2 minute read

Grace Jensen, Rat in the Maze

Rat in the Maze



Society prides itself with preaching the idea of individuality. The ability to style our hair how we want, Modify our bodies with tattoos and piercings, Express ourselves with makeup and clothing. But all to a certain extent. A rat in a maze is free to go anywhere, as long as it stays inside. You must still fit the ideals that they have created, You can’t be too different than everyone else. Because “you’ll never get a job with that on your body” Or with “metal in your face”. You know those are permanent, right? Don’t wear too much makeup, or you’ll look like a whore. But you must always look presentable. You preach body positivity, “Being comfortable in your own skin”. But any woman over one-thirty can’t wear a bikini. Skirts were originally donned by the strongest of men, And now they wouldn’t be caught dead in the women’s section. Their masculinity too fragile to be wounded. You have shaped them this way. Since they were young, When their eyes were still bright, and filled with wonder. But now they are filled with sorrow, Dread of what other people will think. You spread them too thin, Pushed them too far, Past the point of no return. A rat in a maze is free to go anywhere,

as long as it stays inside. I’m free to express myself right? But you looked at me with disgust, Every time I would color my hair. Wore my makeup in a certain way, Dressed comfortably for school, Or simply wore whatever the hell I wanted. “Where did my little girl go?” I never went anywhere, I grew into the person I wanted to be. I refuse to fit into the mold that society has created The mold that you want me to fit into. You used to be the person I looked up to, The person I held to such a high degree of respect. But now you are the reason I have problems, You are the reason I am depressed. You have tried too hard to fit me into the mold that you made, That it is now broken, Shattered to pieces. Like my respect for you. I will never look at you the same. You were once my hero, But now, I am my own person. Free from the frame that people have tried to force me into. I will never be your little girl again. Not in the way that you want me to be, You lost that months ago. I refuse to conform to other people. To conform to you, I refuse to be the rat in your maze.

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