The Enterprise Vol. 50, No. 1

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Captain Shreve High School, Shreveport, LA Volume 50, No. 1, 2019-2020 • Free

Deldrick Douglas On being the hype-man and so much more

Geron Hargon On perseverance and being a leader Loretta Hunt Captain Shreve teacher of the year


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Kicking into the season - by Avery Bryan


Do what you what you do - by Genene Carter


Lights, camera, action figures - by Jakayla Norris


A leader on and off the field - by Brandon Winningham


The hype man - by Tyra Maxie


Gods of the generation - by Sydney Brunson


Dancing into the spotlight - by Kiya Hall


Actions speak louder than words - by Kaylyn Butler

The Enterprise 6115 E. Kings Highway Shreveport, LA 71105 318.865.7137 Faculty Sponsor Brandon Winningham

12-13 2 Captain Shreve High School

Staff Writers Sydney Brunson Avery Bryan Kaylyn Butler Genene Carter Kiya Hall Tyra Maxie Jakayla Norris

Salon and Tattoo (318) 834-1189

5500 Jewella Ave Ste 103 Shreveport, LA 71109 The Enterprise 3

Kicking into the season BY AVERY BRYAN


occer practices at Captain Shreve High School are very well organized and managed. There are two groups of players: one group works on the skills they have trouble with and the other group learns new skills in a scrimmage. Each player switches positions and groups to improve on new skills. Either the head coach or assistant coach encourages them to keep trying and never give up. All the players concentrate very hard on improving their errors and skills. With every passing moment, the players’ skills are molded by the experience. By the end of practice, the girls improve at least one skill. Not only are they improving, but they are exhausted from their hard work and effort. This all happens under the watchful eye of new women’s soccer head coach, Erik Lane. “You can never stop learning and growing...” Captain Shreve High School hired a new soccer coach after the former soccer coach transferred to Benton. Lane already has plenty of experience in coaching soccer. He not only coached other soccer teams at three different high schools (558-176114 record), but he also coached soccer at a D1 university. This will be his 32nd year coaching. “I was the men’s head coach of the University of Houston, men’s and women’s head coach at Spring High School, men’s head coach at Brenham High School, and men’s head coach at Langham Creek High

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School,” Lane said. Lane loves soccer and enjoys teaching and working with kids. He loves to interact with the players as they work together to “achieve a common goal.” “Coaching is basically teaching just in a different environment,” Lane said. “I enjoy seeing everybody sacrifice for the good of the group.” Coaching a high school team allows Lane to enjoy all aspects of team building. Lane explains that when he coached for a college team, he didn’t interact with the players as much as when he coached high school teams. He said that there are big gaps in the season and he doesn’t see the college players in the summer, but in a high school environment he cannot only interact with them after school but also during it. “In college, for the players, it’s more like a job,” Lane said. Lane loves coaching soccer and has had many experiences as a soccer coach. He influences many of his players and works hard to make soccer fun and enjoyable. Reagan Titus, a sophomore player, is inspired by what he does as a soccer coach and what he does for his soccer team. She explains that by watching how much Lane cares about soccer and the players, she has become inspired by his actions to work harder and be the best she can be. “He reminds me every day that to be good at something, you have to work at and want it,” Titus said. Lane has taught many useful skills out of the time he has been coaching at Shreve. Reagan explains that the most useful skill that Lane has taught her is that she should never give up on her teammates or the game no matter the score. Willow Snider, another sophomore player, explains that her priority is to improve communication with her teammates during the game. She goes on to say that without her communication, the soccer ball could be stolen from one of her teammates. “He helped me improve, to take my time when I have the ball and not just kick it right when I get it if I don’t need to,” Snider said. Lane has developed many philosophies for coaching soccer. He uses the same philosophies whether he coaches at the high school, club, or college level. “We organize our team from the back to front. We play very solid defense and

have a quick counterattacking mentality when we gain possession,” Lane said. Lane knows that the players need to see his motivation as an example. If he doesn’t grow, the players will not grow. “I’m very competitive,” Lane said. “So it allows me to push myself and see what I can get done.” This year, the main goal for the soccer team is to improve every week. As they continue through the season, Lane explains that together they will see where they need to “set or reset the bar” for themselves.

