmas is really almost here. It would be hard for me to believe If I didn’t have the battle scars to prove it. After a week full of Christmas spirit I decided it would be a grand idea to head to Alabama to spend time with my family for the holidays. It’s laughable now, as my two-year-old sits at my feet and cries inconsolably, that my sister and I actually made plans to bake. I don’t know what we thought we were going to do with five kids under six-years-old while we went all Keebler Elf; but needless to say, the only cooking we’ve done has been the 12 meals each day these kids have scarfed down.

There have been a few shining moments of Christmas bliss; watching my kids laugh hysterically with their cousins in my rearview mirror while we sat in traffic on our way to finish some Christmas shopping, and helping all the grandkids make ornaments to decorate my mother’s Christmas tree. But for the most part, it’s been screaming and gashing of teeth around

here. As I drove the miles to AL, I had plenty of time to listen to Christmas music and I began to wonder, “Where is the music from my people?

My people don’t start Christmas shopping until December 1st and have no idea how to safely roast a chestnut on an open fire. My people love Christmas and spending time with their families, but we are ready to climb into a snowy cave on a mountainside in Whoville by Christmas morning. I mean, really? Silent Night? Not at my mother’s house. We’d be lucky to hear a tornado siren going off., much less cattle lowing. It took us around three hours to wrestle five kids into makeshift beds on every flat service in the house. There’s a reason there’s no place like Home for the Holidays – and I’m pretty sure it has to do with screaming babies and toddlers that can climb out of Pack’n Plays. Where are the songs that celebrate Christmas “Clark Griswold-style?” I couldn’t think of any, so in my free time. I jotted down a little ditty just

for you – because you are my people. It’s in print, so you’ll have to sing it to yourself, but I think you’ll get the idea.

Mommy’s 12 Days of Christmas On the 12th day of Christmas my three kids gave to me: 12 days out of school, 11 days trapped inside, 10 babysitters, 9 days of shopping, 8 cars a’honking, 7 time outs, 6 Christmas parties, 5 DEAD…GOLDFISH, 4 doctor’s visit, 3 co-pays, 2 ear infections, and a trip to the loooooooooney bin.

Merry Christmas to all and to all a – wait, I think I hear somebody. - Robin O’Bryant is a mother of three daughters, wife to one husband, and author of Kechup is a Vegetable and Other Lies Mom Tell Themselves.

December 2013

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The Real

The Inside Skinny on the

Incarnation STUFF c hristmas is a time for clothes. It’s one of the few times that I actually notice clothes. I am no clotheshorse or trendsetter. Thanks to Christmas, I have never bought a pair of underwear … for myself. Ever. Christmas finds even the houses, trees, and pets clothed in festive array. During the season you will see some of the oddest outfits that you will ever see -- and many of the prettiest will remain on the mannequin; ‘tis the dressiest time of the year.

What is the right way to celebrate the birth of the Saviour? No matter how we answer this question, one thing is certain: CLOTHES. We’ll put them on, we’ll try them on, we’ll give them, and we’ll receive them. We may find that we’ve outgrown them. [This time of year does have a way of clothing us with a few more pounds.] Nonetheless, somewhere amid all the cares, burdens, and worries of the Christmas season, you might ask yourself: “Am I doing this right?”

Christmas and clothes … go hand in hand. In fact, at some age, usually in your late teens, for some reason, most of the Christmas presents you receive become clothes. For this I am truly grateful,else I might still be wearing platform shoes and silk shirts. (Wait. Are those back in style yet?)

Whether we celebrate something once in a lifetime or annually we have a tendency to want to do it right -- as if the moment depends on us! Usually, we overdo it. Our sinful pride clouds our vision. We think the more we do -- the better things will be. We fall prey to the Serpent’s lie from the tree and view ourselves as gods.

Contrary to that song, Santa Baby, sung by the mis-named singer, Madonna, it’s not about Santa – or, really, the Baby. The reason for the Feast and the season is: God became flesh. The Word was clothed in human flesh. Within the Virgin Mary the Word was clothed with human flesh … and Christ, the Son of God -- eternal and before the ages -- was born a babe. Jesus: God dressed in human flesh ... Yet it may happened during the holiday season that we ask ourselves: “Am I doing this right? Is this the way to celebrate the birth of Christ?”

Say, didn’t this lead to worries about clothing to begin with? Speaking of which …

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You know that part in the Book of Genesis where, when after the transgression, Adam and Eve tried to hide themselves from God because they were naked … And, God makes them garments … garments of skin?

YOUTH NEWS Reaching Students with the Gospel In June of this year I, my wife, Chantal and two children, Ariella and Gabriel, moved from Waxahachie, Texas, to Shreveport, Louisiana. We had served as

dorm pastors at Southwestern Assemblies of God University for three years. While there, I completed my Master’s degree in theological studies. We moved to Shreveport to follow the call of God and serve as youth pastors at Gateway Church. Before we arrived here in Shreveport, I was asking God to open doors for us to get into the school systems. Being compelled by God’s love and zealous to take the message of the Cross to the young people of America, we wanted to reach out to kids and share with them the greatest message ever written. We had no idea how this was going to happen. What we did know, is that many of todays schools are highly resistant to the message about Jesus, yet there was nothing else to give these young kids that would forever change their lives.

