1 minute read

Jasmine Jackson, A Stolen Life

A Stolen Life



months passed and rolled into years. i haven’t seen a bit of daylight since i first got here. trapped, lonely, and cold, locked in this tiny cage. i’ve grew up here, evolved, and died all at the same time.

the same four, bland, tasteless walls, staring back at me, counting the days upon my release or death. no food. not even the tiniest crumb. nothing leaves or enters my cell, besides the gas that clambers in the hall.

Heaven seemed like a mighty fine place to go. no future for me. no future for the others, the ones just like me. no family, no friends, just barcodes and serial numbers.

i was 13 when it all took place, just 13. no one came. no one noticed, didn’t suspect a thing. when i finally turned 17, i left that sinful place. daylight peered through the cracks, saying goodbye to the sunken place.

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