“Every year my goal is to help our players grow to not only become better soccer players but to become better people.” The Enterprise 5

Do what you love. Love what you do. BY GENENE CARTER 6 Captain Shreve High School


teacher walks into MH04 one morning, her heels clicking on the tile floor. She sits down at her desk, decorated with red, white, and blue banners, and finishes preparing her lessons for the day. Through the doorway, she can see her face on a huge banner in the hall, but it’s just another day for Loretta Hunt. Hunt teaches AP Human Geography and U.S. History. She is also the head of the social studies department at Captain Shreve. She has been teaching at Shreve since 2009 and wouldn’t want to be anywhere else. “The school atmosphere is great. It’s like a family,” Hunt said. “It’s very welcoming, and I just love coming to work every day.” This year, Hunt was chosen as the Teacher of the Year. She is honored to have been selected, but she certainly wasn’t expecting it. “I was actually really shocked,” Hunt said. “I just go to my classroom and I do what I do because I love to do it...I guess that people have recognized that.”

“I do what I do because I love to do it...”

It turns out that it is Hunt’s natural love for her job that causes both her students and fellow teachers to admire her. “You’re nominated by your staff,” Hunt said. “Kids talk about teachers--good and bad--so I feel honored to be recognized for doing something I love doing every day.” Another reason Hunt stands out among the teachers at Shreve is that she truly seeks to prepare her students for their future. While some teachers might simply follow the book, she takes the time to teach her students more than just history. “I try to teach them life skills. I’m also teaching the history content so they’ll be knowledgeable about the history of the United States,” Hunt said. “I constantly work on getting them to think critically about the world that we live in.” Hunt sees class time as an opportunity to have legitimate discussions about what she is teaching. She uses different resources to make sure that her students understand the real-world importance of what they are learning.

“I love to talk about history and show videos and discuss and I like to have meaningful conversations about historical events with my students,” Hunt said. “I just like to try to make learning about history fun and interactive.” Mrs. Hunt also sees the need for constructive debate. She acknowledges that everyone has different opinions and thinks it is important for her students to learn how to have genuine conversations and peaceful disagreements. “[I] teach them…it’s okay to have an opinion or to disagree with a decision or a thought that someone has. [I] try to teach them how to debate fair...and I try to make it interesting, too, so they develop a love for history going forward.” Many of her students have recognized how Hunt’s love for teaching affects how she does her job. Faith Quarles, a sophomore student, explained how Hunt improved her as a student when she took AP Human Geography as a freshman. “She really helped build my confidence about taking the AP test,” Quarles said. “She was super supportive and really easy to talk to. She would take time to help me prepare for the course and definitely taught me that with hard work, you can accomplish anything.” Hunt loves teaching, but her life outside the classroom is also very important to her. “Outside of school, I like to spend time with my family. I have two sons, both Shreve graduates,” Hunt said. “I love to cook, try new recipes. Of course, watching my TV shows and looking at historical documentaries, too. I love that!”

Hunt says that cooking is one of her favorite hobbies. Teaching and all of its responsibilities take up a lot of her time, but she likes to experiment with recipes when she is able. “I guess I just pick it up...I really get into it during the summertime, because it’s downtime,” Hunt said. Though she enjoys cooking in her free time, Hunt believes that teaching is her true calling. After college, where she majored in computer engineering, she was still unsure of what she wanted to do with her life. “I started working at Horseshoe Casino until I figured things out,” Hunt said. “While working there, I discovered that I was good at teaching and training employees in my department.” She was also fascinated with historical documentaries and had developed a love for history in college. However, she wasn’t sure how she could turn these interests into a career. “I prayed about my plans and asked God, ‘How can I combine my love for history with my ability to train and teach skills?” Hunt said. “I had a revelation: teaching history.” Today, Hunt has no regrets about where her life has taken her. She wouldn’t trade her job, or where she is now, for the world. “I have enjoyed every minute of teaching history and other social studies courses. I like to see kids get excited when they grasp whatever concept it is, and just giving them the confidence in knowing that you can think and you can do well in this course. I get excited about that!”

The Enterprise 7


MODEL KITS - plastic scale models manufactured as a kit, primarily asssembled and sometimes painted by hobbyits, and intended for static display GUNDAM MODELS - model kits depicting the vehicles and charaters of the fictional Gundam multiverse by Bandai FUNKO POPS - licensed pop culture collectibles manufactured by Funko Inc., an American company

Lights, camera, action figures The Value of Being Part of a Community BY JAKAYLA NORRIS


t’s the first day of school, and your first class is AP Physics. You’ve never taken an advanced placement class before, but from what your friends have said, you know what to expect: a quiz every week, homework everyday, a test every other week, and constant reminders from your teacher about how crucial it is that you pass not only the class but the AP exam itself. You begrudgingly walk up the stairs to the second floor. You enter and expect to find Seth Dubois already handing out your first assignment. Instead, you find