Priority and encouraged them to join the weekly meetings held on their school campus. In the short time that I have attended the weekly meetings, I have witnessed several youth commit their life to Christ, many express interest in learning more about Christ, and watch how youth are stepping up to share their faith with their classmates. First Priority is also committed to connecting local youth pastors to see the kingdom of God advanced. Recently our church held a crusade that was aimed at reaching those who have never made a commitment to Jesus. Through First Priority, local youth pastors helped our church reach out and see over 150 youth commit their life to Christ. Without First Priority, this would have never been possible.

Shortly after our arrival to Shreveport, I connected with John Carruth, the Executive Director of First Priority ArkLaTex. He and I began to talk about our passions to reach students with the Gospel. John explained to me that First Priority is committed to bridging the gap between young people and Jesus Christ by uniting the church to reach the campus! First Priority mobilizes the Body of Christ for the common purpose of evangelizing, equipping, and empowering middle and high school students on every public school campus. Student led clubs meet every week and the Gospel is shared each month. First Priority connects the church with students and enables students to be discipled by local churches. Immediately I fell in love with First Priority. I began to shadow John and get plugged in on two local campuses. I began to tell our youth about First

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THE MYSTERY OF LOVING-KINDNESS Not a single one of the visible worlds, save the earth, has been deemed worthy of this greatest of all honours: for it was only upon the earth that Jesus Christ, the only-begotten of the heavenly Father, had a Virgin-Mother, and He alone was Her Son by way of humanity. Why was the earth given such preference? Why was it only on earth that God appeared in the flesh? – This is a great Divine mystery, a mystery of immeasurable loving-kindness and of God’s condescension to perishing mankind. Thus, God did appear in the flesh: rejoice and be exceeding glad, O earth; rejoice and celebrate, ye earth-born. The Creator Himself did come to you, in order to create you anew; to restore you, who were corrupted by transgressions. To you did He come: the almighty Physician Himself, – powerful to treat all the inveterate afflictions of sin, – in order that He might heal all the passions of the soul and all the infirmities of the body, – all of the which He truly did do, as we know from the Gospel and from the history of the Church.

by St John of Kronstadt on the Nativity of Christ

“Great is the mystery of piety: God is manifested in the flesh.” (I Tim. 3, 16)

I t is on this day that, throughout the entire inhabited world, the Holy Church brings to our remembrance and observes that most majestic and sublime of mysteries: the Incarnation of God the Word from a Most-pure virgin through an outpouring of, and an overshadowing by, God’s Holy Spirit. Wondrous, inexpressible, and awesome is this mystery, both for the exalted and all-contemplating celestial minds of those who dwell in the heavens: the ranks of the angels, – and for the minds of men, enlightened by the Holy Spirit. Imagine: the unoriginate God from Whom everything received the commencement of its existence: the Angels, and the human race, and the entire world, both visible and invisible, – takes a beginning in His humanity. He Whom the heavens cannot contain – is contained in a virginal womb. God – becomes an infant, and is borne upon the arms of a Mother. He Who nourishes every breath – is nourished by paps. The science of astronomy has learned and affirms that, in the order of creation, our earth is but a barely-noticeable point; that millions of worlds around our own fill up the vastnesses of space. And, lo! this single point, this barely-noticeable globe of God’s creation, being inhabited by men, – has been accounted worthy of the inexpressible honour of bearing upon itself God-in-the-Flesh, the God-Man, Who did deign to dwell amongst men, to teach erring mankind the knowledge of God, to work innumerable miracles of good, to preach repentance and complete forgiveness of sins; to suffer and to die as an holy Sacrifice for the sins of the world, to be resurrected through the power of Divinity from amongst the dead, – having vanquished death, which is natural to all men, – and to make a gift of resurrection to the entire human race.

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Thus, greet Him joyfully – with pure minds and hearts, with bodies chaste and restrained by fasting and abstinence, which the Holy Church has thoughtfully instituted prior to this great feast in order to prepare us worthily to meet the heavenly Tsar’, Who comes to us in order to abide in us. He came to us with the mercy and good will of His heavenly Father, – and from us He demands mercy toward our neighbours; He is the righteous Tsar’ – and He demands of us all righteousness; for He, too, as a man, fulfilled all righteousness (Matt. 3,15), showing us an example and providing us with grace and the strength to carry it out. He Himself did suffer for us, having borne the cross; and He taught us to deny ourselves, – or our sins and our passions, – and to follow after Him, doing what is holy out of reverence for God (2 Cor. 7, 1). He came to heal our souls, ailing from sin, and commanded all to repent; let us ever, then, be earnestly contrite, correcting ourselves and striving toward holiness and perfection. The holy Angels, at the Nativity of the God-man, did declare peace unto the world; and unto men – the good will of the Heavenly Father. Let us then, ourselves, have within us a peaceful conscience, and let us be at peace with everyone, if possible. Be at peace and be holy with all, sayeth the apostle, – for without this shall none see the Lord. (comp. Heb. 12, 14). Amen. Translated into English by G. Spruksts, from the Russian text of “Taina miloserdiya: slovo na dyen’ Rozhdestva Khristova” [“The Mystery Of Loving-kindness: A Sermon For the Day Of Christ’s Nativity”] by St. Ioann [John] (Sergiev) of Kronstadt. English-language translation copyright (c) 1999 by The St. Stefan Of Perm’ Guild, The Russian Cultural Heritage Society, and the Translator. All rights reserved.


