1 minute read

BraLynn LaCour, Maîtriser the Characters

Maîtriser the Characters



My mother once told me numbers don’t lie.

At one point I was 8 years old telling her ten minus eight is not two. I always struggled with two. And so now, I have two facts for you. The first: there are two genders-boy and girl. The second: My first fact is being considerably criticized.

See, my mom told me “Stay away from boys.” I was eight when I started listening. I remember being told I was loved for my thick thighs. I was eight in a khaki skirt when another told me he loved what was between them. Why is it that my skirt or her shirt says the behavior of the male was warranted? I have a fact for you. 55% of men think clothing is justification for perpetration of confidence in women. These are the men who condone Delhi gangrape.

See I was thirteen when I watched The Hate You Give. Being a mulatto I have the “white privilege” everyone boasts about as if 1,874 white men have not lost their lives by police hands compared to the 1,016 african american toll. Watching I realized I cannot compare my life to those who have mocha as their peril. Because black is “ghetto.” Black is “dangerous.” But black is beautiful. Black thriving in another tongue.

See, my mom told me, “You won’t beat statistics.” At fourteen I had my fair share of flings. Of course God, don’t judge me for my naivete, as we have all been there. She wasn’t wrong. Yet, how is it that her generation could maintain an elementary relationship to marriage, when we cower at the thought of a closed cookie jar. At fifteen she told me again, “You won’t beat statistics.” In my highschool stage, only a teen yet those who are thirty plus swear that “Love is Love” only when it pertains to them. How dare you live vicariously and say that the futile 2% of those who prosper cannot grow.

Think about how many women hold management positions. 5%? 10% How about 30%? 40%. Who started the belief women can’t hold the utmost powerful positions. We lack masculinity, but we acquire all revolution.

I have some facts for you. 40% and 49%. That is America’s most educated Afri-

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