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him sitting at his desk with a lot of miscellaneous pictures plastered on the wall behind him. To the left, you see a collection of action figures lining the shelves. Although action figures were originally marketed towards young boys, the number of adult collectors has been on the rise in recent years. Dubois, an Algebra and Physics teacher at Captain Shreve, is one of the many adult collectors. He first got into collecting figures after he saw a video by Adam Savage, best known from the show MythBusters. In the

Follow Mr. Dubois on Instagram to see more of his action figures! @simowilkins

video, Savage talked about Japanese style model kits and “how good they look out of the box without paint.” “When he talked about that,” Dubois said, “I realized we had a store here that sold them. I went in there, picked one out, built it, and really enjoyed it.” Some of his model kits are on display in his room. Dubois also collects non-model kit figures, such as Funko Pops. All of the figures in his room are green and gold, to match the school colors. Most of his students are aware of the figures, and some have their own opinion on them. “They’re very nerdy,” one of his past algebra students said, “I think collecting action figures is kinda childlike.” Dubois somewhat admits this himself. “It’s really silly, I feel like sometimes,” Dubois said, “but it is fun.” At home, he has Funko Pops, Transformers figures, and Marvel figures on display on bookshelves. Most of his completed models are stored in Ziploc bags in plastic tubs because he doesn’t have room to have all of them on display. “I have way too many. It’s kind of a problem,” Dubois said. Dubois describes his wife, Celia Mangham, a film studies teacher at Shreve, as being “mostly supportive” of his hobby. “If I ask her if I should buy something, she always says yes. She’s glad that it gives me some kind of outlet.” Dubois believes that she would prefer if he bought fewer figures, but the opposite is true. “We both have hobbies that we do and enjoy,” Mangham said. “He would never ask me to spend less money on the things I’m interested in, so I wouldn’t ask him to spend less.” According to Mangham, Dubois first began collecting three to four years ago, and he may have started sooner with the model kits. Dubois describes the process of assembling the model kits as “calming” and “relaxing.”

“You’re doing something with your hands and you’re paying attention to it,” Dubois said. “It’s almost meditative. Sometimes I’ll watch TV or listen to a podcast.” Excalibur, a comic book store in town, is where Dubois gets some of his model kits and action figures. He also buys figures from larger chains. “Barnes and Noble sells the model kits I build as well,” Dubois said. “For the regular figures, Target or Walmart.” Dubois is a member of a local club called the Red River Modelers. Most modelers go through the entire process of painting their model kits, which requires a lot of time and effort. One of his favorite model kits happens to be one that he painted himself. “I painted it to look like a specific Gundam,” Dubois said. “I entered a few shows, won second place in one, third in another. Then I sent it off to a YouTuber... a toy reviewer.” Getting into the modeling community has allowed Dubois to make friends that share an interest in action figures. “We often go to competitions out of town,’’ Dubois said. “It’s just fun because a lot of these guys are people I would’ve never met.” Dubois likes to show off his figures by posting to Instagram. “There’s a pretty active figure collecting community on Instagram,” Dubois said. “Anytime you get to be in a community, that’s a positive thing.” As he gets older, Dubois realizes the value of being part of a community. “I sort of worry that young people don’t put a lot of emphasis on it,” Dubois said. “You guys live in a world where it’s possible to be so focused on a specific thing you’re interested in, and you can’t connect easily

with other people that are into that.” According to Dubois, this is one of the reasons he started and sponsors an anime club at Captain Shreve. Although managing the club can be time consuming

“Anytime you get to be in a community, that’s a positive thing.” for him, he doesn’t want anime club to go away. It’s a great way for all students, even those without an interest in anime, to come together and enjoy being part of a group. He feels as if the club fills a need. “A lot of the kids who are into anime don’t always have a lot of friends at school or a way to meet each other,” Dubois said. “The kids who wouldn’t otherwise get to meet are getting to meet.” Meeting other people with similar interests can be very beneficial for some students. Kiya Hall, a junior at Shreve, is in her third year of being a member of anime club. The club has allowed her to meet other people with a love for anime and make friends. “Like a good 1015 people I’ve met in anime club, we became close friends,” Hall said. “I would probably feel a bit embarrassed talking about anime if there was no club for it.” Although being in a specific community can be time-consuming and challenging, Dubois encourages students to “open up a little bit.” “If you have a hobby or interest you think is kind of obscure or different, see if there’s a group for it. Being a part of a group is a fulfilling experience.”