FIRE Looking Love

in the Face

their minds are focused inward on past hurts and misconceptions, they believe themselves to be trapped in “a pitch-black, pokey, smelly little hole of a stable.” Aslan creates a glorious feast in their midst - to no avail. They rail against Him, insisting that the wine is “dirty water out of a trough that a donkey’s been at,” and the succulent delicacies are old turnips and raw cabbage leaves. The darkness in their hearts prevents their senses from seeing the truth’s light. Aslan explains their blindness this way, “They are so afraid of being taken in that they cannot be taken out.”

She almost missed it. Love was served up on a silver platter, but she didn’t partake of the feast because she was expecting something else and second-guessed the gift. Fear mongers and naysayers whispered in her ear. Confusion took over. Years passed before she finally saw the truth. Why? Remez Sasson, a modern positive thinking writer, says, “Whatever the mind expects, it finds.” In spite of God’s promises (“For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans for good and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.” Jeremiah 29:11), we have trouble believing Him because low expectations and lack of faith color what we see.

The Pharisees were like that, too. As keepers of the Law, they could quote every passage. They bound the Word of God to their temples and their hands. (Deut. 6:8) Yet they missed the Word when He was standing in their midst! They saw Jesus and said, “You are a Samaritan [a hated outcast] and have a demon.” (John 8:48) They asked the disciples, “Why is He eating and drinking with tax gatherers and sinners? (Matt. 9:11; Mark 2:16) They persecuted, tested, grumbled about and sought to seize, stone and kill Him. Finally, they incited the crowd to say, “Crucify Him! Crucify Him!” They didn’t want Truth; they wanted the status quo.

Aslan (a type of Jesus, the Lion of Judah) faces this problem with a group of malcontent dwarves in C.S. Lewis’ The Last Battle, the final book in the Chronicles of Narnia. The dwarves are actually sitting in a lush, heavenly meadow, but because

Recognizing Love takes a revelation of the Spirit, and revelation can be obscured by entrenched beliefs. Therefore, only a few recognized Jesus. Nicodemus, a respected member of the Sanhedrin, found Him and

School’s out, Sci-Port’s IN!

learned, “You must be born again.” (John 3:1-15). John the Baptist saw Love Incarnate walking toward him and said, “Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.” (John 1:19-34) E v e n bumbling Peter got it. “Thou art the Christ, the Son of the Living God.” (Matt. 16:16-17) The Pharisees did not see or hear because the robes of their comfort zone fit too well. Jesus caused them great discomfort. Even worse, He required that they change. So, what are you looking for this Christmas? Do you want to stay the same? Or will you accept with abandon the love that the Christ Child offers? No holds barred. No conditions. No second guesses. Just stepping out and partaking of the feast. Please don’t allow the past or the cares of this world to dictate how you respond to the future God has for you. Expect the Best. Open the Gift. Enjoy the Feast!

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December 2013

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Hel pi ng T h o se I n N eed


Christmas is a great time to get together with friends and family and share gifts and celebrations. Unfortunately not everyone has such a great time during the festive season. Some people are alone, some are homeless and others struggle to put any food on the table, let alone a big Christmas dinner. The holidays are about helping and giving, anyone can help others during the holidays even if you don’t have extra money to share. Christmas is really about life, family and Jesus; what better way to celebrate than to help others. Thanks to these local organizations, we have a variety of ways to make giving easy. Local Organizations that Help Children for Christmas Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) collects designated gifts for children 0-17 registered in the court system in foster care due to no fault of their own. CASA will serve nearly 600 children in our community in 2013 that have experienced the loss of their family. CASA children have been removed from their homes due to abuse or neglect from someone in their family and then placed into the foster care system. Due to budget restrictions within the state government, the children that CASA serve may receive no Christmas gifts at all. Wish lists went to their guardians in October and Toy Distribution Date Dec 14 For more information contact Vickie Ricord at 318. 425.4413 or you may email her at

The Gingerbread House Bossier/Caddo Children’s Advocacy Center is a non-profit organization which utilizes an interagency approach to the investigation, prosecution and treatment of child sexual abuse and severe physical abuse cases. The mission of the Gingerbread House is to lessen the trauma experienced by child abuse victims as allegations are investigated and to provide support for the child victim in any resulting proceedings within the criminal justice system. The Gingerbread House collects designated gifts for children 0-17 for children that have been a member of their program (500 children a year). For more information call 318.674.2900 or find them on the web at

Rescue Mission serves 172 men, women and children who are homeless. Through Project Mission Tree, homeless guests ask for specific gifts they would like, each valued at less than $30. Organizations may request as many tags as they would like for their group and pick them up November 6-22. Presents should be gift-wrapped and returned to The Mission by Thursday, Dec. 4 at 4:30 p.m., with the tag secured to it. Individuals can pick tags from their Christmas tree at 901 McNeil Street facility foyer on weekdays until Thanksgiving (8:30 to 4:30). For more information call Geri Donohue at (318) 227-2868, ext. 117 or email 12 | Faith & Family

Local Organizations that Help Children for Christmas Providence House residential development center for homeless families with children provides comprehensive support services for improving the family structure and moving the family into independent living. Providence House collects designated gifts for children 0-17, serving 90 families daily with children that are a part of the Providence House Program. For more information 318-550-4438 (Gift) or access their website at http://www.

