1 minute read

Kiley Rourke, i know how to hold a grudge

I Know How to Hold a Grudge



don’t come back here with your bags in hand. and a shrug on your shoulders and that same damn smirk on your face.

you haven’t changed. not one bit. and yet you act all high and mighty on that pedestal where you sit.

with friends like you, who needs friends? right? wrong.

what you did won’t go away with a simple “i’m sorry”, or a joke, or that same damn smirk on your face.

because i know how to hold a grudge.

you left. do you hear me? YOU LEFT! so damnit, just leave me be.

you burned the bridge. you never broke bread.

you walked so far away that i was just a black dot in the distance.

and somehow you want to come back? after everything you said to me? after all the doors you slammed closed? and all the lies you spread?

it was all my fault, at least, according to you. you were never in the wrong.

but i know my truth, there are two sides to every story and you never wanted mine told, so you yelled so fucking loud that only you could be heard.

but why now? why after everything you said? about me being a terrible person and the “fakest friend”...

why come back now?

but i’m not asking you anymore, i’m telling you. don’t come back with your head down, bags in hand,

with a shrug ready to come off those shoulders. or that same damn smirk on your face. because i don’t want you to come back in my life ever again.

because i know how to hold a grudge.

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