1 minute read

Timyia Washington, I Thought it was Meant to be

I Thought it Was Meant to Be



I saw him when he saw me, my chocolate skin and my hair to my knees, and he had on his fitted cap and his skinny jeans.

He texted me something sweet, or so I thought, Little did I know, we’d soon fall off, all the red flags, I’d brush them away, You’re meant to get hurt in relationships anyway.

He never called me “beautiful,” just “cute” and “fine,” and that’s only because he didn’t look at anything but my behind. My heart would skip a beat when I saw his name, When I texted him, his third leg popped up because he couldn’t keep it tamed.

You’d think they’re in love, but that’s how they want you to feel, until they get in your pants, that’s what seals the deal. “Just move on,” they all say, but it’s not that easy when you give your temple away.

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