Operation Santa Claus/Shop with a Cop is a multi-agency, non-profit organization made up of law enforcement volunteers who sign up needy children to receive toys for Christmas. Operation Santa Claus is an officer-referred program. Once officers submit the names of deserving children, volunteers find the toys the children request, wrap them and give them to the officers to deliver to those children in time for Christmas. The program starts around Thanksgiving and runs until Dec 14 information or to donate toys, call 318-687-GIFT

The Salvation Army Angel Tree is an open, community-wide program where any parent who can not afford a gift may request designated gifts for children for the entire month of October. EACH APPLICANT MUST BRING THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION: 1.) Proof of identity and age for each person on the application. You may apply for children 0-12 years of age. We will need the names, age and gender of all persons living in the household and please note; only one applicant per household. 2.) Proof of residence such as a current utility bill or driver’s license showing current address. We will also require your current mailing address and telephone number. 3.) Proof of income and expenses for all persons dwelling in your household. This needs to be official proof, such as a check stub or notice from your caseworker for AFDC and food stamps, social security statement, etc. The Salvation Army will notify you by mail if you qualify; then Salvation Army will notify you of the time and the location to pick up your children’s donated toys. Christmas Distribution is Dec 17-19 by appointment only. ( over 2500 families- 6,000 children) Call 424-3200 for more information.

Toys for Tots is a program run by the United States Marine Corps Reserve which distributes toys to needy children at Christmas. While Toys for Tots Coordinators organize, coordinate and manage the campaign, the ultimate success depends on the support of the local community and the generosity of the people who donate toys. Marine Coordinators to locate drop-off/collection boxes in their stores; provide free warehouse space for storing and sorting toys during October, November and December; provide vehicles to collect toys from dropoff sites; sponsor toy raising events; and help Coordinators arrange media exposure for Toys for Tots in the local community. They supplement a lot of other .local programs including The Salvation Army Angel Tree. For more information call local Salvation Army at 424-3200 or contact Bravo Company 1st Battalion 23rd Marines, Toys for Tots Coordinator: Sergeant Anthony J. Shoemake or Assistant Coordinator: Staff Sergeant Nestor Cruz (318) 747-0795 December 2013

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Local Organizations that Help Children for Christmas Just BeClaus collects only basic items for children entered into foster care such as new underwear or diapers, a jacket or pajamas, toiletries and a comfort item (book or toy). When children are removed from a dangerous situation at home they enter into foster care with nothing but the clothes on their backs. Depending on the worker’s caseload it might take several days to assist foster parents in meeting basic needs. Those wishing to help may pick up a list or drop off items at Strawn’s on Youree drive. Transportation volunteers will take items to the state office building for case workers to distribute. For more information contact KC Kilpatrick Stone (text or call) 550-8785 or find their Facebook page at www.

Roy’s Kids “Growing up with a single mom who had two boys, I know how hard it can be at Christmas. I want to help hard working families give their kids what they want at Christmas.” is a labor of love for Michael Sean Powell in memory of his brother to help families that don’t qualify for traditional state help but need help for their children’s Christmas (50 families /150 children). Roy’s Kids may be reached online at

Santa in Blue is an outreach of the Air Force that accepts 300 wish list for children in care with Department of Children & Family Services for Christmas. Wish Lists were received by their case workers in October and Christmas Distribution Date Dec 14.


SMART MOM’S TOYBOX LEARNINGRX CARES ABOUT YOUR CHILD’S COGNITIVE SKILLS! Simple toys, when used properly, can help developcomplex learning skills. Cognitive skills (attention, auditory/visual processing, memory/ processing speed) are essential tools that help kids become better learners. Research now shows that learning skills can be taught – and therefore improved. Brain training with fun games parents can play with their kids, does for the mind what exercise does for the body.


train the brain. get smarter.