The Enterprise 9


ome people crumble when they face adversity. Others will fight to overcome their obstacles. Geron Hargon, senior varsity linebacker at Captain Shreve, not only overcomes his own obstacles but inspires others to do the same. “To be a leader, you have to have a lot of perseverance.” Hargon, listed at 6’ 2” and 220 pounds, is a three-star football recruit and considered to be one the best in the state. He received offers from 16 colleges, including almost all of the Ivy League universities, before committing to Rice University in Houston, Texas. His last play on the field was a fitting representation of his high school career. On September 14, in The Battle on the Border against Woodlawn, he displayed his football IQ by being in the right place at the right time to scoop up a loose fumble. He demonstrated his physical ability by hustling into the endzone for a touchdown. Finally, he represented the Captain Shreve camaraderie by celebrating with his teammates.

A leader on and off the field BY BRANDON WINNINGHAM

10 Captain Shreve High School

Hargon was sidelined for the rest of the game with a sore knee, and he found out afterward that he tore his ACL. Although he wasn’t able to play for the rest of the season, he continued to help in any way that he could. “I helped coach the linebackers with Coach Kendall,” Hargon said. “I just wanted to be there for them in anything that they needed.” Hargon takes leadership seriously. He knows that his actions and attitude, even from the sidelines, makes a difference for the team. “I believe it’s one thing to talk about it, but if you’re giving your all then people are going to see that,” Hargon said. “That’s when they are going to want to play their best for you.” Even though it is only a game, Hargon believes that being a leader in football translates to being a leader off the field. “I think football is a great model for life because there’s going to be different times in the game where it is going to get really tough and your body is going to want to quit. Your teammates are going to want to quit, and being that person that keeps everyone up and keeps everyone going... that is a great leader.” This philosophy has helped Hargon overcome adversity not just on the field, but off of it as well. In July 2017, his father, Charles “Chad” Hargon, passed away after suffering from depression and anxiety. Hargon’s love of football started with his father. “My dad was my best friend, and we did everything together,” Hargon said. “We went to LSU games, and he was always at my sporting events.” Hargon’s father was a doctor who helped patients with cancer. Dr. Hargon helped countless members of the community, and he still inspires his son to do the same. “Now that he’s gone, I try to keep his legacy going and impact people’s lives the way that he impacted them,” Hargon said. “Seeing people still come up to me and say ‘I love your dad. He did so much for me’... it’s really cool to see how much he did for people, and it really makes me want to be like that.” Dr. Hargon not only helped his patients. He was a father figure to many of Geron’s teammates as well. Geron used the hashtag “#ForChad” with his recruitment

updates on Twitter as a tribute to his father, and he credits senior Malik Carey for the idea. “He was really close to my dad, too,” Hargon said. “The hashtag is really just about carrying on his legacy because we talked about this moment for both of us. My dad had big aspirations for us to go and play D1 football, so it is just about making him proud in what we do and always keeping him in the back of our minds when we go out there and play.” Hargon advises anyone who might experience a similar tragedy to seek help and don’t try to get through it alone. “Don’t keep it all on the inside,” Hargon said, “because it will drive you crazy thinking about ‘what if I could have done this...what if I had one more minute here?’ Treasure the good times, and don’t be afraid to talk about it with other people. Rely on your friends. Rely on your family, and really be there for your family. It’s really easy to just think ‘I’m going through such a hard time’ but so are they.” Hargon doesn’t deny that it is incredibly difficult, but he says that life moves on and gets better. “Someone told after my dad died that it’s going to be okay, you’re going to see better days ahead, and you’re going to get through this. At the time, it’s just laughable. I’m like ‘my life is over, my life is ruined’ and that’s just not true. You’re going to find your new normal, and life is going to be good again. There’s gonna be some struggles but it’s going to be okay.”

“You’re going to find your new normal, and life is going to be good again. There’s gonna be some struggles but it’s going to be okay.” Hargon’s perseverance through difficult times has paid off. He will continue to carry on his father’s legacy at Rice University. This choice was made after many visits to top schools around the country. “I knew I wanted to go to a school that had a great education, but I also wanted to play a little bigger level of football,” Hargon said. “I felt Rice was the best fit because I could still get a high-quality ed-

ucation like that, but also get to play teams like LSU next year.” Hargon’s physical ability and football skills can translate to the pro level, but he’s not sure if that’s what his future holds. He knows he’ll have a role in football no matter where his path leads. “I want to stay involved with the game because it’s given so much to me,” Hargon said, “so I want to give back to the next generation while also doing something that I love.” Hargon will work on a business degree at Rice, and he hopes to earn a Master’s degree as well. “Something that I’ve learned with this injury is you never know when the final whistle is going to blow,” Hargon said. “When it does, I just want to be prepared and have something to fall back on.”

