1 minute read

Mark Raines, The Science of Man

The Science of Man



Mankind has but one science. The science of:

Discontent and dissolution, Disarray and a contusion, Of the bones that bear the burdens of a battered Constitution.

Cheaters lie with likely Leaders, Leading Liars loose the feeders, For Fox, and friends on Facebook to sow fear in their believers.

Now I ponder weak and weary, Now I lay here with the fury, Of a boy who reads the lore of Locke and laments our lacking liberty.

Oh well, fuck it, I look toward tomorrow, I’ll swim in joy not drown in sorrow, I’d like to spend the seasons smiling softly for every. second’s. borrowed.

Whatever the weather, We’re better together, For a house divided, Hits the floor like a feather, Despite the discontent and the dismay and the dog days and the crashing waves OF THIS LIFE.

You’re my brothers and my sisters Now, And forever.

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