NAME ADDRESS PHONE EMAIL 8856 Youree Drive, Suite D • Shreveport | 318.797.8523 4128 Airline Drive • Bossier | 318.742.8004 | 14 | Faith & Family

special feature

- Joyful Noise

, Josh Wilson,

Christian Artist

Coming to Shreveport Josh Wilson is a contemporary Christian musician from El Dorado, Arkansas Josh grew up in Lubbock, Texas. He often listened to music or played it. By age 7, his interest in music had expanded to include other instruments. After taking piano lessons, he also added drums and guitar to his growing collection of musical competencies. “I’ve always been a big believer in pursuing what you’re passionate about,” he stated. “I think God gives us all passions and talents, and ultimately, He wants us to use those for His glory. And since I happen to love music, I guess I always knew I’d do something with it.” Mary Driscoll, with SB Faith & Family Magazine, had the privilege of interviewing Josh Wilson as he prepares to entertain Shreveport at the Gold Dome, December 17th. Mary: You are so talented playing several different instruments including the dulcimer. Can you describe that instrument for our readers? Josh: The hammer Dulcimer is a percussive string instrument. It has many strings that you strike with a hammer and the hammer bounces off of them. It’s somewhere between a guitar and a mallet instrument Mary: About how many other instruments do you play? Josh: On this Christmas tour we have somewhere around 25 instruments on stage. I will be playing most of those so it’s in the 20’s. Mary: What are your practice sessions like? Josh: We have been rehearsing for this Christmas tour and will have gotten together 15 times to rehearse for this concert. That’s a lot more than most tours that I do. There is a lot of choreography. There’s a lot of transition to be practiced. You have to learn the muscle memory so you can enjoy playing

music and not have to think too much about the next thing you’re playing. Mary: How did you discover your musical talents? Josh: My parents put me in piano lessons in the fourth grade and it came pretty naturally. I enjoyed playing music. In 6th grade I got my first guitar and that’s when I really starting enjoying playing. I discovered my love of songwriting in college when I listened to lyrics that moved me and actually changed the course of my life. Mary: Who were your musical influences while you were growing up? Josh: I listened to a lot of Christian music growing up. I loved Jars of Clay, Switch Foot, Stevie Ray Vaughan. I was classically trained by David Brandon, In Lovick, TX, where I grew up. I think all of those things converged to sort of produce the music I play now.

decision to pursue music as a profession? Josh: I have loved music since I was a kid. When I was in college I didn’t know what I wanted to do, but as I got into songwriting I realized that was something I loved and it kind of found me. I didn’t go looking to be an artist. The right opportunities came and God opened the right doors and I never thought I would be playing my songs in front of an audience. But it is something I enjoy now and I give all the credit to God. Like I said I would never have planned it this way Mary: Describe the journey of your musical training and career. Was there a break through or turning point? Josh: I majored in music business. I started in music and switched over to music business. I sort of learned not just music but music publishing, copyright and your typical business classes as well. I can think of one thing that is pretty big in what I’m doing now and that’s a showcase that we did at my college, Belmont

Mary: Did having a pastor for a dad give you an advantage? What was it like being the pastor’s kid? Josh: It’s hard to know what it would be like to not be a pastor’s kid. It came with pros & cons. It was fun to know everyone in the church but there’s kind of a lot of pressure being in the spotlight in a way. Everyone knew who you were so you had to behave for everyone. I would say that doing what I do now that it was good preparation for being in front of people and learning how to handle myself in front of people. I enjoyed the social aspect of it growing up and its certainty helped me now. Mary: How did you make the

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University, there was a Christian music showcase and contest you had to enter by submitting a cd and then if they like that you went for a live audition and if you pass those you went to the actual show. When I played the show that night there were music industry people who were the judges and they all walked away with my CD. One of my albums ended up on the desk of my A & R guy at my label and that lead to me signing my record deal two years later and putting out my first national release. Mary: What makes your music unique? Josh: I try to create a sound that is unique by using lots of different instruments so rather than having acoustic guitar, electric guitar, bass, and drum on every song I try to find things like the hammer dulcimer, a bouzouki, 12 string mandolin, and things like that we mix into the songs to make it sound unique. I thrive to write lyrics that are fresh and I try to write from a unique perspective. Hopefully at the end of the day that provides something that listeners find unique Mary: How would your life be different without music? Josh: My life wouldn’t be as happy without music. Music is a wonderful thing. I think God gives us art to worship Him to realize how much beauty is in the work and how it all points back to Him. My life would be sad without music. Mary: How does music impact your relationship with God? Josh: I think it helps me not only express my worship and thanks for what He has done. I think music helps me work through my faith. It helps me work through hard questions. I have a song called “Faith is not a Feeling”. A lot of days I don’t feel super spiritual or I don’t feel I have enough faith. I have to remind myself that faith is a decision and a journey and a gift and a grace and some days we don’t feel as close to God. That doesn’t mean He’s not that close to us. I think my music helps me work through a lot of questions I have. Mary: How does your relationship with God impact your music? Josh: I think my relationship with Christ is the foundation of my music. It’s faith based. I write songs about following Jesus. That can range from having doubt or not feeling like I have faith, to times of celebration, to songs about my wife and the love I have for her. It forms all that I do with my music and how I live. Mary: What assures you that God is with you and for you? Josh: I think it’s my faith. The first verse of that song says, “sometimes I’ve got to trust what I already know that you never let go,” and I believe that. I believe Jesus when He says, “I will never leave you or forsake you.” Even on the days when