“Something that I’ve learned with this injury is you never know when the final whistle is going to blow.” Hargon is thankful for the support he has received from coaches, teammates, and staff members at Captain Shreve. He says that, from the beginning, Shreve has been more to him than a school. “What set Shreve apart from the other schools was the family atmosphere,” Hargon said. He’s going to miss Captain Shreve, but he is excited about seeing the school and football program grow. “I’m blessed to have been with them for four years and to have accomplished the stuff that we have,” Hargon said. “I’m excited to see the future of the Shreve football program and the future for all these players.” To be a leader, Hargon knows you have to have perseverance. His advice to young players is exactly that. “Work hard. When I got here, I wasn’t the biggest. I wasn’t the strongest. I’m still not the fastest, but don’t let anyone outwork you. Don’t be afraid to ask questions with the coaches and learn the playbook. But, really, just work hard and give it your all.”

The Enterprise 11

“Two claps and a Ric Flair!”


The hype man

BY TYRA MAXIE 12 Captain Shreve High School

hen Deldrick Douglas gives this shout, every student and faculty member at Captain Shreve high school knows what to do next. One can’t help but clap twice and yell “woo!” Coach Doug, as he is known by most at Captain Shreve, is the heart and soul of pep rallies. He comes out hyped and energetic with a huge smile on his face and a big gator chain. From start to finish, his energy and volume both stay at the highest level. Senior Kaylyn Butler admits that even if his words aren’t clear, the message always is. “We don’t always understand what he’s saying, but we feel it.” Douglas is not just the hype-man of Captain Shreve. He is also a teacher, football coach, basketball coach, realtor and family man. Balancing every responsibility can be difficult, but Douglas gives his all to be his best, especially for his students. “I have to make sure I’m doing my job daily,” Douglas said. “I know I get hyped about athletics, but academics is number one for me.”

Douglas feels that if he takes care of his teaching responsibilities first, he can then focus on making sure his players are ready for their next game. After that, he can be who he is on the mic at pep rallies. “Now the hype-man part...I guess that’s the easy part,” Douglas said. “I’m just caught up in the moment, so I guess whatever hits me in the moment I, you know, just shout it out and we just go from there. It’s hard, but, hey, it’s fun at the same time.” As the freshman head football coach, Douglas builds a foundation for players that lasts throughout high school. Senior Malik Carey, a varsity football player, is one of the many players that have benefitted from Douglas’s presence. “He took everyone under his wings,” Carey said, “and ever since then we have grown up with each other to change the culture at Shreve.” Seniors Zaquius Rogers and Keandre Williams both say that Douglas adds “hype and energy” to the team. Senior Li’Quesni October believes that Douglas is “a father figure to the players.” Douglas is an encouraging person, and he spreads that energy around the team. “Always energetic, always smiling and laughing,’’ Carey said. Douglas is passionate, but he also knows when to relax and have some fun. “When I was a freshman,” Senior Drake Mandina said, “the football team would always come in for practice and catch him watching Golden Girls and eating a bag of chips.” Carey says that Douglas also approaches games very seriously. “He always keeps everyone up, especially if someone makes a bad play. He always tells them to make up for it on the next play.” Mandina says that Douglas always makes sure the team is prepared. “Coach Doug gets the team fired up and ready to play everybody that’s against us.” Coaches also benefit from Douglas’s presence. Christian Ellis, an assistant football coach, says, “Coach Doug always has a positive attitude, is upbeat and always has high energy that puts a good effect on the team and coaching staff.” Douglas always hoped that he would be able to impact people, but his life is different from what he expected. In his teenage

years and early 20s, he was a rapper, and he always had a dream of becoming a famous performer. “I thought I would be rocking the mic in front of millions of people,” Douglas said, “but now I’m rocking the mic in front of 1800 weekly, so I guess everything worked out how it was supposed to. I’m just glad to have some type of positive impact because it’s a lot of negativity going on in the world. I’m just glad I can be some kind of positive light on the student body and my coworkers.”

