1 minute read

Cameron Dent, A Beauty of Shape

can American college graduates. The ones who have the hate of the world on one shoulder and the brain of an Einstein descendant on the other. 15.1% of all marriages are racially, ethnically, and sexually different. Frederick Douglass is above proud and beaming.

In 2021, the LGBTQ+ community is thriving with a rise to 5.6% as they finally share their voice with the world. “Being gay is a sin.” “That is never going to last.” Anyone can shake the dust. To the straights, to the bisexuals, to those still considering their path, speak because it can be exceptional.


To the numbers who defy all sense of happiness, you are beaten.

To the ladies and gents who believe the numbers don’t lie, look in the mirror.

If you have black power; If you are a woman to the bone; If you are a man to the death; You can beat the hashtags.

You are one in a 7.9 billion population. So know that your number matters. Your belief is you. The graphs can be damaged. Deny the race statistic. Deny the “women can’t...” statistic. Deny every statistic because the numbers lie. And they are never fully right.

See, my mother once told me, “You can’t beat the numbers.” I did.

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