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circumstances are bad I can trust that ultimately God will use them for good. Mary: What would you like your audience to experiment? Josh: I hope those who are already following Jesus are encouraged in their faith , encouraged to know that Christ is with us and He’s not going to leave us. I hope they are encouraged to continue on in their journey and I also hope they are challenged to continue to figure out what It means to follow Christ and how it should effect our lives in the way that we live. And I hope those who maybe don’t know Jesus will hear the truth of the Gospel through my lyrics and through what I say and ultimately I hope at the end of the night I have worshiped and glorified God with what I do. Mary: Being a musician, songwriter, singer, and performer is multi-faceted with traveling and practice sessions, writing and rewriting, recording, protecting your voice and ears, scheduling an interview with me.”..... What are the best and worst aspects of being a musician? osh: Let’s start with the best: I get to do what I love. I love to listen to music, I love to play it, I love to write it and just being able to wake up and G O L D be creative is a huge blessing. Not only to create it, but to share it with others and hear how their lives are impacted is incredible. I think the worse aspect is traveling so much it is hard to put into our local community and local church and friends. We have to be very intentional when we’re home to get with our friends and try to stay plugged in. Mary: What keeps you going on when it gets tough in this profession? Josh: I think it’s a couple of things. It’s the love for what I do and my trust that what I’m doing is important and that it’s making a difference. That I’m not just making music for music’s sake, it’s the means to an end which is to glorify God and to try to bring His kingdom here. We’re followers of Christ, we’re His hands and feet. That’s what keeps me going. Mary: What advice do you have for an inspiring songwriter/musician? Josh:

To practice everyday and bloom

where you are planted. A lot of people think that to make a difference with their music they have to be in front of thousands of people with a microphone, that’s just not true. I think artist & musicians are needed in all areas of life. Whether it’s just playing music at home with your family, maybe playing drums in the worship band at church. I think all of us are given gifts to use as the body of Christ and we should use those wherever we are. Mary: What’s the one thing you would want our readers to know about you? Josh: I would want them to know that we are coming to Shreveport and we can’t wait to be there and I hope they will come to the concert. Mary: Would you like to share anything else that is important to you? Josh: My favorite album is “Carry Me” I feel it is the best representation of who I am most musically and personally. Every song is something I want to say or express. I feel it is my best album to date.



A festive holiday evening for the whole family! Recording 20+ Instruments LIVE on Stage TICKETS: $15 and $12 SHOW AT 7 PM • DOORS AT 6 PM



Tidings of comfort and joy New found appreciation for a an old Christmas hymn seems to hit me every year. “God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen” is this year’s winner. The first line has always thrown me off because I don’t use words like “ye” and “merry” and because I’m not a gentlemen. All I picture is a group of Ebenezer Scrooge types being all 1800s and then I’m lost- not attentive to the rest of what this song really heralds. But as I’ve really listened this year (mostly on runs while listening to The Mother of all Christmas Mixes by Jack Chaney), I’ve been greatly moved by its message: “...let nothing you dismay, remember Christ our savior was born on Christmas Day, to save us all from Satan’s power when we were gone astray, oh oh tidings of comfort and joy...” All these years I’ve sung these beautiful words dense with theology and hope and yet I’ve missed it. Not any more ye merry gentlemen- whoever you are. This year, I’ll be belting out tidings of comfort and joy with a new appreciation for ye old tune. Candace Chaney Shreveport, LA

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Simple Life

4 Weeks to a Low – Stress Christmas It is so easy to feel stressed in December. We add to our regular, already-full lives a special occasion that seems to pull us into redecorating, giving gifts, and cooking for the mases- all amidst crowds and traffic. The easiest way to de-stress December is to pull pack from what our culture expects of us and simply how we celebrate. Take it a step further by folding a piece of paper in half, and then half again, to give you four columns for dividing December into four blocks. Then, make your to-do list accordingly. Your fourweek planner might look something like this (removing all those things that send you to the breaking point of course)

Week 1 • Make a holiday budget • Plan gift giving, spiritual emphasis, and ministry opportunities • Shop for gifts to be mailed • Make a super shop day to stock up on things like toilet paper and cereal-then avoid those crowded megastores the rest of the month • Order or purchase Christmas cards • As you cook dinner this week, double and freeze a couple of meals for the rest of the month.

Week 2 • Decorate the house

• Mail out-of-town gifts • Address and send Christmas cards • Shop for family and friends • Double and freeze a couple of meals again this week.

Week 3 • Finish online orders • Finish shopping for family and friends • Wrap gifts • Clean the house • Begin cooking

Week 4 • Finish wrapping • Finish cooking • Deliver gifts • Relax and enjoy the season

Another approach is to have a single focus each week: devote one week to decorating and cleaning; one week to gifts – shopping, wrapping, and delivering: one week to cooking: and one week to celebrating and relaxing! Regardless, the best thing you can do is stop and think before the hustle sets in. What is important to you this season? What are the must do’s and the things to se aside? I have found that renewing my focus on Christ the Savior throughout the season and not doing everything every year is helpful - whether it’s Christmas cards or special outings. What is your plan? - Cathy Haynie

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Thought in Christ Turning Bible Time into Story Time

running through the fields his mother had described. Soon, the close confines of the trailer gave way to images of what was to be as opposed to what currently was.