Douglas’s parents motivated and provided for him. Now, with two kids of his own, he is passing on what he has learned. “I want to continue that legacy that my parents started with us.” Even with all of his interests and hobbies, Douglas says his biggest passion is life. “I know that’s probably a cheesy answer, but I just feel like every day you have Douglas works hard to stay organized a chance to get up. It’s another day that and successful in all of his careers. He takes somebody else didn’t, and you have to make care of his real estate business on the week- the most of it.” ends. It can be difficult balancing two jobs, Douglas admits he has bad days just but Douglas sees the value in it. like everyone else, but no one can tell. “I’ve always believed that you have to “If I’m walking around, moping every have at least more than one income stream, day because of my problems...what if especially in today’s world,” Douglas said. somebody else is dealing with something “My father was an entrepreneur, and my worse than me and they look at me every father’s parents were entrepreneurs and day to get the inspiration to get out and business owners, so I guess it’s just in my keep going? Even though you’re going blood to do that.” through something, it can always get better, Douglas’s family is his biggest motiva- and it’s going to get better.” tion. His mother worked at Bellsouth for Douglas describes his leadership phi31 years and his father was in the cement losophy as servant leadership. He’s not the and construction industry from the time type to always lead from the front. he was 12 until he passed at the age of 76. “I’m one of those kinds of guys that’s like, ‘Okay, I know I got a role for head freshman coach, but also a role that’s doing all types of things around the school.’ I don’t look at it like, ‘okay, I’m the leader and you have to do what I say,” Douglas said. “The best kind of leaders are the leaders you know that get out there and get their hands dirty with their guys.” “Two claps and a Ric Flair” may be the catchphrase Douglas uses to energize a crowd, but his mic-drop catchphrase is what truly makes him the “Hypeman” of Captain Shreve. He lives by it, and every student and faculty member at Captain Shreve follows his example. “We all we got. We all we need. Believe in Shreve!”

“ I’m rocking the mic in front of 1800 weekly...”

“The best kind of leaders are the leaders you know that get out there and get their hands dirty with their guys.”

The Enterprise 13


Gods of the generation BY SYDNEY BRUNSON

f you step into the halls of Captain Shreve high school, you might notice a large portion of the student body wearing a blast-from-the-past accessory: the scrunchie. As styles of the decades frequently cycle in and out of vogue, this may not be surprising. But, you will not see the scrunchies tied up in girls’ hair. Instead, you will find them on the wrists of boys. Look closely and you will discover that this is not the only trend in style. Hydro flasks, hairstyles, and hoodies can all have an influence on social standing. Students’ social media feeds are full of influencers who are paid to push products, and the pressure to keep pace can sometimes be harmful. Students are influenced by many facets of their lives. From birth, parents have exposed them to the styles gone by. Friends are always coming to school with new clothes, devices, and accessories. Celebrities influence through posts, videos, and advertisements. They influence the way people want to dress, dance, and determine our ideals. They even have an influence on the way people eat. Senior Kynedi Chevalier believes that celebrities provide an almost religious doctrine when it comes to trends. “Celebrities are the heroes or gods of the generation.” These influencers are able to reach an astoundingly large audience with almost no cost to themselves. They have the power to not only push products but also a lifestyle that can make people feel inadequate if they don’t measure up. Senior Keegan Coon admits that even though students are aware of the backlash that can come from participating in these trends, they will still partake in them. There are many false accusations around the act of partaking in a trend.

“Celebrities are the heroes or gods of the generation.” “People want to model themselves after people they admire. We aspire to be like that. It’s just a stereotype, I think it’s kind of funny.” Shoes are only recognized and valued if they are on-brand. Sometimes fashion is not just determined by style, but by ideologies as well. The Nike Corporation has seen fluctuations in their sales due to 14 Captain Shreve High School

world is moving on, and if they lag too far behind they will be ostracised. Michelle Wolkomir, a sociology professor at Centenary College, says that many participate in trends not just for their desire of the item involved. “People participate in trends for a variety of reasons, but doing so can also make them feel a sense of belonging.” Individuals are often pulled in two directions: follow the culture or improve yourself. “Society is really nothing more than people acting together in pattern ways. Empirically, we have moved toward being a ‘self-help’ culture compelled by the idea of self-improvement and individual contentment.” aligning politically with athletes like Colin Kaepernick. There seems to be a distinction between those who just like the product and those who don’t like to be attached to the brand names. “I don’t wear Nike… I don’t wear Nike either,” two students said while leaving their class. Trends don’t only fall within the realm of consumer goods. Hair is a point of stress for women and men alike. Black hair, in particular, is a stressor and is frequently analyzed. Weaves are known to have been in use since 5000 B.C. Today, there are six classified types of black hair (3A-C and 4A-C), and each one is very different. Senior Liberty Johnson believes that not all of those six types of hair are appreciated. “I believe that some parents teach their kids at a very young age that straightening your curly hair is a more ‘professional’ route to take when presenting yourself to someone.” Senior Brittney Abrams believes it sets up the notion that your hair, as a black girl, is only acceptable to others when it does not show its true form. Hair can create distinctions among people. In South Africa, if a pencil is run through a mixed-race person’s hair and drops, they are considered white. Traditions of generations gone by are still impacting young people today. Social pressure doesn’t just affect those following trends. It also impacts the leaders at the top of a social scene. The groups you associate with can create unfair expectations or labels. JROTC students are assumed to be going into the military.

