1 minute read

Jessica Askew, November




The vivid blaze of the summer sky drained with the coming of fall, Into a solemn gray which seemed to hold no sign of pity or clemency. For many this time of the year is when we layer our clothes and make sure the windows are all shut tight. For me it was different. This is when you came into my life, a warmth like no other. You wandered in with some wood and luckily I was holding a match. I didn’t need a jacket or a hat or pants. You surrounded me with your comfort and I gave you my heat too. But just as we shared our ardor, November came again and the chill grew stronger than ever. The timid leaves softly brushing the ground turned into an attack against the earth, The storm starts, the lake begins to become unstable. The unforgiving gusts and pelting rain blew our souls apart.

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