“Well, faith is…uh…it is…umm…” Have you ever tried explaining a Bible verse to a young child when you did not have a clear grasp of it yourself? We all have. Usually the conversation ends with us telling the child, “You will understand better when you are older.” Sometimes that approach works, but more often than not, it fails miserably. What if there was a better way, a fun way, to not only grasp the meaning of The moral of the story: Faith believes a verse, but share that meaning with a child? What if a verse could be the promise has already occurred even though the circumstances appear explained through a story? otherwise. Faith is not wishful thinking One day, while muddling through the explanation of a certain verse in but truth based on a promise. the Bible, a particular Aesop’s Fable came to mind. From the moment I discovered Aesop’s Fables, I was hooked. I loved the short stories A benefit of creating a story from a verse Patrick Hawthorne with moral and ethical content. Stories, such as The Tortoise and the or a passage within the Bible is that you, servinggrace01 Hare, still hold a special place in my memory and in my heart. Could it the story teller, learn to meditate on be that, through Aesop, God had just planted a seed within my heart the Word of God and to listen to what Bio: Patrick is a graduate and instructor for the Word of Life School of Ministry. to help teach His Word? I believe it was. After all, Jesus taught by the Holy Spirit is speaking through His Being an enthusiastic student of the Word. Furthermore, by learning to using parables (short stories), so why couldn’t I? Bible, Patrick attempts to communicate the same enthusiasm to the students he create stories, the teacher becomes teaches. Patrick has written two books Following the promptings of the Lord, I began to incorporate short more identifiable with a wide range of titled “Great is Thy Faithfulness,” and stories into my teachings to illustrate certain Bible verses. What I age groups, rather than just a few. Be “Simply Grace.” found is that adults enjoy and appreciate them just as much as blessed in the Lord. children. The reason being, in many cases, is that the teacher exposes internet based orthodox radio a more sensitive side of themselves. They move from talking “at” the student to talking “to” the student. To illustrate this, let’s look at a well known verse, Hebrews 11:1…”Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”

The young colt was skittish as he was led by the farmer into the horse trailer. “Easy my son,” said his mother. “I know the land we are being taken to. It has wide open fields for you to run wild and free.” Closing his eyes, the young colt saw himself


In explaining this verse, I have heard many teachers give a version similar to, “Faith, as it relates to the Bible, is taking the promises of God and standing on them with the assurance that what He has promised, through His Word, has already occurred even though the manifestation has not yet taken place. Whew! That is quite a mouthful! Imagine trying to explain that to a young child. But, what if this verse could be explained through a story?


a ye



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10 Signs Your Brain Needs a Tune You know when your car needs a tune-up; the steering pulls to one side, the panel light comes on to remind you it’s time for an oil change, or your tires start looking bald. But how do you know when it’s time to get your brain tuned up? Here are 10 instances that may indicate you need to pay attention to your body’s signals, because in some cases, it IS all in your head! 1. You’ve had chemotherapy or surgery recently. “Chemo brain” and postoperative cognitive dysfunction (POCD) are both legitimate concerns when it comes to decreasing your brain function. A recent study found that elderly people who undergo anesthesia can increase their risk of dementia by 35 percent – even several years after the surgery. SOLUTION: Brain training has been found to have significant effects on the “mental fog” associated with chemo and the cognitive weaknesses found post-surgery. 2. You’re chronically depressed. Chronic depression can be a symptom of situational problems (poverty, exhaustion, stress, loneliness, loss) or chemical problems related to hormones, norepinephrine, dopamine, serotonin or lack of Vitamin D, among others. According to a study in the Journal of the American Medical Association, more than half of all people who suffer a traumatic brain injury (TBI) will become depressed in the year after the injury. That’s eight times higher than the general population. SOLUTION: Medications, talk therapy and neurofeedback have all been proven to be very successful in treating symptoms of depression.

to help them

or survivors of violence or abuse - may abuse substances to cope with physical pain or forget.

SOLUTION: Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous have had great success helping to treat the addiction. In addition, there are successful treatments to help the physical and mental symptoms of PTSD. Two particularly successful treatments are Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT) and Prolonged Exposure (PE) therapy. 5. You’ve got a constant headache. Everyone gets headaches once in a while, but chronic headaches can be a sign of something that needs to be treated. But don’t jump to the conclusion that you’ve got a brain tumor or meningitis; it could be something as simple as a sinus infection. SOLUTION: Your primary physician may refer you to a neurologist, put you on antibiotics for an infection or write you a prescription for migraine-related pain relief. 6. You have trouble with numbers. Just as dyslexia is about reading struggles, dyscalculia is simply about struggling with numbers. It’s important to note that no one is born “just bad at math” and no one needs to go through life experiencing dyscalculia. SOLUTION: Personal brain training programs can strengthen the skills needed to do math, including visual processing, logic & reasoning, working memory and processing speed.

3. You’ve got an irregular heartbeat. Remember to take care of your heart or you might forget! Older people with atrial fibrillation (an irregular heartbeat) may be more likely to develop memory and thinking problems.