Student Council and groups like Z-Club are perceived as preppy. Anime club students are considered nerdy. All of these are stereotypes and misconceptions. Every student is human and just trying to find where they fit in. Although social trends are often started through teenage movements, younger siblings can start to feel the pressure as well. Elementary-aged siblings see what their older counterparts are wearing or using, and they want to be able to emulate. Some children get their own smartphones before they can read or write well, and this creates a depressingly early distinction between the haves and the have-nots. This age bracket will hold onto these trends and fads longer than their older siblings do. They are still playing Fornite even though the rest of the

“People participate in trends for a variety of reasons, but doing so can also make them feel a sense of belonging.” Recent studies show that the pursuit of trends is increasing bullying and suicide rates. An increase in depression and anxiety is also concerning for parents and doctors. Trends do play a factor in the teen’s world, and they will continue to do so. Senior Landry Cooper believes what truly matters is what you think of yourself. The outlook you have on yourself can change the entire mindset of a person. “People are going to talk about you regardless. In the end, nobody can really tell you who to be.”

The Enterprise 15

Dancing into the spotlight


dance floor is a vulnerable place. All eyes are on you. It’s a chance to let go of every emotion as you move to the music. The pressure to perform for a crowd can be intense, but the members of the Captain Shreve Highline live for it. Carla Barnhill, a freshman on the team, has danced since she was six years old. Highline gives her the chance to do what she loves with people who feel the same. “I wanted to join Highline because I love to dance,” Barnhill said. “I wanted to know how it felt to have a sisterhood with a group of girls. I also love a challenge.” The team is noticeably much larger than last year, but their efforts to increase their skill has also not gone unnoticed. Team dancing requires a lot of chemistry and trust. A group this large has its challenges, but the girls help push each other to improve. Brittany Branch, head coach for Highline, pushes her dancers to be their best. 16 Captain Shreve High School


She has high expectations for them and worked through some hard times. their performances. Even if it seems like “A few girls normally get frustrated the team nailed a dance, her critical eye can when they don’t get something right the always find areas to improve. first time,” Branch said. “There’s a difference between those who want to improve and those who may not have the same drive or motivation.” Highline practices can be intense. The team is expected to complete repetitions over and over again until there are no mistakes. The dancers often get frustrated, but their dedication to the skill helps get them through the struggles of practice. It pays off in the end. The Highline performance is often the hit of pep rallies. Paige Greer, a junior and captain for “It’s usually a hit or miss if I’m being Highline, says that the feedback the team completely honest,” Branch said. “My girls receives from the student body is critical to are better than they portray. Overall, our their success. pep rally performance has been better than “A lot of people come up to me and tell our field performances this year. If all 24 of how they liked the performance,” Greer my girls were to give it their all, they would said. “That’s a big encouragement for the kill it every time.” team to perform even harder next time.” Branch acknowledges that the team has Highline is inspiring to many young

“I wanted to know how it felt to have a sisterhood with a group of girls. I also love a challenge.”

dancers. Karrington Brown, a freshman who has been dancing since she was 12, would love to join Highline one day. She says Highline stands out from other spirit groups. “What catches my eyes when I watch Highline are the tricks and outfits,” Brown said. “They’re pretty nice, and I like them.” The team is better when the entire school is cheering them on and watching from the sidelines.

Even if an observer doesn’t dance, Highline has a unique ability to engage everyone in their show. Junior Tania Green is amazed by their performances. “The outfits they wear are cool, and the dance moves are always fun to look at,” Green said. “I love watching from the sidelines.” Highline is a challenging but rewarding experience for its members. Ro’Kiya Rochelle, a freshman dancer, says that she danced when she was younger but wanted to experience that joy again. Even if it gets tough, it’s worth the effort. “One thing Highline has taught me is to keep moving forward,” Rochelle said. “You don’t just quit because of one small thing.” A great performance requires not only hard work at practice but also a team that feels connected and like a family. Sonya Wilson, the faculty sponsor for Highline, says that she is proud of how the team has come together. “Highline has exceeded my expectations, and they always show out on the floor,” Wilson said. “The girls are always laughing and playing around with each other, and you can really feel the love that the team has for each other and for dance.” Rochelle says the team’s support system makes all of the difference. “I want to thank Mrs. Wilson, our coach, and the students and teachers that support us and encourage us every day to do better.”