7. You’re demonstrating significant personality or behavioral changes. Perhaps no one can better attest to these symptoms than caregivers. Soldiers’ wives, nurses and adults caring for an aging parent are often caught in the line of fire of cursing, anger and complaining. This can be due to chemical changes in the brain, brain damage or deterioration, or just a frustration from being reliant on someone else.

SOLUTION: One-on-one cognitive skills training can help strengthen short-term and long-term memory, attention, logic & reasoning and more.

SOLUTION: Individual and family therapy can help address some of the latter. Medications can help with the behavioral changes.

4. You have a substance abuse problem. Many people abuse alcohol and drugs to cope with stress, hopelessness or even peer pressure. But those who have experienced traumatic events – such as soldiers

8. You forget newly learned information. According to the Alzheimer’s Association, the most common early symptom of Alzheimer’s is difficulty remembering newly learned information.

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SOLUTION: Cognitive skills therapy focused on memory can help slow the onset of Alzheimer’s symptoms. 9. You’re having trouble concentrating. ADD and ADHD are common disorders that are defined primarily by weak attention skills. They can occur in children, teens or adults but don’t necessarily require stimulant medication. SOLUTION: Although stimulant medications can help, they can also have side effects. Your first option should be cognitive skills training, which uses a noninvasive, customized program to strengthen weak attention skills. 10. You’re experiencing sensory problems (e.g., blurry vision, loss of smell, ringing in the ears). Many people incorrectly assume that a concussion is defined by a lack of consciousness. Not true. In fact, many people may think they’re fine after hitting their head only to have symptoms manifest hours later. Sensory problems can be common symptoms after a car accident, sports injury or fall. SOLUTION: Anyone who experiences a concussion – no matter how minor – should be examined by a doctor and closely monitored by family and friends for telltale symptoms that a brain injury has occurred. Remember, your brain takes care of your body, so you need to return the favor! Unlike your other organs, brains can’t be replaced if they’re damaged, so treat it like the vital, delicate and ever-changing marvel it is!

Delicious Gifts

The holiday season is a time of gatherings with church, family, friends, and co-workers. Gift exchange is part of a wonderful tradition we all look forward to each year. And edible gift giving is always a welcome choice. These three recipes are a few of our favorites.

Puff Pastry-Wrapped Brie

Pecan & Salted Caramel Candies

Mini Sausage Wreath

Ingrediants 1/2 of a 17.3-ounce package Pepperidge Farm® Puff Pastry Sheets (1 sheet), thawed according to package directions

Ingredients 2/3 cup chopped pecans, toasted 4-ounce block of caramel, cut into 16 pieces; or 16 caramel candies 16 bittersweet chocolate disks (1″ to 1 1/2″ disks) a pinch of Fleur de Sel or other sea salt, to garnish each candy

Ingredients Mini Sausages Refrigerated Crescent Dough Rolls Red Bell Pepper Diced Rosemary 1/3 cup Butter 1/2 cup BBQ Sauce 1/2 cup Whole Berry Cranberry Sauce

1 (8-ounce) Brie cheese round 1 egg 1 tbsp. water Heat the oven to 400°F. Unfold the pastry sheet on a lightly floured surface. Place the cheese in the center. Fold the pastry up over the cheese to cover. Trim the excess pastry and press to seal. Reserve the pastry scraps for decoration. Beat the egg and water in a small bowl with a fork or whisk. Brush the seam of the pastry with the egg mixture. Place seam-side down onto a baking sheet. Decorate with the pastry scraps, if desired. Brush with the egg mixture. Bake for 25 minutes or until the pastry is golden brown. Let stand for 20 minutes before serving.

Preheat the oven to 325°F. Divide the pecans into 16 small piles on a parchment-lined or lightly greased baking sheet (a scant 2 teaspoons pecans each).Flatten each caramel cube into the size of a half dollar, and place on the pecans. Heat in the oven for 2 to 3 minutes, until the caramel softens and begins to melt. Remove from the oven; wait 1 minute, then top each cluster with one disk of chocolate, pressing it into the softened caramel gently. Top each candy with a few flakes of Fleur de Sel, or other coarse sea salt. Allow the caramel and chocolate to cool and set before removing candies from the pan. Yield: 16 candies.

Preheat the oven to the temperature specified on the package of Refrigerated Crescent Dough Rolls. Drain the liquid off of the mini sausages. Unroll the crescent dough and separate at the perforations to create 4 rectangles. Press together the remaining perforation in each rectangle. With a knife or pizza cutter, cut each rectangle lengthwise into 8 strips making a total of 32 strips. Wrap one strip of dough around each mini sausage. Lay out the crescent-wrapped sausages with their sides touching on an ungreased cookie sheet in a circle forming a wreath shape. Bake for 11-15 minutes or until golden brown. Melt 1/3 cup of butter and brush the butter on top of the crescent-wrapped sausages. Sprinkle the rosemary on top of the butter. Cut a red bell pepper into a bow shape for garnish. Combine the BBQ sauce and cranberry sauce in a small saucepan over low heat, stirring until heated through. Serve with wreath for dipping.

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