“Highline has exceeded my expectations, and they always show out on the floor.” “The girls are always laughing and playing around with each other, and you can really feel the love that the team has for each other and for dance.”

“You don’t just quit because of one small thing.”

Highline uses popular songs and dance moves to keep the crowd engaged. They will often theme their performance for special occasions. Each performance is new, and they represent the hard work each dancer puts into the team. The Enterprise 17

Actions speak louder than words BY KAYLYN BUTLER


ost Shreveport citizens know that if you are in a hurry, you should avoid the intersections of E. 70th Street with Gator Drive and Youree Drive from about 3:30 p.m. to 4:15 p.m. During that time, over 1,800 students and staff are all attempting to leave the Captain Shreve campus. For the students who have parked in the North and South parking lots, leaving campus can feel chaotic. The process of

18 Captain Shreve High School

claiming a spot in line and waiting for the parking lot to clear can take upwards of ten minutes. When the 3:50 p.m. bell rings, the thought of freedom floods every student’s mind. You might think there would be some strategy involved in picking which lot and spot to use, but it doesn’t seem to matter where you park. Jolysa Ford, a senior at Captain Shreve, has had the same amount of luck (or lack of ) in both parking lots.

“My junior year I parked in the south lot, and it took me around maybe six or seven minutes to get out,’’ Ford said. “Now this year I park in the north lot...and it’s about the same amount of time, to be honest.” Although there seems to be no key evidence or reasoning behind why students seem to believe one is better than the other based on exit time, one might wonder if, for some students, the parking lot of choice

fully integrated in 1970. The diversity and family atmosphere of the school today is a testament to how hard administrators and teachers worked to push the school through the struggles of a changing world.

The diversity and family atmosphere of the school today is a testament to how hard administrators and teachers worked to push the school through the struggles of a changing world.

is determined by other factors. Captain Shreve is located in a predominantly white district, so many might assume that the school is also predominantly white. However, the school’s demographics are closer to 40% white and 60% black. With that close of an even split, racial divides are bound to exist. Captain Shreve was founded in 1967, during the tail-end of the Civil Rights Movement. The school only became

Shreveport as a city is highly segregated. Interstate 49 creates a physical boundary that represents a demographical one with a majority of the black population living to the west and a majority of the white population to the east. Most of Shreveport’s neighborhoods are isolated pockets of one race. Captain Shreve is fortunate to have a district that results in diversity among the student population. Do students choose where to park based on race? Some students throughout the school’s history may have been motivated that way, and there may be a few casual observers who would assume this would happen. However, throughout the years, Captain Shreve has defied people’s expectations. Kevin Mills, a security guard at Captain Shreve, acknowledges the how the reality is different from the expectation. “When I first learned that I would be working at Captain Shreve I honestly thought about how I would be surrounded by a certain type of teenager,” Mills said.

“Since I’ve been here, I’ve actually been surprised with how diverse it truly is.”

“I’m so surprised to see how the students don’t separate from each other like they used to in my day. Since I’ve been here, I’ve actually been surprised with how diverse it truly is.” Actions speak louder than words. New generations of Captain Shreve students are increasingly diverse and open-minded. The school’s clubs, sports, classes, and activities all represent the family Captain Shreve has become. From traditional spirit groups to gaming clubs, Captain Shreve will always have a place for its students. Maria Edwards, an assistant principal at Captain Shreve, loves the how the school is unique in our community because of its dedication to finding a spot for every student. “Diversity goes beyond skin color,” Edwards said. “I think we have clubs for every type of person. The variety of clubs we have brings about the diversity here at Captain Shreve. That’s what makes us so unique.” Captain Shreve has clubs that make promoting diversity their main initiative. The Black Studies Association, or BSA, was founded two years after the integration of Captain Shreve. The mission of the club at its founding was to give African-American students a place to feel like they are a part of Captain Shreve, to open the student body to racial harmony, and to develop a better understanding of Black culture. Now BSA is used as a way to understand the past of African-American struggles and to volunteer in the community.

“Anyone can do anything at this school...I’ve seen it.” Rosemary Day, the sophomore counselor at Captain Shreve, has been a part of the Shreve family since her daughter enrolled in 1994. As a PTSA member, alumni board member, and now a counselor, she has seen it all. Day says that students at Captain Shreve can make something out of themselves no matter the race or background. “I believe that Shreve has great diversity, mainly due to how much the staff actually cares about the students here,” Day said. “Anyone can do anything at this school...I’ve seen it.” The Enterprise 19

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